The Great Conqueror

Chapter 465: Overlord hard bow


Fortunately, the orcs are mostly small teams, and Murphy, Latuso and Nebeiro have restrained four death knights.

It is surprising that as a triangle arrow, it turned out to be the silver light warrior Nebeiro. The Sun Knight was full of interest in the eyes of such a powerful undead knight. A large sword in his hand resisted the slashing of two sabers at the same time. .

Feltley also entangled an undead knight alone. The Silverlight warrior faced such a monster with absolute pain alone, completely shrouded in the armor of (Dawning and Do Not Say), it was like a shadow hunter, Feitley's Sky Fox step Enough for him to find the opportunity to attack, but the problem is that this undead knight is not vital at all.

Not only Fitley, all the hunters present at the scene have encountered the same problem. The death knight has no key, and the frontal attack is definitely a very depressing thing for hunters. They are not good at defense. They want Attacking instead of defending, but encountering this stubborn guy, it is too headache, and although the whole body is covered with heavy armor, the undead knight's attack speed is not slow, and at the moving speed, the undead war horse under him can also be very good Make up.

It is not that there is no shadow hunting who wants to attack undead war horses, and shoot people to shoot horses first. This is understandable, but the problem is that the reason why undead knights have been used as knights has been the magical use of man-horse tactics. So far, few successes have been achieved.

The two Beamon were in front, but they also attracted too many undead knights. Yu Zhe's arrow also encountered problems. There was really no key point to use. Forcibly attacking with the attack force, the effect was more effective.

These monsters are really intractable.

Shana also showed a strong side. This girl was also entangled with a death knight. Although a little bit embarrassed, the death knight couldn't take her for a while, and they tried to give Liang Liang time to rest.


The death knight's slashing knife struck Daikin, and Daikin's fangs burst out, and he did not resist at all. The backhand took the death knight and took the horse with him.

Atinus on the other side was equally unhappy, facing the siege of two death knights at the same time, it was really hard.

These guys are too hard and too difficult.

Shana was also a bit stretched. Her attack had little effect on the death knight, and the entire battlefield fell into death battle.

Of course, there are several stronger teams that are relatively easy, but it is not so fast to solve these hard bones immediately. Forcing acceleration will only hurt, and injury means that you will not be able to fight the next battle. No one will do it.

Chu Liang gritted his teeth, grandma was a bear, just wanted to make fun, who would have thought it would be difficult to do so.

Adjusted the breath and raised the scepter high. Although Shockwave cannot be used, as a Warsong Priest, the attack is only secondary.

"How many times have I fallen on the road and how many times have I broken my wings?

Now I do n’t feel anymore, I want to go beyond this ordinary life

I pray for the glory of the beast god, like flying in the vast sky

It's like walking through the boundless wilderness, with the power to break free! "

War Song began to fight with War Song priests, which has not happened for many years.

It wasn't Xinnen who was on the battlefield. They were all powerful men on the battlefield. Most of them were overlords, but as long as they were orcs and warriors, they felt that the song contained different things, and there were many in the soul A glimmer of expectation.

what is that?

"I consecrate my life

It's like flying in the vast sky, It's like walking through the boundless wilderness

With the power to defeat evil, I believe in the power of the beast

It's like standing on the top of a rainbow, like walking through a bright galaxy

Have power beyond ordinary ~~~~

Fight, the bravest orc!

That's power, it's burning!

The first to be affected were hot-blooded orcs like Beamon. Daikin and Atinus's golden-steel bodies were undulating and roaring in their throats.

Excited, extremely excited, this is simply the most wonderful thing compared to Mongolia.

嗷 仙 Touch

Atinus's fangs blocked the war ox, the huge fangs bite directly at the death knight, and go fighting crazy!

Shana's eyes also showed a bright light, her expression also changed, and her delicate gesture was gone (breaking dawn and not speaking by hand). The whole person stretched out, smiled, and the body spun up quickly. The space seemed to be hers. Dance is disrupted.

A troubled vacuum dance!

Uh ...

A series of semi-curved vacuum waves blasted out, and the death knights who had beaten had to resist, Yu Zhe's dark gold bow was full of strings, the beast power of the dark gold archer was burning, and he had to fight!

At this time, the blood was burning!

Uh ...

A violent arrow directly transmitted the undead knight. At this instant of breaking the defense, Shana's vacuum-killing immediately blasted over, and the death knight was hanged to pieces.

A strange smile appeared on Nebeiro's face. The Sun Knight was a bit unable to suppress his power. There was no way. This was the war song. He was also an orc and a warrior.


The big sword was suddenly cut off, and the undead knight greeted him with a polite saber, bang ...

