The Great Conqueror

Chapter 377: foreign?

I never heard of Bismarck with wings, nor did I expect to meet them in the Tongtianjing Proving Ground.

Are they real or fake?

Daikin was completely dumbfounded, as was Shana on the side. Obviously these black Bismarcks overthrow their common sense.

But the Ministry of God did not care about this. He knew the situation of the beast **** continent. There was indeed no Bismarck, but it did not mean that he had not appeared, and based on his experience, he could really accept anything.

... still Tao seductive.

Looking down from the bottom, these nv Bismais are wearing a hot dress called xìng, with their shoulders, arms, and legs exposed. The other key parts are covered with some black feathers, but this looming The obscuration actually showed a more enchanting figure, white skin like porcelain.

Snow skin and black wings, there is an illusion that Bismarck and Tian Meizu are one.

The faces of these black-wing Bismarcks are not as light and elegant as the Bismarcks of the Mengjia Empire, with an alluring smile.

But his eyes were cold.

Hundreds of mysterious Bismarcks who have never seen it spin in the air and warn Bu Liang, Daikin and Shana: "Stand in place and accept the inquiry, otherwise you will be the enemy of my tribe!" Bismarck flew from the sky, her figure was incredibly tall, but Biar was even taller than the Bier. Hands chā waist, looked at them proudly.

"An alien ... a creature?" Her eyes flashed coldly: "Answer my question. How did you appear here?" The proud Blackwing Bismarck nv raised his chin, Bu Liang noticed that she had a gorgeously decorated sword on her waist. It was found that these Bismarcks rarely saw armor, usually wearing sword weapons on their waists, or carrying bows and arrows on their backs.

Flashing this in his mind, Bu Liang said calmly in his mouth: "We are trying out a trial, looking for something. Where is this place?"

The taller nv's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Liang Liang, as if to discern the flaws in his words.

"This is the land of the seal. The island where you are standing is Okanos" and we ... are taboos. "The tall nvs always pay attention to the expression of Buliang when they say these words, but obviously, Buliang never knows what the seal is, and what the taboos are.

His expression was still calm, "I heard everything you said for the first time."

On the contrary, the tall nvs were a little puzzled. Whether they knew or did not know their taboos, and the place where the seal was "the other side's reaction was a little too calm.

Just then "from behind, there was a whistle faintly from the depths of the island, which seemed to be a secret signal. The black wings circling in the sky were slightly agitated than the Smy nv soldiers.

The taller Bismarck nv glanced at Bu Liang and Dai Jin beside him, and stared at Shana again.

"Go back, no matter what you are and what you want to do, this is not where you should come from.", Talking about the body sinking slightly, wings spread out. "Fly into the air. The rest of the nv soldiers in the sky are flying around her You can hear some noisy shouts.

"Lilim ...", "Go to war! War ..."

The proud Bismarck nv in the sky stared coldly in the bright direction.

"Leave! This is my last advice to you, if I find that you haven't left, you are at your own risk!"

After speaking, Hula suddenly "all Blackwing Bismarck under her leadership, flew out of this place faster than when they came.

Daikin's gaze was staring at the batch of Blackwing Bismarck leaving, and the **** seemed to remember something.

"Dai Jin, do you know their race?" Bu Liang asked casually.

Gold Beamon shook his head: "I don't remember whether it was Lao Xie or She Zhe mentioned. It seems that some secrets are sealed in the heaven, I don't know?"

"No matter, let's continue to look."

Since Liang Liang came, he never thought about going back empty-handed. "The nv said just now that he didn't care, but it was a little strange that these gangs of Bismarck didn't seem to be hostile." And they were quite rational. This is the first time in Tongtianjing.

If at that time they want to stop and say that Ba looks at the distance, "Liang Liang and Shana jump back on Daikin's shoulder:" Daikin, run up. ","Ha ha. "Daikin smiled warmly and cooperated with his partners to try it out. His mobile tank was already used to it.

Waiting for Liangliang and Shana to stand on Daikin's shoulders, this wild Beamon immediately did what he loved to do, and flung off his limbs to make him happy. Whether it was a mountain rock or a big tree in the sky, it was crushed by Daikin's overspeed.

There are so many trials in Lai Tong Tian Jing, this time is the strangest. So far, no powerful enemy has been encountered.

Of course, this is just a simple idea. Whether it is the previous merman shark group or the blackwing Bismarck just now, it is very strong.

If it weren't for a bright subwoofer, ordinary passers-by would have been killed, or even the island could not be reached. The Blackwing Bismarcks just now, if not for anything else, will cause a lot of trouble for the Ministry.

For Bu Liang, the island formed by the monster body is a very mysterious place. In fact, Arnos is the name of the sea **** in mythology.

