The Great Conqueror

Chapter 493: Started

"You mentioned this at the meeting of the City Hall. You want to ask for money from Wumei .... Zou Liang laughed, and it was good to see the brothers full of energy.

Randy scratched her head and sighed, "Well, Wumei is too difficult to deal with now."

"Come on, I don't know you yet, secretly looking for five sisters to borrow a lot." Kurt gave Randy a glance, but the situation in Qiufeng Town is indeed worse than that of Feng Town. Feng Town still has four big families. The foundation of preparation is indeed easier in some aspects.

"It's normal to have a problem. You have to use your brain to solve it. You can't find me everything."

Zou Liang is very clear that he cannot do everything by himself. The potential of man is unlimited. There is always a squeeze.

"Hey, brother, my old man knows that I am in a good position now and is ready to move over to help."

Randy laughed, although it was also good in Jerusalem, but different from the situation in Dolan City, although the guard is not great, but with Arthur, he will be able to start a career. Old Randy can provide Less experience.

What Zou Liang lacks now is the manpower. When Ai Weier went to recruit talents, when they heard that it was Dolan City, a horned owl, near the barren land, it disappeared without a trace.

But now it finally opens up a bit.

"Brother, it ’s okay to say, in fact, what I am most worried about is wasteland. In fact, this is the basis of our prosperity. But according to my in-depth understanding during this time, the soil quality of Dolan City is not much better than the wild wasteland, so even if it is wasteland The output is just average. If there is any natural disaster, the overall situation is in danger of collapse. "

Randy didn't surprisingly refute, but in fact he was worried about it too.

Zou Liang smiled, both Randy and Kurt were inexplicable. "Boss, don't laugh so much, stick to whatever you say. I think the big face cat makes sense. In fact, I was also worried about this during this time. What business plan is the boss's thing, I think Qiufeng Town needs to develop. The people who come to the wasteland are really pursuing output. Do n’t be too good. You can live, but we have too many people now and the problem is big. "

That bright still laughed, both of them were a little creepy.

"Yes, is it mature a lot, the third child, knows how to think long term."

"Boss, what's the matter, I'm Randy, genius, but this problem is difficult to solve. Although the wolf race uses a wild land, the problem of Xuelang Town is not small, the wolf race is definitely nomadic, but this It does not solve the wolf's food problem. With so many people, the problem is very big. "

Randy continued.

Zou Liang nodded ... Within the year, it is difficult for the wolf to take it easy, and animal husbandry is not up and speaking. Zou Liang has already prepared for this problem. She wanted to stabilize and execute it. It's almost the same. After all, the issue of wildness is temporarily shelved, and there is no way out.

"This time you are here to solve this problem."

Zou Liang's words made Cote and Randy completely dumbfounded, ever ... is it possible?

Whether or not Zou Liang believes them, this time with the Snow Woman retreat, God knows how long it will take. It seems very easy. In fact, the difficulty is more than wild, and it is also dead!

At will, he must create a domineering method so that the entire city will not be shaken by the retreat. The human heart is the most difficult thing to detect, especially now that various races are mixed, not to mention that there are probably wild people in Dolan. With this group of people retreating, the city is actually empty, and this huge event is enough to attract the attention of many people, and will not dare to act rashly for a while.

In the following period, Dolan City suddenly became lively, and a low-key Arthur City master suddenly tossed up, saying what should be a good **** offering, and welcomed the surrounding brother cities to celebrate together.

The messengers have been sent out. Invitations have been received in the eight cities near Dolan City. In fact, they are not very far from Dolan City, but there is not much communication with Dolan City. To them, Dolan City is In the countryside, except for the thick walls, there is nothing worth seeing, and now the walls are also destroyed, but the surrounding cities are still happy to see the crisis that can resolve the wild cavalry. After all, Dolan City is a bridgehead. Once it is destroyed , Their life is not good, no one wants to be remembered by the barbaric army, especially now that the magic lion Aoriya with the barbaric group of soil and the wind of the country's regular army even played with a good reputation, it does not seem to be defeated, this Make the surrounding cities have to look at Dolan City differently.

Who least welcomes Arthur?

There is no doubt that Hatillo, the great red priest of God ’s favor, is his site, but suddenly a nail is added, and it is still a very unruly nail. Hatillo is very unhappy, In the past, for the sake of the Presbyterian Church, even the threat of wildness was neglected, but now it is different. A large number of wolves came in to expand the territory, and at the same time added a temple, but he did not follow him as the red priest Say.

Anyway, he is also the supreme leader of this temple, although Arthur has a good relationship with Subaru, but here is not divine glory, but divine grace!

And for Arthur who was assigned to such a backcountry, Hatillo did not think there would be any backstage. If he really wanted to be favored by the Pope, how could he come to such a place?

This is not a nonsense.

Hatillo, the great priest in red, of course he turned a blind eye when Dolan City was in trouble, but what was beneficial was another matter.

Such a thing as a small **** offering is actually not a thing at all, but Dolan City seems to want to grow bigger, and through the news, on the day of the small **** offering, when Dolan City resumed business activities, it seems that Arthur chose this The opportunity to invite some big names to give him face, but unfortunately Hatillo did not want to give this face.

in fact

This is exactly what Zou Liang is doing recently. A little too much ago, he thought of Dolan City as an isolated private land, but in fact, although he is the city owner, it is only a combination of politics and religion. It's not the real lord, it's not wild here, but the Mengjia Empire, which has the highest civilization in the continent of Amund.

