The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 130: Cold night

   The disciple didn't expect Hualanting to be so fast, and the distance of ten meters was so short that he didn't even have time to send a message.

Fortunately, he hadn't planned to fight hard before, and was ready to retreat at any time, so he had time to cross the arms to block the five elements of Hualanting's left hand from the thunder-clearing method of the five elements in Hualanting's left hand. Take advantage of the flow and move back.

   Fortunately, Cao Jiashu's February spring wind shears have flew up in the air, and Jin Guang cut his head toward his neck with the whistling sound.

He had just dodged a tortoise, but the cold sweat came down, and then he ushered in the crit of the Hualanting dragon head rope, and he had to brace it again, his arms were numb, two blood stains were drawn out, and he was roped. The body is entangled and stands unstable, and it is a staggering forward.

Just as he was about to stabilize his figure and get rid of it, Cao Jiashu slammed his horse silently, and his right palm was printed on his chest with all his strength. The man’s breastbone collapsed and fell back. In the middle, Hua Lanting spotted the opportunity to send out a surprise. The handle of the flying knife pierced through the throat, and the dead couldn't die again.

   Under the crisis, Hua Lanting and Cao Jiashu cooperated tacitly and killed each other in just a few breaths.

   As there was no guarantee that the others would not be disturbed, Hua Lanting immediately picked up Xue Jiayi on his back, and the three of them quickly evacuated towards the mountain pass.

   At this time, the thunder was loud, the wind was blowing, and the torrential rain was pouring down instantly.

Although the fighting time just now was short, the consumption was not small. Both of them were injured, and they fleeed non-stop all the way. Their strength was lost. When they were forced by the cold, their physical strength dropped extremely fast, and the injuries had to be suppressed. I couldn't help it, coupled with the violent rain and the violent wind, and the muddy roads, after three miles, the two of them gasped like cows and couldn't hold on anymore.

   The two discussed briefly and felt that the other party could hardly maintain the search speed in such bad weather, so they decided to find a place to rest before leaving.

After running for half a mile, they finally saw a larger mine. The two of them felt relieved. Hua Lanting first stepped in with Xue Jiayi on his back. After not taking two steps, Xue Jiayi suddenly heard it. Shout: "Stop!"

  Hua Lanting was exhausted, unable to react, his forefoot fell, and a large net was turned head on. The nodes of the steel net mouth were shining with blades of blue light under the lightning, and at the same time a cloud of smoke exploded.

   "There is an ambush!" Hua Lanting held his breath when he flashed his thoughts and was about to back up. The thought started, but he couldn't keep up under his feet. Seeing the Poison Knife array approaching, the secret path was not good.

   Thanks to Xue Jiayi waved his hand behind him, and the unknown gold and silver light flashed, and all the blades broke and fell.

   At the same time, Cao Jiashu was about to follow into the mine, but was startled by Xue Jiayi's scream, and two powerful auras had already attacked him from the left and the right.

   Cao Jiashu barely retreated half a step, and the two spiritual qi collided in front of him, making a muffled noise, breaking his body protection spiritual power, his chest was as if he was hit, and his throat was sweet.

   Before he could respond, two magic attacks that turned into wolf heads came one after another.

   Cao Jiashu waved his right arm with large golden scissors to block and cut open the wolf head on the right, but his injured left arm was difficult to dodge. He was bitten by the wolf head on his left shoulder, his shoulder was **** and his left arm was dead.

   This is not over yet, the two middle-aged men who attacked have rushed to the front, one of them swung a single knife, and was about to take off his arms.

   Cao Jiashu was wounded and wounded, unable to resist. From the battle, he knew that the opponent's skill was slightly lower than his heyday. The victory was whether it was a new force or a joint battle. He was anxious and couldn't help but close his eyes and wait to kill.

   Fortunately, after Xue Jiayi solved the knife net, Hua Lanting took a breath, and then rushed out violently.

   After realizing the danger of Cao Jiashu, he flew Cao Jiashu with a tiger's tail and took his place by himself.

   The dragon head is roped horizontally, with spiritual power injected, and the cable body is like steel. The dragon head and the scorpion tail are used to resist the two sharp single blades on the left and right sides respectively.

As soon as his vigor and spiritual power were insufficient, the opponent slammed his body away, and made two deep cuts under his flanks. The blood and rain splashed down, and the two of them slapped each with a palm. Hit his ribs.

After Xue Jiayi made an all-out effort to resist the knife net just now, her weapon seemed to be very spiritually intensive, and she was unable to rescue her at this time. Hua Lanting could only sway her body and continue to retreat and unload her power. Behind Cao Jiashu's body, both of them were seriously injured and unable to get up.

