The Great Conqueror

Chapter 532: Big development

"It's okay, it's okay. This issue will be discussed slowly later. The eldest husband, three wives and four concubines are normal, and you are so capable. I tell you, Mier is very good. Don't look at her very directly. , Guaranteed to be a virgin, and you will know that you should be healthy by looking at your figure, and you are not too young. Continuing the incense is a top priority, and Yaduo is also very good. At first glance, it is a virtuous helper type, very smart ... "

Zou Liang looked at Lilia, who was full of gaze, and she was completely desperate. The woman let go. It was a terrible thing. It seems that the married woman is very courageous and can bring Emma and Orisia. Zou Liang has already burned the incense, and there are still a lot of things that are not clear to me.

Suddenly, Lilia stopped inexplicably, "Oh, look at my brain, and think of you as a mercenary. Also, your vision is probably the princess level."

"Lilia, that's not the case. Sometimes it depends on fate. You should know that I'm not a conditional person."

Lilia froze, think about it too.

Fortunately, Gina is not present, otherwise, she will definitely throw Zou Liang a word politely: you look at the conditions and you are not human.

Anyone who dares to say fate is actually very demanding in his bones, so high that he cannot describe it.

Obviously Lilia is not yet at the level of love.

Chatting with Lilia is not burdensome, and it can be nostalgic. After all, although Zou Shengan has a 20-year-old body, he is no longer young in spirit and occasionally still feels nostalgic.

The trip to the city of Amai was successfully completed, and Zou Shencun embarked on the road of the Red High Priest.

It is light when you come, but a bit extravagant when you go back. This is also normal. There are a full twelve carriages for each family's gifts. Of course, if you pull goods, you can't count them as much, but these are all valuable.

The team was prepared by Boraki. Obviously, he expressed his good intentions, especially when he saw the intimacy of the young lord Peloponnese and the high priest in red. If he did n’t know how to do it, his brain would be flooded. It is the great priest in red, one is the young master of Montairis, but in the future, one is likely to be a shaman, even higher, and the other is necessarily the homeowner of Montairis, or the pro-people official is the future Even if he is not the master of Mengjia, he must also think about his offspring, especially after two days of contact. Boraki found that the young red priest was rather simple, and he dealt with complicated political relations with heavy weight. It was so profound that Zablanca's heavy moves fell into the air, which made Boraci even more optimistic about the young red priest.

In addition, Borach also obtained another information from the young master through his own observation and analysis. Our red priest, the first master of the young generation, seems to have raised the specific level. It ’s hard to say, but let the original I am going to discuss the young master ’s intention to extinguish the showdown. This gap is quite different.

You know that it is almost impossible to let the Montaris family abstain, but such an understatement can only be said to be terrible. The kid in his family still wants to fight, I really do n’t know how to write the dead words!

Borach's cleverness is that he did not let his unlucky son appear, which is too obvious. This must be taken slowly. Of course, he has to adjust this ignorant thing. He is alive and can save him. Should he be gone one day, wouldn't the house collapse.

Along the way, the boring Red High Priest has actually been expecting some robbers to provoke him, and I do n’t know if his identity is too high, or his wild name is too sturdy. There is no thief group to fight this full return, there is no knight Group of protected sheep.

Not only was Zou Liang speechless, the Dow brothers also felt a little sorry, if there were robbers, they could fight the autumn wind, and even if they were out of stock, they could grab some slaves to go back. The construction of Dolan City was always short of staff.

There was not much time, but all the way back to Dolan City, Zou Liang had an earth-shaking change. Now Dolan City is not exaggerated every day.

In the past, in the construction of cities, nobles and large business groups ate meat and soup. Orcs only have a good eye, but Dolan City is different. Not to mention that all the people here are involved in the guarding of the homeland. There are profound Feelings, Zou Liang has confirmed and protected the tax exemption policies of the original residents, especially adhered to the strategy of land reclamation and strongly encouraged agricultural and pastoral production.

This was very rare in the past, the land was in the hands of the nobles, and the special circumstances of Dolan City, the war and the cleanup of the four major families, almost all fell into the hands of the city owner. There is no doubt that Zou Liang is a generous city owner In fact, everyone in private acknowledges Zou Liang as the lord.

The lord did not have Mengjia, and it only occasionally appeared in other empires, but it was only after the great credit was given that it could be seized. Generally, it was not a good thing like Dolan City.

The point is that other places are heavily taxed on agriculture and animal husbandry, and lightly taxed on commerce, and Dolan City is completely the other way round. However, it is the amazing name of Dolan City ’s Miracle City.

