The Great Conqueror

Chapter 332: Savage Lord

Chapter 332 The Savage Lord

"Arthur!" Emma stepped up gently and stroked Zou Liang's arm, and whispered, "What's wrong with you?" At that moment, she familiar with Arthur clearly felt the tension and oppression erupting from him. It ’s not just for the tragedies of the villagers, like feeling some kind of crisis.

Sophie, Xinda, and the core members of Ernest and Kurt, Randy, and Lu Yao also questioned and asked.

According to the injuries of the priesthood and the villagers, it usually takes a day of rest to get on the road. But Arthur was obviously very anxious and wanted everyone to set off before dawn. Why?

Taking a deep breath, Zou Liang struck Emma hard. With the girl's blushing complexion, she turned to her brother and smiled bitterly: "This time I was negligent. I just thought of something. I'm afraid we encountered it. Trouble is scarier than you can think of. "

Everyone actually guessed about Emma, ​​but nobody said anything, especially Emma's personality has become a lot.

"Brother, what danger are you talking about?" Ernest hoeed, and this big-headed Bill didn't have much worse sense of crisis than when he was a brother.

"Unclear, a kind of intuition. The situation may be worse than we thought. The faster you get into the city, the better!"

"Maybe they are just a little more frequent than ever?"

"No, never underestimate our opponents." Zou Liang's voice was unusually calm: "The strike force of this looting is almost leveling all the surrounding villages ... I think things may go in a bad direction. "Stopped, Zou Liang continued:" Anyway, I'm going to Dolan City to see what the main sacrifice and consul do! "


Under the same starry sky, on a mountain bag hundreds of miles away from Dolan City, looking out, a bright light.

The snow-white tents seemed to be gathering clouds on the grasslands, and from time to time there were rushing horses in and out.

Huohuo's sharpening sound came from behind some camp tents.

They will sharpen the knife, follow the leader, follow the prairie man's first warrior, and create unprecedented feats.

Take down Dolan City and go inside to eat fragrant and spicy.

In the past, it was just sweeping out the surrounding villages, and there was no oil or water for long. Those poor ghosts are not as rich as barbarians.

The real rich are hiding in the city. However, no one has dared to try to hit the thick walls of the strong city and defend the fortified castle.

But this time, with Lord Ioria taking the lead, with the bravery of the first warrior, the Dolan City barbarians have to decide!

Think of those fine-skinned and tender-skinned Mengjia empire women, think of those rich people who are rich in oil, and barbarian warriors can glow green in every eye.

Naked greedy and.

The head of the barbarian has a large account.

The greedy wolf Ioria lay comfortably on a white tiger-skin chair, with a delicate Kate girl lying in his arms. Ioria's hand touched the girl's skin and her eyes narrowed comfortably.

The women of the Mengjia Empire are so cool, their skin is much smoother than that of women in the grasslands.

Robbing the enemy's wealth, food, land, and the women who possess them are things that the prairie barbarians like.

Looting! We don't, but I have the power to grab everything from the enemy.

In the big account, twelve prairie chiefs sat on both sides of the animal's leather blanket, and the table was filled with wine and fat, one by one excited. The atmosphere was warm.

"Boss! Lord Ioria!"

A centurion who went out came in from the account to report.

"Mission accomplished. Delivery!"


Don't look at the brutality and brutality of the barbarians. In military, it is absolutely concise and practical. When it comes to the command strategy of adversaries on the battlefield, it is no worse than those of the imperial warriors of the Empire.

One is theoretical, and one is pragmatic. The results can be imagined.

In recent years, the barbarians have been biting the empire's flesh like the wolf, and using this to strengthen themselves, it is good that the cities on the empire's border can be stable. The upper layers simply ignored this, as long as these barbarians don't have a big appetite and make too much noise.

In this respect, the above people are busy fighting for power and gaining their own interests, without spirit. On the other hand, the enemy country does not want to consume with these barbarians.

A barbarian cavalry, at least two soldiers' lives are required to kill the Empire. In addition, barbarians can plunder the supplementary material and population on the spot.

Emperor * hit the past, but the barbarian could not even see the shadows. When your troops withdraw, they catch up and bite again.

It would be miserable if the imperialists were harder and hit the grasslands.

Didn't eat or drink, the bird people didn't see one, and the drag was also ruined.

Listening to the centurion men reporting the results one by one, and the plundered supplies, food, and population, the twelve leaders laughed and couldn't see each other.

Although they had also looted in the past, they could not compare to this time. For the amazing plan of Lord Aoria, to be honest, everyone dared not think about it. After all, it was a world ruled by the Holy See. For a fight, only the wildest strongest have such domineering.

