The Great Conqueror

Chapter 374: Work at night

Kurt and Randy originally wanted to follow, but Dolan City needed people. The construction and defense of Feng Town and Qiufeng Town were inseparable from each other. Zou Liang didn't want to return to Dolan City after he returned.

"Brother, rest assured!"

Randy and Kurt patted their breasts, and the worry in Avril's eyes turned into a smile. She wanted to give her brother confidence, not concern.

"You don't have to worry about Dolan City, I can handle it."

It's off.

Through the heavens, Zou Liang insisted on teaching Atinus war songs these days, but now he has to stop. Fortunately, the foundation has been taught. The rest is relying on Atinus's own practice. Unfortunately, the black market in Through Heaven is Can't see anymore, everything has to wait for him to return from the wild.

Zou Liang and the ghost shadow frightened them one by one. This battle is a matter of life and death. Confidence is one thing. Reality is another.

But this is a man. When fighting, he cannot escape.

If you ca n’t rest assured is Emma, ​​Emma has never appeared again since last time, Snow Girl does n’t talk to him, every time I look at him, her eyes are strange, Zou Shen stick also has a ghost in her heart, no Knowing what to say, it was an accident exactly, but after all ...

Just before he left, he inevitably had to talk with Snow Girl, and with his full-fledged shots, he would let the barrens have no time to take care of him. Snow Girl's ability didn't need to worry about Emma's comfort, just hope that she would not cause trouble for Avril.

As soon as the door was opened, the temperature plummeted, and Snow Girl was reading quietly. She saw Zou Liang come in, raised her head, and was very calm.

Zou Liang cleared his throat, "I ..."

"I know you will take someone out to grab the ground tomorrow.

Zou Liangyang took a moment. "It's not about grabbing the ground, but about destroying the enemy!"

Snow Girl waved her hand. "It's the same. In this respect, the orcs and the demon are no different. You go, I don't care about the rest. There will be nothing in Dolan City."

Zou Liang froze. He wanted to thank Goddess for as long as Snowgirl didn't cause trouble, but unexpectedly she was willing to help. This was an unexpected delight.

For Zou Liang, it is a big help. Although there is generally nothing to do, but not afraid of 10,000, just in case. With Snow Girl's promise, it is equivalent to an additional nuclear weapon.

"You ..." Xue Nu looked at Arthur's words and stopped. "Forget it, wait until you come back to discuss this issue in detail, don't die."

Zou Liang smiled, "Relax, I am so happy!"

Seeing that Snow Girl didn't mean to speak any more, Zou Liang left very consciously, closed the door, and shook her head slightly. What a matter.

When Zou Liang left, Xue Nu suddenly sighed, "I know you are worried about him, but even this little problem can't be solved. I might as well kill him directly."

"Snow Girl" 's eyes flickered a few times, and finally became deserted. It turned out to be like this outside of the demon world ...

This is the first week of the autumn. After half a month of preparation, Zou Liang and the five hundred orc warriors are finally set off. Zou Liang has set up a resounding burning team for the death squad.

The orcs of Dolan City came out to see off this team. Maybe the orcs did not know what the team would get, but Arthur, as the owner of Dolan City, has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Anwei is in danger, and his loyalty will no doubt be in this city.

Similarly, Arthur's actions also made the orcs who were hesitant to face the barren harassment. If they encounter something, they will be scared. Is it still a brave orc?

When fear is no longer the upper hand, nothing can stop the orcs, at least until the team is destroyed, the morale of Dolan City will be extremely high.

The reason why it is grand is also the atmosphere that Zou Liang wants to create. Either he is intimidated by the threat of barrenness, he will always live in fear or shrink, or overcome it.

As for leaking news, I have no worries at all. I am afraid he will not be interested in this point, even if they can survive in the barren land.

In this way, Zou Liang took the Burning War Group into the barren land, a so-called world abandoned by the beast god.

On the first day, everyone was full of passion. So many people brought enough supplies, and they felt very powerful, and they couldn't understand the difficulties at all.

Of course, this does not mean that Zou Liang was not prepared. After simple coordination and coordination, at least the basic combat instructions were familiar, in case unnecessary problems occurred.

On the next day's trek, the soldiers would have less words, and the physical weakness of the priests was a little obvious, but this is just the beginning. It is just nectar. It is good to get used to it for a while. Zou Liang has no plans to go outside The barbarian cavalry is entangled, there is no sense of value, all he has to do is draw a bottom.

Barbarians can go to Dolan City to burn and plunder, and Dolan City fighters can also set foot on Barbarians' camps.