The leisure time soon ended, and when Dai Jin and Bu Liang came to a majestic mountain range, countless monsters stood up from the hiding place.

Mountain Charm!

Thirty-level monsters, with deterrence ability and mixed group, can use group monster power to attack, and can also set traps and self-made weapons. A wise monster is more difficult to deal with than an ordinary monster.

The mountain charm of the long red sè 鬓 máo covered with an inch-long body is two meters tall, and the red máo on the body is fluttering in the wind as if a flame is burning.

Seeing Dai Jin and Bu Liang approaching them, cruel smirks appeared on the extremely anthropomorphic faces of the mountain charm standing at each corner of the mountain range, and the eyes of a pair of monsters lit up with blood.

Xueliang's fangs came out, and the wailing wailed like ape.

Uh ...

More and more mountain charms appear along the mountains.

If you want to break through here, you must pass through the encirclement of countless thirty monsters and detour? I don't know how long it will take to get around here, and the core to the island is the fastest here.

"Ǎo Liang, I rushed, you hurry."

Daikin not only didn't worry, but his eyes revealed 〖Xing〗 Fen.


The least feared of Beamon is the challenge, no matter how many enemies in front of him, all turn.

There was a battle yù in his chest, and Daikin bowed his head and shouted, "The whole body muscle ròu swelled, and his limbs ran as fast as lightning, really increasing the speed to the extreme.

The heat was rubbing, and everything around became the most blurred reflection.

A shock wave!

As if a locomotive is speeding, Daikin's body is like a rolling golden ball, dragging a long steam làng, and drawing a burst of shock waves in a straight line.

boom! !!

Level 30 monster? Whether it is people or giant rocks that dare to stop in front, they are directly smashed.

Countless monsters with broken limbs and gravel thrown back wherever Daikin passed.

Looking at Dai Jin as unmanned, so strong and crazy, the monsters are crazy. Individually, they cannot compete with Jin Yao's Beamon, but they have group skills.

deterrence! !!

The deterrent force of the mountains and the sea was snapped, like an invisible giant làng.

This is an attack of pure jīng divine power. Even if it is a large umbrella of Jin Yao class, he can stabilize himself, but what about Liang and Shana on his shoulders?

Obviously, the young nv of the Nicholas family could not achieve immunity to the group deterrence of such monsters. For a moment, it seemed that the heart was pinched by people and broken by the forceful róu.

Huge terrible coercion is everywhere, and even the body is greatly affected, and the blood vessels seem to explode.

The sky became yīn haze!

The earth became heavy.

The body ... can't move with fear.

Just when Shana's face suddenly became white "and her body became stiff and almost unable to stand, she would hold her by one hand. Whether true or false, it was not Arthur's style to hurt her.

"Stand firm." A little urged nv, a light burst into the next moment.

An attack on Dragonsong of Warsong.

With the orcs as the center of the northeast, the mountain line of this nation is like a bow: my right fist opens the sky and turns into a dragon!

The heart of the earth beating uneasily!

Adjusted the time and space of the sunrise in the east, and returned to the flood to control and go to the vertical direction!

Where the golden sère scepter pointed, the rocks exploded, and invisible sound waves mixed with the power of mystery. "Belief is burning" is the majesty of the beast **** is roaring.

Where the mountain stream is the most arrogant, it will be hit most deadly.

The Flashing Scepter "The War Song of Faith Represents Divine Punishment!

Shenwei, everywhere.

"Roar !!! Happy!"

Daikin was excited, and every time he heard the bright war song, he let the cold blood start to burn, and the warm and spicy feeling was like drinking the strongest wine.

The whole man **** and wants to fight!

The monsters in front of you are all smashed!

Once Daikin was beaten, his speed suddenly rose, and he was affected by the deterrence of hundreds of monsters just now. He felt as if he had fallen into a quagmire.

Cyclonus leaps forward.

With the support of Ministry of Warsong, Daikin's moving tank seems to be added with a remote shè turret. It's so refreshing.

Shana stabilized her center of gravity and took a deep breath. She was selected by the ancestors not only because she looked good or was gentle, but more importantly, she was gifted.

The sound of the days of Meizu.

Not only does the Bismarck family have a song of forbidden air combat, Tianmei also inherits similar skills, but it is becoming increasingly rare. Once the two communities joined forces to fight is extremely powerful.

This is one reason why Augustus chose her!

People with similar combat abilities always have a certain common language.

Shana clasped Liang Liang's left arm with both hands to keep her body stable. At the same time, her wings spread behind her neck and her neck was lifted up, and the chirping sound of wind chimes protruded from her cherry lips. As soon as it was issued, it soared to a high point, such as a sharp sharp arrow piercing the traveling cloud.

All the mountain charms felt the eardrums stabbed by steel frustration for a moment, roaring in pain.

