The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 208: Sneak in

There are two roads to enter Yanjiazhai. One road is only allowed to be used by carts and horses carrying goods, and the other is a small road for people in the cottage, ordinary mountain people and businessmen to enter and exit daily, but there must be a road guide issued in the village or someone introduced. , And will be closed after Xu Shi.

The three came to the pedestrian entrance. The terrain is strange and the terrain is dangerous. It is separated from the cottage opposite by a deep and wide gully. It is connected by a long chain and plank suspension bridge that can accommodate five people in parallel. There is a high at the end. The outpost is guarded by soldiers.

   The situation on the road is still unknown, but from here, Yanjiazhai is definitely a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

There is still a short period of time before Xushi, and there are still a few people coming in and out. They are not recommended. Wei Zhanmei is an unannounced visit and does not want to reveal the identity of the Nanzhen Fusi General Banner, so it seems that I can’t get in today and can only go back. Think about other ways after living in the village.

   The three of them observed for a while behind the huge stone at the entrance. Wei Zhan brows back and is about to take the two girls back, but Yin Zi said: "Wait, let me take a look."

   Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu didn’t know what she meant. After waiting for a while, Yin Zi said, “Maybe you can try it.”

"Look, it's getting late, it's almost time for retreat, and the guard post is also slack. Instead of standing at the intersection from time to time and checking, but going up to the suspended building to shelter from the wind, I get up and look at it every few moments. I counted. Count, the shortest time is fifteen breaths apart, other times the interval is longer."

   Wei Zhanmei thought she understood what she meant, looked at the length of the suspension bridge and said:

"Gege and I will take you to perform light work. The 15 breaths are not enough time. I will definitely not get to the opposite side. Even if we both flew along the unstable suspension bridge alone, if the guards checked in advance, we would be found out. It's not safe enough and not insured."

Yin Zi smiled: "I don't mean that. I think the guards are in rotation throughout the day. There are a lot of people coming and going in the mountains. They don't know and remember everyone's face. So, my idea is ..."

   Hearing Yin Zi's idea, Wei Zhan glanced at her in surprise. In his memory, didn't you think the little girl was so resourceful? Now, as if she had changed individuals, she made everyone show that Yingducheng was her idea. This time she was able to come up with such a whimsical idea, which is really impressive.

   Ji Yu also stared at Yin Zi like a monster: "It's terrible, Zhuge, a girl who is alive and well, it is true that the master is in the folk, since ancient times, the heroine has been a girl."

"Zizi, you will come back to Qingchuan with me in the future. I had the idea to set up a special task force for women in the army with the female disciples of Daxueshan as a team to deal specifically with the Jianghu sect of Chaohua. I have thought about the name. , Referred to as the female spy camp."

   "Let’s work together with sisters. I will be the commander of the Women’s Army. You will be a military division. You must be sure that the women will not be shaved and let my brothers startle their teeth. That’s all."

   Yin Zi said embarrassedly: "I made my sister laugh. In addition to the female celebrities, my grandpa also taught me literacy and other weird things. Do you think this idea works?"

   Wei Zhan eyebrows did not expect that Yin Zi's grandfather, who had gone out early that night, did not have much communication, was a hidden master. This is not the time to ask carefully. It is important to get in the cottage first.

The three waited for a while. When the sky became darker and there were no other pedestrians coming in and out, they looked at the timing at the time when Xu Shi was about to come. Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu held Yin Zi from left to right, from behind the boulder. He flashed out, walked quickly on the suspension bridge, and started to exercise lightly. Under the strong mountain breeze, he rushed forward along the swaying plank and chain bridge.

   Wei Zhan eyebrow and Yin Zi's light skills are both good. The two quickly passed the middle of the suspension bridge with Yin Zi, and after running for a few breaths, they stopped when they were almost three-fifths of the suspension bridge.

   Then the three of them turned around, moved forward and backward, in the direction they came, and walked slowly.

Sure enough, as Yin Zi expected, after a dozen steps, there was a cry from the guards of the bridge behind him: "Hey, you guys will come back to me! As for you, those three backpackers, Malier quickly come back, otherwise Open the bow and let the arrow go."

   The three of them pretended to be reluctant, then turned around and walked back to the bridge. The leader of the soldiers waited downstairs at the outpost with two subordinates holding swords and bows, cursing:

   "Are the three of you a rat or a yellow croaker? When the man is a furnishing? You guys want to sneak over after a few farts and chats? Do you understand the rules? The time is up, the suspension bridge is closed, and I will go out tomorrow if something happens."

   The three of them pretended to argue for permission, but the soldiers refused to let them go, so they had to sigh and dejected and walked "dirty" into the mountains.

   After a short walk, they turned to no one behind the tree. The three of them gave high-five hands. Yin Zi's clever plan succeeded. The three of them turned around on the bridge and created the illusion of going out of the mountain. They deceived the guards as they wished, and passed smoothly into the Yanjiazhai in Zigui Mountain.

   After entering the mountain, there was no strict examination and questioning in the outer village of Yanjiazhai. The three of them found an inn to stay.

   After dinner, Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu left the inn and put on night clothes in a hidden place. They were going to visit Yanjiazhai at night.

   This time it was inconvenient to carry a Yin Zi without the power to bind the chicken, but the two also agreed to her to be careful and come back to discuss if she was guarded.

   After nightfall, there were very few lights in the mountains. The two of them walked through the dense forests of mountains and rocks, and quickly touched the neighbourhood of Yanjiazhai.

