The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 192: Shangshan is like water

The white-robed man consciously has been in the transition zone for a long time, and he has gained a lot. At this time, he is not willing to talk nonsense. He just wants to get rid of the three of them and then withdraw. He directly uses a machete and pulls out Several arcs formed several circles, which came over with the sword's momentum.

   Hua Lan Ting held the gold wire and iron wire to greet him.

   Chen Zhiyuan consumes a lot of shoes to escape. Instead of stepping forward, she sits down and crosses her knees to adjust her breath. Ding Xiuqin was afraid of the man in the white robe, and shrank behind, not daring to go up and help.

The white-robed man went all out this time, giving Hualanting a different feeling. Before, not only did the angle of the scimitar be strange and tricky, but the full moon technique also made him feel chilly, with more and more full moon-shaped rings in front of him. Coiled and dancing, he could no longer see the figure of the man in the white robe.

   It's not a lie to say that the soul is hooked!

   After encountering several dangers, Hua Lanting judged that this full moon technique was a kind of illusion, and immediately took out the crystal clear and illusion-breaking Luohan Cup.

   Sure enough, the light of the Luohan Cup dissipated part of the chaotic light emitted by the image of the full moon, and Hualanting's spirit was lifted.

   However, the white-robed man didn't care. He just used his Xiu as his advantage to drive the scimitar and spells into a stormy attack, so that Hualanting was overwhelmed, fully defensive, and still retreating step by step.

   It was Chen Zhiyuan and Ding Xiuqin who retired again. Hua Lanting stopped, determined not to retreat.

   The man in the white robe changed his tricks and became compact and fierce. As soon as the bone-cutting knife was used, Hua Lanting's body burst into blood and began to suffer injuries.

  Chen Zhiyuan was in a hurry. Although she was still weak and tired, she had to jump up to help, but the white-robed man slashed her right arm with a knife and forced him back.

   Suddenly, a gloomy voice came from the side: "Chou Huanxi, don't you claim to be romantic and pitiful Xiangxiyu? How can you treat the fair-skinned girl with such a slap in the face today."

   The three people here have not reacted, Qiu Huanxi heard the voice and yelled out first: "Single-day Chong? It's you again, your kid still dare to show up."

   "Is there anything you dare to dare? We have been fighting for so many years, and we haven't seen you take my life and hook my soul."

   Hua Lanting took the opportunity to take a breath, and looked to the right. It was really a single day standing on the hillside ten feet away.

  His heart sinks slightly. A white-robed male hater Huanxi is no longer able to deal with it. Now there is another one-day rush that has formed a beam. Fortunately, the two people don't deal with each other.

Qiu Huanxi and Shan Tianchong fought for a few more words, but they didn't see Shan Tian rushing downhill. They just stood there constantly, in a calm tone, ridiculing the white-robed man for not being able to hold three young people. .

Qiu Huanxi saw Shan Tian impulsively. He expected that he wanted to wait for him to eat the three of them and pick up the bargain. The two of him had known each other since childhood and knew the bottom line. He was too worried that the other party could threaten his life, so he stopped answering immediately. Begins to make frequent killing moves, violently attacking Hua Lan Ting.

   Hua Lan Ting was unable to resist, desperately resisting, while he still had some skill, he threw the bell cup, and at the same time used the Buddhist monk lion head handprint taught by Chen Lv'an to let it go.

   The two sound attack techniques were superimposed, and this time they finally broke the full moon magic technique attached to the sword by Qiu Huanxi, and shook the opponent back.

   Qiu Huan was pleased to see that the illusion technique failed. Shan Tian rushed to the side and only harassed him with words and did not participate.

   Hualanting couldn't stop it, couldn't hold the line of defense, slanted backwards, and quickly retreated to the edge of the cliff.

   At a critical moment, just when Hua Lan Ting was about to fight for his life, Qiu Huanxi suddenly took an offensive, and his breath suddenly dropped again and again.

   Ding Xiuqin, who hid aside and was ready to escape at any time, shouted: "Opportunity! He is dead, the more the master is suppressed and consumed, the faster, everyone will go together and do him!"


   Qiu Huanxi means that one's family knows one's own affairs.