Only open issues such as this have the power, otherwise the merchants will have ghosts unless they rebel together ... "In Dolan City, there was still unstoppable enthusiasm, and taxes were not an issue, as long as they could be obtained, they would definitely earn more. It can also increase visibility.

Zou Liang's luck is indeed very good. Of course, the encouragement of farming and animal husbandry is feasible. The ground is in his hands. No one will object, and the objection is not very useful. However, if it is not the prestige of the city of miracles, it will rely on opening up. I am afraid it will also cause a strong rebound and pressure from all sides. After all, this is related to many people, but the pope plus the miracle and the red high priest makes it all logical for him to do all this, even those businesses take it for granted. .

This is the law of the strong.

I am a strong person, and what I formulate is right. Even if it does not conform to the general situation, people will feel that here, in his world, is justified.

Of course, Zou Liang is pretty sure, these guys are definitely making money, making a lot of money.

Compared to harming others and benefiting oneself, Zou Liang prefers to make a fortune together and become a well-off.

The discount for farming and animal husbandry is actually a boon to most ordinary orcs, which has made Arthur's prestige in the orcs' minds unprecedented, so everyone is willing to contribute in the construction of the city, and they are full of energy, who is lazy if they are lazy. Seeing people, relatives and friends around him will also despise him.


Dolan City is a city for everyone and a home for everyone!

In this case, it is difficult to think slowly.

As for the wasteland development, it is even more vigorous. In fact, it has exceeded the scope of Dolan City and the influence of the tree of life, but it does not hinder the enthusiasm of the people. The surrounding cities did not dare to provoke this evil star-shaped red coat. The main sacrifice, in the eyes of these people, is obviously the great prince of Hatillo in the front of the road. In general, it can only be boiled, but the young city lord obviously did not follow this set, and it was quite daring at first He provokes him, his answer is that you cut the land and pay the crying father, and the answer of Haha Tilo is to cut the grass and root it.

Wu asked, who would dare to fight against Arthur's Red Lord?

The return of Arthur suddenly made the busy City Hall more lively, but Zou Shengan had not had time to rest, and Bran, Randy, and Cote began a long and tiring return, one by one, city construction The progress of the crops, the harvest of agriculture and animal husbandry, the appearance of miracles during this period of time unexpectedly increased the output by 30%, and you can imagine the future grand occasion.

The focus outside of the first time is naturally the investment situation. Except for the reservation, there is almost no vacant land. Although every commercial opening must follow the plan of the city hall, large families and business groups are still rushing. Many business groups are watching After the planning of the City Hall, it became even more excited. Apparently, there were many wise men who saw the magic potential of this business plan and lamented this idea.

In fact, for Zou Shen stick, it is just a simple business district planning. In previous lives, it was all basic, but it was very advanced in this world.

"My lord, we did an auction and caused crazy bidding. For other miracle plots, how do you handle it, there are already more than 200 families with intentions." Bran said respectfully, his eyes are burning, this is not It ’s the burning of a person, but one gets a state of excitement that can realize his ideals and show his ability.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it won't take long for the Presbyterian Church to come to a conclusion." Zou Shengang seemed calm.

"Boss, are you sure, what is the success rate?" Randy was a little worried. Of course, miracles are a focus, but the continuation of this situation is still open.

Zou Liang smiled, "We are not trying to trick others into it, it is not of value to the development of this city, so no matter what the outcome, we must wait."

Zou Liang was not sure about this kind of thing, but he always felt that the Pope was changing and couldn't tell where. Since he said it, it should be a success.

Patience ~ ~ is also a very important quality. Sometimes, a knife on the end of the character will ultimately determine the outcome.

This mentality is obviously not what Randy can do.

Winning and losing is something that is difficult to grasp without enough experience.

"Well, I have heard the results, now it is a problem, let's say." Zou Liang said.

"Boss, lack of money, you know my Qiufeng Town, the foundation is thin, and now the development is fierce, you need to increase investment, and ah, the population has skyrocketed, and the demand for food has to increase. Recently food prices Is going up. "

The word food price rise is very sensitive as soon as it falls into Zou Liang's ears, but others don't pay much attention. After all, it is normal to have more people.

However, this is one of Zou Liang's most concerns. The reason for encouraging agriculture and animal husbandry, and even the exemption of taxes in previous years, is to ensure the food pressure caused by the population explosion. It needs to be purchased from other cities in the early stage, but it cannot last long. In the end, a balance must be reached.

The price of food is related to the stability of Dolan City, which is not a joke. . )

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