The Great Conqueror

Chapter 413: Snow Girl joins the WTO!

413 snow nv joins the WTO!

Augustus was also happy, yes, this son is stronger than he thought, even if he had to take a bit of effort in the A-level trial, this son could be completed, it was fun, it was too much fun.

As for the three of Salim's mouths that were all surprised, how could this be ... how could that be!

The mén of the trial turned high, and Zou Liang came out full.

The ghost shadow and others immediately rushed up and looked up and down, "Fuck, what's going on, you have no injuries on your body, ... Jīng is also good, seems to have made great progress, ah ... you ..."

There was a flash of light in Augustus' eyes, this child is advanced!

When I saw him the other day, his level of copper soldering was not stable, and there was such a leap in just a few days!

Daikin lost his head and couldn't figure it out. He and Zou Liang fought together the most, not to the point of promotion at all.

"Old ghost, don't be surprised, pay attention to the style of masters." Zou Liang laughed. He did advance, but this joy was scattered by other things. To be precise, it is more complicated than words. Feeling, he is just an ordinary person, he didn't really think about too many things, but now these things do appear.

He sighed from the evil spirit's heart. From the perspective of the magician, he didn't want this, but just like he couldn't control to help himself, the fate was not always shifted by human will. The situation in Big 6 is even more.

"Ah, Shana, why is your face so bad, who bullied you?"

"No, it's okay." Shana glanced at the ancestor a little in fear.

Augustus's face immediately bloomed like a hua ... a big face with a hua-like smile, "Look at me, I didn't bully you. Besides, who dares to bully my Augustus grandson nv, this girl is worried You, ha, ha ha. "

Salem and others turned around for a while. Is this true? Augustus would even hide it and pretend to be stupid. In front of a child, the sun is gone!

Could this be the reincarnation of the beast god?

"Oh, I said I can do it. You see, nothing happened, and the harvest was very rewarding." Zou Liang laughed.

If the inheritance of the ordinance gave him a goal, what is really more complicated this time of inheritance is a responsibility. As a responsibility that human beings cannot escape, they cannot escape.

Zou Liang saw Salem and others, but since Augustus is there, obviously things are not things. Although the scepter is suitable for him, Zou Shen stick is not very used to such a grab, especially The other party did not provoke himself.

"Oh, my friend just likes to make trouble, and you return things." Zou Liang took out his scepter.

Salem looked at the scepter and really wanted to reach out. He also needed this thing, but immediately felt the strong murderousness from Augustus and quickly waved his hand. "Forget it, you can get it."

When Zou Liang looked at Augustus, the old monster immediately made an innocent expression, which had nothing to do with him.

The three Salims did not want to stay any longer, and the three left in dismay, really losing the wife and losing their troops.

"You are such a person. Take it and take it. There is no reason to return it."

Mi Qingwa muttered.

"Oh, put things right, and there will be no trouble in the future." Zou Liang said, he was not afraid, but worried that these people had trouble finding Mi Qingwa, after all, Mi Qingwa was usually alone.

The so-called predecessor style is really rare in Tongtianjing.

"Old evil, thank you, this ring has helped a lot!" Zou Liang said earnestly.

Fooling out a smoke ring, "While you go, when is your son so sloppy, alas, why is there no crack?"

"Repaired by a friend," said Zou Liang, without explaining too much.

Who is present, this ring is at least the Beastmaster level, there is a bug, this can be repaired, who is Zou Liang's friend.

"Everyone, I have something urgent. I will talk next time. Thank you very much!"

"Go, save people."

Zou Liang left Tongtianjing, but others didn't rush to leave. "Girl, are you familiar with this guy? By the way, you are also méng Jia, what does he do in méng Jia, which family is it?"

"I don't know. I met in Tongtianjing. Among the masters of the young generation of méng Jia, none of them are like him."

Mi Qingwa said, though having said that, Mi Qingwa naturally has her own abacus. Through Arthur, you can definitely find this person. If you want to come to Arthur, you still have to ask for yourself.

