The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 137: Guan Yu Zhang Fei

the next day.

   Everyone went on the road, this time there was no voice-over prompt, but the scene was different again.

   The snowy ice field was replaced by a desert of yellow sand, and the boundary was not seen from afar, but the sky was not headed by the blazing sun, and a waning moon hung high, releasing a cold and soft light.

At first, everyone who had been devastated by the extreme cold for more than a month felt very comfortable. Not only was the weather warm and pleasant, but at first glance, the sky was dark blue with cold moon and lonely stars, and the yellow sand was light and breezy. It does not have a flavor outside the Great Wall, which makes people feel calm.

   However, it didn't take long for everyone to feel that something was wrong. The temperature gradually rose and became extremely hot. It was like midsummer, and everyone began to sweat.

  Looking at the sky, the moonlight is still cold, but the feet are hot. It turns out that the high temperature comes from the ground, just like the warm floor in the secular world, and the yellow sand also turns slowly from time to time, making it difficult to get out.

   After a while, the temperature has reached the level of baking hard-boiled eggs, and eight people have to fight against it.

   Yi Fou Nian complained: "It turns out that it's like this to be on the grill. I think we are slowly stir-fried in a frying pan by the master. Compared to the heat, it is still nostalgic for the ice and snow."

Chao Tianque also echoed: "That's right. I heard the teacher say that extreme cold has its limit. When the low temperature reaches the absolute freezing point, it will end. Whether it is a person or a thing, even the five elements will stop moving. There will be pain. However, the high temperature has no limit. Thinking about everything in the sun and still moving, it would be unbearable for this person to be red and purplish hot."

   Yi Liunian turned to Wen Yin and said, "Here is some water-based ice-based spells to save the emergency."

   Wenyin panted and replied: "No, I tried it. Although there is still water in the air, it is too scarce. I can't absorb my skills and my spells fail."

   Yi fleetingly said helplessly: "Well then, I still want you to quench your thirst, think about the cool time passing by the grass will be better."

   At this time, everyone's body water was lost sharply, and they couldn't sweat anymore. All of them were stumbling, and they closed their vents to lock the water and continue to dissipate, but even then, there were signs of dizziness and collapse.

   Lin Xian stopped in shock and said, "Let’s take a break first and take a break. You are so easy to hide in the fleeting years, and it is hard to prevent you from being secretive. Never forget to pick us up Wen Yin at any time."

   Yi Liunian sat and panted and said, "I'm not seeing everyone in a trance and come up with an idea to quench their thirst. How useful it is."

   Lin Xian said in surprise: "Okay, let's have another joke to remind everyone of their spirits."

   Yi Liunian shook his head: "I'm so roasted that my brain doesn't work anymore. By the way, Xian Jing, if I die of heat and thirst next hour, will you hold a funeral for me."

   Lin Xianjing also shook his head: "I'm sorry, I may not be free next hour, there is still time at this hour, can you die sooner?"

Yi Liunian rolled his eyes and said, "Curse me. This person, sometimes, in the face of life, I really don't want to live, but I don't dare to die, but I know it, brother will be **** off by you sooner or later. "

   Lin Xian was surprised: "That's also a problem with your Taoist mind. I think that people who are cultivators like me, what I practice on weekdays, refining is one breath, so in ancient times we were called Qi refiners."

   Yi Foonian: "I practiced very well, I have long been a foundation building monk."

   Lin Xian was surprised: "What a coincidence, so am I, if you and I will become friends in the future?"

   Yi Nian: "I tell you, when you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. When you understand, don't talk too much. When you are upset, talk slowly. When you have nothing, don't talk."

   Lin Xian was surprised: "Last words? Let me ask you, if one day you really die, what do you want us to say to your body?"

Yi Liunian licked his dry lips: "It's not difficult for me, brother. I suggest that you must say this-alas, it's a pity. Hey, hey, look at it, this guy is moving, it's really not moving. ...Fuck, this girl is alive again..."

