The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 278: Please move the big demon

Hua Lanting asked first: "Looking at the setup of this experiment, you are trying to find the specific location of the memory in the brain. Do you think that everything we experience will be stored in a specific area of ​​the brain?"

   Mao Yao replied: "Isn't it? Various sensory nerves receive and transmit sounds and images to the cerebral cortex for storage, thereby forming memories."

   "I have anesthetized the monkey, but keep it conscious. When I stimulate a specific location in its brain, I can evoke its memories of the past. The details are very realistic, and the same memory can be reproduced every time."

   Hua Lanting shook his head: "It's absurd, it's a big mistake and a terrible mistake."

   "Why do you see it?"

"Predecessors have already experimented, although it is cruel. They taught the salamander a movement, and then continue to destroy a certain part of the brain, as the area increases, and even affect its actions, but the salamander can still go repeatedly Make that action."

"One conclusion is that in terms of learning and memory, the brain is active as a whole, and all parts will learn equally. The efficiency is inversely proportional to the degree of brain damage. The most surprising and incomprehensible thing is that this is related to damage. The location has nothing to do."

   "It's impossible!" The cat demon cried.

   "My lord, the reason is not high." Hualanting said slowly: "Maybe I can't explain the principle, but I can tell you the process of the experiment and all the conclusions."

   "First, our memories are stored in a form called holographic waves."

   "The second point is that memories are spread across all parts of the brain, and more importantly, each part contains a complete memory."

   "So, when we recall the memory, we don't need to narrow down the scope to find it through constant search, just like when I mention an old friend you have not met and contacted for many years, you will instantly remember things about it."

   Mao Yao's panda showed a confused look in his eyes, and murmured, "It makes sense, is that really the case?"

Hua Lanting adds another material: "The brain is a warm entity with life, and its operation is extremely strange. In fact, consciousness is a general phenomenon that not only appears in the brain, it can even be said that all virtual and real things The energy of things exists outside the body in a form that we cannot explain. The brain is not a storage medium, but a tool for retrieval and reading."

"The degree of biological intelligence actually depends on innate ability and acquired training. The stronger the biological ability to mobilize external energy, the more bands it can detect, the greater the range of interaction, and the smarter it is. This can also explain the so-called intuition, Where do inspiration and creativity come from."

The cat demon is not stupid, although Hua Lanting speaks vaguely, when it connects with what he knows and learns, there seems to be a faint flash of light, and some usually long-term insoluble problems seem to have loosened signs, and they see new ones. A glimmer of light from the perspective of thinking.

   For it, new ideas are enough. Specifically, it knows how to verify.

   The cat demon became excited, and took the initiative to take the Hualan Ting and others to visit its other cave laboratories.

In fact, Hua Lan Ting has not studied much in this regard due to time constraints, but he can’t stand it without having eaten pork and watched a lot of pig runs. Feng Huolun’s accumulation, knowledge and information standing on the shoulders of predecessors in the research field, It's a bit better than the cat demon who is groping independently.

   He said as he walked, seemingly pointing a few words at random from time to time, telling the deficiencies of the cat demon's experimental ideas, methods, and equipment. Hearing the cat demon nodded repeatedly, he almost bowed for advice.

   Even Hua Lan Ting taught it not to sit behind closed doors and watch the sky, but often go out and take a look, and the cat demon also responded.

   Hua Lan Ting pretends to be deep, and it stops when it is clicked, which makes the cat demon's heart itchy.

   is not Xiaohua deliberately pretending, let him say more, he can't tell why, it is better to suspend the cat's appetite.

   Seeing that the fire was almost over, Hua Lan Ting began to bring the topic to the soul, and tactfully mentioned the healing of the soul wound.

   The cat demon is a idiot when it comes to research problems, but how long it has been alive, and the people are so good, Hua Lan Ting seems a bit hasty at this time, once the cat demon gets away from the reaction, it becomes cunning and slick.

   stood up straight, cleared his throat, this time it was the cat demon's turn to pretend to be profound: "Well, this seat is partly due to talent and supernatural powers, partly due to years of experimental research, and is an absolute authority in the field of soul."

