The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 276: Lost and recovered

   The Golden Spirit Ape pointed to the approximate location of their three-headed Earth Spirit Dog. The crowd dispersed and began to look for it. It didn't take long for Chi Tianhan's Cloud Piercing Eagle to find the trace.

   Everyone heard the sound and saw that the unicorn rhino and the cloud-piercing eagle were working together to round up.

   The unicorn rhino and the cloud piercing eagle are both high-level spirit beasts, but the two beasts can't catch this dog together.

   The three-headed spirit dog is good at burrowing and digging holes, and its active area is covered with underground passages. At this moment, the spirit dog and the two beasts are playing hide and seek games. The bulky unicorn rhino and the cloud-piercing eagle in the sky have no choice but to use the three-headed dog that is weaker than them.

   The three-headed earth spirit dog is not big in stature. According to its life span, this head is only half the size. The earth spirit dog has three heads and can see six directions and listen to all directions. It moves quickly and gets in and out of the ground and on the ground from time to time, making it difficult to catch.

   Lin Xianjing and others wanted to guard against the earth spirit dog guarding the monster beast that might appear at any time, instead of immediately taking action, the disciples of Zhao Yaofeng sent their own spirit beast to assist.

When Luo Siyu’s red-eyed Xiachan, Gu Chenfeng’s rogue firefly, Tan Yi’s golden-eyed black panther, and Jiang Gancheng’s Kashmir jackal were dispatched, the spirit dog could no longer stand it. It stopped playing, barked, and flew back. Leaped.

   Earth Spirit Dog leaped into the air, and when it fell, it had landed on the back of a lion that did not know when it appeared.

   This is a tall male lion with a blasted mane. Its fur is blue and red. As soon as it appears, the lion roars, and the spirit beasts of Luo Siyu and others recede after hearing it.

   This is obviously a Nubian red lion that has entered the level of the big demon. Although the red lion can speak and transform, it still appears as its own body and does not say anything, just staring proudly at everyone.

   There are several monsters guarding the spirit dog together. Today is the Red Lion on duty. It had already spotted everyone, but didn't put it too much in its eyes, and let the naughty ground dog play around first, and waited for the ground dog to ask for help before showing up.

   Lin Xian was shocked and quickly assessed his own combat power.

   More than a dozen people in the Wanxiang Gate here are all outstanding among the 60 generations of disciples, and they are basically in different periods of the Five Qi Dynasties.

Their extremely fast-growing cultivation base not only benefited from their own talents, the sophistication of the exercises, the key training and resource tilt in the door, but also the stinging dragon sleeping pill presented by Hualanting, which is beginning to be popularized. Only when you can practice gong day and night can you enter the realm of returning pill at this age.

Among the crowd, the three blood moon black sand sect masters were in the early and middle stages of the Wenyang Jing, Fang Qingzhan and Qu Liushang were also okay, not counting the three of Xi Rujian. Normally, the face is roughly equivalent to the human birth. It is okay for the Red Lions in the room-entry period to support the opponent for a period of time, but when it comes to winning, the odds are very small.

   Even with everyone's effort at the bottom of the box, there is no certainty in achieving the task of killing the Red Lion.

   If the real Yuan Hao behind secretly can follow and be willing to take action, there will be no problem in winning.

   However, in accordance with the Vientiane Gate’s customary rules, the coaches will only help when their lives are at stake, in order to eliminate the dependence of the disciples and fully stimulate the potential of the disciples.

   Even if the disciple is seriously injured or even killed because of the lack of rescue, there will be no condemnation in the door. There is no such precedent.

   In this case, Yuan Hao can only be forced to help out if he fights with all his strength. For today's plan, in order to achieve the goal, it has no choice but to do so. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Lin Xian Jing was calculating, Hua Lanting leaned over and whispered a few words in his ear.

   Lin Xian nodded in shock, immediately adjusted the plan and made a few gestures.

The    gesture means to fight and fight first and consume the opponent.

   Everyone rushed up.

The Nubian Red Lion had eaten enough today. At first, it was disdainful and just wanted to drive away these monks. Later, I discovered that these human monks were very slippery. Instead of fighting with them, they took turns to besiege and harass, and they left it behind. There were a few injuries that were not big or small, and when it raised its spirits and issued a roar of talented supernatural powers, the other party continued to evade, letting go.

   entangled for a while, several of the masters hurt it. If you don't take it seriously, you will suffer. The Red Lion finally gets angry, and wants to show off with all its strength.

