The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 219: No 3 no 4

The book was short, and the two went to the depths of Manjuelong and asked the mountain people about a place called Jiuxi Shibajian. The mountain people pointed out the direction, but told them that it was a forbidden area and they could not get in.

Since Bai Xiaosheng didn't take charge of the property, he only knew that he had to pass through the iron crown beams of Nine Creeks and Eighteen Streams to go to the place where the army's salary was stored. This place is a supply place often used by Kuaixue Shiqingtang, but he is not very clear about how to enter and how to transport it out.

Of course Wei Zhanmei wouldn't stop trying to find out because it was a forbidden place. After entering the Nine Creeks and Eighteen Streams, the scenery here is just like its name, with gurgling streams everywhere, rapid mountain streams, trees on the banks, delicious grasses and colorful falling leaves. In the meantime, it is like a paradise.

Along the mountain path, you can see a natural stone beam between the two peaks. It is like a crown and is only six or seven feet in length. It is not very wide. There are huts scattered around the entrance. Someone lives here for a long time.

The two approached, and when they were about to embark on the road to the stone beam, two people came out of the hut, one young and old, dressed in old clothes and dark complexion. Two children.

The old man stopped when he left the house, and the young man came straight to block the way and said, "Two, there is a private forbidden area ahead. If you are traveling in the mountains and water, please detour."

Wei Zhan's eyebrows clasped his fists, "This little brother, I have played so far. Seeing that the scenery here is excellent, please make it easy for us to go in and explore the wonders, so that we can live up to the good spring."

The young man was young and vigorous, and his face straightened up, "I don't understand what you have said. I have said that it is forbidden, and idlers are not allowed to enter. I advise you to leave quickly and don't make mistakes."

Wei Zhanmei deliberately tentatively tentatively, and immediately lowered his face and said, "The whole world, could it be the king's soil. It is not the inner courtyard of the palace, but the mountains and remote areas. How can it become your private land? The young master just wants to go in, how are you doing?"

The young man raised his fist after shrinking his hand, "My family is entrusted to guard the mountain, and the owner has orders. Anyone who enters into it will be beaten out. Don't ask for hardship."

Wei Zhan's eyebrows moved forward, punches out, and shouted, "Be careful, I'm about to learn!"

The boy's hands first retracted and then suddenly popped out. The two of them met with four hands and four punches. Wei Zhanmei felt a strong force coming from his eyebrows, his figure was unstable, he stepped back half a step, and rushed up again.

The boy's feet were not moving like mountains, his knees, waist, shoulders and elbows were twisted and then suddenly exerted force, and then contracted and released again, as powerful as Hong Zhong's slap.

Wei Zhan's eyebrows didn't show his full strength, unable to parry, he took a few steps back and forth, his chest surged with blood.

The face of Ji Yu behind him changed drastically at this time, and he drew his sword and shouted anxiously, "Be careful when you stretch your eyebrows! This is a magic fist, don't resist, stand back and I will come back."

Hearing the four words, Wei Zhanmei also remembered that this is the unique martial arts of a mysterious sect on the rivers and lakes.

This boxing is a martial art inherited from the Yan family of Meishan in the southern part of Chaohua.

The Yan family boxing method is passed on from male to female, and it never accepts disciples outside the family. In addition, the number of people is sparse, and there are very few people who will meet, but this does not prevent this fine art from being famous in the martial arts.

The Yan family boxing technique actually has a very long literary name, called "cherish oneself for short sleeves, know the cold in one's hands, and chase one's fate."

There are eight styles of this boxing, each of which contains variable moves, but it is always inseparable. It is based on the amazing inner strength method passed down from generation to generation by the Yan family. It uses the knees, waist, shoulders and elbows as the axis. Although the three fists are not open and closed, they are fierce and unrelenting. They fly when they touch them and hurt when they touch them. They were once known as the "first hand in the world", and their domineering and fierce punches are the best in the world.

These eight styles are called "Non-three-no-four, deceive three and conceal four, three and four, gossiping, picking and picking four, upside-down, throwing away, and over and over again."

Because the real name of the boxing method is too long, it is usually named as the first move "non-three-no-four" in Jianghu. Those who have suffered bitterness and grudges secretly call it "Wang Ba (ba) boxing."

"I regret short sleeves and know the cold in my hands" means that when punching, he will first retract his sleeves and shrink his hands to accumulate energy. Therefore, although the Yan family has not retired for a long time, Ji Yu, a disciple of Daxue Mountain, can recognize it at a glance. come out.

The Yan family did not take the initiative to hide from the world, but three hundred years ago, the Yan family chief’s fate eight was defeated by the “Iron Horse Autumn Wind Crushing the Coffin” of the couple Zhong Rongdong Pavilion of It is rumored that the Yan family has retired since then, and has concentrated on improving and practising martial arts, with the intention of regaining the title of "First Hand in the World". This is not the case in martial arts.

As a top martial artist and super master, Daxueshan Wen Rushenni knew the origin and power of the three and four punches, and had exchanges in small circles in private, so he would warn Ji Yu if he encounters them while walking. Be careful not to offend it easily.

Ji Yu didn't dare to hold it big, and this time he directly took out the Yuxin Taixuan Sword. The young man was still young and had insufficient cultivation skills. After all, his two hands could not be compared with the sword, and soon he was able to hold it and couldn't attack it. NS.

Seeing this, the old man behind the young man deceived him, without saying anything, a pair of fleshy palms slapped and smashed, the fist was strong, the old **** was hot, the old man was not afraid of the power of the sword, and he beat Ji Yu with a few strokes. Only parry, nothing can fight back.

The old man stopped after gaining the upper hand, and said, "No need to fight. Since you are a disciple of the Daxue Mountain, it is not appropriate to bully the small with big things. Don't bother you. Let's go down the mountain."

