The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 240: Stubborn mourning

Patriarch Kending looked around and said: "Your tribe has the largest number and the greatest influence. Since we elected you to the post, you have not cared about the feelings of our small and medium tribes, and have not cared about the life and death of ordinary tribes..."

"Patriarch Kendin", Akenser interrupted him:

"First of all, please call me a big radical. Secondly, everything I have done is for the rebirth of the Aken tribe. The tribe can regenerate if they die, but if things go wrong, you think the Three Sacred Mountains will be scrupulous. Are we alive and dead?"

Having said that, Kending simply let go: "The big head, you are bullying the small by the big, you can't always use the power to bully our weak tribes."

Akentha's face twitched, and he paused with the staff in his hand, and said in a heavy tone: "So what, I have this capital, and the tribal staff has recognized me as the master."

Kendin still argued for reasons: "The Aken tribe is a tribal union, and the tribes should coexist on an equal footing."

"Equal coexistence? That is the thinking of the weak. Have you ever seen the strong say that? Only equal strength can be equal, and equal strength can be friendly coexistence."

"You! Well, it's enough for you to be arrogant within the tribe. Everyone is in the same family and we confess. But do you know that many of your practices have offended many other holy land tribes that once allied with us?"

"So what? The so-called allies are just temporary partners who exchanged interests in the past."

"You mean, we have been making deals with the Alliance tribes? In the long run, they will give up supporting us."

"Trading is trading. We took advantage and finally got the support of the Three Sacred Mountains, which gave the most resources and the best spells. I am very happy. They did not get enough oil and water, so they were unhappy, but it was useless. ,It's that simple."

"Large radical, you will provoke tribal disputes like this, how will you lead other holy land tribes in the future?"

"Nonsense! Tribal disputes have been and always existed since ancient times. How can I say that I provoked them? When we become stronger, we can naturally lead them, isn't it?"

"You mean tribal disputes have nothing to do with you?"

"Please pay attention to Patriarch Kending, whether it has anything to do with me, it's not your business."

"Please answer my question head-on."

"Sorry, I have already answered."

Patriarch Kending was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Another tribal leader stood up: "The big radical, when you were publicly elected, you kept saying that you would lead the Holy Land tribe back to glory, but what you did after being elected did not consider the common interests and well-being of all tribes."

Akenser said indifferently: "Kenny, you got it wrong. I was talking about letting the Akan tribe stand on the top of the Holy Land tribe again. Is this wrong? Besides, when making a deal, would you consider the interests of others? "

"You mean you are only allowed to win, and others can only suffer?"

"Of course, I would like to ask, will you do a trade that loses money? Will you do a trade that is only beneficial to others? At least I, never believe in a win-win situation."

"But, under the banner of giving priority to the interests of the Akon tribe, you are in fact working for the benefit of your tribe."

"Wrong, either under the banner of the Aken tribe first, or the Aken tribe first! On the other hand, I think only my tribe can represent the Aken tribe."

Another tribe leader couldn't listen anymore, and interjected: "Akenther, you don't keep your word. You have one thing in front of you, and another thing behind your back."

Akenser turned to him: "Kenyu, you told me to keep your word? Why keep your word? To whom to keep your word? What kind of promise?"

"You are more like a profit-only businessman than a big radical!"

"Hmph, may I ask, I am not a big radical, then who is?"

"You broke the agreement and promise at will, but you all agreed."

"Isn’t the agreement set by man? Since it is complied with, there can be non-compliance. If it is beneficial to the tribe, it will be carried out, and the situation will change, and it will be torn when it is not good for the tribe. Don’t everyone do this. No, it is powerful. Talent will do this."

Retired by defeat, there was silence during the meeting.

Kending sighed and said in a low voice: "I have already sworn allegiance to the tribal staff and the big radicals. You will go your own way, and we can only obey. I only ask you to leave the ape-man tribe a way of life. After all, it was I brought them in."

"It depends on whether they listen or not. But then again, the disobedient must be cleaned up, and the obedient must also be cleaned up."

Kenny lamented: "What's the logic of your big radical? What good will it do for us?"

"Beating from time to time, how do you know when they will become disobedient?"

"Benefits? Huh, the eldest brother will always be the eldest brother, the younger brother is not necessarily the younger brother, anyway, there are many people who are willing to be younger brothers."

Kenyu reminded: "Forcing the apes, they may run to our opponents."

Akenser disdain: "Is it necessary to kill someone if I take out the knife?"

Ken, relax your mind: "That's good, just scare them."

Akenser took another sentence: "The question is, what's the point of using a knife to not kill?"


The meeting of patriarchs of the Akan tribe was over, and everyone broke up.

Everyone walked out of the big tent one after another, and finally came out a tower-like man, a head taller than ordinary tribesmen, except for the big radicals, only a colored feather was inserted on his head.

Seeing that the man was unhappy, the chief Kending came over and patted the man's arm and said, "Abu, let's have a drink together."

The big man shook his head: "Thank you, it's still not possible. The big radicals let me recharge my energy and say that I am going to fight soon."

Kending nodded, and said with a serious face: "Abu Dhabi, most of the radicals wanted something, and we don't blame him. But he is old, and the continuation of the tribe's glorious hopes depends largely on you, the Abu family to come out of the strong. ,be careful."

