The Great Conqueror

Chapter 597: Decisive battle

At the beginning of the bluffing war, the vast majority of people could only watch the excitement. In addition to the war, it was actually dead, but the new leader of the Yishu master Qingya was not like this. She inherited the first one. The decision is to open the road to heaven, once every fifty years, and every orc who is qualified to enter heaven can try.

Whether it is Xuan Zang, Arthur and Nebeiro, or Feng Tuo, they are full of ideas for the road to heaven. In this stalemate, if the biggest secret of heaven can be obtained, it may be an opportunity. [Search for the latest updates all in]

Imperial capital.

Xuan Zang also summoned his generals. He will also go out and occupy the Emperor's capital. Xuan Zang's heart only has two things. It is not to defeat Arthur and Nebeiro at once. It can be glorified in history, more tricky than unity. One is to discover the secret of the Holy See's power, but searched the entire temple and found nothing valuable, the other is the fire demon king dragon, as if it disappeared completely. It's the same, how can't I find it, which makes Xuanzang a little restless.

As an emperor, fear of death is inevitable. Of course, he won't admit it, because he is an emperor and can only achieve glory if he is alive.

If the greatest secrets of Tongtian Realm can be obtained, then these two problems will be solved. With the power, the secret of the Holy See is worthless, let alone fear of the fire demon king, and even break the current impasse.

Xuanzang convened a hundred Hannibal powerhouses, and by virtue of his overbearing strength, he would surely occupy favorable conditions on the road to heaven.

Holy gun city.

Nebeiro has also convened all the masters, preparing to concentrate on entering the heavenly realm. For Nebeiro, who has been inherited by the Holy See, it is also possible to integrate the secrets of the heavenly realm.

"This time is an opportunity. If we get the secret treasure, we can definitely attract more masters!" Greg rubbed his hands, and he was going to try his luck.

"Oh, well said. At present, the situation is completely balanced. At this time, some inconspicuous forces are particularly important."

Nebeiro said that he was also waiting, and did not expect that the evil will make such a change, elegant, interesting woman, if you really want to fight against the Ten Heavenly Holy, it will consume a lot of strength, Nebeiro really does not Too willing, although he has the power to fear no one, but the price is too high, Nebeiro has only used it once.

I have to say that Nebeiro is a very restrained person.

"Yes, except for the four empires, although the masters of the other principalities are scattered, the number of people gathered is very expensive. If anyone can complete the road to heaven, the prestige will certainly be a big boost, which is very helpful for recruiting talents!"

Nebeiro thinks so too. He is actively contacting the principalities. On the one hand, he hopes to reach an alliance with the principality. If he can't form an alliance, at least it can get the support of their masters, but he thinks more than just one, except for Hani. Pull, other countries are doing this, the duchy that is usually looked down upon at this time has become a weight on the heavens to determine the victory and defeat.

"The boy Arthur has a good relationship with Augustus and Chugou. If he gets a blow to us, should we?"

"Don't do boring things. The Battle of Heaven will definitely gather forces from all sides. Any action is for the benefit of others."

Nebeiro always thinks that he is stronger than Arthur.

Greg froze. In fact, he also casually said that when Arthur was one of the top masters today, he could not move at all by speaking.

Feng Tuo's interest in the road to heaven is even greater. As a demon, he is full of curiosity about the orc's greatest power. If there is this power, what else can stop him in this world?

Doran City.

"Boss, this is a chance, we must try it!" Méng Ma's voice is always roaring, Jin Yao intermediate Bé méng, and at the same time established the first Méng Jia Méng Legion, méng Ma is the new Bé méng Wang, this girl is also extremely arrogant, but Zou Liang sits down as a strong general.

The strength of the Burning Legion increased rapidly. In the half-year battle, the role of the Warsong Catalyst was fully exerted. The Burning Legion gradually became an army on the continent, and they could not use life to describe it.

He is afraid of the horizontal, horizontal is afraid of the dead, and the dead is also afraid of the neuropathy, and the Burning Legion with a fanatic belief is even more terrible than the neuropathy.

You can defeat a believer's body, but you cannot destroy his will.

Even Hannibal has surrendered soldiers, but not in the Burning Legion. Every battle must be fought to the death of a soldier. This state even has headaches for the enemy.

War is the fastest catalyst to mature soldiers. With Murphy, Peloponnese, Orisia, Joyna, Méng Ma, Forte, Quark, Buenavin, Blue Spirit, Ernest, The rapid growth of Sinda, Lelaon, Sophie, and others has become an intermediate force. Because it is accompanied by the fighters becoming stronger, the leadership and dominance are not comparable to ordinary legions.

Brothers are not exaggerated at all. The hardest part of this kind of army is to survive the growth period. Once it enters a period of rapid development, it is really difficult to stop it.

"Méng Ma, you have a small voice, the house is about to collapse, and a Jin Yao intermediate player is more arrogant than Méng, telling you that you are not acting!" It was Faltai who sang a counterplay with Méng.

Both were vanguards, and the two were inevitable.

"Faltai, yours is just just entering Jin Yao Intermediate, so you dare to talk to my brother and go out to practice in a while!"

méng Ma cracked and laughed.

"Don't be noisy, I will accompany you two to practice!" Zou Liang laughed.

At that moment, the faces of Méng Ma and Forte changed, "Cough, boss, I still need to save some energy to go home to accompany my wife, and at least get hurt with this guy."

Folthey immediately persuaded, and everyone laughed.

"Faltay, what are you afraid of? Arthur is a paper tiger!"

