The Great Conqueror

Chapter 397: Violent sacrifices

Why isn't this guy dead? What kind of level is it? It can be seen this time. He knows Palotti's strength, which is quite good.

"Game start!"

Nebeiro couldn't see any expression on his face, and he chose Arthur as an opponent who was hardest to get cold.

Arthur stood there. He didn't want the beast spirit change at all, and didn't plan to attack. At that moment, everyone was talking again.

Pallotti couldn't stop his face. He wanted to wait for the other beast spirit to change. At this level, how could he win, but the other side was exactly the same as he thought. "What a matter.

In fact, after watching the Peloponnesian battle, Zou Liang was the most touching. Since he left the animal spirit world, he has not enjoyed the battle for a long time. In the heavens, he can basically only play a supporting role. There is no room for play.

By the end of Peloponnesian's deep-fighting fighting, Wang Zun, although there was nothing on the surface, Zou Shengan was already excited.

When thinking of a deadlock, Zou Liang took a step.

Just one step, the atmosphere suddenly changed. The first person to feel it was Pallotti. The other side was not imposing, let alone murderous, but this step was exactly at the angle where he was just about to attack.

By accident, coincidence?

The soldier's instinct responded, Pallotti's gaze changed direction, but then the direction of the opponent changed, this time it is not accidental. As a soldier, if you always believe in accidental luck, that is not far from death. .

This is the provocation of Chiluǒluǒ!

Pallotti couldn't bear it anymore, his fists suddenly clenched, his murderous four shès, and his pretend to be too far. Don't blame his cruelty for a while.


With a sound from the ground, Patlotti's body exploded, a line of bombarded Zou Liang, his body pulled wide, and you can imagine how fierce the punch will be.

Suddenly ... the target is gone.

It wasn't missing, but Zou Liang moved forward at the same time, simply and directly greeted him. He pulled the opponent's right fist almost instantly, and at the same time, he jumped on his knees, while holding Palotti's right hand with both hands and suddenly yanked.


Patlotti was thrown out.

Bang ... Parrot landed heavily. Although he supported the ground, Arthur threw out a face to face, and his face sank suddenly.

Zou Liang stood up. It was a wonderful feeling. His hands began to itch.

Both Murphy and Peloponnese watched quietly. They valued Arthur the most. From the beginning, they regarded him as an opponent, but they did n’t understand his depth. If they could beat Patlotti, then You can fight.

Parrott did not stagnate, the counterattack formed almost instantaneously, and the roar burst out. He was really angry when he walked. Like his origins in the Lucas family, it can be said that he practiced hard from ǎo. The basic skills are extremely solid. Find out the unexpected and cold mén, which is also an armored warrior, overwhelming the stability of strength, just just too much, I did not expect that this child has a little close-handed tricks, but this trick can not change the result.

This time Patlotti did not use the power to the top, the tactics changed almost immediately, the attack distance really came to open the stance, and the momentum punched out.

Of course, Zou Liang will not evade. He can understand Peloponnese's mood. It is not a masochist, but a longing for a fight with sufficient strength. Sometimes he is too strong and sad.

Just to wake up the other party, just try the other party's strength.

The body bowed slightly, the center of gravity was lowered, and he suddenly took a step in the center fist!

Work hard!

I have to say that Zou Liang ’s appearance is so startling that it really surprises others... Dare to hit Paclotti so hard, except for the Méng clan, Peloponnese and Murphy. Well, everyone else must first retreat and give play to their own characteristics.

Even if Warsong is not easy to use, you can't give up on yourself.

Annie, it ’s also very contradictory. Two fair white hands covered her eyes, but her fingers were opened, she wanted to see, and she was afraid of seeing Arthur's brother being beaten. Dilemma.


A fancy punch, the size of which is Arthur's in a circle of Paclotti, caught the opponent's punch in a stupid manner.

Zou Liang's hand was also a little painful, which was so refreshing. Paclotti is also a slapstick. How could I never imagine that a priest could have such great strength. Although Arthur's strength is not good, the power of carrying wood is the same as the explosive power of battle.

Nini shook her fist fiercely. She was afraid that Arthur would be hit by this fierce big man. Now she looks better than her opponent.