  Zhang Hanyun calmed the restless spotted possum in his arms and said to Yi Liunian: "Flying year, do you know what you look like in my mind?"

   "What is it?"

   "Half is a male god."

   Yi Yi is flattered for years, and Zhang Hanyun, who has not much to say, commented this way. It is still very gratifying.

   What do you think Zhang Hanyun went on and said: "The other half is suffering from menstrual illness."

   "Hahaha!" Wen Yin listened, holding up a handful of yellow sand from the ground, holding both hands in a heart shape, and handing it to Yi Liunian.

   "What is this?" Yi Liunian asked.

   "Soil, don't you know this?"

   "What will you do for me?"

   "I mean, I hope you will stay in my hands in the future."

   Yi Fliant stepped on the hot sand under his feet: "This is not a heart-strike, it's a foot-struck. But I like it, okay, okay, it’s a deal."

   Although Yi Liunian and Lin Xianjing cooperated to interrupt everyone's attention and boost their spirits, after traveling for more than ten miles, everyone still couldn't support it.

   The dry heat and thirst on the body can still endure them for a while in the Three Mountains with the Moon Realm, but the underground steamer-like barbecue is obviously different from the ordinary heat, and it seems that people's spirits are withered.

Yi Liunian tremblingly said to Lin Xian, "But, it's okay, we have persisted to the limit, and we have reached the goal of exercise. Quickly take out the baby, otherwise it will really be a skewers. I even need clothes. Can't protect it anymore."

   Lin Xianjing also felt that his vision was blurred, and knew that he could not drag it any more, so he raised his hand and took out the ice-cold frozen human bead he had obtained before, and used it according to law.

   This thing is really good, exuding bursts of icy water, covering a range of about three feet.

   The crowd gathered in it, and only then did they recover and breathe.

   Everyone took turns to take a rest, one by one, they changed to control the orb, and under its protection, they continued to walk forward.

   In an unknown space, Hua Lan Ting was suspended in the air, his body was stiff, his eyes were closed tightly, and his complexion was painful.

   I don't know how long it has been. He only feels that his weak and exhausted consciousness has been floating in the void. The familiar feeling of penetrating barriers let him know that more than one space has been transformed during this period.

   was a dark feeling at first, and there was silence all around. There was a silver light flashing, and it seemed to take something away from my mind. He desperately wanted to get it back. He wanted to break his head and couldn't figure out what it was. He couldn't get it back.

Later, the pain was unbearable, such as being stabbed by a thousand needles, and round after round, it made him feel unhappy, life is better than death, life and death, back and forth, but there are several tyrannical forces in the dantian who attacked and guarded arbitrarily, and Let him die.

   Then, I entered a warm place, as comfortable as in the mother's body, which was warm and unspeakable, but then it was numb and itchy like ten thousand ants. He sadly wanted to tear himself apart, but his hands and feet couldn't exert any strength.

After   , it was icy cold, like lying naked on the ice for three or nine days, Hua Lan Ting desperately wanted to freeze his consciousness and pass out, better than this endless freezing torment.

   After a while, he suddenly switched to hot and continuous roasting until he became confused and his breathing was weak. Hua Lanting felt that he was starting to talk nonsense, and the images in his mind kept flashing since he was a child, and all kinds of people he met in his memory appeared one after another.

  Sometimes people’s voices blast like thunder in their ears, and sometimes they drift away like whispers, and the teleportation of back and forth scenes is extremely uncomfortable, like falling into a nightmare.

   Then came nightmares one after another.

   For example, I first dreamed of being chased to death by a group of people, and then I woke up scared. The problem was that I had to continue to sleep after I woke up.

   As a result, I actually dreamed of the same group of people, still those gangsters, and yelled at him: "You kid, dare to come back..."

In this way, Hua Lanting wakes up from a dream, wakes up from a dream, but can't stop feeling sleepy, sleeplessly, and have endless nightmares. It seems that from spring sleepiness to summer nap, to autumn lack and sleeplessness. The winter in March....... The cycle goes back and forth.

