The Great Conqueror

Chapter 435: tyrannical

435 strong

"Oh, Murphy, this seems to be a bet between Arthur and me. When did you become his attendant?" Mi Qingwa chuckled, and there was no hostility between Meiyu, as if she was a regular, her eyes blinked. Even more naughty sister next door.

Murphy was expressionless. "Because you have no chance."

Mi Qingwa smiled. "It's a good tone, it's okay. I don't mind winning one more person, but what if you lose?"

Murphy frowned. "You said."

"If you lose, you will become a servant of my Nicholas family. To be precise, my Mi Qingwa's servant, an eternal servant!"

Mi Qingwa laughed that the Nikolai family would not trade at a loss. Murphy's strength is destined to become a figure in the first layer of the empire. If such a person is drawn to the family, it will definitely be very profitable.

This bet is quite unfair. Mi Qingwa doesn't matter. The other party promises to have psychological pressure. If he doesn't, he will also feel guilty, his momentum will be weak, and there is no harm to her.

But to Mi Qingwa's surprise, Murphy nodded indifferently, "Just do what you say, but you have to know, if you repent, I won't be polite!"

The cold flashed in Mi Qingwa's eyes. "Murphy, Mi Qingwa has never done anything that is irrelevant. It depends on whether you have that ability."

A flash of light flashed, and Mi Qingwa's bronze armor appeared, with a sword in hand, pointing at Murphy. The same light flashed, Murphy's armor also appeared, very ordinary, bronze, although it was only bronze. But Mi Qingwa could let Murphy put on the armor directly, it is enough to show that both sides attach importance to this game.

No one can afford to lose!

Nebel hoped to the Pope, and with all expectations, the Pope's hand fell, and with the cheers, the battle began.

"Let me try the power of the Golden Lion!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Mi Qingwa's mouth, her figure disappeared, and she suddenly slashed at Murphy.


Murphy's big sword is horizontal, the first hand of the two, Mi Qingwa's medium-sized sword, but also a conventional sword, while Murphy uses a large sword, which is broader, more conducive to battlefield battle, flexible xìng slightly worse .

The big sword was suddenly blocked, and a swift sword was cut out immediately. There was a faint sound of emptiness. Murphy's swordsmanship has been shown once. This time it can be described as extremely shocking. Even Mi Qingwa would not test that body. After all, Longa's defense technology is the highest of all.

Mi Qingwa, like the light spirit demon jīng, flew away easily. Although the big sword was fierce, there was no wind.

Opening a sword, Mi Qingwa ’s ghostly charms are unfolded. The degree of Tianmei is not the type of leopard's swiftness. From the perspective of Tianmei, the violent attack is the brain residual method. They hide the degree in the pace. , Seize the appropriate opportunity to swing.

Therefore, the pace is slow and hurried, with strong mí 惑 xìng.

Dangdang ...

Instantly it was Mi Qingwa's series of crit, and the attack was also damaged by the counter-shock force, but it seemed that Mi Qingwa didn't care about Murphy's power.

Murphy didn't take the risk. Due to the characteristics of the attack, the flexible party was more likely to attack, while the slower party attacked at will equal to giving the flaw to the opponent.

In particular, Murphy ’s xìng grid is extremely stable. Although the big sword is large, Murphy ’s defense is very delicate, and the blocking technology is quite comprehensive. It is impossible to imagine that under the rhythm of the younger generation ’s advocacy of attack, Murphy The defense can be so solid.

But Mi Qingwa still didn't care, her body flickered, and she always carried a series of afterimages.

It seems that Murphy's block was missed, but Mi Qingwa's sword has been cut off, and Murphy's body suddenly flank, ... It's empty again ...

When a sword stabbed in his chest, Murphy almost retreated, but Mi Qingwa would let it go, alas ...

At one o'clock on Murphy's chest, the golden lion immediately grabbed it in one hand, blood flying, alas ...

At the same time, he kicked in the past, but Mi Qingwa's figure pulled out a flicker of flashes, and Murphy did not retreat. He also knew that at this time, he could only be chased to death by his opponent.

Mi Qingwa's sword was firmly grasped by Murphy's left hand, and blood continued to drip along her arm, but Mi Qingwa really couldn't pull away, and Murphy's big sword swept away with a fierce sword wind At this time, Mi Qingwa better choose to abandon the sword. You are flexible. Once you are fixed, you can lose the biggest advantage. The sword that stabbed Murphy is not fatal.