Paklotti laughed, but he didn't expect the other side to have such power, no, it was not just power, the accomplishment manifested in the battle was quite extraordinary.

It seemed that he couldn't be taken lightly. Paklotti took a deep breath, and Zou Liang waited. He knew that the formal battle had begun.

bō. With a shock on the ground, Paclotti killed and punched Zou Liang's face mén. During the attack, there were suddenly more fists ... pattern?

This is the Tigers Boxing of the Lucas Family!

The characteristic of the tiger pattern boxing is that it is soft in the middle. It is described as a tiger tongue with an image and has barbs.

This kind of boxing is not only fierce, but also can produce internal damage, which is also one of the unparalleled skills of the Lucas family.

Pucklotti's use of tiger-strike punches meant that Arthur was truly his current opponent.

The two were fighting without beastly change. If they were boxed with tiger prints, they would not be playing.

Buenavin was shocked, and wanted to remind him, but there was no way on this occasion. Everyone knows that you can't fight against the tiger-type punches of the Lucas family, unless you have such arrogance as Peloponnesian. Can ignore the attacking body.

But apparently Zou Liang didn't know. He also greeted him with the same punch, which was the same as the soldier's play.


Bang bang bang ...

In an instant, dozens of punches broke out between the two, but there was no hard fight back. Buenavon was almost anxious to stamp his feet. The most fierce tiger-line boxing is not the boxing method, but the secret killing he carried. This kind of killing is the most deadly.

Both Peloponnesian and Murphy were calm and calm, and they both knew about tiger-printed fists, especially Peloponnese, of course, they knew the nine strongest tricks of the Tago tribe. Even with one of them, unless you have an overbearing body, you will be the easiest to deal with this invincible killing.

The difference between the families is that the skills they teach are the strongest skills transformed by the genius warriors of the past. Standing on the shoulders of giants, this is an advantage unmatched by ordinary orcs.

Although Arthur is not as tall as the average bear family, he is quite strong and fierce, and is a good material for soldiers.

But talent alone is not a true fighter!

Paclotti was also a little admired. He had already scored dozens of punches, and the opponent could still live t 住 ng, which was a bit incredible. The tiger-strength of tiger-strike fist has begun to penetrate, and it wo n’t be long before he can move. .

He did not want to use such a destructive killing trick, but at this step, there is no way out. The longer he persists, the worse, everything is chosen by the other party.

Paclotti didn't want to break Arthur's defense at once, as long as there were tiger-printed punches, it was not necessary.

Zou Liang did feel that something similar to the dark energy penetrated into his body, but this ... playing this level of dark energy in front of himself, what is it called?

Ban ménnòng axe? !!

Just when Paclotti thought he had control of the situation, suddenly his fists came to his eyes inexplicably.


Paclotti was directly hit with a punch, and he took a seven or eight step back to stand. This punch did punch Paclotti a bit méng ... How is this possible, the tiger-print punch is invalid?

This fist also almost caused Greg to bit his tongue. He knew quite well about tiger-printed fists. This is a problem that can go to the Nicholas clan extinction file. It is a rare yīn killing trick in the warrior class. The enemy is silent.

Poison in the fist, this is what the Nicholas clan said.

But in any case, this is a powerful move that only the family of the Lucas family can learn.

"... Are you okay?"

Parklotti's eyes widened, and his tiger-strike fists were already quite good. How could the other party be fine?

Zou Liang smiled, "Did you only have two of these?"

Paclotti was stunned. Greg and others who knew Paclotti were giggling. Arthur was so elated that he didn't know about Paclotti. When this guy was in his normal state, he still belonged to him. The kind-hearted warrior, because the Lucas family's moves are mostly too lethal, they must be cautious. After a long time, they become stubborn, but they will be completely let go when they are stabbed. Paklotti emerged from Mori Han's tiger teeth, and disappeared instantly.

The speed is amazing, and the instantaneous explosion almost came to Zou Liang's body almost instantly.

One by one!

Bang, the body directly rammed, Zou Liang struck up.


Tigers World!

Super fierce roar, Paclotti completely broke like a change of person, Zou Liang's words made his last worries disappear.