The wild can not only rob Meng Jia, but also the country of the wind and Hannibal, but Hannibal is difficult to make, the people are strong, and the wild is easy to be unwilling to provoke. Because Meng Jia is a Holy See, it still has a hundred years of power, even if it is a fall. What Ioria brought with him also gave him the power he needed to grow his strength. It was very simple. From the perspective of Ioria, the entire beast **** continent was weak but rich in the Mengjia Empire, which can be seen from the plunder. It comes to mind, not to mention Hannibal's sturdy empire that you have to hunt for three thousand miles when you move it, even the military forces of the country of the wind and other surrounding empires will not easily ignore it, only Mengjia .

Once the center of the continent, Wang Zhongwang, now is just a joke, and there is no doubt that he, Ioria, is the creator of history and miracles.

He has also been preparing for this day for a long time.

Ioria ’s spirit is not much. On this news, his plan this time was to clear the villages around Dolan City, all the autumn wind sweeping the leaves and leveling, on the one hand, to get enough supplies, on the other hand, to turn Dolan into a The reason why Gucheng is so fierce is that the number of people this time is more than ever.

As for the rescue of the surrounding cities, Ioria did not agree. He was afraid that these turtle grandsons would not come out behind the wall. Two cavalrymen were already ambushing. Around the two big cities near Doran, according to Ioria's Calculating, it only takes three days for the barbarian warriors to rush into Dolan City, and there is no need to rescue, if there is rescue, then several cities will be destroyed.

How beautiful, a flame, the cry of the enemy, countless beautiful women, gold coins, all this will prove that it adds a glorious glory to the prestige on the Aeolian steppe.

Of course, this is only the first step, and his future will never be wild!

At this moment, a little chief off the rush came suddenly and hurriedly bowed down to the leaders on the table: "You leaders, Master Ioria, there was an accident. Tonight, a hundred-man team lost contact. Those who should have returned to make orders, but now also ... "

The warm tent was quiet for a few moments. The twelve chiefs glanced at each other and looked at Aoria's face again. One of them, Campbell, said, "Who is it?"

"Yes ... it's Campbell's leader of the centurion ..." the reporting leader mumbled.

"Hahaha ..."

A gloat of laughter erupted instantly in the big account. It was also harassment, and Campbell's people were missing. They were either dead or forgotten to get back the benefits. No matter what, it was enough to make everyone laugh.

"Fuck!" Campbell's face was blue and white for a while, and in this environment, he couldn't be soaring. He whispered to a nearby soldier to find someone to see, live to see someone, die to see the corpse, if he found that **** It was because the outside had forgotten the order time, and all of them were killed on the spot.

The barbarian army was ten times more severe and **** than Mengjia.

"Okay, don't laugh, think about it ..." Aoriya on the first seat slightly exposed her naked chest, showing a bronze bodybuilding chest muscle. He grabbed the blond hair on his head and narrowed his eyes and said: "If this hundred-man team is because the enemy can't come back, then, at least, Dolan City is not that bad, and it still has a bit of combat power."

"This ..." The vulgar leaders didn't think too much, just patronizing to laugh at Campbell, and now I was reminded of it by Ioria.

"If it's really from the people of Dolan City ... how haven't they appeared before? Is it their reinforcements or ... I wonder if our next strategy ..." A leader who is cunning and famous for his indecision Xiao Mo spoke.

The other chiefs looked at each other and stopped drinking and laughing.

No, it's all here, but don't make any monster moths at this time.

"Ha ha……"

The hesitation of other bosses ~ ~ Ioria narrowed her blue pupils, raised the golden jug in her hand, and drank dryly.

The bright red liquor slipped from the corners of his mouth along the muscular chest muscles like human blood, and dripped all the way to the back of a Kate woman shaking in her arms.

"I think everyone is thinking too much!" Ioria smiled slightly, and threw away the empty jug at will, and wiped the liquor from her mouth, laughing. "I just just refreshed you, no matter Whether the enemy is a tiger or a rabbit, we barbarian warriors must crush them with strong power and achieve a barbaric hegemony. Really think that Dolan City can stop us? We have 100,000 people! One hundred thousand troops, to deal with a small The city of Dolan is crushed, what else are you worried about? "

"Hahaha! Lord Aoria puts it bluntly, no matter who the enemy is, we must do our best!"

One by one, the murderous barbarian leaders held the wine jar, and the bold mouth was filled with bright red liquor. They seemed to have seen the picture of the 100,000 troops stepping on Dolan City.

Enemies, ash and smoke, countless treasures and women! !!

Everyone is a powerful, true barbaric Lord who submits to Ioria!

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