Between the masters, the situation will be reversed in an inadvertent little detail. It is Mi Qingwa's turn to become passive, but Mi Qingwa is very attached to her sword. She has no meaning to relax. The purity is not as good as Mi Qingwa, but the attack Murphy is not slow.

The big sword kills, as long as it hits, it is life-threatening, and the copper-clad armor cannot stop the attack of the golden lion.

Kill ~~~

Mi Qingwa's strange identity flashed with the sword, making it impossible to judge whether it was fast or slow.

After two consecutive flashes, Murphy cut at Mi Qingwa's arm, but Mi Qingwa kicked over at the same time, using the sword as the axis, fully relayed, kicked to Murphy's right hand, and there was cold light on the toes!

Suddenly, Murphy released Mi Qingwa's sword and let the other side attack.

Mi Qingwa tumbling to the ground, this round, she took advantage, Murphy has been injured.

The touch of Murphy's hand on the wound could not be regarded as a skin trauma, but it did not affect Murphy. It was replaced by someone who met Mi Qingwa.

"The nicholas of the Nicholas family are still so sharp."

"The extreme degree is the inability to distinguish between fast and slow, seemingly afterimages, which may be extremely caused, or it may be a slow movement, a little careless, but it will reveal fatal flaws."

On the VIP table, the strong were also quite praised. Mi Qingwa was quite in control. Even at their level, it took a bit of eyesight to judge. This trick has already been a big killer for the younger generation.

There are a lot of good talents, but talents alone are useless. To be the best, they must be used to the extreme.

傀 Magic step is one of the secret tricks of the Nicholas family. This is a combination of no-dead-movement and talent, which makes it seem fast and fast, and slow and slow. It is extremely lethal in attack. Saying that the judgment is completely wrong, the masters' battle can be terrible. Even the golden lion has suffered from Nicola's secret skills for the first time.

However, this step is very difficult to practice. Switching between fast and slow speeds requires considerable talent. If ng is not good, it becomes a death.

Looking at Mi Qingwa's free mind, I'm afraid I have already grasped it thoroughly, and the rest is to refine the fire.

Greg was also present, but he had already done it in the VIP seat. Behind Osho Nicholas, Greg appeared very calm after the failure. He must come. A person who cannot face the failure is the real failure. And show considerable calm.

Frankly, Greg's mentality is extremely good now, because there is nothing to regret, Mi Qingwa's strength is far above her. This magical step is the big killer of the Nicholas family. He has been training for a long time. But I did n’t reach the point where I could do it easily, so I did n’t dare to use it when playing against Mi Qingwa, but looking at Mi Qingwa ’s current use, it is much better than him.

"Greg, do you think you're working hard?" Osho asked suddenly.

Greg didn't know what his father asked, his training really didn't fall off, he felt that he worked harder than Mi Qingwa, how many days and nights, when others thought he was enjoying on the body of the NV person, he was hone his teeth and hone himself He firmly believes that time and seriousness are better than others. Laziness is just a way to confuse others.

"Conscientiously, only you know it, but your sister spends at least twice as much time as you do. There are some things you don't know."

Osho said lightly, Greg is not as good as Mi Qingwa, but it is not just a talent. The existence of Tongtianjing is indeed a big killer that cannot be caught up. Of course, Tongtianjing is also a double-edged sword for young people. At the same time, it is full of opportunities. It is also full of danger, slightly careless, lightly obliterated talents, and heavy souls locked heaven.

It is true that the family will provide some help to Mi Qingwa, but it is more important to herself. It is also strange that Mi Qingwa ’s performance really praised the elders of the family. It is normal for Greg to complain. He cannot enter the heavenly realm. The elders would not even give him a chance, not to mention Mi Qingwa's performance so well.

Among the younger generations in the world of heaven, Mi Qingwa is also ranked as the top one. The world there is not Meng Jia, but the entire beast god.

I have to mention here that Nebeiro, the Sun Knight is one of the top five masters of the young generation of Tongtianjing, maintaining the majesty of Mengjia.

Greg said nothing, doubtful in his heart.

In the field, Mi Qingwa laughed and launched the second round of offense, which was still an unpredictable step, completely mastering the rhythm, so Murphy had a skill but could not play it.

Unbreakable, but fast.

