The Great Conqueror

Chapter 372: convene!

Forte had red ears and red ears, and wanted to say something, but he also had the brain, knowing that he had at least a thousand people in his power, and it was only nine cattle and one hair in the wild, and what about the town defense? It has become a completely undefended city.

It was indeed too suffocating. At this time, bowing his head, the ghost knew what kind of request the devil would make.

Zou Liang looked at all the people present. Obviously, none of them could do it, and he was indifferent to the current situation.

He didn't want to start so soon, but now it seems he must shoot ahead.

Zou Liang stood up, glanced over everyone, and everyone was waiting for his final decision.

"I decided to send troops to the wild!"

Everyone was stunned at the moment ... Especially Bran and Monaco, they were very clear about the wild conditions, and they knew the power of the wild, and the defense was not necessarily able to defend, attack?

Just kidding!

Gina blinked, and it didn't seem too surprising, "Where is the odds?"

"I need someone, someone familiar with wild terrain and customs."

Zou Liang did not answer Ji Na directly.

Gina smiled, "You already have this person. When the Lord of the City is in the imperial capital, I have gone through the wildness again."

"My Lord, I have a copy of the wild terrain map, which includes the distribution of the major forces, but it may change now. This is the life of countless caravans in our family. I am willing to contribute if needed. . "

Bran said, but he still doesn't know how Arthur's offense is attacking?

"Avril, I want a thousand war horses, Bran, and at the same time I want to recruit a thousand people to dare to die, team, into the wild with me!"

Everyone was shocked by Zou Liang's understatement. This is really a death squad.

"Sir, it's too early. It's too harsh to say that there is no supply in this deep."

Na Liang shook his head. "Don't resupply. What the wild orcs can do, we can do the same, and we have to be harder!"

"Support war by war?" Gina said with a burning look, apparently very enthusiastic about the plan, but the risks were also obvious.

"Avril, Bran, a thousand war horses, and a recruitment order in the city may wish to publicize the viciousness of the barbarians or die, or fight alive, we have no choice!"

He bowed his head to the barren wilderness, and Zou Liang was done.

Although everyone felt that it was not feasible, Zou Liang had already determined that he could only think about the plan in more detail.

Actually, Zou Liang had thought about this plan before, but he didn't expect to implement it this way, and the black market plan had to be postponed. To be exact, if you don't fight the scarcity, you will never have a future.

Elimination of pretty beauty is definitely not possible, but there are other ways to solve the problem besides elimination.

What Zou Liang wants is that whenever the Wildlands mentions Dolan City, Arthur will be frightened when he mentions him.

What he had to do was that the priest couldn't, but the devil could do.

It is not enough to protect the people around you from harm. You must attack and kill the enemy!

The meeting discussed for more than an hour, propaganda, signs, and preparations had to be started. If enough problems could be created for the barrens, they would have no time to take care of them.

This plan is not hot-headed, but now it is being forced to Liangshan and has to be done.

You have the card Ghost Dragon in your hand.

Once the plan was fully operational, Forte and others were aggressive.

"Arthur, I think it is very feasible, that is, the manpower is still lacking. I think it is possible to add them to Montma. This guy must be very interested!" Quark said.

Forte Quark is the favorite of this plan. It can be said that they are not afraid of wildness or the number of enemies at all.

"Okay, let Avril do this. The people in the south will call it together. Anyone who wants to come!"

The defense around Dolan City has been strengthened. The cavalry has increased. They are patrolling around the town every day. The wild cavalry seems to be a guerrilla. Probably the 100s are not willing to attack directly. They just come to put pressure on Dolan City. They believe The situation in Dolan City will not last long.

Zou Liang also selected half of those who are good at horse riding in the Warsong Troupe. The priestess was excluded. On the one hand, it was physical strength, on the other hand, it was about to happen. Generally, the priestess could not bear it.

Killing will also kill the soft legs, and the feature of this plan is that everyone must be an incarnation of the devil. The beast **** cannot save them, but the devil can.

The city is also propagating brutal atrocities. Bards appealed in the square and told various stories. Originally, Dolan City hated the barbaric orcs. This point, the orcs burned.

Zou Liang stood in the crowd. The bard who gave the speech was called by Avril. It was very, very heroic, a Rhein.

"Brothers and fellows, the barbaric robbers are here. They killed our loved ones, snatched our women, and burned our house. Now they are here again. What should we do? What to do? Kneel? Ask them Let us go? "

"Do not!!!"