   These two children from the Jiang family surnamed one is Jing Zhuo and the other is Zeng Sheng. These two are brothers of worship, and have always cooperated closely with each other, and have been stationed here for a long time, and are very familiar with the topography.

   After they took the order, they didn't search forward, but took a short cut and set up an ambush on the only way to this mountain pass. They waited for the Vientiane Sect disciple to throw themselves into the net, and they intercepted and severely inflicted Hualanting and Cao Jiashu.

   The two succeeded in seeing the picture, laughed, wiped the rain off their faces, and surrounded the three on the ground.

   Zeng Sheng said, "Boss, it's up to you and my brothers to make this great achievement. Now the ancestors will look different and there must be a great reward."

   Jingjue also smiled: "That's right, brother, our brothers can raise their eyebrows in front of the direct disciples in the future, and don't have to bow their heads and kneel to lick them."

   After finishing talking, he smiled and said: "Don't get overwhelmed, and inform the young patriarch that they don't need it. If you don't spend the night, you will have a lot of dreams. I think it is the best policy to get them as soon as possible.

   "Huh? This girl was taken by the young patriarch. She just waited for the formation and tried to start the meat, but she can offer it to claim credit, lest the young master is dissatisfied with us eating alone, and we will wear small shoes for the two of us in the future."

At this moment, Hua Lan Ting only felt the hot pain in his ribs, and the stab wound was invaded by the other party’s spiritual power. The daily movement of his spiritual power was very stagnant. In the cold rain and cold wind, he could not stop the sweat on his forehead. Down.

He glanced at Cao Jiashu and saw that his left arm was drooping, and the right hand holding the golden scissors was trembling. When the previous meeting, he returned the message box to Cao Jiashu, so he whispered: "While There is no injury on your leg. Brother, it is important for you to run away and deliver the letter. I still have the means to cover you."

   Cao Jiashu shook his head: "Idiot, the other party did not warn, this is the opportunity, fight it! The disciple of Tiangang Temple is not as useless as you think, you and I are weak, to lure the enemy to go deeper."

   The situation is urgent, Hua Lan Ting no longer persuades: "Okay, lure the enemy to go deeper, one for each."

   As soon as the voice fell, he stretched out his hand to stand up Xue Jiayi, reluctantly got up and ran, Cao Jiashu also rushed into the diagonal stab.

Jing Zhuo and Zeng Sheng were also cautious. Seeing that they were about to flee, they didn't mean to chase me close at first. They grabbed a few steps before they turned into a wolf head, and they used a spell to hit them in the air, and the wolf head went away. Fierce, opened his mouth and screamed close to their hearts.

Hua Lanting wanted to show weakness and lure the enemy, and made up his mind not to dodge. Who knows that Xue Jiayi next to him doesn’t know what he thinks. Seeing that he doesn’t hide, he eagerly fits on his back and wants to protect him. !

Hua Lanting was shocked, not caring about the severe pain in his ribs, a harrier turned around and put Xue Jiayi on his chest again. Later, he faced the wolf's head with his back, and at the same time raised his hands, all the hidden weapons were shot out. Lingbao "Chunlei Jingzhe Jin Lingsha" was also sandwiched in it and sent out to Jing Zhui.

   The wolf head hit Zhonghua Lanting's heart, Hua Lanting fell to the ground and spouted a mouthful of blood. After struggling for a few times, he couldn't stand up.

Jing Jiao easily dialed the hidden weapon with a single knife, but did not notice the brocade mask that finally flew over silently in the dark. When it was about to explode, he discovered the abnormal fluctuation of spiritual power. He immediately bluffed him. When the single blade was released, the whole body protection was opened, and the hands were closed and a wolf head was released in time to resist.

   The two spiritual powers collided and confronted each other, cancelling each other out and invisible. Jing Cone didn't suffer any injuries, but was affected by the rain, making him look a little embarrassed.

He was teased by this advantage, furious, and saw Hua Lanting being knocked down by the wolf's head. He didn't think much about it. He threw himself up and made a move with his right hand. He flew single-handedly and held it in his hand. Shocked, the contained spiritual energy flew in a rapid rain, smashing Hualanting's back.

Hua Lan Ting has not been injured by the wolf's head. Feng Huolun personally modified the armor made of lotus root and broken silk and stone to play a role. After removing most of his strength, he also took the opportunity to clear the meridian breath. The remaining blood that had accumulated and the dark energy that had been received were dispersed through the spray of blood, but the aura was running much smoother.

   Hearing the blade wind behind him, he succeeded in enticing the enemy to get close, Hua Lanting held his hands on the ground, and he was about to fight back.

