The Great Conqueror

Chapter 325: 1 hammering

The Shaman Talos of Divine Light has always maintained an elegant and straight sitting position. The man who heard the divine grace called again, his mouth moved slightly, and his eyes flashed across Sa Blanca's face like lightning.

What does this guy want?

Subaru's brow frowned slightly, but his mood was deep and he was able to hold his breath, without any expression, waiting for the final move of God's grace.

"Arthur's ability and contribution are definitely no problem. Such an excellent person must be favored by the beast god, and I don't doubt his piety," said the High Priest in red, and the words suddenly turned.

"The key question now is whether he can afford this responsibility."

Can it be deserved?

Few people think that the red priest in the province of God's grace actually raised such a question. Didn't he just say that Arthur's ability is OK? A little paradoxical.

As soon as this idea started, the voice of the great priest of red grace of God's grace resurrected and asked further questions.

"Once such a person becomes a priest, it will inevitably assume a very important responsibility. Competence is not a problem, but is there such a mature mindset that leads the overall situation?"

The sound paused, seeing that everyone was thinking, the red prince smiled with a tiger, touched the eyes of the shaman in front of him, and made a final conclusion.

"Arthur has beliefs and talents, but his talents show only personal excellence, and it is impossible to see that he can bear the heavy responsibilities of the priest. And his age and experience, and the time invested in the temple can not make people work for him. Rest assured. That's all I want to say. "

Slightly bowed to the Quartet, slowly seated.

The needle was heard throughout the conference hall.


This really raises a very difficult question.

The priests are not like apprentice priests. They really need to take up the priesthood work and operate as an important part of the machine of the temple. With the attention and appreciation received by Arthur, the priest will also be responsible for very important work in the future.

This requires the ability on the other hand to truly control local work, control communication with orc people, and promote a series of pragmatic tasks such as the belief in beast gods. And in the process, various problems are bound to be encountered.

The priest, as the messenger and representative of the beast god, is the front line facing the public. It can also be said to be the "face" of the most basic level of the temple. He has a heavy responsibility and cannot tolerate any errors.

Even Subaru was a bit surprised with this problem, and his face kept moving slightly.

This should be the last obstacle set by the Ministry of Grace, and Arthur will have no problem turning to the post.

I can't make it ... then I don't need to mention anything. The previous concessions turned into meat buns and dogs, making the three shamans cheap.

Subaru's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes glanced over his opponent, the deep-tempered Rhein Saablanca.

What a troublesome guy!


"Brother Arthur."

Annie was very happy to meet Arthur. After so long, Arthur's brother was busy. Nini is also sensible now, knowing that her brother is doing business, but now that he is busy, he can of course take his brother to play. Of course, in the absence of Subaru, what is the difference between men and women, Nini does not want to ignore it!

Lu Yao also followed Arthur back to Subaru's residence, but she was more worried about Arthur's physical condition. I heard that this time in the underground world of Kaiser Dream, the opponents encountered by the fighters were the silver eyes of level 45. Banshee.

Although everyone has been healed with the healing song of war before, of course, Arthur has special treatment different from others.

"Well, let's talk in the advanced room. I'm exhausted ... I still have to change my clothes." Zou Shen stick's clothes were soaked by the ice lake water of the Silver Eyed Banshee, although she was almost dried by the body temperature It's still uncomfortable to wear.

"Well, isn't Shizu back yet?" After taking a few steps, I remembered asking.

Nini shook her head, and the followers around him busily said, "Priest Arthur first took a bath, changed clothes, and rested. The master may return later after attending the meeting."

Zou Shencun nodded thoughtfully. It seems that this trial, the big shaman also bite tightly. Undercurrents in calmness will certainly hold back a fight to get results.


"Test it."

Ovilan Red High Priest stood up confidently on behalf of Subaru.

"Now that you are worried about Arthur's ability, you can test it with a test." If it wasn't for the super promotion, the four shamans in the south would all nod, even Ovilan wouldn't want to throw away these proud **** benefactors.

Such a difficult problem was brought up by the other party. There was no other way to prove it, but only through the test of actual work.

Subaru has previously hinted to Ovilan that, as a faction, he certainly understands the subtle metaphors. Ovilan finished, and in the corner of his eyes he noticed that there was no change in expression on Subaru's face, and he acquiesced.

It seems his performance should add a point to Shaman Subaru's mind this time. Based on Ovilan's thoughts, since the test was proposed, naturally the follow-up opponent's reaction, and some details of the test, have been thought about seven or eight points.

