The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 281: Space Riot

The situation was urgent, Hua Lanting went straight ahead: "Senior Zhaoye, you must know the Nine Lives Cat Demon?"

Zhao Ye Ting Xue Ling Ape was taken aback for a moment, and then lowered his voice: "You actually know the Nine Lives Cat Demon? Huh, so what! Don't want to delay time and leave quickly."

Hua Lanting's words were short and concise: "I can ask Lord Cat Demon to unlock your restrictions."

Ling Yuan was so angry that he wanted to laugh, and was about to break into it. He endured it and said: "It's a bad idea for you to come up with it. Okay, it's always good intentions. I'll share with you."

"Master Cat Demon can indeed unblock the prohibition."

"But, the devil is vast, where can I find the volatile cat demon clan?"

"In addition, I'm afraid you don't know. Not all cat monsters have the ability to break the ban on the spirits, at least it takes five lives cat monsters."

"Furthermore, even if you find it, you don’t have the face to ask an adult to take action. How old are you? The cat monsters have always been eccentric and moody. hurt."

"Are you kidding me? One last time, hurry up and go."

It is useless to say more, Hua Lanting said no more, took out a cat hair on a tail left to him before the demon walked away, twirled and called three times, only then came the tired and irritable voice of the demon cat: "I am busy. I'm dead, tell me something, let me go if I'm dead."

Time is running out, Hua Lanting went straight to the subject: "I will be trapped, and I implore the adults to take action and promise to unlock the soul ban of a great demon."

The cat demon didn't answer, as if he was thinking about it.

Hua Lanting said anxiously: "What conditions are required, please open it out."

The cat demon waited for him to say this, and immediately said: "The old man said that if you don't need magic secrets, you won't want it. You only know some experimental furnishings. If you want the old man to see the master who taught you, I will discuss with him."

"Deal." What's so difficult? Hua Lanting immediately threw the cat's fur to Ling Yuan.

Ling Ape had already waited impatiently, and took the cat's fur.

As the big monster of the orc race, Ling Yuan has its own method to distinguish the true and false of the cat monster. After a few words, it got the promise of the cat monster.

After only hesitating for a short time, Zhao Ye Ting Xue Ling Yuan decided to turn back.

It's not that it has changed its mind at odds, but that it is unwilling to be the guardian **** of the Jiuqu Lianhuanwu, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is hateful.

Because it was not a spirit beast raised by Jiuqu Lianhuanwu from a small family, it was surrendered by the strongest of Jiuqu Lianhuanwu.

Now that there is the endorsement of the golden vellus hair of the golden ape, the proof of the cat hair and the personal promise of the cat demon, the opportunity is rare and it is worth the risk.

Spirit Ape is extremely simple, there is no free lunch in the world, so if you decide, it immediately used its control authority to destroy the formation of the mountain gate here, saying: "The gap in the protection of the mountain has been opened, and I will ignore the rest. It’s up to you to fulfill your promises as soon as possible afterwards."

Everyone moved the colors.

Lin Xian said in surprise: "Go, go back to where the brigade is, our strength still can't occupy the mountain peaks here."

Back on the other side, the Blood Moon Black Sand Sect was in a dilemma.

Their offensive charges have caused considerable losses and pressure on the defensive side, but their own casualties have been even greater, and they have been unable to maintain a huge offensive and are beginning to be unsustainable.

Hearing that the other party had issued a distress signal, and seeing that the mountain protection formation suddenly became slow and weak, the deputy suzerain was overjoyed. After considering it for a moment, he gave an order to retreat and repair.

The Jiuqu Lianhuanwu guard received the bad news that the end gate and the big formation were broken, and was anxious. Seeing the black sand sect retreat, he secretly rejoiced, and hurriedly started to repair the formation, instead of rectifying the troops and going down the mountain to pursue.

Don't you know that he missed the opportunity to repel and annihilate the opponent, which led to the loss of the base camp.

The Deputy Sovereign of the Black Sand Sect immediately summoned important generals to discuss matters.

After reporting the situation, the deputy suzerain's voice was low and firm, and said: "Everyone knows the current situation. There is a gap in the opponent's mountain guard, and the power has dropped. The signal for help has been sent. We have initially achieved our goal."

"This is when my blood moon and black sand sect is critically dying. It's up to you all to seize the opportunity and leave a green hill to fight back.

"These young disciples at Vientiane Gate are all friendly and they are also outsiders. Even they can go deep behind enemy lines, fight wits and courage, and have achieved amazing results regardless of danger."

"Although the old man can take the lead when attacking the mountains, he does not have a mortal heart. Compared with these young heroes, I am ashamed."

"The purpose of this campaign has been achieved, the sect crisis has not been eliminated, and the nest of Jiuqu Lianhuanwu cannot be defeated. Even if the suzerain wins, we still have to leave our hometown."

"This seat is determined, determined to launch a blood-devouring black sand array! Vow to serve the sect to the death!"

"This is an order. Those who dare not follow it will not be forgiving!"

The deputy suzerain was an old man in the sect. His cultivation base was high and he was still well-respected. Among the people present, there were a few who were afraid of death and didn't want to fight hard, but seeing the momentum of other people fighting against the enemy and breaking the boat, they had to swallow the words back.