When he came down, he knew that there was not much time he could hold on. He wanted to take the three of them and withdraw immediately. Unexpectedly, Hua Lanting insisted on it several times until now, and Shan Tianchong unexpectedly appeared again, even though he did not participate in the war. The gaze of the old enemy at the side brought him psychological pressure and mental exhaustion. He continued to attack these rounds, and finally it was difficult to pass Lu Zhen at the end of the strong crossbow. At the last moment, he could not resist the suppression of the central patio, and the repair was reduced. It's on the bottom line.

   Knowing that his heart is not good, Qiu Huanxi categorically gave up the attack, and immediately turned back and rushed out to escape.

  Hua Lanting saw a reversal and sent out an ice crack cup chase with the remaining cultivation base.

   Qiu Huanxi blocked it with a backhand, the scimitar shattered, and he continued to run without looking back.

   Hua Lanting and Chen Zhiyuan were unable to pursue any more, and they did not see any movement in a single day of rushing. Instead, Ding Xiuqin shot out like an arrow, and the speed was incredibly fast.

   A few ups and downs, the two entangled for a moment, and then quickly separated in reverse direction. After Qiu Huanxi cursed, he escaped from the valley and disappeared. Ding Xiuqin flew back with joy, holding a storage ring in his hand.

   The trio were in shock, and Chen Zhiyuan said: "Watermelon seeds, real people are not showing their faces. They have been avoiding the battle without helping, and finally came out to beat the dog. Come on, see if you have a share, show the ring to sister."

   Xi Guazi blinked his small eyes, weighed the combat power that Hua Lan Ting had just revealed, and glanced at Chen Zhiyuan and Shan Tian Chong over there, and then said in a jealous voice:

"Wrongly, I can't fight and fight for the poor, but I was a master thief before I joined the Baoshengzong. This skill of empty hand and speed escape is a required course for housekeeping, so... Well, sister, you give me Save some soup to drink, don't take it all."

Chen Zhiyuan grabbed the ring, opened it with a talisman, flipped it through, and happily took out a booklet. It was her unforgettable "The Source of the Dunjia". She threw the ring to Hualanting: "I only want this, you can share the rest."

Hua Lanting was not polite. After taking a look at a few pieces, he gave the ring back to Ding Xiuqin who was eager: "How can you say that you didn't take advantage of the chaos and you still dared to catch food from the tiger's mouth at the last minute. Leave the big head to you."

Afterwards, Hua Lan Ting clasped his fists and said in the direction of Shan Tian Chong: "Brother Shan, although you and I have old grievances, but you are willing to show up this time and help us objectively. Thank you for this, please come over."

Shan Tian smiled bitterly and said: "You don't have to worry about it, I'm not so kind. First, the two families of single enemies in the Western Regions of Xianzhou are feuds for generations, and the entanglement is much greater than the grievances between you and me. He will do it when he meets."

"Qiu Huanxi's cultivation base is higher than me, but I can always protect myself with the Maotai Yoga Heavenly Secret Technique and the Unique Eye Technique. We fought a battle in Taoist temple before. He didn't win, and I didn't lose. In order to hurry up and find treasure Seize the treasure, you won’t be entangled anymore."

   "So, if you can let him suffer a loss, I am also happy to see it. I can't help you, because you have the ability and luck to beat him back."

   "Is that the second? Well, I actually need your help. I am, now, trapped in the formation."

   After hearing this, Hua Lanting was taken aback, no wonder that Shan Tian Chong just made a sound, and did not participate in the war, nor did he pursue Qiu Huanxi.

   The three of them walked quickly up the hillside, and when they got close, they saw that Shan Tianchong was surrounded by a light curtain around him.

   Chen Zhiyuan said with a loud voice, "Painting the ground is a prison?"

Shan Tian replied: "The little girl's eyesight is not bad. I got here after seeing through a mechanism in the Taoist temple with my pupil technique. The arrangement on both sides of this mountain col is very wonderful. When I was looking for a way out, I triggered the prohibition and I was trapped here. As long as I don't move rashly, you can't see me, but I can't get out, and you can't get in either."

  Chen Zhiyuan said: "The formation of painting the ground as a prison does not last long, but I heard that when it dissipates, it will explode and kill those who enter the formation."

   Shan Tian Chong said: "I checked and estimated that if you kill you can't kill me, but if you don't die, you have to peel off the skin..."