The sound of Nicholas ’s house is not as long as Bismarck ’s air-forbidden battle song, and it ’s just a burst of damage if he speaks directly.

The bright war songs of faith and the magical sounds of the Nicholas family penetrate the brain, and they complement each other, too. The charm of a mountain is exploded to death, and if it can speak, it will spit blood and shed tears.

It's too shameful, too UG, and such a perverted war song should also be added with a sound howl, which simply does not let the monsters have a life.

Daikin got rid of the fetters of the monster and was invincible in melee.

The mountain charm that rushed up with a huge stone lock and a wolf tooth bāng was blown away by his body, and bāng directly in the air.

Seeing Da Jin as rolling gold sè light group rushed up the mountain, unstoppable.

Shan Kui countered!

A group of mixed people!

Ever seen the roar of a group of monkeys? Definitely more scary than flies!

The sky seems to be filled with countless black luàn clews, which is a form of mixed monsters and luàn power. The demon power of countless mountain charms condensed into a large net and rushed towards Daikin and Buliang Shana.

No matter who you are, if you enter this net, you will be confused, you will be mad, and you will kill all living creatures around you first, and then commit suicide.

This is Shanmei's unsuccessful killing trick.

A pair of blood-red eyes flickered with violent anger, as if they had seen the scene of Daikin killing each other.

But "these tricks are not good for ministry. Breaking magic" has a suppressive effect on jīng's demon power.

The power of mixing luàn is like a moment of depression by the black net, and Liang Liang felt it. He made a three-segment break in the war song, and he knew the power of the war song better, but he was more willing to lay the foundation of the first paragraph again. This is the source of strength. .

In the same war song, in terms of skills, the Ministry of Light is definitely not what it used to be.

A mix of luàn war songs! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhg

The beast spirit injection "the uprising is on, lawless !!! Mix luàn !!! Mad !!!!

The mixed luàn war songs that were a hundred times more scary than the charm of the mountain exploded.

Bu Liang can feel the control of the war song, which is completely different from the self-intoxication when facing the dragon and fish.

Shankui people are looking forward to the effect of the attack of the group Luàn, but watching them gather the demon power of thousands of groups to withdraw, forming a large network of haze.

The opposite Ministry of Liang suddenly yelled back like crazy.

If you do n’t compare quantity with mountain charms, you have better quality! Numerous mixed luàn notes are torn and pierced like arrows, as if a huge beat hit back.

Uh ...

More than thirty mountain charm eyes, which were the first to be affected, suddenly changed from red to green. When they saw the monster companions around them, they jumped up without hesitation, grabbing, tearing, and biting! Cannibalism!

This is a mixed melody!

With the spread of Buliang's battle song, the power of Luàn burned like wildfire in Hagiwara!

Burn all the monsters you see!


Where the scepter points, Luàn plays to kill!

And Shana did not miss the opportunity to issue the Nicholas family's fascinating sound "This is the last straw that overwhelmed the resident, and was fell by the ears of the sound of the sound of the howling thorns, and was added to the blood of the mixed luàn. "Frost" was torn to pieces by the crazed Shan Kui.

Shan Kuiqun finally couldn't take it anymore and collapsed. There are many more untouched in the mountains, like wild boars that have been trampled on their tails, screaming and fleeing, leaping into the depths of the forest and being scared by the three men, Dai Jin and Bu Liang.

The body where Daikin passed.

Where the Ministry of War songs passed, it was crazy!

Shana's Yin Xiao is doing the final harvest, making up for the lack.

These three's temporary combination actually worked well.

Fighting less with more, but it is an unsurpassed victory. The wild xìng and domineering in Dajin's heart was also inspired by this wild war song, running all the way to the top of the mountain, roaring Beimeng's voice towards the sky.


Really **** happy!

In the past, I also tried trials with Ghost Shadow and She Zhe, but everyone would not be entangled in this group of monsters, and they ran while playing. I did n’t expect it would be so cool today. Already.

Dai Jinxi smiled, and his energy was loosened. The sweat that had just ran away turned into hot steam from the body surface.

Standing on the top of this highest mountain, you can see the situation of this island almost.

In the trial of the Mirror Illusion, why should you guide the Ministry of Light here? How can we find something to repair the beast spirit?

Buliang jumped from Dai Jin and stood on an oval-shaped boulder and looked out.

Shana spreads her wings and glides "silently on the side of him later, standing quietly with him.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, a sea of ​​clouds disappeared, all things phantom. There is a natural beauty of tranquility.

Looking from near to far, the first thing I saw was a dense green pine forest like a sea wave. A strong mountain wind blew through it, setting off a blue wave. The wind also brought the earth's fresh soil and the fragrance of the original coniferous plants. Makes jīng a peace of mind.