   "Some minor injuries caused by the underage white-fronted falcon, not to mention catching with the hand, are as easy as looking at the lines on the palm."

   "However, I will take time and effort to study the feasibility and operability of your flashy suggestions. I really don't have the time and energy."

   Hua Lanting regretted it in his heart, knowing that it was too early, the old cat demon was sitting on the ground and raising the price, waiting for the price.

   He had no choice but to ask: "I don't know how the Lord Cat will be willing to take action?"

To maximize the benefits, the cat demon stroked his beard and said: "You can't say more things, but these are not enough to prove your weight. Let's do it, the old man still has no shortage of magic weapons. , Do you have any peculiar ability to show the old man, if it can arouse my interest, I will consider your request."

   Hua Lanting made a mistake and was restrained by others, so he had to go down first and then try to counterattack.

   He thought for a while, called Xi Rujian, and asked her to show her talent in arithmetic.

After a few questions, the cat demon asked a few more questions in person, and he was surprised, but then he said: "It's pretty good. But this is a talent ability, not a skill. I spend more time to get the answer. This is not enough."

   Hua Lanting gritted his teeth, then there is no need to let Mu Yan play. He calculated for a moment, calmly activated the Inch Step Thousands of Miles stamina, and instantly turned to the back of the cat demon, with a palm against its vest.

The cat demon laughed and laughed incessantly. He was already behind Hualanting, his body swelled, and he lifted him up with one claw: "The little guy is good, fast enough. You are a small space folding technique, ingenious and ingenious. Now, the old man is a little bit inferior in the use of skills, and he is ashamed of himself, but it is a pity that his cultivation is not enough. If not for my permission, do you think you can get close to me?"

   "This doesn't count, come again."

   Hualanting is helpless, if the small space is not enough, then go to the big space.

   He grabbed the cat demon backhand: "Don't move, leave you."

   The big piercing and sending technique was used, and when the two reappeared, they were already outside where they met the three hellhounds.

   At this time, Yuan Hao and others had arrived and were discussing how to save people. When Hua Lanting and the cat demon suddenly appeared, they were surprised.

   The cat demon said: "I will do this too, you tell them not to resist."

   Hua Lanting nodded and signaled that Yuan Hao was okay, the cat demon slapped his hands, and everyone present was teleported to the cave.

   The cat demon did not disdain this time, and asked: "How far can you teleport?"

   Hualan Tingxin said that he could not tell the truth completely. He made some exaggerations and replied: "There is a supply of spiritual power, sufficient preparation time, strong support force, dozens of people, hundreds of miles away, such as Yudongfeng, the mission must be achieved."

   Mao Yao muttered to himself: "It's not a teleportation array, just relying on personal and formulas, dozens of people, hundreds of thousands of miles away... Unheard of before, advanced and super innovation! This can be counted."

   "Are there any more?"

Seeing Hua Lanting's face turned black, the cat demon continued: "Ah, it's just to prove your strength, what a cat, I won't want any of your magical secrets, it will just arouse my imagination. Nothing. Three, the last one, okay? Young man, don't be impatient."

  Since this old guy has researched space, Hua Lanting pondered over and over again. In order to save Fei Fei, he had to download the book and said: "There is a place that seems to be a small parallel space..."

   Before he could say anything, the cat demon had opened his eyes and interrupted him: "What? You said parallel space, where is it?"

  Hua Lanting saw the cat demon changing color, and knew that there was a play: "I don't need to say it outside the sky, it's within the magic original."

   Mao Yao waved his hand: "That's it, that's enough, don't go into details, take me to see if it's all worth the trip."

