The Great Conqueror

Chapter 426: Believe in yourself

426 believe in yourself, the more you

The audience was cheering on the side. After all, the Shaffer family was an imperial lord mén, and had such a noble blood. In addition, the fighting method was turbulent, and the orcs definitely liked this, and all kinds of noises spread to Buue. In Navin's ears, of course, Zhihu would not care about this.

Shafferie seemed a little anxious, and the attack was faster and fiercer, but Buenavin was more calm. The harder he was, the better he avoided. He lacked obstacles and was really good for hunting. The scene was really not good. good looking.

Suddenly Shaverie made an assault, and his claws swept wildly for 1uan. He completely swept away. Buenavin disappeared, and now he was already in Shafferie's abdomen.

This is the moment to wait!

The dagger quietly pierced Shaffer's abdomen. Facing such an opponent, it was too naive to have a fatal blow. The first choice was to create a killing.

Shaflie's mouth had a smile on Senhan's mouth. The 1uan wave he had just made was a false move. Even if the other person stabbed himself first, he was able to make an attack with a defensive power better than méng. He could afford it!

Buenavon had been hasty to change his moves. A bite of a dagger flashed. This is Shadow Hunt's crit, which can create double damage. This is a crit that can only be mastered by a talented hunter. The blow was definitely better than méng's, and Shafferie was also fierce. Although the opponent used crit, but Shafferie was the man who turned back.

The claws were shot fiercely, and the dagger politely went in. The entire body also smashed into it, as close as possible to Shaffer, and did not give him a chance, but Buenavin also stabbed him harder than Méng. Vigorously, Shafferie patted himself indifferently.


Buenavin's gravitational ability was stretched out, hoping to block the attack of the opponent, but Shaffer's paw was just paused, still shot, and shot with the dagger.

Shafferie's big claws grabbed Buenavin, and he opened his mouth. "The disease of Lieying is love to take advantage of it, but I don't know why it is a fool because of the loss!"

With Buenavin in his left hand, his fist was clenched into his right hand, and he swooped towards Buenavin like a hammer, punching and punching, Buenavin couldn't break free.

With more than a dozen punches, Buenavin had been bruised and wounded, and without the strength of resistance, Shafferie sneered. The opponent who was about to fight did not have the strength to admit defeat, and his claws were full of strength. This time it was not a fist.

Bringing a strong claw wind suddenly swept towards Buenavon, this is the killing move. Even if he does not die, it will take ng a disability to resolve the hatred of his heart.

Zou Liang and Murphy face dignified, but at this time no one can help, this is what every soldier must face.

There was a hint of ridicule in the dying Buenavon mouth, not knowing whether to ridicule himself or his opponent. He was clever and clever, but in this unavoidable and unfavorable condition, he looked so pale and truly hunted. Shadow cannot be limited to the environment.

The master said this, but he was all in the wind. He didn't know that the higher the position he walked in, the more he faced a disadvantage.

The light was reported from Buenavin's eyes, and in the face of dang passed his claws, his hands suddenly made a circular push.

Perhaps this is the moment of life and death. This trick is quite flavorful. The realm of being too heavy is like Buenavin's gravitation, called a cat and a tiger. When he encounters power almost as good as himself, like Shaffer, Simple gravity is not enough.

This blow really has the charm of Zou Liang at that time.

Shafferie's blow came out like it was pushed by someone heavily, and it went directly to the air. It was his turn that couldn't be controlled.


He bombarded himself with a puppet and handed him away. Buenavin landed, and his claw hurt his claw.

Buenavin stood up with his body on his back, but the blow in front was too great. If it wasn't for Shaffer's control of the rhythm and he wanted to strike a heavy hand, he could have been stunned by Buenavin directly.

But now the taste is also uncomfortable, the body is soft, the shadow hunting degree can no longer be swayed, and Shaffer on the other side angrily pulled out his right hand, moving the arm that almost broke the pain, the heart The killings have been burning, no matter who hinders, he wants to kill this fox!

Buenavin smiled bitterly. He naturally knew that the other party's background could kill him by ignoring the rules.

He would have done this before, but now he just doesn't want to. He knows that behind him, his brothers are watching him and talking about Buenavon. He is actually a guy who knows how to give up.

Buenavin gritted his teeth. For the first time, he felt that his philosophy of life was really problematic. How could he see the rainbow without going through the storm?

It's a pity to know too late.

Buenavin changed to pull out a dagger, how to fight it, want to ng to kill him, even if gold is more than méng, it will lose a tooth.

"Tai Chi, born of the Promise, the dynamic and the quiet, the mother of Yang also."

A voice sounded near Buenavin's ears. Usually, these truths are understood in the heart, and there is a little understanding in the waterfall, but it is so strenuous to use it when facing the strong in actual combat. But at this time, Bua Navin suddenly felt.

Zou Liang's mouth was moving slightly. Zhen Zhenyin and Buenavin were too clever, but sometimes they were too clever and paid too much attention to skills, ignoring the instinctual perception of the more skillful. To understand this thing, there is no reason. The momentary urge, desperate, unreasonable urge.

