The Great Conqueror

Chapter 563: Holy See Secret

563 Secrets of the Holy See

Zou Liang only had a slight meal, but he still made a very rational decision. To be honest, judging from the performance of the Pope today, the decree was not so accidental in his hands.

"Your Majesty, Snow NV and Emma are integrated into one, and many behaviors have gradually become like our orcs." [Search for the latest updates in]

Zou Liang pondered the wording carefully.

The Pope smiled, and Bo characteristics nodded, "The wild invasion, Xue nv even shot for you, it seems that the prediction is not false, and snow nv will also be an important part of this holy war."

Zou Liang cooperated with a look of confusion and doubt.

"It is normal for you not to understand. In fact, you have a lot of doubts and your own guesses, but basically your Majesty gave you the holy order in accordance with the prophetic arrangement."

Bot explained that this involved the Holy See's most mysterious prophecy.

"I did n’t give you the sacred order. Your sacred order chose you. Although the Benedict VIII sealed the Snow Demon King Nv in the First World War, it was also severely damaged, causing the Holy See ’s most powerful force to fail to pass normally. Now my strength is at the cost of life. "

The pope said calmly, seeming to miss a bit, "Each generation of pope's power will no longer be used at will, and the use is at the cost of life."

It ’s also a bit sad to say that at the peak of power and strength, you also have to bear the biggest shackles. This is why the popes of the past “weakened”. For the sake of life, they ca n’t show their power at will unless they are not living. Impatient, or the Holy See was at a critical moment.

But in fact, the prestige of the Holy See is still there. The weakening of the Pope only reduces the influence of the Holy See. At the same time, another problem also arises. The weakening of the Pope also causes the decline of the knights' combat effectiveness.

The freezing of three feet is not a day's cold. Without the influence of the pope's war song, the level of the méng Jia warrior has also decreased by a level, to be precise, the entire continent is decreasing.

Today, the Pope is telling Arthur ’s biggest secret. This is also the biggest suspicion of contacting Zou Liang. Using the pope ’s magical skills in the arena, as long as a few times, there are people who dare to resist the Holy See. There is a price to pay. Even the Pope is unwilling to fight at will. After all, no one wants to die.

"In order to cope with this situation, the inner court was hidden. To this day, all the resources of the Holy See are used for the inner court, in order to ensure that once the jihad comes, someone can fight."

Kurt said, "We will secretly select talents from all over the country to secretly train, but even so, it is still difficult. Fortunately, before the end of the eighth generation of the pope, the strongest prophecy was used, leaving the prophecy until your appearance. "

"You can use the power of God without paying a price," said the Pope word by word.

The so-called power of God is the power of war songs.

After Benedict VIII was severely damaged, anyone who wanted to use this magical power was consuming life potential. It was not discovered at first, but with the rapid aging and death of a large number of warsong priests, the Holy See finally found this secret, so it could be lost. Fading, of course, of course, also indirectly accelerated the decline of the Holy See.

Power is still there, it's just too expensive.

And Arthur, obviously it is impossible to know the secret of the Holy See. His origin is very ordinary, even the shaman does not know. Only the Pope and the inner court will know all of this, but Arthur used it unscrupulously, and at the same time, he did not age at all. Signs.

This made the pope realize that the person in the prophecy appeared, so the divine order came to Zou Liang's hands, because the new Xuenv demon king is different from the other three demon kings. The other three demon kings have been shaped, and they are extremely clever. , Has been unable to affect, but the snow demon nv king is different.

The Pope only gave the holy order to Arthur, and no one else could control it. It turns out that everything is moving in the direction of Benedict VIII's prediction. Especially the integration of Xuenv and the orcs is incredible, but it is true Prove the possibility of cooperation, but obviously the bridge is Arthur.

"Your Majesty, what should I do?" Zou Liang said in a deep voice. He didn't know if there was a **** or even doubted the world once and doubted himself. He was very responsible, but now he is an orc and the Holy See. As a member, he needs to do something. Perhaps there is a power in the universe beyond his worldview. If this power is God, he recognizes it.

Benedict XV smiled and shook his head slightly. "I don't know, all I have to do is prepare for Jihad, and you can only do what you know, but one thing is certain, after Jihad, you are the next A pope, if we are alive, the world is in the hands of the orcs. "

The three demon kings have now accumulated terrifying powers. The most terrifying thing is that they are hiding among the orcs, using the power of the orcs and the Holy See to start wars, the kingdom of the wind, the Saron empire, and the barren.

In any case, this sentence is explosive, but the three of them are very calm. Even Zou Liang didn't feel like it because of this sentence.

