The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 154: On the dusty mountain

Shang Chenxi continued: "The establishment of a situation in Haitang City hurts me, and the Pear Blossom Society, which has a close relationship with the Tujia, who is known to be at odds with the merchants, is of course a major suspicion, but this obvious connection is a framing. , The thief still shouts to catch the thief, but now it’s not easy to draw conclusions."

   Ai Qing judo: "This matter needs to be calculated in advance, and the second young master's itinerary must have been leaked a long time ago."

  Shang Chenxi said: "I can trust the friend who chooses to trade with me here, but one of his people or ours must have leaked the news."

   Ai Qingrou said: "I have to take the disciples of the Vientiane Gate and become a wonderful soldier. Otherwise, it will inevitably take a lot of trouble to get out of trouble."

  Shang Chenxi smiled: "There are surprises and no dangers, you young people need more training to grow up."

   Ai Qingrou asked: "You mean that even without them, someone will come to rescue us?"

  Shang Chenxi replied: "In addition to holding Jian Bo and Old Swordsman Dai, I am not sure who my father arranged to protect us secretly, but at least the Vientiane Gate will not easily let these precious disciples fall."

   "Since Fan Lihua came to explain just now, she doesn't have to bring so many men, and there is a second echelon behind them. This is a two-handed preparation. If you can't agree, you may fight in two."

"The reason for the retreat is that I didn’t know the situation, I didn’t plan to turn my face now. The second reason was that there were more soldiers and horses in the dusty mountains around us. Fear, dare not act rashly."

   "Xiao Ai, you send the message and let the people in this area immediately start investigating and collecting evidence. At the same time, they will keep an eye on the movements of the Ewha Club and the four major families, and inform the family and the Vientiane Gate of what happened."

   Ai Qingrou asked, "Should we arrange for someone to hunt down Yuwen and Tang and Tang Sanjia?"

Shang Chenxi said: "Not for the time being, just keep an eye on where you are going. They are just accomplices, they are not enough, and they have already paid the interest, and let them linger for a while, living in panic and torture every day, more than killing with a single knife. Make them uncomfortable."

   "Also, in the future, we will strengthen the response along the way, and let the family urgently deploy some manpower and equipment. I feel that this trip will not be smooth sailing."

   "Oh, I feel sorry for my Qingping Wind and Heart Armor. Who should pay this bill? Operation Restore Skynet, isn't it, time to speed up..."

   speechless all the way, they arrived at the dusty mountain in the evening.

  Because Qin Shanyin is eager to use the horns of the head rhinoceros to heal his injuries, and Hua Lanting and the others also need to take a rest after being overdrawn and bumpy on the road, so everyone agreed to meet again at night.

   In three quarters, a banquet was held in the main hall of the mountain cottage in the dust-covered mountain village, and Shang Chenxi and his party received the wind and dust.

   Qin Shan is symptomatically due to medication, and now his yellow face has changed, his face is full of red light, and his expression is bright.

   Although he was ranked fifth in terms of age, he was actually the talker of the dusty mountain. After everyone's scrambled, he led Shang Chenxi and others to the small living room to talk.

   After thanking you again, Qin Shanyin said that the third master of the dust-covered mountain was good at medical treatment, and asked if he needed to show Hua Lanting and the others a look at the injuries.

The Su-robed swordsman Dai Xi said no need to return. The Hualan Ting several people forced the secret method to succeed, and the spiritual power was overdrawn, and it took a long time to recuperate. They didn't carry much with them, and asked Qin Shanyin if he could provide some.

   Qin Shan asked if he needed it and waved his hand, the third master then took a large number of elixir for Dai Xigui to choose.

   After inspecting, Dai Xigui was overjoyed. Not only was the quantity of this batch of medicines sufficient, but the quality was also good. He also accidentally discovered medicine to treat the injuries of Hu Ruyuan's son Hu Satuo.

   Qin Shanyin said: "In order to treat my injuries, the mountain has bought all kinds of elixir. Although it is not of much use to me, it has really exhausted the family, but the reserves are very substantial. Please feel free to use it if you need it."

   Hearing the song and knowing the elegant meaning, Shang Chenxi invaded the business way. Seeing Qin Shanyin's unusual enthusiasm and generosity along the way, the so-called courtesy people must ask for something, and he said with a smile:

"The five masters are polite, and now that their cultivation is fully restored, they will surely lead the dust-covered mountain to rise again after many years of silence. We met twice in Xiaoqingyang Town and Haitang Town. There is a good destiny. What needs my business to add firewood to? It doesn’t matter if you put it on fire."

   Qin Shanyin was overjoyed: "Mou Qin thanked you in advance here. Do you want to talk about things? There are really two things that you want to ask for, one small thing and one big thing, please consider it."

"Let’s talk about trivial matters first. I have an apprentice who has lived with his parents hunting in the dusty mountains and forests since he was a child. After his parents were unfortunately harmed by wild animals, I thought he was pitiful and accepted him as a disciple. This son is named Yue Guanghan, born with spiritual consciousness. Special, especially sensitive to danger, just a little weaker, not suitable for my strong and fierce practice."

"I heard during the dinner that the Vientiane Sect disciples were going to participate in the Xianzhou Youth Disciple Competition. I want to preside over the mundane affairs in the mountains and cannot be cloned, so I want the seventh brother Guan Qun to accompany him with you to open your eyes and see the world. Also look for some opportunities."