"Wonderful, the lower-level planes are not uncommon. The old man has been studying the parallel and high-level space for a long time. There is nothing to ponder. The devil's original may exist in the depths, but at the moment, I can't provoke the strange-tempered big beasts. ."

   The cat demon spit out, and everyone was relieved to relax. This trip was full of twists and turns, and finally achieved the goal.

Among them are the contributions of their own people, and they also rely on foreign aid. The three members of the Black Sand Sect, Zamuhe, Chi Rimu, and Chi Tianhan, as well as Xi Rujian, Muya, and Seto Mai have played different roles. be lacked.

   More fortunately, I encountered a monster like the blind cat, so that Hua Lan Ting could prescribe the right medicine.

   The strength of the cat demon is unfathomable to them. It said that he did not dare to go deep into the devil's original. But if it were to fight, the real Yuan Hao and all of them would not necessarily be the opponents of the blind cat and the dead mouse.

The cat demon was supposed to set off right away, but the cat demon said that he would wait a while. He wanted to let the mouse go out and catch a three-headed earth spirit dog. When Hua Lanting told him that he already had one in his hand, the cat demon pretended to realize it suddenly. Meow and hum:

   "I thought it was like what a dead mouse said. You were chased, hit and bumped by mistake and came here. It turned out to be a long-awaited plan, and you didn't have a good heart early in the morning to fool the dead mouse."

   "Your junior's injury is too late to heal, so if I say this, I have to go to the parallel small space to see it first, and then I can take action after confirming it."

   It's not appropriate to offend this big doctor at this time, I have to do so.

The cat demon was lazy, and asked Hualanting to use the big piercing technique to arrive directly. Fortunately, although the road is far away, there are plenty of spirit stones. With the blessings of the two big monsters and Yuan Hao, Hualanting was able to go smoothly. Launched a long-distance teleportation.

  After several relays, they reached the cliff where Hualanting had first appeared in the Demon Yuan and encountered the unicorn beast.

   Everyone was left waiting below, and Hua Lanting, the cat demon and the child mouse went up to the cliff.

   Hua Lan Ting is going to take them to the secret realm of the ancestors.

   Going up to the cliff mouth, Hua Lanting prayed secretly in his heart, one is to pray that the secret realm is still there, and the other is to pray for the ancestor's blessing, and the avatar of Qi Ling will not prevent the cat demon from entering.

   When I see, the prayer is half done, Hualanting first pushes and then pulls, Shimen does not move.

   Hua Lanting spread his hands, the cat demon observed and explored, stretched out the cat's claw to help the door to cast the spell, the halo scattered, and the stone door opened.

After    entered, the cat demon didn't pay attention to the layout and aura inside, and quickly walked to the middle. When it looked up and saw the dripping liquid spirit above it, it immediately jumped and became excited.

   Liquid aura is also rare, but what I care more about is that this is indeed a parallel small plane space.

   Shrugged his shoulders, and pour out a large amount of test materials and equipment. The surroundings are piled up. The cat demon does what it says. It wants to show its fists to study the mystery of the parallel space and test the method of shuttle inside.

   Hua Lan Ting was in a hurry, so he could temporarily extinguish the cat demon's impulse to stay here immediately, saying that he would come back after Song Feifei was cured.

   Down the cliff, Lin Xianjing, who was waiting anxiously, immediately contacted the Blood Moon Black Sand Sect with the sound transmission device Zhang Qihen gave when he set out. He wanted to inform the other party of the news and asked Zhang Qihen to prepare in advance.

At this position, the sound transmission device was able to transmit sound. After contacting, Zhang Qihen told Lin Xianjing an unfamiliar location and coordinates. Lin Xian was shocked and did not pay attention to this abnormality and the voice of Sect Master Zhang. Weakness and dullness in the.

   When they got to the bottom of the mountain at the coordinate location, they were led up the mountain, but they found that everything was wrong. This is, something went wrong.

   Moreover, after seeing Zhang Qihen, they knew that what happened was nothing but a big deal!

  :. :

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