   At the same time as the fierce battle here, Cao Jiashu also released the winner.

It was a fake action for him to run forward. When Zeng Sheng’s wolf head approached, Cao Jiashu was ready. He used his force to volley and turned backwards. A backflip made the wolf head pounce, and people moved towards Zeng boosted. , The broken February spring breeze cut off his hands, twisting to Zeng Sheng's head first.

   Zeng Sheng smiled when he saw it, "I knew you would fight back, dying to fight, and subtract your ears. Give me a break!"

Zeng Sheng raised his hand and chopped down the weak scissors, his face suddenly changed, and the mechanism on the spring wind shears in February was touched and exploded by him. The fragments with spiritual power not only blasted his single knife, but also hit all of them. His face.

   The ghost screamed, and once ascended to avoid it, and avoided it, but there was another large scissors in the sky that was transformed by spiritual power, shining with cold golden light, and it had crossed close to his neck.

   This is Cao Jiashu's desperate skill "Golden Scissor Silence", which he has used his legs to use for many years.

   Zeng Sheng was so scared that he didn't lose too much in his cultivation. He turned his head with his hands and raised his spiritual power. Without feeling too much effort, he survived the strangulation of Cao Jiashu's spiritual power shears.

   But the next moment, I saw his head flying up, staring at Cao Jiashu in the air, and then his body fell into the dust.

It turns out that the psychic scissors are still a false move with the thunder and the rain. Most of Cao Jiashu's cultivation at this time is concentrated on the legs of the physical body. The scissors legs just fall on the shoulders of the climbed Zeng Sheng, twisting and twisting. The neck was broken from the hyperplasia of the cervical spine.

   Cao Jiashu also couldn't afford to land.

   At the same moment, Hualanting's "heart is like a double wire mesh, with thousands of knots in it" was also sent out backwards.

After Yun Yiqi's correction and simplification, these eighteen legs have been refined into six forms, which combine the intentional or unintentional hooking locks and the capacity skills of the offensive and defensive four-character tactics, plus the power of the first tower of Tianji Peak. Experience, the power of today is far better than that of the secular world.

   Six legs kicked out continuously, Jing Jing's single-handed sword was twisted into twists by the mana and spiritual power of the legs.

   Had Hua Lanting not been injured badly and caught off guard, I'm afraid he would not be able to keep one of his arms. Even so, Jing Zhuo was horrified. If he dared not eat alone, he would shout for help.

   How could Hua Lan Ting allow him to warn him, and threw out the lead rope with all his strength. Respecting the old trick again, the wolf head appeared, biting the scorpion and then he pulled back.

   Hua Lan Ting pressed the mechanism, and the scorpion tail needle sprayed out forcefully, shot at Jing Cone through the wolf's head, and was slapped to the ground by Jing Cone's palm.

   At this moment, he caught a glimpse of Zeng Sheng's head flying up, and his heart trembled.

   The scorpion tail needle that landed suddenly burst, and a small needle shot straight up.

   Scorpion-tailed child-mother serial stitch!

   Feng Huo Lun has not touched this needle, but Chao Tianque added some material when he learned about it accidentally. Not only did he increase his strength and speed, he was also poisoned.

   The small needle was designed to break through the body's qi, drilled from the weak point under the panicked awl crotch, and exploded in the pubic area.

   Toxin is not a highly poisonous blood that seals the throat, but it has the effect of amplifying pain.

   Jing cone jumped more than two feet high in pain, and it was dying to land again.

  Hua Lanting fell to the ground with all his strength. He and Cao Jiashu tried their best to kill the two. The old and new wounds burst out, their eyes were Venus, blood stained under the body, and the whole body was painful and cracked, almost fainting.

   Xue Jiayi finally helped them to lean against each other, and the two of them supported each other before moving into the mine with the help of Xue Jiayi.

   I used up a lot of the pill that I robbed and brought with me along the way, and there was not much left. After the three divided them, they took them all with one brain and leaned on the rock wall to meditate to recover.

   was worried about chasing soldiers. After the medicine started to work, the injury improved slightly, and the three of them stood up.

Hua Lanting pondered for a moment, and said to Cao Jiashu: "I just pressed that person before he died. He said that there are four others. Among them, Jiang Gongzi, the master of Jiang Jiashu, is still above you. I suggest we go away separately. ."

   Cao Jiashu did not answer yet, Hua Lanting suddenly said: "Hush, there are people outside, silence!"

   Cao Jiashu and Xue Jiayi were startled. At this moment, Hua Lanting shot with lightning and patted Xue Jiayi on the back of the neck.

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