The Great Conqueror

Chapter 443: Roar, domineering

Shocked by the ground's anti-seismic force, the stalemate between the two sides immediately created a gap. The gap meant an attack.

Murphy's right arm suddenly lifted, smashing Chu Liang's head directly to his knee, and Zou Liang kicked Murphy's eyes politely.


The two separated at the same time, and almost one stood up.

A lot of things have happened at the moment of electro-optic flint.

Like Forte often used to be vicious and completely dumbfounded ... these two shameless guys are really cruel!

If you do n’t know that you think the two have deep hatred, the tricks are all vital.

Everyone felt that their throats were a little dry, and replaced them with their own. I was afraid that my life would be gone.

"Murphy, I've prepared your own six set of beast warfare package, try it." Chu Liang wiped the blood on the corner of her mouth, it was really exciting.

Murphy opened her hands up and down, "Come on!"

Buenavin knows Murphy. Since Murphy saw the "beast gods perform martial arts" of "Sura", he has deeply studied the whole body fighting. If Greg is such a genius, then Murphy is the genius Genius, and he has the hard work.

Later, the reason why Murphy didn't go to Shura was that he felt he could win. It was not the style of a golden lion to fight for a triumphant vanity.

"The first battle of beasts-fox trick!"

Zou Liang's pace and figure have become fluttering to Murphy.

"Cut, drawing a tiger is not an anti-dog!" Greg couldn't help but say, much like Nicholas's magic step.

Switching between haste and has a very strong confusion. The problem is that this step comes from the physical fitness of Tian Meizu and the role of wings. It can only be switched without dead ends. The simple imitation is facing Murphy. Isn't this to death?

Murphy's pupil contraction Mi Qingwa's magic step is an art, with hidden killer in elegance, and the fox's tricks that Chu Liang made use of, seem to have its shape, but the effect is not good due to the body shape ... , ...

Murphy fired and burst into a punch.


Greg's mouth was just half-grinded. After all, he still liked Murphy more than Arthur, but it was completely empty!

After Murphy's punch, Chu Liang's figure has just arrived. He grabbed Murphy's fist with both hands and suddenly pulled it out. His legs were kicked out obliquely. Murphy was thrown up, and the man was in the air. Cannon popped up.

Murphy's body suddenly slumped, his back muscles violently burst, and Judge Liang's attack judgment was extremely accurate.

However, Chu Liang's figure rushed past Murphy's side ... this time it was fast!

A little relay feet on Murphy's body suddenly caught Murphy's high-speed rotation.


Murphy completely lost control of her body, head down, and hit the ground.

For this level, as long as you are defensive and have enough strength, it is difficult to be injured, but continuous judgment errors and rotation defense do not know which direction to use, plus the last throw, just like a serpent vomiting, it is cruel. !!

Beast Wars II .........

Murphy rubbed her neck that was almost twisted, her eyes became more cautious, and Chu smiled brightly. "The back four is a small series, and you have to kill yourself accidentally."

"Really, why do I feel like itching?" Murphy said.


Chu Liang's body disappeared. Like the same lightning, the sudden burst of speed really startled everyone. How could the Bill's body have such a fast speed?

The fox trick comes from the slow pace of Meizu. The kind of movement without dead ends is not a problem for Chu Liang, who has a floating ring, and the third type of leopard shadow is a straight pure speed!

I came to Murphy almost instantaneously. This afternoon's speed obviously exceeded Murphy's expectation. However, under such circumstances, the attack speed will inevitably slow down.

Murphy's fist had blasted down, and Chu Liang's hands had reached Murphy's chest.

Beast Warfare Type 4-Tiger Cannon Double Line!

Secretly pouring out, Murphy had no time to retreat or attack.

Rumble ...

Complete success!

Murphy receded out of control, violently undulating his body, and rushed in, destroying Murphy's defense, and just a few feet away was a terrifying thunder blast ......... The fifth beast of the beast battle!

It is similar to the Rhine Roar of the Rhine tribe, but Chu Liang is a more invisible, evolutionary version of the second subwoofer of the Warsong, the soul subwoofer, and super close-up bombardment.

For Murphy, who had just been wounded, it was equivalent to a thunderbolt on his head on a sunny day, and the blood immediately sprayed out, because the power that wanted to resolve the dark power was instantly destroyed, and Zou Liang, who issued the subwoofer, calmly threw Murphy. In the air, he rushed forward, dragging Murphy's head in the air, and suddenly fell out.


A pit exploded on the ground, and a thunderous attack made the Golden Lion paralyzed.