   At this time, everyone also consumed more than half, and the number of wounded gradually increased.

   The Red Lion was also a little tired, shaking his head and wagging his tail, chasing after he set foot, determined to tear a few to vent his anger.

   At this moment, a huge phantom appeared behind Hua Lanting.

The phantom is the appearance of a wretched and ugly lizard. As the image gradually solidifies, the aura gradually releases and soars. It is precisely in the sky and blue smoke and the ancestor secret realm that I have eaten enough aura and spirit stones, and the cultivation base once again has Chameleon lizard being promoted and restored.

   The chameleon lizard is the most changeable. It showed its body, and its breath climbed to the stage of entering the room before it stopped.

   Hua Lan Ting has secretly negotiated with it to make a bet and try to get rid of the Nubian Red Lion.

   This bet is right. First release https://https://

   The monster beasts that can be cultivated to the level of the big monster are not stupid. The Nubian Red Lion has several considerations at this time.

   One is that the aura of the big lizard is not weaker than yourself. Whoever is strong and who is weak has to be known before, but with these individual monks beating on the drums, they have to win, and I am afraid that they will have to pay a great price.

  Secondly, the three-headed spirit dog is guarded by several monsters together, and it is not worthwhile to suffer from this loss because it can't commit their own desperate efforts and let other monsters benefit.

   Finally, the left and right lungs of the Earth Spirit Dog can be regenerated. In the past, the monsters took turns to take them. The life of the big monsters is long, and it doesn't matter how long they wait.

   Several factors combined, the Red Lion retreated in his heart.

The two sides confronted each other for a long while, the red lion's front paws moved a few times, roared a few times, and slowly backed away, while leaving a sentence: "It is not easy to read this, let you go. I advise you to wait, don't kill the spirit Dogs, otherwise, if Xiu is to pass the sky, you will not be able to get out of the Cork Wasteland!"

   After speaking the cruel words, the red lion got rid of the spirit dog and disappeared quickly.

   Hua Lan Ting and the chameleon lizard breathed a sigh of relief.

   The chameleon lizard is too early to recover from its cultivation base. Its power is disguised by illusion. If the red lion refuses to give up, it will inevitably reveal its stuffing when the statute of the spell is delayed.

   They were relieved. Seeing that they were sacrificed and abandoned, the three-headed spirit dog panicked and desperately died in a hurry.

  The earth spirit dog that had escaped desperately ran backwards desperately, sprinting in and out of the ground and underground, and several spirit beasts could not catch it.

   Waiting for everyone to come forward and encircle, the spirit dog began to dig a new channel underground to escape.

The chasing of the spirit beasts and the shock of their spells can force it out from the ground, but this guy is desperate to continue burrowing to escape. It makes people laugh and cry. He can't be captured for a while. Everyone is wounded. It seems that they have to wait. It's exhausted.

   At this time, Mai Seto walked out. She returned to the new master. She has not done anything yet. Just when she was about to brush her sense of existence, she said to Hua Lanting: "Young Master."

   "It doesn't have to be this way, I am not your master."

   "Young Master."

   "Forget it, don't dare to be."

   "Shao Xia."

   "Uh, just say if you have something to say, no need to be numb."

   "Let my concubine catch it."

   When Mai Seto finished speaking, she disappeared. She used camouflage and stealth skills to hide her whereabouts among the shrubs on the ground.

   Mai's cultivation base is mediocre, but this hand is indeed clever, if the masters on the scene are not focused on searching, and the sky is dim, they will not be able to easily find their traces.

   When the three-headed spirit dog was forced to show up again by the spirit beast, Mai Seto, who had hidden his figure, suddenly appeared and started, thrusting a sword into his leg, and at the same time grabbing his neck with one hand.

   Seeing it well, everyone thought that this time it was ten and nine. It was foolproof.

   At the moment of relaxation, he chuckled in midair: "I have worked, thank you, see you later."

   A vague figure appeared, before Mai Seto, and squeezed the three heads of the Earth Spirit Dog out of thin air. He picked up the body with one hand, and the shadow flickered and flashed out at high speed.

   Everyone was caught off guard and didn't react. After reacting, they couldn't catch up.

   This person is a master with a cultivation base above them!

   Others were stunned, Hua Lanting and Lin Xian were surprised to think of something.