At this time, Paclotti had an idea, nòng's deadly opponent, using the most violent method.

The pattern of the tiger's boxing fist has extended to the arm. This is the true state of Paclotti. At first he was merciless.

The tiger rushed and the tiger slammed, followed by a series of tiger fist punches, and punched Zou Liang's belly.

Sturdy, this time directly bent Zou Liang's waist, Buenavin immediately looked narrowed, cold.

Followed by another punch on the face, and the same punch, Paclotti's expression was a little sloppy, this is the real tiger.

Huge and rough hands lifted Zou Liang casually, and threw it into the air, just before he fell in front of him, another tiger suddenly followed by a roar.

Da da da da da ...

The fists blasted on Zou Liang's body as densely as the raindrops. Zou Liang in the air was completely smashed into a sieve. This was even worse than Peloponnese's just now. After all, Peloponnese's mass was there, and Zou Liang Light up this piece, this is really scared looking at the courage, it may be broken at any time.

Howl ~~

After a heavy luàn punch, followed by a blow to the sky gun, Zou Liang's body flew out.

Paklotti was screaming, and the people of the Lucas family couldn't help cheering. The great Lucas family did not tolerate any form of profanity.

Only blood can wash away stains.

Annie's scared face was pale, and she trembled while pulling Ernest. She regretted it. In Anne's mind, Arthur was the most powerful person in the world and could do everything.

Ernest was also a little worried, but at this level, he couldn't understand, couldn't see the difference, and couldn't judge the situation on the field. He could only feel that this Tago was really strong, powerful, perfect, and amazing. terrible.

Greg lù smiled, "Sister, it seems that our priests will be raised for at least a few months."

Mi Qingwa didn't say anything. "Paclotti's courage is also big enough to dare to take such a heavy hand in the presence of the pope."

"Oh, this is not fair. This is Arthur's provocation. He seeks death by himself and can't blame others, that is, Paclotti. If you change someone, you may kill him directly.

Greg swiped and replaced it with him. Do n’t punch out just now, it ’s a pity that Nebeiro is also sorry. This arrangement is really wonderful. If you go directly to the strongest ones, Personally, it seems a little trace. Paclotti is very strong, it is really strong, but the reputation is not particularly large. The xìng style of the Tages is low-key. Paclotti is better than any six lions.

Peloponnesian could not help frowning. Did he look away and look at Arthur who was motionless on the ground? Peloponnese was indeed a little disappointed. The opponent ’s body was really suitable for the soldiers, but he probably did too much as a priest. For a long time, I thought of the battle too simple. It is useless to stand here by instinct.

Forte and others are also worried. I did not expect Arthur would be beaten like this. I knew it would be better to use war songs. Even if I lost, I would use my own tricks. This is a bit ...

Paclotti glanced at Nebeiro. "It's over. If you don't save him, your life is gone."

Nebeiro glanced lightly at Paguanglotti, without speaking.

Suddenly, Paclotti's face paled, his body shook for a while, and blood remained slowly from the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Zou Liang also got up from the ground, his clothes had been torn and ragged, and he took off the clothes on his upper body and looked at his body ... There were no scars at all ...

Parklotti had just beaten for a long time, but he just broke a piece of clothing? ? ?

Is it that Tiger Weave is exaggerated? ? ?

How is this possible? His tiger prints have spread to his wrists, indicating that there is at least a triple fire, which is enough to cause internal injuries.

Paklotti could not believe it, and Wan Tong couldn't believe it, he was hurt!

Paklotti emerged from Mori Han's tiger teeth, and disappeared instantly.

The speed is amazing, and the instantaneous explosion almost came to Zou Liang's body almost instantly.

One by one!

Bang, the body directly rammed, Zou Liang struck up.


Tigers World!

Super fierce roar, Paclotti completely broke like a change of person, Zou Liang's words made his last worries disappear.

At this time, Paclotti had an idea, nòng's deadly opponent, using the most violent method.

The pattern of the tiger's boxing fist has extended to the arm. This is the true state of Paclotti. At first he was merciless.

The tiger rushed and the tiger slammed, followed by a series of tiger fist punches, and punched Zou Liang's belly.