"The dust-covered mountain temple is small, and I don't have the ability to form a team to go there. I couldn't participate in the competition. But like me, there is not much room for improvement. So I want to let the juniors have more experience, so as to support the mountain in the future. He. You don't need to be on the court, just ask to watch and observe."

  Shang Chenxi said in deep thought, "This is okay. But the ugly thing should be said before, you have also seen, the more the temple is, the more things will be done. Joining is no problem, but at my own risk, I can't ensure his safety."

   Qin Shan laughed loudly: "My generation monk, since it is so, the young eagle is going to experience wind and rain. To be honest, if a mediocre soy sauce team, I would not have this requirement."

  Shang Chenxi said: "Okay, it's a deal, what's the next big thing?"

   Qin Shan had no words, took out an object from his arms, put it in the palm of his hand, and asked, "Dare to ask the second young master, what can I know about this object?"

   Shang Chenxi took it over and carefully observed. This is a piece of ore. He frowned first, then surprised, then happy, and then suspicious.

   He beckoned to come over Dai Xi to return: "Dai Lao, you come with your palms, I really can’t be completely sure."

   Dai Xigui took a look at it, and then looked at Qin Shanyin and said, "This is a sample, can I try it?"

   Qin Shanyin said, "But it's okay to try."

   Daisy returned and threw the stone. Everyone saw a flash of cold light. They didn't even see how he used the sword and collected it. The ore had fallen into two halves and fell to the ground.

  Only Daixi Guigui knew that although he split the stone sword into two with eight points of strength, there was already a small gap in the blade of this precious sword.

Regardless of the distress, Dai Xigui said to Shang Chenxi: "It is certain that it is a rare mineral, rhenite. This material is extremely dense, has a high ignition point, and is also malleable. It is a magic weapon for refining top-grade weapons. Excellent material."

   Shang Chenxi moved her color, her eyes flashed, and she stared at Qin Shanyin: "Five masters, you show us this, isn't it the only one?"

Qin Shanyin was still shocked by Dai Xigui’s swordsmanship and inspection methods. He heard Shang Chenxi’s questions and said, “It’s a business, but I have tried my best to find someone to identify it. A little sample."

   "Yes, it's rhenium. Of course, it's not just this one, but a vein!"

   Hearing the affirmative answer, Shang Chenxi finally changed his color and moved.

   Qin Shanyin continued: "A little more than a year ago, a thunder came down and split a ridge deep in the dusty mountain, and we were able to accidentally discover this vein from under the section."

"I am ashamed. No one in the mountain knows what it is. I secretly found many professionals with the fragments, and only one person identified it as rhenium. This is a big deal, and the mountain has been secretive about it until today I met the second young master. I was willing and dared to take it out."

Niu Kelian next to    beamed his eyes and said, "Then you did it right. This ore is extremely rare. It has always been a must for cultivation sects. It is good to be scattered and produced. If it is really a mineral vein, its value is simply incalculable."

Shang Chenxi patted the table: "Old Qin, you take us to see now. If you are sure it is a mineral vein, you don't have to worry about protecting, exploring, mining, refining, and selling things. Cooperating with my business is definitely Will not let the dusty mountains suffer."

   Qin Shanyin also smiled: "It's just what I want. The gentleman is guilty of his crimes. With business cooperation, naturally sit back and relax. Go, I will take you there immediately."

   They immediately got up and rushed to the back mountain.

   Although the sky is dark at this time, it is not difficult for these masters to see things in the dark.

   walked into a mountain col. There was no heavy guard here, only a few secret guards were patrolling in the hidden place.

   Qin Shanyin said: "These people don't know the inside story. I understand that the less people know, the better."

   Go The Sixth Master of Dust Covered Mountain welcomes him and nods to everyone.

   Qin Shanyin asked, "Where is the old Liutou? Where is the person?"

   The sixth master said: "Lao Liu has been here for more than half a year. A few days ago, he said that he was going home to visit, and I granted him a seven-day period."

Qin Shan nodded faintly, and said to Shang Chenxi: "Lao Liu is what I call an expert in ore, and helped us a lot. We are all laymen. We all rely on him for identification and surveying. Sixth, wait until he comes back to keep him and wait for the merchants. After fully taking over, give him a heavy reward, and then let him go."

   A group of people came to the depths of the mountains, and they saw a small piece of mountain high above shining brightly in the night.

  Shang Chenxi patted Dai Xi's return. Dai Xi returned with one hand and pinched a finger, and said, "Illness!"

   A sword light flew out at the sound, circling up like a dragon, volleying swordsmanship!

   The sword flew in several different positions up and down the mountain, cutting down large pieces of rock from time to time, and the light was exposed underneath.

   Next, the sword dived under the ground under Dai Xigui's emissary.

   After a while, Shang Chenxi said: "Enough, okay, let other people do the large-scale survey."

   Dai Xi returned to let the sword cut the chaotic stone again, covering the sections everywhere, and then stopped.

   Back on the main peak, Shang Chenxi, Niu Kelian and Qin Shanyin discussed some details of cooperation in secret.

   In the next few days, Hua Lan Ting and others are seizing the time to restore their cultivation. On the sixth day, the merchant caravan bid farewell to Qin Shanyin and went on the road to continue their journey.

In the motorcade, there were more disciples of Guan Qun and Qin Shanyin, Yue Guanghan, and after recovering from the injuries, Hu Satuo and his father Hu Ruyuan decided to go home first to settle Hu Satuo’s mother after they had no trouble in Haitang City. Then rush to the game place to meet them.

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