Shafferie banged with a punch, and Buenavin's body moved with the wind, and he hid in two steps.

"If you move, you will divide, and if you are quiet, you will get together. If you can't get past it, you will follow the song."

The voice continued to sound, Shaverie couldn't believe it. A guy who couldn't stand up was able to escape his attack and followed up with a punch.

"When a person just walks softly, I stick to others' backs. When you are in a hurry, you are in a hurry, but when you are slow, you are in a hurry."

Buenavin's movement was not fast, but he moved with his fist and avoided Shaverie's fierce attack.

There was a boo in the audience, and the audience did n’t buy it. This is how it happened. A mighty hunter who could n’t even beat a méng warrior could not even hit a severely injured hunting shadow. Win, is Shafferie funny? ? ?

The hiss made Shafferie even more angry, and he felt weird, his claws locked suddenly.

Buenavin, however, took two steps forward without a trace of fireworks. The man stuck to Shafri's front, his claws fell out, and he glared at Shafri without attacking.

what is this?

Is it contempt or provocation?

"Braking with Rou Gang and static!"

Zou Liang's voice continued to ring, and Buenavin ... closed his eyes, this is definitely the most lethal thorn to Shaverie!

A hunting shadow dared to close his eyes while fighting Biméng, and hell!


With his claws falling and the rubble flying, Buenavin only took two steps back and let the flying stones strike him. If he felt it, he must die and live!

Shafferie rushed to the crown in anger. I can imagine the expressions of the big men in the stands. If he can't even deal with a half-dead hunter with closed eyes, what else can he do?

嗷 ~~~~~~~~~

Shafferie growled and kicked Buenavin.

"Leverage strength!"

Buenavon opened his eyes suddenly, "Leverage strength!"

One step forward, his hands suddenly slumped, Shaffer's feet seemed to be pulled by something, and the whole man suddenly became unbalanced, and came up with an exaggerated big split.

Rao was Shafferie tough enough and grinning with painful fangs. Buenavon's best time came. He stepped on the body of Bi Meng and rushed up. His whole body strength was concentrated on the dagger in his hand. This traction was also Very exhausting, he can no longer sustain it.

The dagger directly chased into Shaffer's eyes. He and Shaffer were not simply fighting, but fighting for life and death.

Shafferie also showed a sturdy and spicy side, and he did not dodge at all. At this time, it was a fool to try to dodge.


Buenavin was knocked out, flew more than ten meters, and fell heavily to the ground.

And Shaffer's head was chasing Buenavon's dagger. Shaffer was struggling to get up, grabbed the dagger, and roared from the sky, not the joy of victory, but the incomparable anger, he was too shameful, he It was tossed into this by a hunting shadow.

Shaverie rushed to Buenavon, he was going to step into this mud!

Suddenly Shaveret's body was suspended, Nebeiro did not know when he appeared in the field, raised Shafferet with one hand, a spin, threw Shafferet back, and angry Shafferet completely resisted this force. At first glance, when it fell to the ground, it fell lightly.

"Shaffer, win, the game is over!"

Nebeiro said lightly, glaring at Shafri, and Shafri also calmed down from the anger just now, afraid to look at Nebeiro.

In that move, Shafferie clearly understood Nebelo's irresistibility, not to mention that the other party also helped him. To really kill the irresistible Buenavin in the eyes of everyone, it was equal to the rules against the Pope, even if the family It's going to cause him a lot of trouble.

The two knights rushed in and lifted Buenavin out. Shaffer on the field roared and waved his arms, ready to enjoy the joy of victory, but unfortunately, there were few responses.

"This idiot doesn't really look at his eyesight, and really thinks he is doing well." Greg was a little speechless, saying that he was stupid than méng, sometimes he was stupid enough, embarrassed one after another, at this time he didn't hurry back and return Over there.

Bi Méng's self-healing ability is indeed fierce enough, and the defensive power on his head is also strong enough. In a short time, he has stopped bleeding, and it seems that Shaffer's appearance does not seem to be a problem.

Buenavin was already receiving treatment, and Shaffer's last hit was also severe enough. Although he had armor, he could not defend the shock dang force, and the internal organs must have been injured.

1ù Yao has already rushed over, the other rescue workers rushed away, his face was full of respect and worship.

1ù Yao is already quite famous in the emperor's capital. He looks beautiful, does not say, is kind and has a magical battle song of healing.

The battle song of healing sounded, and the light of healing slowly covered Buenavin ~ ~ The serious injury in the eyes of everyone began to heal, especially not long after Buenavin opened his eyes and saw 1ù Yao, There was a smile on his face.

"Quiet cultivation, you can recover as long as possible in the first week, the battle is beautiful!" 1ù Yao said, following Arthur for a long time, she will also encourage people.

"Is this a boast or a harm to me?"

"The biggest opponent is yourself. I think you have done your best in this battle, which is enough." 1ù Yao smiled softly.

"Khan, what do you think of Arthur's tone?"

"Hehe, that's what Arthur Priest said." 1ù Yao blinked.

Buenavin lay down silently, looking at the sky. It turned out that he was so happy every time he defeated himself, and he finally defeated his "smart" himself.

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