Sturdy, this time directly bent Zou Liang's waist, Buenavin immediately looked narrowed, cold.

Followed by another punch on the face, and the same punch, Paclotti's expression was a little sloppy, this is the real tiger.

Huge and rough hands lifted Zou Liang casually, and threw it into the air, just before he fell in front of him, another tiger suddenly followed by a roar.

Da da da da da ...

The fists blasted on Zou Liang's body as densely as the raindrops. Zou Liang in the air was completely smashed into a sieve. This was even worse than Peloponnese's just now. After all, Peloponnese's mass was there, and Zou Liang's Light up this piece, this is really scared looking at the courage, it may be broken at any time.

Howl ~~

After a heavy luàn punch, followed by a blow to the sky gun, Zou Liang's body flew out.

Paklotti was screaming, and the people of the Lucas family couldn't help cheering. The great Lucas family did not tolerate any form of profanity.

Only blood can wash away stains.

Annie's scared face was pale, and she trembled while pulling Ernest. She regretted it. In Anne's mind, Arthur was the most powerful person in the world and could do everything.

Ernest was also a little worried, but at this level, he couldn't understand, couldn't see the difference, and couldn't judge the situation on the field. He could only feel that this Tago was really strong, powerful, perfect, and amazing. terrible.

Greg lù smiled, "Sister, it seems that our priests will be raised for at least a few months."

Mi Qingwa didn't say anything. "Paclotti's courage is also big enough to dare to take such a heavy hand in the presence of the pope."

"Oh, this is not fair. This is Arthur's provocation. He seeks death by himself and can't blame others, that is, Paclotti. If you change someone, you may kill him directly.

Greg swiped and replaced it with him. Do n’t punch out just now, it ’s a pity that Nebeiro is also sorry. This arrangement is really wonderful. If you go directly to the strongest ones, Personally, it seems a little trace. Paclotti is very strong, it is really strong, but the reputation is not particularly large. The xìng style of the Tages is low-key. Paclotti is better than any six lions.

Peloponnesian could not help frowning. Did he look away and look at Arthur who was motionless on the ground? Peloponnese was indeed a little disappointed. The opponent ’s body was really suitable for the soldiers, but he probably did too much as a priest. For a long time, I thought of the battle too simple. It is useless to stand here by instinct.

Forte and others are also worried. I did not expect Arthur would be beaten like this. I knew it would be better to use war songs. Even if I lost, I would use my own tricks. This is a bit ...

Paclotti glanced at Nebeiro. "It's over. If you don't save him, your life is gone."

Nebeiro glanced lightly at Paguanglotti, without speaking.

Suddenly, Paclotti's face paled, his body shook for a while, and blood remained slowly from the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Zou Liang also got up from the ground, his clothes had been torn and ragged, and he took off the clothes on his upper body and looked at his body ... There were no scars at all ...

Parklotti had just beaten for a long time, but he just broke a piece of clothing? ? ?

Is it that Tiger Weave is exaggerated? ? ?

How is this possible? His tiger prints have spread to his wrists, indicating that there is at least a triple fire, which is enough to cause internal injuries.

Paklotti could not believe it, and Wan Tong couldn't believe it, he was hurt! 2011-09-2409: 55 Reply to the 15th floor of the 43 fan junior fans in the update group?

This is impossible. The dark energy is the secret of the secret of the Lucas family. The reason why the tiger pattern boxing stands out is the dark energy. Only the dark energy can hurt people in the attack. ,

Alas. .

Paclotti bit his **** teeth, and another tiger burst into Arthur who had just stood up, punching Zou Liang's mouth.


This time Zou Liang didn't budge, but the body responded, and Paclotti's fist hit the ōng mouth.

But the scene that stunned everyone appeared. It wasn't Zou Liang who backed down, but Paclotti, whose right hand was already weakly choked.

"you you you……"

pain? This pain is not a big deal. What can make Parklotti incoherent?

In this world, there is even someone who can use his body to make a secret effort!

This time Paclotti felt that when his tiger-strike fist banged on the opponent's ōng mouth, his dark energy not only had no effect, but was invaded by a stronger force.