Combining skills with time, and more difficult to judge, it became a big killer. Murphy did not dare to attack aggressively. When he was steadfast, he wouldn't expose too many vulnerabilities, but he couldn't hold his hands for too long. The more so, The more difficult it is to defend.

After a few rounds, Murphy had a few more scars on his body. This is unavoidable, but the advantage of not rushing is that the injury will not be too serious.

Not far away, Zou Liang and Peloponnese also watched the same match. The two were not far apart and did not seem to be hostile to their opponents.

"Almost," said Peloponnesian.

"Oh, yeah, really a little troublesome technology." Zou Liang nodded.

With the strength of the two people, it took a while to find a way to deal with it. Murphy at the scene must be a little slower. The Nicholas' magical steps are really powerful, but there is no flawless technology, and the magical steps are more. It caught the visual error.

This is not a problem for Zou Liang and others who value basic skills, but it is indeed worth learning about.

In the battlefield, Mi Qingwa was still prestigious. Murphy, who was playing in a fictitious manner, had no backhand, leaving the golden lion completely passive. The beast men of the imperial capital soared like eating, and crazy for Mi Qing The baby was encouraging, waiting for Mi Qingwa to kill Murphy with one sword, strength, beauty, and identity are all confusing.

Mi Qingwa's attack didn't dare to follow the rhythm of the audience. The more she attacked, the more she felt wrong, because the opponent's defense was forcing her!

Defensive bī forced xìng and targeted xìng are obviously much stronger than just now. Murphy's eyes are as stable as in the deep sea. The big sword flexibly resists and moves in an orderly manner, which contains ... murder!

Suddenly the big sword burst out of the air, a cold light flashed, Mi Qingwa almost rushed into the sky.

Blood fall.

傀 Magic step had been seen through, a bloodstain appeared on Mi Qingwa's arm, and Murphy was a little surprised, the other side escaped his sword so easily.

Mi Qingwa's little tongue was scratched, and a drop of blood rolled up the corner of her mouth was quite interesting. She also knew that the magic step was not dead Murphy, but the other side saw it too fast.

The scar or something was her least favorite!


The purple animal power bursts, Mi Qingwa's body is burning with purple flames, she is going to play really!

Mi Qingwa, like a burning meteorite, descended from the sky, killing Murphy, like a purple lightning.

When Murphy gave way instantly, Mi Qingwa rushed to the ground, and she was about to hit the ground, but Mi Qingwa drew a stunned arc, and swooped down to Murphy.

Dangdangdangdang ...

A series of violent swords rang, sparks of fierce friction flew, and Mi Qingwa turned down Murphy completely with the epee.

Murphy's face also looked a bit laborious, and Mi Qingwa's mouth appeared a little charming, whenever the opponent must be uncomfortable at this time.

Greg is very clear, this kind of skill is called "beast power boiling", which belongs to a very high-end skill, which is beyond his current ability to master, but Mi Qingwa has already used it as usual.

Once the beast power is boiled, the two basic elements of degree and strength will be greatly improved. Once the talented Mi Qingwa is boiled with the beast power, it is equivalent to entering the silver light level. The status of the class can be dealt with casually.


It was another sword of lightning, Murphy's great sword was blocked, and Mi Qingwa kicked in the chest.

Bang ... in the middle, followed by a series of swings like a flexible Feiyan, and a horizontal kick, directly hitting Murphy's head, Murphy's body flew straight out.

Mi Qingwa landed, "Hurry up and switch to Silverlight, you can't let the audience down."

The arena is going crazy for this demon jīng ~ ~ The more jīng Zhan Mi Miwa performs, the more dangerous the beauty is, but the more attractive it is to the orcs.

Zou Shencun has to admit that Orisia ’s style is actually not mainstream in the orcs, such as Mi Qingwa is the most popular. Of course, Zou Shencun still likes the unobtrusive type. After all, Zou Liang is the bone Still human.

If Mi Qingwa can kill Murphy, her reputation will go straight to the sky.

Greg swaggered, replaced him, sure to kill Murphy in a go, and make this guy silver-colored, what's the point, don't give the enemy a chance!

Murphy stood up and shook her neck, making a clicking noise. This power is really not small. Under this kind of strength and degree, if you are not careful, as Mi Qingwa said, he really has to be careful Life.

(I read a book overnight for three consecutive days and read more than 5 million words. I feel like my soul is about to come out.)

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