Abu Dhabi smiled reluctantly, saluted Kending and turned away.

Back in his tent, Abu Dhabi fell headlessly on the felt mat, staying with his hair in his hands.

Hearing the sound, the coarse cloth curtain in the middle of the tent was lifted, and a girl in animal clothing came out.

The girl’s complexion is not as dark as that of the Akan tribe, she has a healthy wheat color, and she has a very strong body. Because of her height, she appears to be well-proportioned. She has a braid that is long and knotted at the waist. She looks at the woman in her twenties. Appearance, his face is full of youthful breath.

Seeing Abu Dhabi lying on the collapsed, worried and sighing, the girl sat down and asked, "Brother, what's the matter? Every time you come back from a tribal meeting, it looks like this, or is it because of the old patriarch?"

Abu Dhabi replied: "No, the patriarch and his old man's temperament has become more and more perverse and violent, and his words and actions have become more and more unreasonable, especially today.

The girl smiled, her expression a little sad: "I remember that he was not like this before. When I was young, the old patriarch was so amiable. Every time I saw me, he would hold me on his shoulder and spin a few times. Son, children like to play with him."

"Who said no, I think it was all caused by the exercises handed down from the Three Sacred Mountains."

Speaking of this, Abu Dhabi lowered his voice: "You are not allowed to talk to the outside. Only I know about this. The old patriarch’s practice is different from ours. I suspect it will affect his spirit, so he has a strong temperament. Change."

The girl's name was Abu Guixiu. After listening to Abu Dhabi's words, her eyes showed sorrow, and she gritted her teeth and said bitterly, "The Three Sacred Mountains, they must not die."

Abu Dhabi said helplessly: "There is no way, we have to accept such an arrangement."

"You know, in the Holy Land, all tribes have been enslaved by the Three Sacred Mountains for generations. They are the food for their practice. Both men and women have to sacrifice to them when they reach the young and middle ages, so that few tribesmen can live beyond fifty and die. Later, they would use it again. But the power of the Holy Land tribe was too weak and there was no resistance at all, and slowly accepted this tragic fate."

"Until this time, the Three Sacred Mountains issued a message, saying that it was to select suitable tribes, teach them to practice meditation, and prepare to become warriors, and to accompany them to attack Shuxuan Xianzhou in the future."

"They promised that the tribes who are successful in cultivation can no longer sacrifice to the holy mountain and become the leaders of all tribes. They also gave favorable conditions for expanding their territory and preferentially migrating to live in Xianzhou."

"Don't say anything else, just getting rid of the fate of sacrifice has caused the tribes to fall into madness and rush."

"So, indeed, we can't blame the old patriarch. It's not that his elders are rushing around and uniting, and the Akan tribe alliance can't stand out from the competition among many tribes and obtain the qualifications to practice the holy mountain exercises. Moreover, afterwards, also. It proves that the physique of the Aken tribe is more suitable for cultivation than other tribes."

The lady Abu said softly, "But the Three Sacred Mountains were not at ease. Didn't we find that the exercises given were problematic? The tribe quickly acquired the ability to practice meditation, even more advanced than the cultivation of the disciples of the Sacred Mountain. It's much faster, but this comes at the cost of vitality. Nowadays, people of the ethnic group are much older than they actually are."

Abu Dhabi smiled bitterly: " The Three Sacred Mountains later explained that this quick-acting method is flawed, not only shortens the life span, but also makes it difficult to make progress when it reaches the condensed state. "

"Therefore, the holy mountain has a sinister heart, and the number of holy mountain meditating itself is not enough, so we are trained as the victims of the monks who consume Shuxuanxianzhou. Every patriarch in the tribe has already seen through the face of the holy mountain." Abu girl said again.

Abu Dhabi said, "So what, the Three Sacred Mountains are too cunning. On the one hand, they said that they would work out follow-up exercises to solve this problem. On the other hand, they said that Shuxuanxianzhou's water, soil and spiritual energy can make up for this defect, step by step. We ventured into Xianzhou as a pioneer."

"The Holy Land tribe has been enslaved for too long. As long as there is a glimmer of light and a glimmer of hope for change, no one will give up lightly. The Three Sacred Mountains have spotted this."

"Furthermore, we have to come. The Three Sacred Mountains have taken hostages of the old and weak women and children of the tribe, and that's all for the elderly. Women, girls and children are necessary for the reproduction of the tribe. No matter what situation the Donglai faces, they will die. , Let the tribe continue."

"Also." Abu Dhabi lowered his voice again and said close to the ear of Abu's lady:

"The old patriarch told me that the chief leader who took office did not hesitate to exhaust his energy to return to heaven in advance, and calculated that the opportunity for the Holy Land tribe and the Akan tribe to break free from the shackles of fate is in the east."

The girl Abu was shocked and asked: "Really? How to break free?"

Abu Dhabi sighed, "I think it is precisely because of this that the old patriarch is desperate and does not hesitate to go against it. He must first complete the task assigned by the holy mountain in order to find opportunities in the process."

"But the problem is that there is no more discourse, except for the opportunity in the east, there is only one sentence-put it to death and live."


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