Directly defeated his defense.

This is undoubtedly a shock to the family who has mastered the dark energy.

Even more frightening is that even the strongest members of the Lucas family can't use their bodies to exert their dark energy.

No dead ends, no defects, the whole person is a weapon!

Murphy laughed. Is this guy learning Peloponnese? It's really a child's temper, others will doubt Zou Liang, Murphy won't.

Warsong is just one of his abilities, and it is definitely not the strongest. Perhaps it is because the warsong and spirit hún engraving are so dazzling that everyone will subconsciously think that his fighting ability is limited.

Zou Liang shook his fist, dissipating the strength of his body, and Paklotti's attack was tyrannical, but under the same situation without beast spirit change, this level of attack has no effect on him.

The light flashed, and Paclotti's armor had appeared, but his right hand holding the sword was no longer usable, and no one expected that this would happen.

Anne finally agreed to lù, and saw Arthur intact, so she relaxed her expression, but she could n’t laugh anymore. She did n’t like to see her brother being beaten. It felt like her heart was going to be torn. Although she did n’t I was beaten, but I also felt pain.

There was also a smile on Thomas's face. The bear, who had a bad heart, could really scare him to death.

It was just that Thomas did not expect that Arthur did not fall behind in the face of the descendants of the Lucas family. To be precise, it still prevailed. But no one expected that a more amazing scene followed the scene. Paclotti's sword was thrown to the ground. He lifted the tower shield with his left hand and suddenly arched his body. His right arm also stood against the shield, showing the strongest defense posture of the armored soldier.

"But this is not an impact on the Cavaliers on the market, but a duel!

"Please advise!"

Paclotti said in a deep voice, there was a lot of discussion on and off the field, āo heads whispered, the faces of the Lucas family were a bit ugly, and it was unclear what Paclotti was talking about. Being able to use it, especially on this occasion, is tantamount to giving up.

After Zou Liang could see Parklotti's shock again, his eyes were full of longing. It was a fighter's longing for strength. When he felt the dark energy in the tiger pattern fist, the first reaction in his heart was familiarity, like he found it. Like old friends, martial arts are too lonely.

Others couldn't understand it, and it was only Paclotti who understood the strength of his secretive strength. It was only because of the dark power that it became clearer that this battle could not be fought at all.

He was faced with a terrible weapon, like poisonous needles all over his body.

Zou Liang smiled. "I'll send you a trick and feel it."

The atmosphere became weird. A warrior with a uniform armor made a defensive posture, while the opposite ... the priest was even more vocal.

Zou Liang's fists suddenly clenched, the muscles of the body tightened, and the vitality circulated rapidly in the body. This smoothness is the benefit of the dàngbō practice and the ultimate in physical training.

In the sun, Zou Liang's body is as strong as art, his muscles are not specially stretched, and his physique is not as strong as méng, but he feels that every part contains the power of explosion xìng.

Wow ~~~~~~

As soon as Zou Liang moved, Paclotti also roared violently, all his muscles ròu bulging up, as if facing the moment of life and death, the tiger's teeth came out, with a sullen expression, holding the shield on his left and holding the shield on his right elbow.

"*, Is this an attack against Jin Yao soldiers, so exaggerated!"

Moving and turning like clouds and flowing water, Zou Liang's right tuo fluttered like a whip, bursting out instantly, and his vitality poured out at the same time.

Both hands are fan mén, and all rely on kicking people. If you want to send a heavy blow, you still have to rely on tuǐ.

唔 ~ 打 ~~~


A muffled sound ~ ~ followed closely to see Paclotti's body lost weight like a leaf, the tower shield was broken, and a blood spurt from the air.


He flew out more than 20 meters and hit the wall of the training ground before falling.

The audience was silent, silently looking at Arthur standing in place. "Whether the **** is a priest or a violent fighter."

"it is good!"

Peloponnesian's eyes were about to burn. This power is enough!

Nebeiro remained expressionless. "Arthur, win!"

A bright smile appeared on the face of Benedict XVIII, "Arthur is the future model of the Holy See, but in fact, from a long time ago, the tradition is that the priest can also be a warrior at any time."

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