The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 212: Keep the change, please

   Ji Yu promised, moving forward, carrying his feet internally to stop the violent offensive of the cross throat gun.

   Wei's eyebrow extension will be the key to determining the victory or defeat of this battle, but in fact, Yan Dingmao's Thai semi offensive has always been taken over by Ji Yu.

   Under the full interception of Yu Xin Tai Xuan Sword, no matter how strong the storm was, there was a gap.

   Wei stretched his eyebrows into the sleeve, rolled forward with his short body, and waved his hands in succession. Large and small apricot nails and Chunyu nails shot out continuously.

   Yan Dingmao was overwhelmed, his momentum vented, and the cross-locking throat gun was strangled by Ji Yu's sword.

   He shook the gun body vigorously. This time, the scarred point of the spear could no longer hold the sharpness of the sword and was cut to the ground, but Ji Yu's sword was also stunned by Yan Dingmao.

Seizing the opportunity, Wei Zhan eyebrow followed, and another round of airtight steel nails was issued. Yan Dingmao had a few nails in his thighs and upper arms, which were not protected by iron armor. His internal strength was deep and the nails that did not penetrate deeply were immediately squeezed. After coming out, the figure will inevitably be stagnant.

   Wei stretched his eyebrows, took the knife and raised his hand, and the white knife with his left hand flew out quickly.

   Yan Dingmao was forced to lean back, and the white sword swept past the tip of his nose. Just about to get up, Wei Zhanmei's right-handed sword was thrown out, and he was pressed so hard that he could not get up.

   At this time, Wei Zhanmei was in front of him, and the thin wrist chain had been pulled back to the left hand knife, kneeling and turning his hand, stab at the nearest, pierced Yan Dingmao's foot and penetrated.

   Yan Dingmao fell to the ground in pain. He didn't respond slowly. The gun body without the spear head was used as a long stick, and he quickly tapped Wei Zhanmei's throat.

Wei Zhanmei’s left-handed knife has not been pulled out, and the right-handed knife is too late to take it back. It’s a little too late to retreat after abandoning the knife. Fortunately, Ji Yu behind him has picked up the sword and flew over, overwhelming him from behind, and wandering the heart is too mysterious. Yan Dingmao's gun was fired.

   Yan Dingmao wanted to counterattack again, Wei Zhanmei rolled over and raised Ji Yu, and the two rushed into the diagonal thrust.

   He had already seen Yan Jiazhai's chasing soldiers approaching. After hurting Yan Dingmao, he had no intention of fighting, and quickly fled to the front line of the sky.

   Yan Dingmao hurt his foot and was unable to chase after he got up. When the soldiers arrived, Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu had already escaped. How could the strength of the soldiers' feet compare with the speed of the martial arts masters, and they couldn't catch up.

   The two of them were out of the sky and didn't dare to stay. They ran until it was light, and then slowed down and found a place to rest.

   Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu spent nearly a day after dawn, making a big circle back to Licheng.

   They had already made an appointment with Yin Zi in Yanjiazhai. If they didn't return that night, the three would meet at the place where they had a meal when they came to Licheng.

   After the two escaped, Yanjiazhai immediately closed the mountain and conducted investigations and searches inside and outside the cottage, including the small villages at the foot of Zigui Mountain. After nothing was found, the pedestrians were allowed to enter and exit in the evening.

   Although Yin Zi was suspicious, she responded appropriately and was obviously an ordinary weak woman who could not martial arts. After a lot of interrogation, she was able to get out of the mountain smoothly.

Not to mention how Yanjiazhai dealt with the subsequent situation, and that after the three get together, Wei Zhanmei will go to a second place to visit. He meant to send Yinzi back to the city of Yingdu first, but Yinzi refused, and finally Wei Zhanmei. They agreed to travel with the three of them, but the condition was that after finishing the work, Yin Zi would go home before the seven-day period his grandfather said, and could no longer participate in the visit to the third location.

   The three set off after a one-night rest, and rushed to the second military hideout given by Bai Xiaosheng, the deputy chief of Kuai Xue Shiqing Hall.