From the beginning, he only wanted to rely on his own business group to fight the world, but instead he should use the power of Mengjia to build Dolan City and strengthen his power. As for the black market, it can be done at any time.

This was a situation of urgency recently, and Zou Liang suddenly understood, so he sent out all kinds of "for help" letters.

In fact, Zou Liang is also introspecting. It is true that the confrontation with the wilds does not help the veterans and the Pope cannot send troops. However, it does not mean that the construction of Dolan City will not help. Things other than war, especially by "potential", is the king of construction.

Once he figured it out, Zou Shengan's crooked brain suddenly came alive, and a series of "conspiracy tricks" emerged in his mind.

And his plan j naturally has the full cooperation of Avril Lavigne. Although this strategy suddenly shifts relatively large, the good thing is that the focus is on Zou Shengan's creativity.

In the city's main house, Zou Shengan laughed proudly and couldn't help but praise himself.

"Isn't the town owner too stressed?" Joeyna asked a little bit worriedly. In front of Orissa, Kitty Girl was even more obedient.

In fact, Orisia's identity here is clear. Everyone knows it, but she is still amazed. Arthur's charm and courage are all over the sky. Even the little princess Gabriel dare to abduct.

Don't stop doing it.

Great God offering, Zou Shen stick naturally dare not pay much attention. If you make a bit of taboo, but the small **** offering is different. At the same time, he also wants to determine some things. Sometimes the risk is also inevitable. One level, that's the real sky, and he can retreat at ease.

Emperor Capital, the strongest beast spirit store, has actually become a top social place. Membership is a status symbol, chess and cards are a means of communication. Of course, Beast Spirit Store is also becoming the largest casino in Emperor Capital.

This is much faster than any soul engraving. It is also much faster, and as a bookmaker, it is definitely a reward, which is definitely an unexpected gain. It is completely out of Avril ’s medical treatment. This new situation also made Nicholas The family was caught off guard,

The casino is obviously the sphere of influence of the Nicholas family. If you understand from the beginning, this situation will definitely not be allowed to form, but unfortunately, even the founder himself did not expect that it was too late to stop it.

Besides, there is one-tenth of the Holy See here. Frankly, Benedict XV was not very cold about Arthur's toss. He hoped that Arthur could be more formal, such as expanding influence or improving his own. Strength, good chapter

Arthur didn't waste much time on these things, but when collecting money once a month, the Pope looked at a bag of gold coins and was a bit unable to carry it. This time he really cared about the strongest Beast Spirit Store is coming, teach

Lord Huang is too short of money.

At the time Arthur was going to Dolan City, the Pope also said that as long as it was not a question of money, everything else was not a problem.

Unexpectedly, the boy Arthur really didn't want money and gave it away.

Due to the special care of the Pope, plus the elites of all levels of the Imperial City, the Nicholas family was too late to take shots, not to mention that there was Liguet of the Adventurers' Guild, even Nicholas. Also consider who will offend.

In this way, following the provocation of Gabriel ’s beast spirit franchise, he challenged the Nicholas family of the Dark King, and with all the deeds of Arthur, "the strongest" has become a legend, of course, the biggest gimmick of this legend That is,

The Pope intends to make Arthur the next generation's successor, otherwise why should he pay so much attention and support Subaru. Subaru's status in recent past Holy See activities has clearly improved, and it is almost a shame to confirm the identity of the successor.


Upon receiving Arthur's invitation, Odonna couldn't help crying or crying. This kid really dare to say that she invited her to Dolan City to participate in any little **** offering. It would be better to bring some gifts and business.

However, Arthur did not improperly say that she was an outsider, and Odonna liked it. In addition to the recent news of Orizzia's elopement, Odonna suspected that Olisia was abducted by Arthur. See Bi Xiu these two days

Odonna's complexion is in a good mood, and it hasn't been so easy for a long time. This time, Gabriel really lost his wife and fought, and it depends on Sanchez's complexion ~ ~ It is just a big show.

But it ’s not a matter for Odonna to consider, but it ’s the kid who likes it. Although the Adventurers ’Guild does n’t care about foreign wars, this victory over the barrens and forcing the barrens is really too popular. Although The emperor was cold-treated for some reasons, but Odonna was very upset with Arthur. Of course, the situation in Dolan City couldn't be hidden from the president of the Adventurers' Guild.

Now that the little guy is so sincerely inviting, what kind of gift should I make?

Jerusalem, the prestige of Thomas the Red Cardinal Prestige, plus the Subaru Shaman is now in the limelight, and Thomas is a hand drawn by Subaru. Everyone knows that if Subaru can reach the peak, the shaman of Thomas That's absolutely a matter of course.

Especially now that the Holy See is prestigious, people with a little color should know how to do it. Thomas's apprentice, Arthur, is also a character of the imperial capital. In these three generations, this department has a long period of prestige. Who dares?

provoke. (Provided by the update team. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (break u. Update) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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