The Great Conqueror

Chapter 498: Soldier Depression

Four hundred and ninety-eight soldiers surrendered (two companies even more monthly tickets)

Cima Hatillo smiled a little, he went out on his own, and said it was a bit of a big deal, but the kid Arthur can really toss, although he did not see it in person, but President Murfist easily did not judge a young man, It's not easy for him to speak, but in a terrible situation, when he goes out, he is flat.

"Sir, Lu Yao can't move, Arthur, leave a life to speak, otherwise it's not easy to explain above, and the others don't matter."

Saima said.

"Don't be too gentle to start, Lu Yao can't move, is there anyone interested in it?" Hatillo also thought about how to enjoy himself.

He was not targeted. The action was arranged by the big men at the Presbyterian Conference. Hatillo was not a fool. Otherwise, the Cavaliers would be easily touched. He was under the control of the Samanka shaman. It's not a trivial matter, but someone on the other side is another matter. Obviously, the car-by-car booty seized from the barren side has caused a rash.

Zou Liang didn't think so much at first. He only felt that this was a way to boost morale, but he forgot to reveal his wealth. He was so arrogant.

"It is an adult in the Presbyterian Church."

Although West Malaysia is not interested in this, there are some things that he cannot decide. In fact, West Malaysia and Hatillo are a union of two factions. Of course, they are smaller than the Pope and the Archon, but with the The Holy See has been inexplicably strong recently, and the faculty are not as difficult to speak as before.

The two were together at any time, but they also had their own plans, but they had a common goal: Arthur.

This kid is still too naive. I really thought the pope thought he was a character.

Hatillo could not wait to see the little boy kneeling in front of him and crying.

The 5,000 menacing knights pointed directly at Dolan City, and he wanted to see who would dare to challenge him.

This isn't the wild people!

I have to say that Hatillo was really attentive when he built the Knights. Although he did not have the experience of Zou Shenchou, he also understood the principle of "guns out of power." Have more soldiers, then grab more money and power.

The configuration of this knighthood has far exceeded the range of the main priest in red. The war horses are the best Teller war horses. Teller war horses have a certain monster bloodline. They are more load-bearing and sprinting than ordinary war horses. It is also stronger. In Hatillo's view, all wild horses in the wild are wild horses, which are vulnerable, except that Hatillo is unwilling to waste time and strength on a group of wild people, and the wild waste is not in his eyes.

And Zou Liang also got news here, urgent city hall meeting.

Old people like Bran and Monaco are all desperate, and they feel desperate, while Forte and others are only a little worried, the influence of the Red High Priest is indeed deep-rooted, of course, like the King of Earth, they are completely Don't care, the wolf's eyes are only Arthur, and everyone else doesn't know.

"According to reliable information, the main priest of Hatillo in red is carrying a five thousand temple heavy riding group towards our Dolan City. It will always be here tomorrow. It seems that the visitor is not good." Ji Na said solemnly, At the town hall meeting, Jina was still a very professional woman.

Zou Liang's face remained still, looking at the crowd, "What do you think."

No one speaks. If the opponent is a wild cavalry, it is very simple. He killed his mother, but the opponent is the Knights of the Temple, speaking of himself, and also a boss.

Monaco glanced at it and stopped talking. It wasn't just a day or two to know Arthur. He knew very well that what he said was also a nonsense, only to reduce morale, alas, this time it was mentioned as iron plate.

"I forgot to tell you, the information of our apostle ranks, this temple knight of Hatillo is the standard for bronze warriors, the centurion is silver light, five thousand captains, four It ’s the peak of silver, one of which is Deputy Chief Jin Yao Junior, and of course their leader Seama Harrington, Jin Yao Intermediate Bill Beast Warrior, Warrior Guild President Murphyst. ”

As soon as this word came out, the hearts of the city hall were all cold. If it was only Jin Yao Junior, there were Arthur and five silver wolves, and he was not afraid. Even if there were two Jin Yao Juniors, they could almost stand up.

But a Jin Yao Intermediate, plus a Jin Yao Junior, and five thousand heavy cavalry, this ...

No one expected that the situation would evolve into this situation.

In particular, these two people are not the black and white people encountered in the wild, like Batu, becoming a leader for many years has spent more energy on management, and their own efforts have been drawn a lot, but they have no name, only real masters have been Ioria tuned away, but Meng Jia's combat effectiveness, Zou Liang was clear.

A Jin Yao Intermediate, this time is a bit difficult.

When the force is used, the party hates less.

Zou Liang banged his hand gently. Generally, Zou Liang will have such a habit when encountering problems.