Looking out into the distance through the sea of ​​clouds, a huge sè lake looks like an emerald gem inlaid in this land, again like the eyes of a jīng spirit, flashing the wave of spirit xìng.

In the direction of the big lake, Bu Liang had a faint intuition, and what he was looking for was in that direction.

At the same time, he saw another picture.

On both sides of the turquoise lake, two groups of people cháo face each other.

On the one side, the Hesmai tribe that he saw earlier, and on the other side, he was far from being responsible only for the wings and the wings.

Bu Liang really felt a bit ridiculous. In the past, he thought that everything in the beast spirit realm was an illusion. Even in the heavenly realm, he had a real sense of not being true.

But everything here, the Blackwing Bismarck really made him feel that they were all alive, there was blood and ròu, and the addition of things on the stele had a big impact on Bu Liang.

The old ghost once said, "In fact, there are countless secrets hidden in this heavenly realm. Obviously, it seems that the truth can be found here. I have to say that Ministry Liang is afraid of knowing the truth, but can't control the desire to detect!

"Having knowledge of two generations" especially saw the impact of the underground ruins on him even more.... Is it that humans on the earth have encountered irresistible harsh environments and changed human genes, and then created this virtual world?

Like the Matrix?

Or is it just accidental?

Shaking his head, Zou Liang temporarily set aside these thoughts, no matter whether the mirage of the heavens is a real illusion or another parallel world, it is not his consideration. His only purpose now is to find out here Find something to repair the beast spirit for Emma.

"Let's go Daikin" Let's see what trouble these black wing Bismarck has encountered. "

Minister Liang greeted Daikin, and everyone no longer spends time “now that the goal is set and it will be easy to handle.

Running towards the great lake in the distance.

I didn't encounter any monsters in the original pine forest, but the speed couldn't be faster. First, there were too many ancient trees. Second, I do n’t know if the previous mountain charm was evil. There were actually many pits, lassos, and ground spurs along the way. Although these were only itching to Daikin, they could n’t hold up a lot. The forest came to the lake.

The opposing sides are clearly visible. By the side of the vast Bihu Lake, near the bright side is the former Blackwing Bismarck, and the tall nv is also inside.

There are thousands of people.

They have men and nv, but they are mostly nvxìng. They do n’t wear armor, they just use black feather skirts and clothes to cover some places, revealing their body or enchanting bodies.

Everyone has weapons. However, Liang Liang noticed that most of the ordinary weapons are really engraved by the beast spirit, which are only available to some high-ranking people.

Such as the previous tall nv people.

As for the ethnic groups that confronted these Blackwing Bismarcks, they couldn't see clearly across the lake, and looked at them indistinctly like orcs.

While Buliang was paying attention to the situation here, at the same time, the Blackwing Bismarck also noticed Bu Liang and Daikin's presence.


"Who dares break into the forbidden area of ​​my tribe!"

A thirty-person black-wing Bismarck Nv warrior came forward to block under the leadership of a tall nv man. As soon as he saw the department, the taller NV narrowed his eyes, revealing a trace of murderousness on his body.

"It's you again? Forgot what I said ?!"

Tall NV had previously warned Bu Liang not to let them stay on the island again, but obviously Bu Liang took this as farting.

With a cold wave, thirty nv soldiers lined up in three rows, and the nv soldiers in the first row unsheathed and quickly approached ministry and dajin.

"Give you choice, leave, or die."

The proud Blackwing Bismarck nv man with his hands on his waist, tolerance has reached the limit. If it weren't for today's special circumstances, it would have been a long time since then.

At this sensitive moment, these strangers appeared obviously not the time.

Each person has their own position, and since Liang Liang has arrived, he certainly will not return empty-handed.

He shook his head slightly, but slowly and resolutely, "I came here to find only one thing, and I left when it was found."


The tall nv smiled coldly, swiping his right thumb down, "kill them."

She had no time to spend làng with these strangers, and the confrontation between the two ethnic groups on the emerald lake was about to start.

The first column of nv Bismarck pushed forward immediately.

They have a set of all-round tactics ~ ~ thirty people lined up in three columns is not luàn. In particular, the people on both sides of the queue walked a little faster and became a half-month type, and they surrounded Buliang and Daikin all at once.

These people are soldiers, and they are not powerless because of their enchanting appearance.

The murderous energy that erupted in an instant was like wildfire Sugawara.


Dozens of weapons poke down at the same time. What does it feel like to split the combined force?

It can only be seen on the real battlefield.

But at this moment, Bu Liang saw that the combat skills of these NVs were definitely obtained in the war.

Bear the brunt of ...

Poor Daikin is the biggest, standing in the front, and subconsciously opened his arms to protect Liang and Shana, so all the weapons spilled on him like raindrops.

Bemon, it seems that the fate of ròu shield can not be separated

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