When    came, the horses stayed at the foot of Zigui Mountain. When Wei Zhanmei wanted to buy two horses for travel, he suddenly found that he didn't have much silver left after paying the shop money last night.

He and Ji Yu put on night clothes when they visited Yanjiazhai at night. They were all there with weapons and tokens, but they only had a small amount of scattered silver with them. Yin Zi only brought some daily necessities with them to prevent exposure of stuffing. Things, the two people’s pockets and bags were discarded, and the entanglement was quite abundant, but all of them were filled with their own pockets by the soldiers during the interrogation, otherwise she would not be so easy to get out of the mountain as a single woman.

   Wei Zhan eyebrows were a little dumbfounded. There is no post here. It is not convenient to borrow from the official office and it is risky. His eyes fell on Ji Yu's head and the jewelry he was wearing.

Princess    is certainly not a stingy person, except for a few things given by her close relatives, she took them down and let Wei Zhanmei sell them.

   Licheng is a small and remote town. There are no two pawnshops. The shopkeeper deliberately took advantage of the war to lower prices. Wei Zhanmei was not the master of bullying, and the amount of silver he obtained was not too much.

The two women first went to buy some clothes for washing, and Wei Zhanmei went to the forge to buy a lot of barely usable ready-made nails to replenish the hidden weapon inventory. When the three went to the market to purchase horses, they thought they had enough silver but found out Not enough.

   The sale of horses is controlled, and most of them are requisitioned by the government as military horses. In addition, this is a mountainous country where limited civilian horses are originally used for sale. Coupled with the soaring prices during the war, the price of the underground black market is even more outrageous.

   The three were helpless.

   As a last resort, they hired a large local car to go to the transit town.

   The two handlebars look like stubby-headed, rat-eyed eyebrows. They don’t look like any good people, and the price is not low. Wei Zhanmei doesn’t care, as long as the money is enough to pay the fare and there is more.

   There was nothing to say all the way, the man who drove the car had good craftsmanship, and he flew like a horse. After a one-night break on the way, they arrived outside the destination town at noon the next day.

   The three people got out of the car. Wei Zhanmei waited to settle the fare. One of the guys said with a smile: "Brother catch, silver tattoo forty taels, thank you for taking care of the business."

   Wei stretched his eyebrows in surprise: "Didn't you say that you are twenty taels? How can you double it?"

"Brother, I'm sorry, our two brothers really worked hard. The first time I came here, I didn't expect that the journey was so long and the road was so difficult to walk. You said that people feed on horses and it is not easy for the villain on the return journey. "

   Wei stretched his eyebrows and grimace: "We haven't changed the route. At that time, you said that you knew this place, and the time was generally not bad. Let's fall by twenty-five taels, and we still have to stay in the store for the rest."

   The handlebar closed his smile, showing a fierce look: "What's the matter, little white face, don't stop talking to the uncle here. I also tell you clearly, it's late, it's sixty taels now, and a penny won't work."

"Don't look at your girl kid who carried the sword with the sword. Our brothers are also practicing the family. Today, we don't give enough as we said. Grandpa made you unable to eat, just walk around!" .

  Wei's eyebrows are annoying, and it is true that the poor and bad waters are coming out of the people, but he is really too lazy to fight with the gangsters. He stopped Ji Yu, who was about to fight with his arms and sleeves behind him, and gave his hand to the carriage curtain, and said:

   "Well, I'm afraid of you, I will give you all the money bags, just a lot more. Well, forget it, don't look for it anymore."

   After finishing talking, he pulled up Yin Zi and Ji Yu and ran away.

   The two handlebars went into the car and looked at them. They didn’t find the money bag. They turned around and shouted, “Where’s the silver? Where is it? Stop, come back to me!”

   Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu's light work is superb. The three of them have already run away, Zhanmei raised the bag in their hands, and replied from a distance:

   "Your second uncle, I told you that you don't need to look for it, you don't need to look for it, don't you understand people? Why don't you find a fart?"