   Chen Zhiyuan and Ding Xiuqin both looked at Hua Lan Ting. They had never met Shan Tian Chong. It sounded that Hua Dan and the two had a conflict. If you can save it, it depends on Hua Lan Ting's meaning.

Hua Lan Ting didn’t hesitate too much. They and Shan Tian Chong fought very hard when they came in. The process was very fierce and dangerous, but no casualties are not a deadly vengeance. Selfishness, but without him interfering with the deterrence, the three of them will have to spend a lot of time to force Qiu Huanxi, and maybe they will have to pay a great price, and even the result is not easy to say.

   Hua Lan Ting asked: "Let's meditate first and restore the cultivation base, but how do we break the prison?"

   Shan Tianchong said: "There is no good way. You can only do what you can, attack a little bit internally and externally, and try to break it powerfully."

After resting for half an hour, Hua Lanting used gold wire and iron thread to control the five thunder and light palms, Chen Zhiyuan used the talisman, Ding Xiuqin found some useful magic weapons in the ring, and charged with Qiqiao magic pupils in a single day. Four people Teaming up eventually broke the painting ground into prison.

   After getting out of trouble, Shan Tian asked: "Where are you going now?"

   Ding Xiuqin said: "Everyone has something to gain. I will accept it when I see it. If you are greedy, you can't chew it. Small life matters."

  Chen Zhiyuan also said: "Xuanying is a place of death. The formations on both sides are difficult to defend. The cliffs in front are deep and the water is deep. I suggest retreating on the same road."

   Shantian rushed: "I agree, I can't handle it with my strength, and I don't dare to go deep."

   Hua Lan Ting also had the same intention. He missed the safety of his companions, and wanted to find them together as soon as possible.

   But after another thought, there were very few living people in the Taoist temple, and he did not feel the breath of the same door, so he was unwilling to walk to the edge of the cliff to observe.

   After watching for a long time, he said to the three of them: "There is no way to the sky, and you will live after you die. Since there is a passage down here, there are traces of man-made formations, it can't be a dead end."

   "Look, there are three dry pine trees not far apart from the cliff, and there are also three fallen dead trees side by side on the grass behind us. What does this look like?"

  Xi Guazi replied: "Three strands support the sky fork, you will die to death, and you will die to death and cry to death."

  Hua Lanting shook his head: "Winter comes to the end of spring, dead trees come in spring, and after death is fetal breeding and new growth, three or three or six trees together, that is a single word."

   Chen Zhiyuan asked: "The way out is at the foot, pointing forward. We want to jump into the water?"

   Hua Lan Ting said: "It's not us, it's me. When everyone retreats in panic, they should enter the venue."

   One day, he laughed and said: "Even my pupil technique can't see the reality underneath. It's a scary place, well, you saved me, and the dead and birds are in the sky, I will accompany you to make a breakthrough."

   Chen Zhiyuan glared at him: "Men and women match, work is not tired, I will go too."

   Ding Xiuqin said bitterly, "I'm timid, and I don't dare to go back alone. Then, let me jump, and I'm good at swimming."

  Since it was agreed, the four jumped off together.

  People are in the, a large stream of water suddenly spews up, supporting the four people.

   A voice sounded: "Since you choose to jump off, it means that you are connected with this place. But before entering, there is one more question to answer."

   "The highest good is like water, and water is good for all things without fighting. In this regard, there is no final conclusion to your opinion, but it depends on your own heart."

   When the four of them were surprised, they thought about each other, and Hua Lanting said first:

"It is good for all things. When water flows into any terrain or container, it will change according to the situation, or become the appearance of the vessel, and the surface of the water will appear straight. Water does not directly confront anything, and seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages. At the same time, you can maintain your inner peace and balance."

   Shan Tianchong said: "When the water is facing the cliff and abyss, I will jump down without hesitation, bold and strong, without fear of sacrifice and danger."

   Chen Zhiyuan said: "When the water reaches a soothing and weak place, it will appear deep and subtle, and it can be mixed with any impurities, and it will be washed and filtered until it becomes mellow and clear."

Ding Xiuqin said: "Water originates from thousands of streams and streams. It is clear and transparent. In the end, the water flows back to the sea for thousands of years. The depth is unfathomable. Water can be deep or shallow, clear or turbid, round or square, still and movable. It can be fierce or ever-changing."

   The voice said: "Not bad. Welcome a few, come to the real one, and analyze it."


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