The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 267: Encounter reunion

Hua Lanting was panting slightly at this time, and his heart was already on fire.

After he landed, he was walking around to identify where he was, but he was inexplicably attacked by the blood unicorn beasts.

Kirin beasts are spirit beasts that originated in the Demon Yuan of Taichu in the north, and have never heard of them in the large-scale ethnic group Xianzhou.

Most of these blood unicorns are only equivalent to the cultivation bases of the medicine and pill formation, and a small number of them are in the self-cultivation state. The leaders are just a few spirit beasts in the early stage of the pill return, but they are better than they are not afraid of death. There are too many to kill, and I can only fight and go.

I just took the time to do a quick calculation with the Zidou Zhanming method. The house position shows that the giant star in the southeast direction has turned into dark and jealous. Although the astrological signs are obstructive, there are no evil stars such as the Yangtuo fire bell, which should be beneficial. Escaped, so he spread out and ran to the southeast.

Hualanting, who has entered the ultimate stage of the Five Qi Dynasties, is not slow, but the blood unicorn beasts rely on the talented magical power and blood escape technique to catch up with the tail, and one of them returns the blood unicorn body in the Dan state. The color of blood and light flashed continuously, and he was already approaching behind him alone.

Hua Lanting, who was agitated, decided to kill Liwei again.

He took out the Taoist magic weapon, Tai Chi towel, and put it on his body. The figure disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he had come to the side of the blood unicorn in the Huandan realm. Then he gathered his hands in circles, and the golden wire and iron thread sent out, a lion The head of the unicorn with deer antlers and eye-opened tiger eyes revolved in the air. The body of the headless beast fell, and the dark red beast blood was spilled on the ground.

The blood unicorn beast group that followed was frightened and stopped. After hesitating and confused for a while, it seemed to have received the instruction and mustered the courage to follow.

Looking at the red beast group composed of hundreds of blood unicorns, Hua Lanting scorned a few words and had to continue running forward.

After a short while, a peak of a hundred meters high appeared in front of the mountain. The peak was rocky and there was no grass. It was too late to observe carefully. Hualanting thought that going up the mountain could defend against danger, better than being besieged in the wilderness, so he accelerated to the peak under his feet. top.

Immediately after rushing halfway through the mountain, Hua Lanting suddenly heard the roar of beasts from the other side of the mountain, and was surprised secretly. Is it possible that there are beasts in other directions?

Now there are interceptions in the front and chasing soldiers in the back.

On the top of the mountain, before stopping, I saw a figure on the other side rushing up, and the two almost ran into each other. He hurriedly stopped and took a closer look. Hua Lanting exclaimed in surprise: "Xian Jing, why are you!"

Lin Xianjing was also overjoyed: "Lanting, it's really you. Why are you here? It's been three years, and you haven't heard from you. If it weren't for the above, you would be fine. Everyone is worried about you hanging up."

Seeing Lin Xian's a little embarrassed look, Hua Lanting laughed: "You are not in the door, what are you doing here? This has been gone for three years, have you missed me? Kung fu is good at it, and the secret forecasting skills are good. I can figure out my position."

Lin Xian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Come on, you can really figure it out. I won't take this trip. Look behind me."

Hua Lanting looked down at the mountain behind him, and couldn't help taking a breath.

In this direction, there are also a piece of Qilin spirit beasts, but they are not blood unicorns, but hundreds of black ink unicorn beasts.

Upon seeing this, he gave a bitter smile. Before he could speak again, another person suddenly rushed up from the bottom of the peak on the right side. He was so fast that he stopped abruptly and screamed: "Lanting? Xian Jing? Why are you? Two, it’s amazing, are you rescuers sent by monkeys?"

Hua Lanting and Lin Xianjing were also shocked, and they all spoke together: "Years?"

The three looked at each other for a while, then laughed and leaned over and hugged each other, each hammering each other before they separated.

Lin Xian was shocked: "Weird things happen every year, and this year is particularly numerous. As for Lanting's disappearance, how long have we been missing since we were dispatched to perform the mission? I didn't expect to meet again here."

Yi Liunian replied, "I will recount later after I leave the relationship. You two should help me fight back the chasing soldiers first."

Only then did the two of Hualin notice that the mountainside on the side of Yi Liuliian was also full of unicorn beasts, shining with crystals and turquoise brilliance, but this group was a jade unicorn.

All three of them saw the situation clearly.

One side of this mountain is a deep valley with cliffs, and only three sides have roads. They are occupied by blood unicorns, ink unicorns, and jade unicorns. At this moment, the beasts are stopping on the mountainside to patrol and repair.

Lin Xian looked shocked and said, "No, this is very strange. The three of us hadn't met before, but accidentally all were rushed here by the unicorn herd. There is a weirdness in this."

When Yi Liunian met his old friend, he said nonchalantly: "Fuck him, now our three brothers are gathered together, it's a pity that Zhuge is missing, otherwise we will create a place to kill the Quartet, and then find a place to have fun."

Hua Lanting and Lin Xianjing are both careful-minded people, ignoring Yi Liunian, Hua Lanting asked Lin Xianjing: "This is the Demon Yuan of the Primordial Beginning? Why did you come here?"

Lin Xian was shocked to see that the herd was not eager to attack the mountain, so he replied: "This is indeed the Northern Demon Origin. After you two decibels left, the door has been calm until a few days ago, Zhuge wanted to go to the Demon Origin to propose marriage, I I came here with me. Later, when I was frustrated, I went out to travel by myself. I didn't expect to be attacked on the way, and I was entangled for more than a long time."