Gina laughed. Now Gina has a little more plumpness. The mature glory is a little bit unrighteous. Gina's popularity among young and middle-ranking generals is extremely high, but no one can get her affection, of course. It is said that she is ambiguous with someone, but no one has caught the evidence, and Gina does not seem to buy someone's account. Of course, it is not true. It is said that Gina ’s cousin Lolita also seems ambiguous. There are two sisters in Ledao, one is the chief of intelligence, and the other is the governor of grain and grass. It is somewhat of a pope steward's meaning. Of course, everyone thinks that the new pope is also young, handsome, and courageous. Which girl does not love.

Zou Liang's nose smiled bitterly.

"I will be reborn as a woman in my next life." Forte waved his hand. "I can only use this trick to deal with the boss."

"Come on, just like you, becoming a woman, the world is going to be destroyed!"

Quark laughed.

Orillia stood quietly next to Zou Liang. Generally, on this occasion, Orisia accompanied Zou Liang to excite. Although Snow Girl no longer appeared, Emma did not like the fun, so she followed Zou Liang. Orissa and Lu Yao can talk a few words, others do not care, but her status will not be shaken in the slightest, all generals are in awe of her, not only because he is Zou Liang's wife, but also because Emma's strength. In the early days of the war, when Hannibal's army struck, Zou Liang and his army could only guard one side, while the other side was held by Emma alone.

In fact, people call Emma the Goddess of Snow below. She is the wife given to the Pope by the beast god, so she has such power. It is reasonable to argue that the ice and snow are indifferent.

The reason why Dolan City's prestige and appeal are getting stronger and stronger, in addition to Zou Liang, Emma and Lu Yao have played a great role. The Snow Goddess and the Goddess of Healing are indeed true for Méng Jia during the disaster period. Can give a great boost.

This influence is also gradually increasing.

Of course, there are many opportunities for Lu Yao Lu, and almost no one has seen Emma, ​​and the positive and negative cooperation is just right.

Orizia has also entered Jin Yao Intermediate, and is responsible for intelligence with Gina. Orisia has done a little more in wife responsibility, making up for Emma's dislike of being crowded.

Of course, there is no ceremony yet. It will be until the restoration of the imperial capital, which will be held in the imperial capital. This is Zou Liang's promise. To the pope, to many people, he cannot only think of himself.

"Arthur, this time will definitely be lively and also an opportunity for us!"

The golden lion's name is no longer the master of the lighter generation of the year, but the authentic leader of the Golden Lion Legion, a truly powerful general.

Calmness has always been a characteristic of Murphy, and now he is more calm.

"Maybe there will be a fierce battle." Peloponnese's cold eyes were full of expectations, the Ice Roaring Legion carried forward in the hands of Peloponnese, and the glory of the méng Ta'iris family has not weakened at all, but it is not rich for three generations, But this does not work well with the surname méng Taeris, and their heirs of each generation can support the beam.

"Ahem, since everyone thinks so much about the benefits, let me talk about the bad points." It must be Buenavon that can still say such things at this time.

"Fox, what's your opinion?" Murphy laughed.

The Ficklow family is also divided into two, one part supports Arthur, and the other supports Nebeiro. Of course, this process is not entangled. Although the Ficklow family has taken two paths, whether it is Arthur or Ney Belo won, and the Ficklow family would not die.

"Arthur is now the Pope, and Tongtianjing has always had an inextricable relationship with the Holy See. If one person can succeed, it can only be the Pope, and if it is someone else, it will form a contrast!"

Buenavon said.

At that moment, everyone also gave a stunner. Prestige is very important. If you want others to take refuge, especially if you want the support and recognition of the principality, you must show your power.

Zou Liang smiled. "Why did the Holy See decline at that time? It was because of seclusion, including abandoning the heaven, why, fear of challenge, fear of shame, and inferiority to others, but the more so, the worse we are. What do we fear Just do your best, and I have confidence. Do n’t you? "

"Haha, that is, what are we afraid of!"

Shouted everyone.

Although Zou Liang is already a pope to the outside, Zou Liang does not let everyone call him like this, without the restoration of méng Jia, this pope's name is not correct, and will paralyze himself.

Buenavin patted his head. "Also, you madmen flock to the sky, what else can you worry about."

Lan Ling pulled Rabuenavin, and he dared to say anything.

"Just as an opportunity to see, Tongtian Ten Saints will definitely participate in all, to see what the top level of our beast **** continent looks like, everyone will move towards this goal!"

Zou Liang was full of spirits, and his confidence grew stronger with the battle.

"Balot, Atinus, how are you?"

"Master, you know, I like to make fun, and I must try!"

"Hey, Atinus, of course we are going, how can we be absent than méng!"

Méng Ma, Atinus, and Quark are more powerful than Méng's Big Three ~ ~ Ma Jinyao. Atinus is more fierce and has entered the peak of Jin Yao.

The gold signboard attracted Bi Méng from all parts of the mainland. Zou Liang also had the plot of Bi Méng. He hoped to create the invincible lineup of Benedict VIII, even if it was a reduced version.

Balot smiled, "Go ahead, the world is your young man, and I shout for you."

Balot belongs to the very sane. He has witnessed the rapid improvement of these young people, and can only sigh that the times are changing. By his age and level, it can no longer be improved, and it is meaningless. He likes flowers. Lan, who likes these vibrant young people, can fight and live with them, and Balot is very satisfied.

He is also bringing some old friends through his relationship, but his influence is not so great, and then five more people came, but it has been a great help to Zou Liang.

The existence of these strong men has greatly helped the growth of newcomers, and this effect is not just comparable to their own power. .

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