Wei Zhanmei was very cautious. The two of them hid in a place not far away and observed carefully. They found that the defense of the Neizhai was extremely tight. It was not like a retired official family, even more than the general Jianghu sect base camp. Nothing less.

   One, there is a fence around the stockade, tall and smooth, not easy to climb, and there are sharp barbed wire fences.

  Secondly, there is a trench dug under the high wall. Wei Zhanmei estimates that it is likely to be buried with deer antler branch, tribulus nail board and other hurtful things.

   Third, the high walls and the surrounding trenches are all lit by wind lanterns not far away, not to mention that they are as bright as daylight, and it is also difficult for people to approach without being noticed.

   Fourth, there are layers of guards outside the trench.

   In order to check the situation of the guards, Wei Zhanmei sent a small pebble in the dark, hitting a bird's nest on a tall tree. He used his strength ingeniously, and the pebble fell into the bird's nest without passing through it.

   When the night bird was frightened and flew, the outpost standing in the distance immediately sent three people to inspect. After a short while, another secret whistle hiding in the darkness appeared silently, and after a while, a group of swimming whistle quietly appeared again.

   good fellow! The Yan family deserves to be born in the military for generations, and the defense should be no weaker than the barracks configuration. In addition, the guards are all in hand with swords and guns, strong bows and crossbows, and it is really difficult to sneak in silently.

   Wei Zhanmei thought to himself, either the Yan family is accustomed to managing the cottage as a barracks, or there are secrets inside, or there is no need to guard the house compound in the remote mountains.

   It seems that I am going back to the inn to wash and sleep.

   The two were about to get up and retreat when they heard a sound from the mountain road. They looked down under the cover of shrubs and leaves. It turned out that there were two horse-drawn carriages driving along the mountain road to the gate of the stockade.

   Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu quietly moved to a position that is easier to observe.

When the carriage arrived at the door, first the coachman came down and said a few words to the guard. The guard then walked in, and then a person came out of the gate. He lifted the curtain and probed into the carriage and talked with the people in the carriage. Then a guard came over to check the upper and lower sides of the carriage. After a while, people were allowed to enter the door.

   Wei stretched his eyebrows and shook his head and sighed. At this level, the chance of sneaking in secretly is slim. This mission is very difficult.

   After waiting for the gate of the cottage to calm down, Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu gave up their plan to spy tonight and got up and went back home.

   In the process of sneaking down the mountain, the two heard the sound of horseshoes and cart wheels on the mountain road from far and near.

   Looking down from a high place, the night is dim. With the night vision of a martial artist, he saw two carriages slowly circling up the road, the body of which was wider than ordinary carriages.

The secret in the book shows that this is a special carriage for the Yanjiazhai kitchen to transport fresh meat, vegetables and fruits for the next day. It is fixed at this time every day to go up the mountain. Because there are many people in the village, the kitchen will start to make it in the middle of the night. One day's preparation.

   Wei stretched his brows and his heart moved. Since it is not easy to sneak in in the dark, this is a rare opportunity to mix in.

He did a quick calculation in his heart, and finally decided to give it a shot, and whispered his thoughts on Ji Yu’s face with his ears. Ji Yu’s earlobe was itchy by him, and after listening to his throbbing heart, he naturally nodded and agreed. She likes this kind of adventure with uncertainty most, not to mention being with a handsome guy like Wei Zhanmei, it is exciting to think about it.

Wei Zhanmei has been assessing risks and coping methods, but did not notice Ji Yu’s mood. When his calculations were settled, he took Ji Yu to the mountain road, and quickly found a narrow and uneven road, which was covered by mountains, rocks and trees. Stopped in the dark place.

   Hearing the sound of the carriage approaching, the two men bent over and leaped towards the middle of the road, and lay down on their backs in the potholes respectively.

Wei Zhanmei had good luck and bet it right. The two coachmen are just ordinary mountain people, they don’t know martial arts, they are not sensitive, and they are tired at night. With a little tune, I didn’t pay attention to the situation on the road at After nervously waiting, the two carriages passed by two people one after another. Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu were agile and clasped and clung to them lightly and silently. The bottom of the car body.

   The carriage took the two up all the way, and finally came to the gate of Yanjiazhai.

Under the light, the carriage stopped. Both the coachman and the doorman knew each other. After chatting with each other, two soldiers came forward, one in charge of the carriage, first opened the door and looked in, then climbed onto the cowl. I checked the roof of the car, then jumped down, crouched and glanced at the car hastily.

   That's not a big deal. After getting up, he crossed the spear in his hand, leaned slightly and swung the spear towards the bottom of the carriage, and swiped it a few times from the beginning to the end.

   Seeing that there was nothing unusual, the leading guard waved his hand, and the two carriages slowly drove into the gate of Yanjiazhai and headed to the kitchen along the side road.

When the car stopped, Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu came out from under the car when the coachman came in and called for people to pick up the goods. They stretched out to the shadows next to them, and then went around the corners to find a hidden place. take shelter.

   Wei stretched his eyebrows and let out a sigh of relief. His heart was beating violently. Ji Yu's eyes flashed in the dark, and his chest rose and fell, making him look very excited.

   Recalling the scene at the door just now was really thrilling. Fortunately, Wei Zhanmei had been careful and prepared, otherwise a few strokes of the spear would expose the two of them on the spot.


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