When he cleared his throat and was about to say his thoughts, suddenly, the tiger in front of the Red Grand Priest, who was sitting down in God ’s grace province, stood up again and said, “Ovilan Red Lord said very well, Since it is a test, the justice and sternness of Lord Subaru, who is in the province of Shenyao, must not be carried out inside Shenyao. I have a proposal here. "

In a sentence, he blocked all Ovilan's words, and the tiger's eyes glanced across the face of Ovilan, who was a little bit sunken. He smiled and supported the table with his right hand.

"In the northernmost part of our province of Divine Prosperity, there is a city that is in contact with the barbarians of the Northwest, where it is harassed and plundered by the barbarians all year round, the people have suffered a lot, and the belief in the beast **** has been minimized. Priest Arthur this time You can choose where you are. If you can make some actual achievements and raise people's belief in the beast **** and our temple, you will recognize his ability. "

In other words, if this level is over, Arthur will be able to cross the trainee priest ’s hurdle smoothly, and there will be no more problems on the side of Shaman Sablanca, the province of divine grace.

It's just ... I don't know how many ambushes were spoken in the words of the red priest, and some people who are familiar with the inside story of God's favor and deed are despised in his heart.

The so-called city in contact with the Northwestern barbarians is naturally the most northwestern border city of Dolan City, in the province of Shen Enxing.

The map of the Mengjia Empire basically occupies the center, and the barren areas of the northwest are divided into grasslands and deserts, like a month-type contact with the empire.

The northwestern province facing the greatest threat is the four provinces in the north, especially the first-tier cities such as the border city of Umbrella. Not only is it facing wildness, it is also connected to the territory of the country of the wind. Friction at the border never ceased when it was flattened within the empire.

History and the environment have created it. Although the cultural and economic aspects of the north are not as good as those of the four provinces in the south, they have strong folk customs and are used to being masters and strong.

This is why people in the northern provinces look down on the southerners and often call them "soft-foot shrimp".

As for Dolan City, as one of the few cities in the south that borders the wild, it is really miserable. First of all, the military force in the southern provinces is indeed worse than that in the north. But the wild people are not stupid. The principle of picking up persimmons is quite clear.

So every time those savages in the wild are short of food, or want to vent their energy, it is almost inevitable that they will wreak havoc on the southern border. As a prominent one, Dolan City was almost destroyed every year.

Every year, the grasslands are not picked up, and the barbarians kill them without doing anything. They do not do burns and rob, and they steal money, food, and women.

The most abominable thing is that after the looting, don't forget to set off a fire, burn everything and kill everyone, reducing the resistance of the Mongolian-Jiajia border for the next looting.

Low public belief in temples and beast gods?

The priests of the temple and the city officials of the city guard had already learned about oil. Every time a barbarian came over, they did not want to increase the defense of the city or send troops to fight off the enemy after receiving the news. After all, one's own life is the most important. It hasn't been hit before. As a result, all those who persist in resistance have been killed, and the fighting effectiveness of the two sides is not at all contrasted.

After the barbarians had killed enough and grabbed enough, they came back tremblingly, recruited the fugitives, and continued to be their officials and priests. Of course, you still have to wipe the buttocks after the disaster and don't forget to submit a sounding report.

Sworn resistance, battled blood, and finally repelled the enemy.

But the people above are not fools, and the duties of the Empire to watch the wind are not furnishings. We all know what is going on. It's just because upper-level figures are busy fighting for power and restraining each other, and several small border cities have been harassed a bit, and the impact of grabbing something is not too great, so they have to pass.

In this context, when the barbarians came to the temple, the priests all ran away, and no one would have a firm faith.

Where is the courageous beast god? Where is the protection for the people?

Trust you, trust your mom!

The people are very simple. You can let him eat and wear warm clothes, and believe in you if you live a good life, otherwise it will be a bullshit. Especially in the border area of ​​Dolan City, it is always in a state of no security at all times.

How easy is it to raise the faith of the people?

It can be said that the Tiger's proposal definitely contains misfortune.

But ~ ~ Subaru wants to help Arthur go one step further, but can't help but take this trick.

Trial, is Arthur afraid of trials? For his apprentice, Subaru is quite confident. The performance over and over again proved that he lived up to his expectations.

The test is also a kind of tempering and improvement. As long as this level passes, Arthur's ascension will not have any problems. There will be Ma Pingchuan ahead.

Seeing the calmness revealed in Subaru's eyes, Ovellan was a little surprised. This kind of problem is difficult even for the ruling experience. Isn't Subaru Shaman worried about Arthur at all?

Or is it because of the strong confidence and courage of the shaman? Can't lose to opponent Sabranka in momentum?

Taking back the thoughts in his heart, the High Priest of Ovilan in red took a breath and was about to speak for Subaru. Suddenly, Subaru patted his right hand on the table with a calm, calm voice and returned to his opponent in grace .

"The test you put forward, I accept it on behalf of Arthur."


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