A Jin Yao Intermediate, a Jin Yao Junior, and Murphyst, this is a bit difficult to handle. Zou Liang can't expect all opponents to be parallel imports. Fortunately, sooner or later, it will be over.

As for the five thousand heavy cavalry, Zou Liang is really not afraid, but it is not easy to deal with, I am afraid that he can only make up his mind not to let the other party enter the city, but even if he does not let the other party enter the city, it is only the next choice. When he harassed Fengzhen and Qiufeng Town, he still couldn't hurt.

It seems that he really underestimated the ingrained Red High Priest. The 5,000 heavy cavalry is a deterrent. As long as the master enters the city, Zou Liang can't help it. Then the heavy cavalry directly takes over the city. He was really tough with one hand, and he wanted to fight with each other without a lot.

Everyone else also looked at Zou Liang and felt the dignity of the atmosphere. To be honest, this kind of thing other people can't help at all. A leader must face and must bear. The decision is made by Zou Liang. Yes, but now what?

Gina watched Arthur quietly, he was too smooth, and he was very capable, but he ignored it, and his strength was not invincible in the world. In the province of Shenyao, there was a Subaru shaman on it, and Thomas in the middle. The Red High Priest, even if he did something arrogant, no one dared to use the army, but here is the province of God's grace.

It has to be said that the situation of the province of Divine Enlightenment is a bit complicated. Although Hatillo is the great priest of the Holy See in red, but the relationship with Sablanca is not good, so he joined the governor's department and went to the Patriarchate. There are also people who really do n’t buy shaman's account. Of course, they still respect it. This guy will be a man at this point, and he has been unable to grasp any clear handles, and his most serious point is that he earns money. However, he definitely did n’t swallow it up. God entrusted him with the red priest, and secretly he also opened a special prayer event in Jinlan City, specially for the nobles and the big men from above. The temple played with the female monks and took a two-pronged approach to their current position.

The more this happened, the more she moved, and when Harun came, Gina was a little worried about the accident, but she still had no time to stop it.

When this happened, how could Arthur solve it? Ji Na is full of curiosity, but she is not worried. She is not the person who knows Zou Liang's temper and preferences best. This is Lu Yao's concern, but she knows Arthur's ability best. Deep intention, will it be an exception this time?

"Five thousand heavy cavalry, so polite, it seems we are ready to welcome it."

"Boss, you have a word, we fight with them, the wilds have conquered, and I'm afraid of a group of old soldiers!"

Voltaire said in the shooting.

"Foltai, you are wrong. Hatillo is quite a city man. His heavy cavalry has fought in various places in the name of the mercenary regiment, even the thief regiment, but he has never been caught by his cunning behavior. The more people who live with him, the more careful they are, ”said Ji Na.

Zou Liang smiled, "Jina, it seems that the apostles still do something, but obviously you have no evidence, so don't say bad things about the Red High Priest here, I will prepare a welcome for him!"

When seeing Zou Liang's smile, those who believe him must know that he has a solution, but the doubtful person thinks it is just a bluff.

Bran's heart was terrified. After the City Hall meeting was over, he had to figure out whether he was going to leave the shop or sell it again.

Sell ​​once and sell twice.

It was only that Bran, who had always been decisive, hesitated. With family interests and survival as the first goal, Bran hesitated, but he was very clear that once Arthur lost power, his understanding of Hatillo would definitely be wiped out. Fallen leaves swept the riches of Dolan City.

The old priest, Monaco, hid in the temple and prayed. This was the only thing he could do. He knew he had no ability, but he prayed to the beast **** from the heart for the first time. Please bless Doran and bless Arthur. .

But strangely, when approaching Dolan City, the speed of the Hatillo army suddenly slowed down, but this slowdown did not alleviate the pressure of Dolan City, but increased.

This is a feeling of teasing prey ~ ~ he has to boil each other, young people are easily intolerable, if the other party to do something first is better.

As for his unconvinced son, Hadillo has no shortage of sons, including illegitimate children, so that this idiot has a long memory.

Obviously Hatillo is the kind of extreme self, and anyone can become a chess piece when needed.

"Sir, why don't we go straight in?" Westma Harrington was a little bit confused, and now it is necessary to send the arrow on the string, how can you give the opponent time to prepare.

"Oh, Sima, that kid is a city owner, even if he doesn't give them face, he needs to give the pope face, so it is necessary to give first and then soldiers."

The main point here is that Hatillo doesn't care about his son's life or death. He cares about the overall situation, so he is not in a hurry. His ultimate goal is to use this excuse to win Dolan City in one fell swoop, and not to stay What are the obvious complications, but also complete the tasks explained above.

(Thank you Bookmate Long Yinyue for being the new leader of the hegemony, mighty!)! ~!

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