The Great Conqueror

Chapter 393: Kill the Wolf 7

Seven hundred and thirty-three kills of the broken wolf (for monthly tickets)

Kingdom of the Wind, King City.

After a long journey, Qingya finally came here.

-According to the chart, Seven Kills the Lord's Land.

Huantai Wangyue's mission is to observe and maintain the natural operation of the horoscope, but killing the wolf is the source of mixing and destruction. One is obedience to destiny, and the other is a star-killing star. What will happen to this meeting? At this time, Qingya is also uncertain.

The night wind rolled up the smoke and dust of the west, and put a layer of misty sè color on the king city méng.

The moon in the city is extremely quiet, which will not make people think that the source of the luàn world will actually appear here, killing the first star of Samsung.

Perhaps it was too self-confident in its own force. In addition to being investigated by the kingdom of the wind country when entering the city, the defense in the city was not tight. Only when approaching the palace did the regular patrol guards.

However, these guards can only deal with ordinary hunting shadows, but they are useless to Qingya.

Huantai Wangyue has been passed down for thousands of years. In addition to astrology, there are also unknown secrets. At the moment when the moonlight was covered by dark clouds, Qingya's figure had entered the palace along with the night breeze.

For others, entering a complex and unfamiliar terrain may find it difficult to find a target, but it is very simple for Qingya. Just look at the seven killing stars on his head, corresponding to the astrolabe in the palm, his position is as striking as the flames in the dark night.

At this moment, she felt a vitality. A call to destiny, as if everything is the track of destiny, including the arrival of oneself, but also the force of life is driving.

Mission or destiny?

Even the Yishu Master is in this astrological situation, it is difficult to distinguish clearly at this time.

Shaking his head slightly, Qingya didn't think much, and quickly approached the star that was getting stronger and stronger.

Even though there are several palace walls across, I can clearly feel the cold craziness, the bloodthirsty force field.

Seven Kills is indeed the first to kill the wolf, and this force is enough to make people shudder.

Turning around the last palace wall, the brightly lit place, a brightly lit hall mén opened dozens of meters away, and a figure can be seen faintly sitting in the hall.

Everything around was strangely quiet. At this time no one should serve shì here, but Qingya just didn't see any extra people except the one in the temple.

Everything has an unusual taste.

What is most chilling is that the cold eyes of the people in the temple seem to be free from the constraints of time and space, and naturally locked in the shadow of the yīn hiding in the elegant place.

Her appearance is not a secret to him.

Seven kills!

The Great Prince of the Kingdom of Wind.

There seemed to be no need for hiding, and Qingya stepped out of the darkness, followed the feeling in her heart, and stepped on the straight floor tiles toward the hall.

The young and evil man in the hall raised his cheeks in one hand, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his body showed a deep depth of impenetrability.

It is darker than the night, colder than the polar regions, and in the coldness, there is a fiery burning power.

This is the Seven Kills!

Master the reincarnation of life and death!

He wore a black silk dress, a large cloak of blood, and his wild hair, such as wild fire in Hagiwara, stepped on the throne, revealing an uninhibited.

Beside his throne, there was a fierce giant beast, unable to see what species it was, but only the black light on the leather máo, which was lustrous and water-forged, and lying there was even more imposing than the adult Bill.

Qingya looked up at him.

For thousands of years, the upwind of the mainland has been surging, and every time Luàn comes, there must be a present to kill the wolf, and it also has the shadow of a magician. Both sides can be regarded as "old friends".

But for the current Prince Fengtuo and Qingya, this is their first meeting.

A seated high on the throne of the hall, a cold and blazing eyes looked at the next white nvzi, the elegant lotus-like lotus tower watching the moon.

A quietly standing in the temple, in the city of the King of the Wind, where everyone is enemies, there was no fear of the Seven Kills.

Gaze was wrong in the air, rubbing sparks.

"You know I'm coming?"

After a few seconds of silence, Qingya spoke first.

The sound seemed to startle the giant beast beside Feng Tuo's feet, and it roared, and his long máo was about to stand up. But the next moment, Feng Tuo's clean and slender palm lightly patted on the top of his head, and the fierce beast immediately turned into a docile cat, lowering obediently.

"It's no secret to me to watch the moon over Taiwan." Feng Tuo smiled at Qingya. But there was no smile in his eyes.

Just as Yantai Wangyue knows the secret of killing the wolf reincarnation, there is no one in this world who knows the existence of Huantai Wangyue more clearly than the Seven Kills.

There was a strange induction on them.

"Say your intentions." Feng Tuo looked at this nv, but did not expect that the successor of this generation of Daitai Wangyue would be an nv, and also had the courage to find himself directly.

I hope she can bring something interesting to her, otherwise, it will be too boring before the end of the world.

"I'm here to make you give up killing." Qingya gazed at Feng Tuo's calm and indifferent eyes.

At this time, the seven kills in front of me are different from the records of the classics left by Yantai Mochizuki. In the records in those books, killing wolves is killing lunatics, they are all slaughtered and crazy. However, the prince Fengtuo that Qingya saw was a person with a calm mind, and even quite restrained his feelings. Obviously I saw the hostile Yantai Wangyue Yishu Master, who was able to have such a bland conversation for so long, which made Qingya somewhat míhuò, and felt that things were a little different from what he predicted.

But no matter what the variables are, since coming here, Qingya will insist on her mission to seal the world-killing star for the world.

Either way.

"Abandon killing? If the successor of Huantai Mochizuki is only of this level, then I will really be disappointed."

Feng Tuo looked at Qingya, and the smile on his face made him feel like a chūn wind: "Wutai Wangyue thinks of me? What do I think I insist on? Is it just killing? What is killing?"

What a wonderful thing in his opinion ~ ~ Calm lunatic!

Under his calm appearance lies the crazy side.

"Does everything you seek really make sense? How many innocent lives will die in the luàn world? Do you know that there will also be the people of your country of wind, and possibly your loved ones!" Qingya waved vigorously Kaifengtuo's hand contains the mysterious "word curse" of the Supreme Secret Law of Wangtai and Wangyue quietly penetrated into Fengtuo's beast spirit.

Spells, the use of beast spirit, the use of upanishads, similar to the mystery of war songs. Hiding power between ordinary words, quietly affecting and changing the other side, possessing incredible magic power.

At one time, the crazy beast warrior who had entered the 澹台 望月 in history was infected by the then chant of the 澹台 望月, and then died with his own discretion. Of course, the power of those three sentences was enough to shake the sky.

Although Qingya's curse is not so strong, it can also affect the mind. This is called first to be strong.

Victory or failure has a bearing on the lives of the world, and Qingya feels that all this is in accordance with the will of God.

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