After hearing this, Yi Liunian asked in surprise: "What are you talking about? Zhuge Tiqin? What's the situation? Why am I swollen? This martial idiot who is devoted to cultivation is also open? Which girl does not open his eyes to see him? Do I know each other?"

Before Lin Xianjing answered, he listened to the roar of the beasts on one side. Looking down, it was the Mo Qilins who put on an attacking posture and were slowly moving up.

The impatient Yi Liunian now has a helper and is bold enough to say: "Let me come, brother is now a master of the Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Jing entering the room, let you open your eyes."

Lin Xian smiled slightly in surprise: "Don't scream at first, look at Lan Ting and me."

Yi Liunian looked at the two up and down a few times, felt it, and faintly said: "Good fellow, Xian Jing, you are only stronger or weaker than me. I can't even see Lan Ting's cultivation level, so I won't enter the sixth place. Ding Liujia is in the realm, right? Where is the heavenly law?"

Seeing that Mo Qilin had already climbed to the top, Lin Xian waved his hand in surprise: "It's a fleeting year, please, it's up to you. Don't be discouraged, brothers and I will continue to pull you in the future."

Yi Liunian hummed twice, and then became proud and dry again: "Thank you, no, I haven't been idle for three years, you two have opened your eyes and watched carefully." He flew up and rushed into the herd. .

The weapon in Yi Liunian's hand has been replaced with a long knife, with the golden brilliance and murderous intent.

Mo Qilin is famous for being extremely poisonous. I saw Yi Liunian rushing from left to right among the beasts, his body skills were like electricity, pulling out the afterimages, the poison gas of Mo Qilin did not reach him, and he went everywhere. It was to pinpoint Mo Qilin's eyes, behind his ears, lower abdomen and other vital points. It was only a stab, and Mo Qilin with the knife immediately became shriveled and shriveled, and his body fell to the ground as if his blood was exhausted.

In a short while, after a flock of tigers slaughtered like a flock, there was no more alive Mo Qilin on the top of the mountain. The group of black unicorns on the mountainside became agitated, and dozens of larger unicorns came out and surrounded Yi Liunian.

Lin Xianjing said to Hua Lanting: "The unicorn beasts are generally not of high rank, but there are too many. This is the rhythm of relying on cannon fodder to consume our physical strength. In addition, they are still fighting alone in the ethnic group. I I'm afraid that if we unite in a group attack and fight in the future, the three of us will be overwhelmed."

Hua Lanting nodded: "It looks like this will not be a chance encounter. They have been chasing me all the time. Someone must have commanded them. I didn't know beforehand that I would come to the Demon Yuan. Who do you think would be so big? Energy, can it be counted that the three of us will appear here at the same time?"

Lin Xian said with a horrified expression: "The line of the unicorn beasts of the Primordial Moyuan mostly came from the Ice and Fire Qilin Valley. The door has nothing to do with Qilin Gu Su. If other factors such as internal **** are excluded, there can only be a great secret. It can be calculated that we will show up here to set up an ambush."

"If this is the case, then these unicorn beasts were temporarily recruited and hired. Such a big handwriting. The cost of dispatching such a large number is very expensive. Although the three of us are not bad, it is worth noting that it is worth shocking. Big movement."

Hua Lanting thought for a while and said, "Since the other party has sent cannon fodder to kill us first, there should be no masters who can kill us with a single blow. Otherwise, we don't need to spend so much time. This is our chance to escape."

While talking, the second batch of Mo Qilin had surrounded Yi Liunian, but he saw Yi Liunian suspending the golden knife on his chest, pinching his hands with both hands, and then pointing the knife on his body. As the whole body turned, I saw the golden sword all over the sky. Without seeing the human body, a wave of circling aura rose out of thin air, and quickly expanded to cover the Mo Qilin group Within a few breaths, dozens of Mo Qilins around were all killed on the spot. .

At this moment, Yi Liunian raised his sword and stood up. The Mo Qilin on the top of the mountain had all been cleared, and the beasts on the mountainside were shocked by the spike, and they all slowly retreated. For a while, it seemed that there was no one who dared to step forward.

Yi Liunian chanted in a long voice: "Golden wrong sword and white jade outfit, cut off the edge of dust and shine. My husband has not achieved 30 merits, and he is independent of Gu Bahuang with the sword."

After pretending to be forced, Yi Liu Nian moved back to the middle of the mountain.

Hua Lanting and Lin Xianjing asked together, "What kind of magic is this?"

Yi Liunian shook his body and turned pale, and said with a grudging smile: "It's okay, it's a fluke, I call it-Ji Dao fleeting."

Lin Xianjing didn't say anything to ridicule this time, but said sincerely: "It's not bad, it's rare, it's all the rudiments of the Dao domain, and when you reach the Seven-Star Big Dipper, you will surely be successful."

Yi Liunian said cross-legged: "It consumes too much true essence spiritual power. I need half an hour to recover. I will see you later."

The next thing that changed was the jade unicorn herd.

What Lin Xianjing took out was the iris-shaped swallowtail shield, which grew as soon as the wind was infused with aura, turning into a person taller than a person, and the shield body emitted a different lavender light.

Lin Xianjing's shots were more fierce and decisive than before. He didn't use Dao Sect magic, but relied on the heavy and thick shield in his hand and the hard and sharp edges to wander through the herd.

Wherever it went, all the jade unicorns hit by the big shield flew up, broke their muscles and died in the air, and those who were able to escape were either cut by the edge of the big shield or pierced through the chest by the tip of the shield's tail. belly.

The jade unicorn was originally known for its body like jade and tyrannical defense, but in only a few moments, dozens of them were attacked and shattered like porcelain tiles, and none of them survived.

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