   At the same time, there are three illusory and unknown figures floating in the void.

   One of them said, "Brother Lu'an, what do you think of this son?"

   The person called Lu'an grinned and replied: "It's okay, so-so. Why, Elder Hao Pu has the intention to cultivate?"

Elder Hao Pu snorted in his nose: "What is okay? This son has gone through the four steaming and four brewing stages and has not lost his mind. It can be said that he has good talent and heart. How do I remember Chen Lv'an, you were jealous when you were jealous and beaten up. Half a breath, it seems to be thrown out after three steaming."

Chen Lv'an chuckled: "With each other, our elder brothers don’t talk about second elder brothers, so don’t laugh at fifty steps. You elder Meng Haopumeng was a gunman at that time, and you have spent most of your life. The mark of San Niang."

   Meng Haopu smiled and said: "It's easy to talk about it. Elder Chen is a talented man. The old man has always admired him. It's a pity that he's a talented person who has nothing but great ambitions."

   Chen Lv'an didn't show weakness, and shot back: "Polite and polite, Elder Meng is undoubtedly a master of the world, just add the beginning and the end, it is said to be the master of the two words in the middle."

The third figure speaks at this time, but can't tell the young and old of age: "Okay, you two boys have been fighting for a lifetime, and when they are old, they are still like a child. Hurry up, who will order this child. "

   The two elders Chen and Meng seem to dare not violate the will of the third figure. Elder Chen looked at Elder Meng and said with a stare: "Old rules, right against the opponent, whoever wins will shoot."

   Elder Meng blew his beard: "That's right, I'm afraid of you! You didn't match the Shanghai Lianhe presented by my disciple and grandson last time, so let's talk about it this time."

   Elder Chen was not convinced: "That is not your level. You have disciples and grandchildren, and I also have grandchildren. Now my grandchildren are facing up."

   "Listen carefully, isn't it just a thief secretly stealing It’s very simple, I have a clear understanding of Kong Mingming, how?"

  Elder Meng hasn’t answered yet, the third figure said: "Wonderful, the children often said that the children refer to Mr. Zhuge Kongming in Wolong?"

   Elder Chen curled his lips and winked at Elder Meng, and the two of them did not pick up the stubble at the same time.

   Elder Chen triumphantly continued: "Moreover, there is more than one in the Xia Lian, and the other one is history books, books and books ancient and modern, how about? Hahaha."

   Elder Meng said lightly: "That article has been unveiled, and it's today."

   Elder Chen smiled weirdly: "Today is today, and the old man occasionally got a good sentence a few days ago. I would like to ask Mr. Pu for advice or two. My upper couplet is: the bird is in the cage, I hate Guan Yu and can't Zhang Fei. What's it like?"

Elder Meng pondered for a long while, and said dejectedly: "Miao Zai this couplet is a semantic pun. You can't flap Zhang Yu in a bird cage, and the meaning of unwillingness and injustice appears on the paper, and the names of the two characters of Guan Zhang are embedded in it. It's amazing. I can't make it."

   Elder Chen looked up to the sky and laughed: "Brother Meng Bachelor, since you readily surrender, I will not do anything for myself. I will go and help the Chinese boy." After that, he disappeared.

   Elder Meng stayed silent, and the third figure suddenly asked: "Xiao Meng, I don't think you are right? Deliberately let Xiao Chen?"

   Elder Meng replied: "Not all, the word game belongs to the game. An old Chen Buddhism double ginseng, superb cultivation base, neat mouth, more suitable for teaching the younger generation than me."

"Second, this sash is really difficult. Although I have one sentence, it is not very neat, but it is a little bit short of meaning. The bird in his sentence implies that Zhuge Liang lives in the middle of the cage. My lower sash is always Some regrets."

   "Oh, let me hear you."

   "When people are in the world, you must go to Wukong if you want the Eight Precepts."

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