To be honest, to this day, he will not be ecstatic because of a sentence. The Pope is not what he wants to be, nor is it because of a word from Benedict XV, but he also knows that the Pope is not necessary. There is no need for both sides to come here, presumably this is also the idea of ​​the Pope, which is how the Pope's heritage is carried out.

Suddenly Zou Liang saw a kind of perseverance in the old face of the Pope, maybe the Pope didn't think about living from this holy war.

The three demon kings that have been awakened, and three powerful forces, are too difficult. Méng Jia has not been unified inside, and the consuls will never be arrested.

Zou Liang also finally understood why the Pope wanted to train Nebeiro. This was a helpless choice. If he did not appear as predicted, it would be the best choice for him to become the Pope to solidify Méng Jia.

But all this changed because of his appearance. The Pope wanted Nebeiro to make a correct decision.

What about Nebeiro?

Zou Liang didn't know, really didn't know.

Bot smiled. "Don't be so nervous, even if the jihad isn't that fast, you need to prepare early. These things will be dealt with by the inner court. Your direction should be in the heaven, although you don't know what is on the road to heaven It should be of great help to us in this jihad. "

Zou Liang nodded, "I will definitely do my best, but now I only have Jin Yao level, and I still have some power against dark gold masters."

The Pope and Bot looked at each other and smiled, "You know how fast your strength is improving. In just three years, from white clothes to Jin Yao, it sounds like a joke, but it appears in front of our eyes. Sometimes, in addition to strength, It also depends on a little luck, or the care of God. "

"Your Majesty, based on the prestige of the Holy See, would you let them stand in luàn if you were to wear the demon clans?"

"This is not something we haven't thought about, it's just too difficult. The three demon kings were destroyed, but their power has been passed down in a way we can't grasp. It has been integrated into our society and cannot be separated. What ’s the effect, and the prestige of the Holy See is not five hundred years ago. The problem now is that we have to deal with the three demon kings and at the same time guard against the ambitious Hannibal Empire. "

Bot said that this is the most headache, and this is the reality.

Zou Liang did scratch his head. If this is the case, the wildness, the kingdom of the wind, and the Saron Empire controlled by the three demon kings must be together, and the possibility of mutual restraint has been lost. Hannibal Empire also uses méng Jia as its opponent. Jia can neither ignore nor put the main force on Hannibal Empire.

This is quite a headache.

To be honest, Zou Liang listened to and admired the Pope. This Pope was really tired. The Pope long ago was indeed very prestigious. The current Pope is very poor, especially Benedict XV, and the good things in front of him are all gone. .

"After the end of the Heavenly War, whatever the outcome, the day of the Jihad begins"

The Pope issued an ultimatum.

Zou Liang returned to her residence and locked herself up. Avril and others did not understand why Zou Liang was in trouble for the Ficklow family. In fact, this time should be low-key, but judging from the meeting of the Presbyterian Church, it seems to have won. However, recently there has been a bit of wind and noise, and there are many soldiers on the street, and the entire emperor is brewing a different atmosphere.

Zou Liang is also pondering. He also sorted out his thoughts. The Pope did not give him clear instructions except for the matter of heaven, and indeed he could not count on Zou Liang except for a prophecy. He was not in the diamond realm. Master, the post is also a great red priest, not even the pope can order anything, let alone him.

However, he can still do a lot of things, provided the reason is clear, the pope did not forbid him to pass, nor did he let him pass, apparently let Zou Liang handle it at his discretion, hoping to bring some good variables to the jihad.

Snow nv is another card, let alone say that it is against other three demon kings. If snow nv can help, it is a great help, but Zou Liang is not sure whether snow nv will help ~ ~ But at least one enemy is missing, this is still very confident.

Dolan City may have to be a breakthrough. If he is a pope, the current thinking is definitely not offense, but defense, but from the current arrangement of the pope, it seems to be the idea of ​​offense.

Think of it as a sacred Holy See. It is an offense to issue a holy war. How can you be beaten passively? However, the comparison of strength is very unrealistic. Now it is not clear what kind of strength the so-called inner court has. Very windy, but this alone is not enough.

At that time, the Holy See was invincible. It was not just one or two top powerhouses. The surging golden glittering legion was the root.

However, the opponents are not the same. At that time, the horrible monster was replaced by the orc army, and all of them were weakening, so they could only see who was weaker.

The pope has the plight of the pope. Even if these words are told to the Nicholas family, they will also be a joke, and power does not exist by chance.

But Zou Liang wants to influence the people around him as much as possible, at least to let them make the right decision.

Obviously, the recent imperial capital will be turbulent.

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