   Lin Xian remembered this small figure in shock, and Hua Lanting discerned the non-male voice.

   The two said at the same time: "Thanhua Xiaozhu, Li Fashi!"

  Yes, the person here is Li Fashi, the principal of Tanhua Xiaozhu who instructed them.

   I'm talking about it!

Lin Xianjing and Hua Lanting later felt that it was unreasonable for Li Fashi to give the three-headed spirit dog information free of charge, but one of them has a good reputation and few false information, and the other is that they are in need of similar information to save people. , The three are short of time, so the two did not pay much attention to it.

The book reveals that Li Fashi, the principal of Tanhuaxiaozhu, does have a "person", and is the form of a great demon, a green, red, and white lion. She needs the lungs of a spirit dog for personal reasons, but the green, red, and white lion clan is hostile to the Nubian red lion clan. , She was not sure to outperform the other guardian monsters, so she sent the news.

   Li Fashi also had three poles with dates and no dates. If Hua Lanting and others were unsuccessful, she did not deceive, and there was no loss; if she was lucky enough, she could follow as she is now, snipe and clam fight, and the fisherman benefits.

The duck that was cooked to the mouth flew, Lin Xian was shocked and his face was gloomy, Hua Lanting regretted it, and blamed himself for not paying attention. They also thought that the spirit dog was dead, so this hand was very hot, Nubia The red lion and other guardian monsters will certainly not let them go.

   Remorsefully, there was a scream in the distance, Li Fashi's figure fell into the dust and turned into a petite lioness, dropped the corpse of the spirit dog, sprinkled blood on the ground, and fled hurriedly.

   This time it was no one else. It was the real person Yuan Hao who followed.

   Yuan Hao has the cultivation base during the rebirth stage of Dengfeng, and he has his own way to follow in.

   He was hidden outside, unable to save the life of the spirit dog, so he gave Li Fashi a sneak attack according to the gourd painting.

   Li Fashi’s cultivation is inferior to Yuan Hao, and he escaped after being injured by Jian Qi.

   Real Yuan Hao came over and handed the Earth Spirit Dog to Lin Xianjing. He didn't say much, but urged everyone to leave.

   Nubian red lion and other guardian monsters must avenge the earth spirit dog. There are more monsters. If there are more powerful ones, Yuan Hao alone may not be able to stop it.

   Everyone set off immediately, and there was no hindrance to the battle. Soon they came outside the wasteland and joined the waiting Deacon Anpingtai.

   A group of people stepped up on the road.

   hasn't felt that the big demon is chasing after him to kill him, but someone in front of him suddenly blocks his way.

   There were a total of twelve people who came, all of them aggressively and surrounded them like a fan.

   These are the people of Jiuqu Lianhuanwu.

   After Hualanting and the others got rid of the chasers outside Tanhuaxiaozhu, as Cha Muhe said, Jiuqu Lianhuanwu must report what they did. After reporting the news,, they issued a killing order.

Jiuqu Lianhuanwu intends to work with the Ice and Fire Kirin Valley to deal with the Blood Moon and Black Sand Sect. When the situation is tense, it is reasonable not to mobilize personnel, but as things change, the war will not start immediately, so the deputy sovereign in charge of the matter mobilized. Twelve strong men from the warm and nourishing state came to fight, make a quick decision, and return to the top of the mountain.

Jiuqu Lianhuanwu has fully considered the accidental factors. The twelve people in the warm and nourishing state can add up to a lot of power. However, there is a real person Yuan Hao on this side, plus Anpingtai and Cha Muhe who are also in the warm and nourishing state. , Chi Rimu, Chi Tianhan, and Fang Qingzhan, who has just recovered from their injuries, are they afraid of each other?

   These masters are going to fight a battle, Hua Lanting and the others are eager to leave to find the Nine Lives Cat Monster, and there is no need to get involved, so the young disciples took a step first.

   After leaving the war zone, although the red lion monsters were not chasing after him, everyone was a little dumbfounded.

  Because they only know that the Nine Lives Cat Demon Clan is active in the central area of ​​the demon, but they often move, and they don't know which direction and specific location to look for.

   It is possible to rush to the original habitat first, but once it is empty, changing directions will be troublesome, and time can not be delayed.

After   , there may be a big demon chasing soldiers, and the road ahead is endless, which is really worrying.

   There is no other method for the time being, Lin Xian is shocked to use the secret technique of heaven to force the calculation.

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