No matter how the barbaric beasts have no place to stay and nomads, there is still a place to stay.

Zou Shenchou has learned history. Dealing with such nomads is better than

They are more nomadic and harder.

With the presence of Gina, the team detoured a long way, also in order to make the soldiers used to such long journeys, and there will be more such days in the future.

Five days later, they came a few kilometers away from the first attack target. According to the map, this is a wild tribal site. From here, it is their road to kill. From this moment, they must Incarnation of the devil, life is precious, and fighting is to live better. At this moment, everyone must take up kindness. Kindness at this time is not only cruel to yourself, but cruel to comrades-in-arms. It is when those who are killed by barbarians. Loved ones are cruel.

In fact, the soldiers had been stunned for a long time.

Everyone hid and waited for the night, and at this time Joyna and Gina also brought back the results of the investigation.

"One of the territories of the tribe chief Batu, there are more than five people, and the army is about one thousand, but the wild and wild beasts are warriors regardless of old and weak women and children, so everyone must be careful."

Gina reminded that as long as it is the enemy, you cannot despise.

"Very good, at night, Yinghun moves first, and then starts to fire. When the fire is on, it is when we start!"

Zou Liang gave an order in a deep voice, which was also the first time for him. In fact, it was quite normal for other people to come to see it on their mobile phones. Orcs are like this. The battle never stops. Either you die or I die. Although Zou Liang did not care about death, this form of war was indeed the first time. After thinking about the tragic situation in Dolan City, Zou Liang had to abandon his cowardly heart.

The night was quiet, and the hunting shadows of the Burning War Group were touched. With the Ficklow family, the ranks of the apostles, and the Association of Adventurers as the team, Buenavon, Joyna, and Gina led three teams, sneaking in while the night was in.

The vigilance of the barbaric beasts is not bad. The tribe is surrounded by sentries, but that is not to guard the Mengjia orcs, but the tribes inside the barren, but now the great devil lion, Aoria, unified the barbaric and forbids any form Once the internal fighting was found, it was against him, Aoriya, and the barren dispute of interests had to be settled in his chief camp, not internal fighting.

Therefore, the vigilance of all tribes has also declined, not to mention facing many masters such as Ji Na.

Soon the whistle was resolved quietly, and Joeina was most excited. This catwoman was just a natural killer. The ghost in the night, with the ghost dagger, it was like a fish. Even if you face Ioria Now, Joyna also has the confidence to sneak attack.

The killing went quietly under the cover of the night, until a scream screamed through the night sky, and the fire broke out, and at this time Zou Liang, who was already prepared, burst into a drink and the subwoofer was accompanied by the Warsong Troupe. Encouraged, the cavalry rushed to the camp and plunged into the camp.

Zou Liang pulled out the **** of death. When the **** of death reached a wild wild beast's chest, the ministry finally understood why it was called the **** of death.

This is a real magic blade!

It absorbed the beast spirit, that is, the soul, and when the soul absorbed the death, it seemed extremely excited, and soon Zou Liang had no time to think about it.

When dawn came, Zou Liang had left his first destination with his Burning Troops, and without precaution, the entire camp was completely destroyed.

The excitement of the soldiers along the way has not decreased, especially from Dolan City. For many years, they have been burned and robbed by the barbarians. The resentment has penetrated into the bone marrow, and there is too much hatred.

The great victory brought confidence to everyone, and they also received supplies, implemented the plan that they began to formulate, and all burned out.

The news of the victory soon reached Dolan City, and of course Batu's ears.

"What did you say!" Batu's wine glass smashed directly into the head of the barbarous warrior. He had just praised Haikou first, and touting Haikou first, he had to torture Dolan City, but an important camp of his own was burned to ashes .

"How many people are they here!"

Batu suppressed his anger ~ ~ There are two hundred soldiers in his Blue Lake camp. How many thousands did he send?

How could it be that in the case of Dolan City, they would not dare to borrow them.

"This, maybe one to two thousand."

The soldier said that killing a tribe of more than 5,000 people was underestimated, but judging by the mark of the horseshoe, this number is more feasible, but how can this person fight against the powerful barbarian cavalry?

"Impossible, how could the fragile orcs in Dolan City defeat the powerful fighters under my command and immediately send someone to find them, be sure to find them out!"

Batu was so angry that it was going to pass that Batu was still fooling around in the wild places.

One hundred barbarian cavalry can also kill two hundred people in the wilderness. The city guard is still a knight. It is easy. Those weak orcs cannot compare with the battle-hardened warriors.

(Thanks for the reward of Ye Zhixing Qing) (By dawn update group provided by idet. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (

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