Zou Liang came to Emma's side, and set the ordinance aside, looking at Emma's slightly sloppy face, her heart moved a little, and she opened the bottle of jīng spirit, and he could clearly feel the surging life inside. Power, this is also the ability he inherited.

One drop ... two drops ... three drops ...

The power from the tree of life slowly merges into Emma's body, the light rotates, and Emma's face becomes more and more ruddy. The key is that the body has a vitality, which is a normal human feeling.

There was a kind of happiness in Zou Liang's heart. Now he is more and more cherishing everything around him, gently caressing Emma's pretty face, and now only the aura of awake is left, and the resurrection of Emma is getting closer and closer!

The impact of the tree of life passed on to him is really bigger, and it cannot be achieved overnight. Generally speaking, it is the same as his general direction. As for whether it can be completed, it is only natural.

He is too lacking in strength.

Emma's face became more and more natural, and her heartbeat returned to the frequency of normal people, just like normal sleep.

Suddenly, a chilling air came, and Zou Liang froze .... how could there be such a chilling force here?

And it turned out to be from Emma. I do n’t know when Emma's hand caught the divine order, and her head became white in a flash, and her head became longer.

The most important thing is ... Emma even opened her eyes. At that moment, a huge breath enveloped the whole mansion, but it disappeared without a trace.

This breath is something Zou Liang can't forget!

Not Emma ... turned out to be Snow Demon nv!

Zou Liang was also completely dumbfounded. The temperament of "Emma" completely changed, incorporating the unparalleled domineering of Snow Demon Nv King, the awakened "Emma" looked at Zou Liang quietly, even if she could not move His newly promoted power is still incapable of moving in front of the powerful Xuenv Demon King.

"What's wrong with Emma!" Zou Liang gritted his teeth and said, damn, he never dreamed that the Snow Monster Nv would break through the seal.

At this time, "Emma" was like a curious baby. She ignored Zou Liang who was immobilized, walked down from netg, looked at her body, and was slightly unaccustomed to something curious. She opened the window for a while. Xiang came face to face, "Emma" took a deep breath, and his face was intoxicated.

Looking east and west, it took a long time to finish the work, and then stood quietly in front of Zou Liang, Zou Liang's face, pinching Zou Liang's nose, it seemed that Zou Shen stick was a toy.

"Where is Emma!"

Snow Monster nv Wang blinked, "She's fine, but she's still asleep now. How about we make it easy?"

"Nothing easy!"

Zou Liang said decisively that his hands and feet recovered freely during the talk, and the Snow Monster nv Wang sat unsuspectingly in a chair.

"Why, do you want to kill me? It seems you managed to save her."

The Snow Demon Nv didn't take Zou Liang seriously. Zou Liang tried hard to bear his anger. He couldn't be impulsive. He couldn't be impulsive. He was facing one of the most terrible demon kings, and he had to calm down.

"You are the Snow King nv, or snow nv."

Zou Liang asked in a deep voice, this is very important, if it is Xue nv, it is okay to deal with it, if it is the snow demon nv king, it is another matter.

"Xue nv is the Snow Monster nv King, Snow Demon nv King is the Snow nv, but because your appearance did interrupt the normal inheritance, but also tǐng good, so I have the opportunity to come to the outside world, it is really good."

At this time, the curious expression of "Emma" is more like Snow NV, not Snow Snow NV.

"Say, what do you want, as long as you don't hurt Emma, ​​let's talk!"

Zou Liang sank down, and she must not be angry.

"Oh, I learned this world from Emma's memory. It's very interesting. I want to know about this world. At some point, I will revive Emma's consciousness. Before that, I think you should cooperate with me. And should cooperate with me, do you say so? "

"Emma" 's eyes flickered with a sly gaze, and the elimination of bandits made Zou Liang helpless.

"Do you know where we are now. This is the capital of the imperial capital, the Holy See, and the person who sealed you was here!"

Zou Liang had to scare her.

"Does Pope Benedict XV, let me not say whether he has the strength of VIII, even if you do, do you think I will be afraid of him, but I am worried that outsiders will hurt this body, and Emma ’s consciousness will be restored at that time. useless."

