The Great Conqueror

Chapter 585: Montaris vs. Fire Demon King

The body of the demon is a dark gold warrior, and the body is a strong fire ng, which is tailor-made for the fire demon king.

After the first fireball poured down, the flames became more and more, and finally formed a sky full of fire and rain. The indestructible Anxi Fortress instantly became a sea of ​​fire, and the unbreakable city wall became a joke. [Search for the latest updates all in]

There is a hunluàn in the city, and the fire and rain in the sky is indeed unstoppable like hell. With the roar of the state master Long Mo, the Anxi Fortress was turned upside down by one hand.

At this time, the army of the Saron Army began to overwhelm. This was an attack that decided to ng.

The rumbling voice seemed particularly oppressive, and the vision in the air, coupled with the sudden attack of the enemy, did cause a lot of trouble, and because of the demon fire that was difficult to extinguish, the entire Anxi Fortress was illuminated brightly. It is a living target, but the enemy comes from the dark.

Titan méng tower Aris did not see how panic luàn, "Odonna, Sailey, the city defense side will āo give you, this demon will āo me, today will be a battle to decide ng!"

The Glorious Legion is based on the armies of the Ares family. It still maintains fairly strict discipline at this time. When the enemy starts to attack, it quickly enters the combat state, but it has to be said that the fireballs constantly falling from the air are indeed Created hunluàn.

But the Titan didn't care. A person's strength can't cause much damage, and it has little effect on the battle of the legion. However, the trick of Rongma is still quite handy, but it is also poor.

A generation of God of War Titan méng tower Aris suddenly lifted a boulder that can be thrown by a trebuchet and threw it towards the dragon in the air. The boulder blasted up like a cannonball.

"The demon dragon, Titan méng tower Aris is here, dare to fight!"

méng tower bellis roar.

Odonna and Selly did not stay much longer. Odonna was in charge of the command, and Selly led the shadow hunting unit to do his best job.

Although the strength of the two is also very strong, but there is no chance to face such a powerful demon. In méng Jia, only the monster of méng tower Aris will be excited when facing such an enemy.

The task of roaring in the air with roaring ears is to create hunluàn. Such a demon fire is also a waste for him. The demon fire has already lighted the Anxi fortress.

"Titan méng tower Aris, since you are so anxious to die, I will give you a ride."

With a wave of Rongmao's hand, more than a dozen fireballs roared down, and the soldiers behind Méng Tower Aris spread away instantly. Méng Tower Aris remained standing still, looking at the flames of the forehead beast spirit flashing and burning.

Roar ~~~~~~~~~~~

Tigers World!

This is due to the strongest and most domineering power, the fireball was even scattered by a sound.

A roar of Titan méng tower Aris immediately boosted morale. The soldiers roared and rushed to their fighting positions. People are now extinguishing the fire. Who ca n’t use the light? Use their own beast power to extinguish it. Fire fighting is difficult, but at least it can extinguish the fire on your body.

"Dragon, are you just so capable?"

This is the roar of méng tower Aris in the God of War family, there is no one thing that can scare them.

The fireball in the sky disappeared and the Rongmao appeared in front of Méng Tower Aris. From the figure, Titan's figure was still above him, and suddenly many soldiers appeared around him.

Titan waved his hand, "Get out of here!"

Long Mo smiled, these small crickets will be gray in this level of battle, and they will blow away.

"Titan méng tower Aris, I heard that you are the first master of méng Jia, see you today, indeed ... let me down."

The dragon demon looks like he is hanging out in his backyard, and he does not look at the soldiers who are staring at him, even the méng tower Aris.

"Long Mo, should I call you the Fire Demon King, or the Saron Master." Titan méng Taeris is not impatient. Looking at the attack method of Rong Mo today, we know that the two must have a victory and defeat. This is the last thing the Fire Demon King can think of.

But it is very practical for the fire demon king.

"Oh, know me as much as you have the courage, méng Taeris really doesn't know how to live or die. Is it because of your peak of dark gold, plus seven dark gold intermediate levels, what can you do to me? Is it? "Speaking, Rongmao took on the imposing manner of the world, and the Holy See was no longer brilliant. How could this level be against him.

méng tower Aris threw her body and pulled the wind, "Can you, just try it and you will know, now the Fire Demon King is just a demon without a demon."

There was a slight contempt in the corner of Titan's mouth.

This undoubtedly pierced the pain of Rongmao. His reincarnation is neither a demon nor an orc, and can be called a demon or a demon.

The dragon's hand waved suddenly, and in the distance, seven soldiers were sucked up in the air, and instantly turned into seven fire groups. There was no time to scream, but the seven fire groups did not turn into ashes and burned the skin

ou, there is still a skeleton of a skull, and the bones become fiery red, burning with the surging flames, and the empty eyes finally burst into flames.