The glorious arena has been divided into two factions. One faction supports Zou Liang and the other faction supports Murphy. On the VIP side, there are also two factions. Like Sanchez, he definitely wants Murphy to win. Not only his family, but also Weakening the Holy See, killing two birds with one stone, but now look ... this Arthur is just a monster popping out of a crack in the stone.

Grandma, where did the Pope find this little monster?

This series of blows was seen by everyone as a cold, very cold, let alone six strokes, the others were finished halfway.

Mengma was a stun, but this was a punch that killed him in the first place, and Murphy took two punches and followed a series of attacks, didn't this kill him?

"It's over."

"Don't compare the defense of Beamon with others." Mi Qingwa said.

Mimi finally became impatient with the gang of idiots around, and Arthur's attack was definitely better than a idiot who only knew his body, but not necessarily for other races.

Attacks are not effective when they are hit. The key is to see if the force can penetrate.

Murphy definitely has more than just these two hits!

Mengma opened her mouth without making a noise, and he must have been in a direct call for someone else, but there is a custom in Bimon that she does not quarrel with women.

"Come on, get up." Chu Liang said, not that his attacks did not hit, Murphy could not escape, but he felt enough of these attacks, which shows that no move was unexpectedly received. effect.

Murphy stood up, ripped off his ragged clothes, swept away the dust from his body, and walked up. He did not seem to have any momentum, but his eyes were still as usual.

"It's a bit interesting, but it's all cliché. Could it be that you want to win me over this thing?"

It seems that the Golden Lion is a little dissatisfied, the attack is easy, and the defense is difficult, especially the defense of Chu Liang's attack!

There was a whisper of whispering off the court, Arthur's super explosive blow, and everyone looked silent, but Murphy seemed very dissatisfied!

Peloponnesian can understand this very well. For them, they have seen the same move once. Even if they can't completely avoid it, they will definitely have the defense power. If they have experienced it once, then they will not. Will eat a second loss.

This is the basic quality of being a strong person, who can fall to the death in the same place.

"Arthur's tricks are very sharp and special, but they have been used more than once or twice. If Murphy doesn't want to use his body to memorize the power, he can at least completely avoid it."

Peloponnesian's voice seemed a little hoarse, but still stared at others. stay.

Everyone present thought that the pursuit of strength was crazy, Xian ... why didn't they try to take their own body to try?

"Oh, Peloponnese, so you are optimistic about Murphy?" Mi Qingwa laughed, yes, as good as her vision.

Peloponnese shook his head. "It's still five or five."


"Murphy's victory over Arthur is strength, while Arthur's victory over Murphy is murderous. Skills and experience, two of them are not enough to change the outcome."

"Arthur has war songs!" Lolita said.

"Warsong is nothing but a skill, if winning is not a problem of Warsong itself." Peloponnese did not mind.

When he was facing the battle song, he was disrupted. That is because his own power level is a little worse. If he is stronger, he can steadily compete. In fact, the final decision is not related to the battle song.

Warsongs have a strong killing effect on the monsters, but they are more disturbing to the orcs themselves, and they have a stronger mentality and a mighty warrior. The effect is less exaggerated than imagined.

Murphy wiped the corners of her mouth. "It's my turn!"

The style of the golden lion has always been neither arrogant nor overbearing, steadily approaching Zou Liang, and suddenly the body disappeared suddenly and darted.

With a wave of his hand, Chu immediately blasted off with a low-abandoned gun. The subwoofer can both disrupt the opponent's rhythm and determine the opponent's forward position.

However, this subwoofer did not have any impact on Murphy's actions, and Murphy did not engage in any raids and fancy, took a shot with a palm, and waiting for him was Zou Liang's landslide!


To everyone's surprise ~ ~ Onist was stunned, because he knew the positive power of landslides, especially when the big brother used it, but Murphy didn't move, just His body shook, and Zou Liang was shot directly ...

The audience was shocked. What happened? ? ?

Zou Liang, who was photographed more than ten meters, felt that his right arm was completely numb near his hand. When he stood up, his hand fell uncontrollably.

"Why, what's going on? Is Murphy so strong?" Forte's jaw almost fell off.

"Hey, Arthur's double-hitting artillery can't change his face, this body strength is really amazing."

Although both the North and the Emperor knew that Murphy was good, in fact they all felt that Murphy's personality was not good. Simply put, there was no spirit. Is an orc without spirit?

However, Murphy used actual actions to destroy the people who questioned him little by little. To this day, it seems that no one can influence his style.

"Fantastic!" Greg burst out with a word before uttering a few words. (To be continued

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