"Emma" laughed.

Zou Liang pondered for a while, "I can cooperate with you, but you'd better not go around for 1uan, so as not to be seen!"

Talking to now, Zou Liang feels that in the xìng grid of the Snow Demon, Xue nv should take more weight, otherwise he will be killed by coming directly, and he will not have any interest in the outside world. It is destroying xìng.

Xue nv blinked, "You are wrong, I'm Emma now, huh, no one will notice, I've seen her memory, nothing will happen."

Zou Shengan also encountered this kind of helplessness, and felt that things were not very good, but there was nothing he could do.

Snowed his stomach, "Now, let's eat, I want to eat!"


"Yeah, I'm one of you now, and of course I have to eat, don't you want Emma to be hungry?"

It's really a killer, Zou Shen stick was directly hit.

The whole priest's house was shocked, and Emma awoke.

Randy, Kurt, Ernest, and others all stared at Emma in front of their eyes, stunned ... the appearance was the same, but it felt so different.

The original Jin turned into a snow-white face, which was longer, and arbitrarily put it behind him, his eyes were smart and new, and everyone looked at her eating.

"Ahem, she's too hungry."

Zou Liang's nose.

1ù Yao is right next to Emma. Other people don't really know Emma very well. 1ù Yao is the most familiar one. He brought Emma a lot of delicious food, and Emma really ate it all. .

She alone ... ate 10 servings, or according to Ernest's meal.

Everyone's eyes were round and round, but it seemed that Emma's body had not changed after eating so much. Finally, Emma stopped and gently touched her belly, "Well, it's almost the same today, Arthur, let's go."

Zou Liang nodded. "Wei Wei, let the kitchen add vegetables."

Everyone felt strange, but they didn't care too much. After all, Emma suffered a calamity, and it is not unusual to see changes in xìng.

Zou Liang sent Xue Nv back to the room, and Snow Nv fluttered down to netg, "Your stuff is too hot and not tasty."

"It's not delicious, you still eat so much!"

"Ah, I thought I would eat it all."

Zou Shen stick was speechless, "What do you want to do next?"

Xue nv looked at Zou Liang like a curious baby, "Do that exercise."

"Exercise? What exercise?"

"Don't you often do that to Emma? It seems to be a very enjoyable activity. It's weird. Doesn't it hurt? How can it be so fun."

Zou Shencun is petrified, netv is lying lazily, it is undeniable that he is familiar, but the temperament of Xue nv adds a different style, especially the kind of dazed ...

Zou Liang shook his head. "Ahem, that ... you can't."

"Oh, in fact, I don't want to do much. The big thing netv took a breath," I'm going to sleep first, this body is not very adaptable. "

He fell asleep immediately after speaking, completely without alert.

Zou Liang approached the netg side, and the sleeping Emma became Emma again, but her face did not change back, maybe this expression was more like Xue nv.

The holy order was in Xue nv's clothes. Zou Liang sighed, and turned and left because he and Xue nv had taught him how to take risks.

After Zou Liang left, Xuenv opened his eyes, flashed a cold light, and then returned to normal. He stunned on netg and was not used to this environment ...

Everyone back to the lobby was waiting for Zou Liang, "Brother, congratulations!"

"Yeah ~ ~ the beast **** opens his eyes!"

"I knew it would be fine."

Zou Liang smiled, this is really impossible to say, and I am afraid that other people know that it will cause Xue Nv's unhappiness. What's wrong, Xue Nv is going to fly, but no one can suppress it, and he I don't want the Holy See to appear. The Holy See's shot will not care about Emma's life and death.

"Emma was seriously injured this time and hasn't fully recovered yet. If there is something weird, everyone has to take more care."

"Brother, that's what it says!"

"Come, come, and toast for Emma's wake!"

The crowd was lively, and Zou Liang had no choice but to let things go in a good direction. At least, Emma is no longer in trouble. It seems that this matter is still to be asked by the old evil.

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