Rong Mouth lu out

A smile of excitement: "Come on, play with you today, introduce, fire, see if your orc's dark gold fighter can match."

As soon as the words came down, the seven Huoyan shots immediately, and Titan's seven bodyguards immediately greeted.

Originally, the strategy of besieging the fire demon king was also broken. Although the power was greatly reduced, the fire demon king was the fire demon king after all.

Titan knew that his life and death were the key to the success of this battle, and no one could help him.


He wasn't sure, but for the méng T'Aris family, death was never fear, nor was it the end.

Titan has a dark gold sword in his hand, coupled with that mighty armor, the Titan is like a victory, the surging beast power begins to burn, the power of the dark gold peak is already the ultimate in the world.

In recent years, few people have seen the Titans shot. Even as the Ten Heavenly Saints, Augustus also knows that the strongest person in this world is not only the Ten Heavenly Saints. This is why they are so serious. , Not every strong person needs to throw his head, everyone's ultimate goal is different.

Kill ~

The surging animal power can block everything within more than ten meters around, and pour the true power of Méng Jia's first strongest.

The long sword blocked, the ground was directly unfolded by animal power, a sneer appeared at the corner of Rongmao's mouth, and how the warrior who stayed at this level was the opponent of the demon king.


The Titan's great sword was blocked by Rongma with one hand, a sudden bomb, a huge force struck, and the Titan stepped back six or seven steps before stopping.

Long Mo was a little surprised. Xi Shi looked at his right hand and found a blood stain.

Although this fragile body has been occupied for a long time, it is still not used very often. How can the orc's fragile body be compared with the infinite body of the demon king, and this time, this kind of pain makes the fire demon king angry.


A fire dragon roared out, and Zhang Yawu's claws rushed towards the Titan, and at the same time the Titan saturated, and the dark gold sword of his fingers chopped down at the Fire Dragon with the momentum of rowing mountains.

With a rage, Titan had broken the flames and killed them. Although there was a flame burning on her body, Titan didn't even frown, and her anger was pointed at the dragon and the sword was united, and she was cut off.

There was a sneer of sneer in the corner of Rongmao's mouth, a wave of his hand, and a fire whip like a spirit snake rolled directly to the Titan, and the speed was extremely fast. The orc after the orc body also had to use clever energy, after all, the injury on the hand. Remind him that although he is still the invincible Fire Demon King, it is not like he will not be injured and will not die. Thousand years of loneliness is terrible, even more terrible than death, so let the Fire Demon King be incompatible with the Holy See, and learn to forbear, not The annihilation of the body, but the pain of waiting for resurrection in this millennium, has forced the Fire Demon King to change.

Uh ... "...

The flame whip encircled the Titan, stifling his attack stiffly, and this whip was like a living creature. It immediately tightened its power, and the armor on the dark gold peaks creaked.

Titan firmly held the sword in his hand to resist this defamatory force, and at this time, his flames had been resolved, and the temporary pieces were obviously not compared with the battle-hardened Dark Gold Warriors, especially That's right, the darkest star of the Mengng Aris family's sharpest warrior.

However, in order to solve the battle as soon as possible, seven people also suffered injuries of varying degrees. The seven men first resolved the enemy and attacked at the same time. Obviously, they had a very strict discipline.

Rongma's eyes suddenly burst into flames, and the free left hand made a sudden round. "Miscellaneous, get out!"

The fire wall swept out, and the Dark Seven Stars didn't dare to greet it, but could only back away from it.

"You all step back and don't allow hands!"

Titan groaned, his plan failed, and underestimated the strength of the Fire Demon King, thinking that after the reincarnation, the Fire Demon King was limited by his body, even if he was stronger than him. Cooperate with ~ ~ How can you slay the Fire Demon King, but now, the strength of the seven people cannot help, unless he can first weaken the fire demon King's strength to a certain extent, now, completely Just to die.

The seven did not dare to disobey the orders of the head of the family and quickly dispersed, but still did not stay away from the war.

Long Mo was too lazy to pay attention to the rubbish. To him, the people of the Saron Empire and the people of Méng Jia are the same. It doesn't matter how much they die. What he is interested in is the destruction of people or things related to the Holy See.

And this Titan has it.

The Titan took a breath, and the dark beast spirit on his body kept burning, and his muscles were covered.

The swell of the ou explosion counters the restraint of the flame whip.

"How stupid, the Holy See has fallen to this point, is it really ridiculous for the Pope to think that you can stop me at this level?"

"To deal with this kind of demon, why is it necessary for the Pope to take the horse himself?"


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