Ji Yu was sensitive and said, "Daxueshan Ji Yu pays respects to Senior Yan. I didn’t expect the Yan family to live in seclusion here. It would be disturbing. The younger generation waited to see the excitement in Jicui Valley, thinking about walking around before starting. Had this coincidence."

The old man nodded. "The old man, Yan Canghuang, deputy chief of the Yan family, this is my nephew Yan Maoxiu. I have also heard about "Great Nerves". Since it was accidental, let it go. From here to Jicui Valley, there is A shortcut that local talent knows can point you to the past and save some time and time."

"But there is a time when the Yan family is hidden in this matter, and I asked the girl to keep it a secret. After I go back, please ask my respected teacher Wen Rushi how well it is."

Ji Yu replied, "Thank you Yan Clan Chief and forgiveness. You can rest assured that the younger generation is your own destiny."

After a few more words, Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu said goodbye to Yan Canghuang and his nephew.

It is already known that Kuaixue Shiqingtang invited the Meishan Yanjia Shoushan to move. This must be the place where the treasure is hidden. Wei Zhanmei feels that there is no need to find a way to get in. After all, his task is to confirm the location instead of entering the treasure. This made Hu Shiwei's headache relieved.

After leaving the nine streams and eighteen streams, Ji Yu asked, "Brother Nineteen, there are still a few days before the water emerges from the Feilengcui Island. Should we return to the original road and enter the Jicui Valley, or should we rush over that path ahead of time? "

Wei Zhanmei thought for a while and said, "It is too late to return to the original road, but the road is also boring. It is better to take a small road. You can find out the situation in advance and decide whether to go to the island at that time."

Ji Yu asked him, "Aren't you going to the island? Are you not interested in the magic knife?"

Wei Zhan's eyebrows are in his arms, and his neurotic mind is already running backwards, how can he care, perfunctorily.

"You have the intention to kill thieves, but you can't return to heaven. Just rely on my sloppy ability? You can't even beat you. How dare you fight for the crown among thousands of people."

Ji Yu gave him a sideways glance, "I'm so sorry, I don't have any energy, in vain, the princess still looks at you differently, and has a lot of blue eyes."

"I have a hunch, I always feel that you are pretending to be a big-tailed wolf, hiding something from me. You must know that a woman's instinct is very good."

"Actually, you don’t need to be inferior. The tricks you made in the grove of Paifeng City are so powerful that I almost missed the next step. Side support, it may not be hopeless."

Princess Ji Yu is a lover with a heart tied to her, so she naturally hopes that Wei Zhan's eyebrows are as strong as possible.

Wei Zhan shook his head, "Thanks, I want to live a few more years, and I can't make a sword."

"According to the news that I heard in the city, the truth or falsehood of the treasure knife and the mind is unknown. The top masters may not come credulously for various reasons, but it is known that there are about a dozen people who have arrived and will be there. Now, all well-known big factions and martial arts forces should have sent mid-to-upper-level masters to try their luck. If you count the ordinary knights and bandits, there is little hope."

"It's up to you, don't fight, don't fight, but I want to go to the island to see the excitement, the rare event in a century, or the demeanor of the strong, it is also a rare experience to be able to live a few tricks, no need to work hard. Think about it, how fun it is to fight with thousands of warriors."

The two talked and walked towards the mountain path pointed by Yan Canghuang.

At this time, the sky is getting darker. Although the terrain of Duiyun Mountain is not high, the trails are undulating and rugged. The hunters and the mountain people who pick herbs in the mountains only occasionally walk this path to make some traces. Fortunately, the two of them are walking. With martial arts, after eating some dry food and clear water, he walked along the mountain through the thorns.

According to the distance Yan Canghuang said, the two people plan to take advantage of the moonlight that is approaching the full moon to drive overnight, and then rest before arriving at the Great Lake of the West Sea before dawn.

When the evening passed, they found that there was smoke rising up not far away, and they would not be able to see it if they were not close ~ who would be left unseen after dinner time How about cooking in the dense forest?

The two of them felt strange and left the path to look down the slope.

After walking for a while, the two came to a leeward hillside, looked down behind the bushes, but were startled by the sight in front of them.

In the middle of the hillside, under the cover of the woods, there are actually several camps!

The sky hasn't been completely dark yet, and many people inside and outside the camp can be seen vaguely coming in.

The two shortly observed for a while, then Ji Yu pulled Wei Zhan's eyebrows and left and returned to the small road.

Wei Zhanmei said, "There is a problem! Those people are obviously in the Qingchuan army's attire, except that they have no horses, and they are fully equipped. I have counted them, and there are hundreds of people. Why are they here?"

"A trap! This is a trap. The Qingchuan Army is lying in ambush here, trying to catch all the people in the martial arts. Didn't you hear that Qingchuan has this intention?"

Ji Yu replied, "What do you mean, it is obviously us. But you are right. I am the Qingchuan Army, and depending on the costume, I am still an elite division. There are half a thousand-member team, and there are three major battalions in the capital. Master."

"The three major battalions of the capital?"

"You can't tell the difference. In addition to guarding the army of the capital, I have four big camps, Tiandi Xuanhuang and Tianzi Camp. The Tianzi Camp is composed of the royal family and the descendants of the princes and relatives. The confidant generals in the army, the Xuanzi battalion recruited masters and strangers, and the Huangzi battalion is the elite from all over the place."

"Looking at the color of the clothes, this includes some of the hands of the earth character, the mysterious character, and the yellow character Sanying."

After Wei Zhanmei listened, Qingchuan Elite was supplemented by Kung Fu masters. This, isn't it necessary to kill all the people in the arena who seize the treasure?

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