   "Remember to be careful on the way back, and don't overturn the car."

   Two men looked at each other, and the guy who stole the chicken was messy in the wind, and the three of them entered the town.

   The second location is different from the Yanjiazhai Village in Zigui Mountain. It is in a sparsely populated suburban ridge that is quite far away from the town. The three of them need to walk into the mountain to explore, so they lived in the town tonight.

   accidentally saved the carriage fee, and the three of them found the most expensive inn in the town to stay.

   Wei Zhanmei arranged for the two women in the innermost upper room, and he slept in the Chase shop facing the street. Anyway, the world is not peaceful, and the inn is a monk, so that he is alone in the Chase shop, which is no different from a private room.

   After dinner, we went out together to buy some items needed for mountain exploration, and we all went to sleep separately.

   Wei Zhanmei sat on the head of the Tongpu Kang, not drowsy at all.

   After these days, he has now unlocked a lot of his previous memories. The details of the first few years of cultivation in Mengbisheng Huashan have not only become clearer, but the impression of the days after that is also a lot more subtle.

   Other things can be recalled slowly, the most urgent thing is to improve the level of internal strength and martial arts, so that we can defend ourselves and win in this world in order to return as soon as possible.

   Thinking of this, he sorted out the exercises and martial arts that could be remembered and suitable for the current use, closed his eyes and entered the state of meditation practice.

   I don't know when, there is a knock on the door, from light to heavy.

   Wei Zhanmei did not dare to enter a deep-seated state of retreat here, so he was quickly aware and awake.

   put on his coat and opened the door, it was Yin Zi, and asked nervously, "Zi Zi? What happened?"

   Yin Zi's complexion is not very normal: "Ah, that, it's okay, oh, it's okay. Well, sister Yu, please come over."

   Wei stretched his eyebrows and wondered: "Is there anything wrong? These three watchers are dark in the middle of the night, let me go to your room and do something..."

   Yin Zi squeezed, bit her lip, and hesitated to tell the truth.

   Wei stretched his eyebrows after listening, and put his head to cover his face: "Pony, it's good to call me earlier, one roll three, wrong hundred million... No no, go, what's the matter..."

   It turned out that after Ji Yu and Yin Zi fell asleep, it was almost midnight, and strange noises and sounds came from the next room...

   was intermittent at first, but then blatantly, one after another, continuous, and it was still... one man and three women were fighting each other...

Ji Yu lived in the Palace and Dashan for a long time. It was not clear at first. So Yin Zi grew up in the city after I quickly realized that she was very red-faced, and Ji Yu was no longer in the middle of the night without personnel. Ying just cried for a long time, and finally thought of something.

   After being at a loss for a while, she went into a discoloration, got up and dashed out, stopped again at the door, turned her head and said to Yin Zi, "Zi Zi, you go, call, call them... truce..."

   Yin Zi couldn’t help it, she turned to the door next door, plucked up her courage to knock on the door, and said timidly: "This big brother, Ye Lan is quiet, can you, can you have a better life..."

After a while, the man inside said angrily: "Girl film, who are you? The uncle is doing errands, but he is noisy on the side. Did he violate the Qingchuan or Chaohua law? Go cool, and then compare, or, have fun together. proceed if you can!"

   Yin Zi retired in embarrassment, and the two of them, together, could only ask Zi Zi to ask Wei Zhanmei to solve it.

   After Wei stretched his eyebrows and entered the door, he watched Ji Yu sit tightly, with a red and white face full of enthusiasm, and he forcibly resisted not laughing.

Ji Yu scowled and stared: "Nineteen, how come you! Isn’t it smart for you to deal with those two handlebars in the evening? Laugh, you, you dare to laugh again! Hurry up...or you nice!"

   Wei Zhan Mei Nuo Nuo repeatedly, I was about to hit the door, and then I thought about it, why bother?

  He had a plan to live up to, and it was the best policy to win the war without fighting, so he said: "The little one gets the order, it's up to me."


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