"Yes, even if we kneel, they will only cut off our heads. There are only two ways in front of us, either dead or attacking, killing our enemies and defending our homeland. Death squad.

The brave fellows, under the testimony of the beast god, join the death squad, fight for their homeland, and fight for their loved ones. We want to let the robbers know our strength, and let them tremble when we hear our name. We want revenge! "

The last battle was still vividly visible. There were countless dead and wounded in the barren army. The casualties in the city were more serious. The hatred had been deeply rooted, and it was only a few days of calm. Everyone felt that Arthur was here. A good day is coming, and the barren The cavalry came again.

Zou Liang nodded. The bard said it very well. Propaganda was necessary. For the death squads, great discounts were also given. Anyone who joined the death squads would get land and gold coins. They are not the right to use the land, but the ownership. It can be said that he sold his life to Arthur.

Hate and interest go hand in hand.

There are a lot of orcs in the death squad, and the hatred is enough to let them fight, not to mention such a generous reward, so that their own family has no worries.

It's wild at this time.

With a huge golden camp, Aoriya had a row of heads in front of him. These were the heads of those who were still stubborn. All those who did not obey his orders must be unified under his name after the wildness had been destroyed.

His main purpose now is to recruit troops and adjust the entire barren resources. Once prepared, it is time to fight.

When referring to Arthur Hebrew's name, his chest was still faint. The failure was really something he didn't expect, especially in the hands of the young boy who had a bad smell. Now he has broken the bottleneck and no longer has From that moment on, the frailty period will stop people from killing, and God will stop killing.

What Mengjia, what country of wind, the beginning of troubled times, the survival of the strong, the good show has just begun. I thought that when I met this kid here, it might be a few years later, I didn't expect this kid to dare to come back. Didn't take him seriously.

It ’s okay for Aoria to come back. It ’s too easy to kill someone. He wants to make him die!

The first master of the younger generation ... Cut, it's really funny, Meng Jia still likes a set of great joy.

"Is there anything interesting over Doran City recently?" Ioria simply ordered a force near Doran to harass and release the wind to put pressure on the other side.

Frankly, after the reunification of Aoria, his vision has become very high. What he looks at is how to get a place among the three empires. A small city owner has not put it in his eyes. If it was not because of the holiday, Don't look at it.

"Qi's leader, I sent several squads to kill some guys, and gave them sufficient warning. Dolan City is now rumbling, and my people have inquired what trading market Arthur has prepared has been suspended. The leader's reputation Who dares to come next. "

The people in the camp couldn't help laughing, and now the reputation of the barren army is thunderous in this area, which city is not terrified to hear it.

"Batu, I'll leave it to you, and wait for my good friend." Ioria nodded.

Ioria didn't have time to make a special trip at all, and his status was no longer the original Lion.

One thing Batu didn't say, that is what the idiot kid in Dolan City is doing to kill the wild team, saying that it is necessary to eliminate the barrens. This is definitely the biggest joke in the past 100 years, because he is a hairless bear. That little person wants to deal with the wildness. This is simply a big fallacy. This kind of joke Batu is too lazy to say, as if he couldn't even suppress a Dolan city.

Everyone knows that the magic lion Aoriya had a weakness in the past. That is, there is always one month of weakness every year. This is also the root cause of Dolan City's failure. The illness broke out at a critical time. At that time, the magic lion was already invincible.

Batu also wanted to prove his worth with victory, like a tribute to the great wild leader.

Zou Liang didn't really think too much. The hunting order he issued for cruelty was actually because he lacked strength and needed expert help.

However, Zou Shengan still underestimated his influence. UU reads He is not a little-known town owner now.

He is Arthur Hebrew and he has brothers.

When Mengma received the news, he was participating in the trial of the family. Being promoted to Yinguang made him soar in his own family. He was an heir. He was even more optimistic. Lao Tzu had let him take over the family in advance. There is also competition between them. If Montma can enter the Jin Yao class before the Golden Blood family of the imperial capital, then their family will leap into the first family of Mengjia.

"Mengma, what's the matter, you should focus on training now, the family's resources are now on you, but you can't be distracted."

Lao Mengma said that he was very pleased with his son, and his eyes were full of pride. From the moment he was born, Mengma was different from ordinary Beamon. Clever, although he is in trouble every day, Lao Mengma knows that his son must be Guangzong Yaozu. Although he failed to win the championship in the imperial capital competition, entering the first to enter the silver level also greatly raised Lao Meng's brows.

Montma looked at the letter in her hand, raised her head and smiled, "Dad, I have something to go out for a year and a half."

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