The horse-knife was cut off in response, and the big sword didn't stop. The sun knight's sword had light on it and cut off the undead knight. One sword and two sections!

At this point, another death knight rushed over and Nebeiro didn't look at it. He was short and stabbed into the chest of the death knight with his backhand and a sword. Cut off!

Murfest, the president of the Mongar Warrior Guild, mad Bill's uncontrollable madness under the influence of Warsong, which directly tore up a death knight.

When the warrior's warfare soared, the song of war also became bright, which complemented each other.

The harder the kill, the more surly the battle song of Chu Liang, and the more fierce the war song, the more fierce the warriors. The orc warfare on the entire battlefield has completely overwhelmed the death breath, and the curse has been reduced to human.

Dakin and Atinus's claws grabbed both ends of a death knight, and they pulled it fiercely, pulling the death knight into two sections directly (breaking dawn silently).

Death knights are tyrannical, but unfortunately their battles are always immutable, and the orcs are morale.

The surging fighting spirits of the soldiers are burning on the battlefield, and they are being presented in a superimposed effect, which affect each other. Chu Liang's battle song has never been used in so many powerful warrior groups, and the effect is beyond his imagination, and he himself is deeper. Realized the original meaning of Warsong.

Fitley also killed a death knight ... Actually he didn't want to, but he couldn't control his fight with a big move and cut off a death knight's head.

After cutting it off, I regret it a bit, and it was too wasteful. This kind of enchanting kill was used once and once, but I wanted to kill the enemy.

The battle that had already been slumped, so it was reversed. The most important thing. Chu Liang felt that she was energetic. The consumption just now seemed to be compensated in the battle song.

Both the subwoofer and the shock wave are internal friction, but the war songs are different, they are inspiring each other, and the most fundamental connection between the priest and the soldier.

I have to say that the young **** stick understands another truth, the basic ones are also the strongest in some cases.

The last undead knight also fell down. Half of the battle was wounded, but he couldn't say anything.

The orcs are **** and brave, but how many orcs have the passion and bravery of the soldiers after entering the heavens, into Jin Yao, and even after the dark gold?

Years bring reason and utility.

A battle that has not been enjoyed for a long time.

"Happy, little master, you are too strong to fight with you is a treat, hahaha!"

Atinus squatted on the ground, but several flesh and blood flew out. The death knight's attack was not a joke, but Beamon really didn't care about it.

Chu Liang smiled and felt full of strength. "This is the basis of the Warsong. I want to teach you this."

"Haha, great!"

Atinus opened his mouth wide and was unhappy.

The ears of the surrounding soldiers are not easy to use, and they can hear clearly. Everyone knows the power of the war song just now.

...... Actually they also thought that they just couldn't pull the face.

Chu Liang is irrelevant. War song is difficult, but it is difficult to influence others. It is easy to influence yourself, and you can also cultivate a Holy See believer.

The undead knight has been solved, and the cursed land has returned to normal, but the question is, the future is still far away, continue?

The encounter below must be more horrible than this group of undead knights, knowing that they can't do it is stupid.

Dushengan was already planning to leave, and now he is all happy, and he has also benefited a little.

But at this moment, a bright voice sounded in Chu Liang's mind: the beginning of death inheritance, endless!

Chu Liang was dumbfounded on the spot, did you dare to be shameless? Anyway, to give you a choice, this will directly overpower the king!

When the young **** stick starts the inheritance of life, he will be involuntary, unless he never comes to heaven.

That is, the bright level is too low. If he now has a dark gold level, he can definitely generate a dominance in the hearts of these people, and now it is more shocking.

This battle has ignited the battle of the orcs, and now it is impossible to stop ~ ~ Unconsciously, the small groups have reached a tacit understanding because of the common enemy.

Chu Liang is the only one who wants to flash but ca n’t flash, although I do n’t know what the heir to death is a ghost, can pass the rules of heaven, if I just ran like this, I am afraid there will be no good fruit to eat.

In this kind of ghost place, what is the strength, the character is the strongest, and he is very trustworthy in his own character (breaking dawn and not speaking by hand).

It was about ten minutes away, and indeed many distances were traversed at the speed of the crowd. The undead monsters on the road became scattered. This golden team was advancing like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, making everyone feel a little bit timid.

However, Zou Shencun knew that the horror was absolutely behind him. He had to go through two levels before receiving such a **** task, the tranquility before the storm.

The other people's blood is boiling, and it feels like they must break through. When a road of trial is completely broken down, each participating orc can more or less benefit.

Soon less than a hundred troops arrived in a quiet misty valley, and at the same time the breath of death reached its peak. (

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