The Black Sand Sect of Blood Moon has two major killing weapons.

The first one is the Blood Moon Scimitar, which is in charge of Sect Master Zhang Weihen.

The second is this blood-chewing black sand formation, which is arranged by black sand crystals that have been refined day and night for a long time.

The blood-devouring black sand formation has two major effects. One is that within the coverage of the formation, the cultivation base of one's own monks and alien beasts can skyrocket by 30% within a certain period of time, and the other is that opponents’ weapons and spirit treasures will be contaminated and powerful. It is greatly reduced, and has a strong corrosive effect on any formation.

The headquarters was destroyed that day. The incident was sudden and the enemy was very powerful. Zhang Qishen was too late to set up, and he did not have the determination to burn the jade, but he brought out all the black sand crystals. Before this operation, he gave the deputy suzerain inventory. Half of it.

The blood-devouring black sand formation has obvious side effects. Those who participate in the formation of the formation will suffer from serious damage and difficulty in recovering, and at worst, they will die soon after the formation is dissipated. The cultivators are all cherishing their lives, so the deputy sovereign has never suffered. determination.

It was used at this time, and the effect was wonderful. The mountain protection formation of Jiuqu Lianhuanwu had not been repaired. The Black Sand Zong concentrated all his strength and broke through a mountain gate with lightning speed. The guarding mountain formation stopped functioning.

The Jiuqu Lianhuan Dockmaster will concentrate all his hands to besiege and counterattack, and the remaining power of the Black Sand Sect is almost defended.

Immediately before he started, the Deputy Sect Master knew that he had no luck here. He refused the request of the Vientiane Sect disciples to participate in the war. Instead, he asked them to contact the main army and clear the obstacles as much as possible on the return journey. If the ambush is successful, the army can come for reinforcements. , Maybe some of them can survive.

By the time the Vientiane Sect disciples arrived at the scheduled ambush location, the Blood Moon Black Sand Sect had already achieved a great victory.

The two reinforcements, Zhang Qihen and Wanxiangmen, merged smoothly and set up their pockets in advance to welcome the returning reinforcements from Jiuqu Lianhuanwu.

After several **** battles, the Black Shazong master and the assembled spirit beast army were damaged by nearly half, but Jiuqu Lianhuanwu paid at least twice the price, and the reinforcements were almost wiped out.

After the meeting, Zhang Qihen listened to Lin Xianjing's suggestion, and those who were seriously injured were left behind and returned, and the surviving soldiers rushed to the base camp of Jiuqu Lianhuanwu without disarming.

After they arrived, the black sand sect attacked by the black sand sect has already killed all of them, but it also consumed considerable strength of the defenders. The Jiuqu Lianhuanwu Mountain Protection Array failed, and the rest were just like them, exhausted, in number and morale. None were as good, so Jiuqu Lianhuanwu base camp was conquered by the Black Sand Sect who saw hope.

At this point, the three-way war came to an end, and the Blood Moon Black Sand Sect and Jiuqu Lianhuanwu strangely exchanged their headquarters.

In fact, if Jiuqu Lianhuanwu is more courageous, although they have suffered losses when attacking the headquarters of the Black Sand Sect and defeated in an ambush, the strength of their alliance with the Ice and Fire Kirin Valley will still prevail. It was a tragic victory, and it would surely destroy the Blood Moon and Black Sand Sect.

The problem is that the purpose of the two sides sending troops is to benefit, including the territory and resources, not to fight the blood moon and black sand sect.

In that way, the loss is too great, and after the strength is greatly reduced, it may be targeted and eaten by other surrounding forces; the second is that it will completely offend the two reinforcement sects such as the Vientiane Gate of Freedom, and there will be endless troubles; the third is the two families. The alliance was inherently not strong enough. At this time, the Ice and Fire Kirin Valley, which had relatively more troops, was even more unwilling to lose its troops.

In this way, the warplanes are fleeting, and a fragile balance is formed under all kinds of involvement.

The Blood Moon Black Sand Sect was able to breathe.

Jiuqu Lianhuanwu and Ice Fire Kirin Valley have obtained a large number of sites and some resources that the Black Sand Sect cannot take away, but the Black Sand Sect has all the resources of the Jiuqu Lianhuanwu base camp. The disadvantage is that they can only shrink in the surrounding area. Not out.

Advantageously, as time goes by, the Black Sand Sect of Blood Moon uses these resources to continuously recruit troops, and slowly recovers its strength. The longer it is delayed, the less likely it is for the opponent to eat them. If the territory is not enough, you can seize them again, and the vitality will remain. Not afraid.

In this way, the three giants in this large area licked their wounds and recuperated after the war. Other small and medium-sized forces took the opportunity to secretly move around. There was a peaceful situation for the time being. As for how to evolve in the future, let's talk about it later.

Let’s talk about Hua Lan Ting and others. Because the two reinforcements were allowed to stay here for half a year by their respective sects to protect the blood moon and black sand sect’s rest and rejuvenation, they continued to practice in the Jiuqu Lianhuanwu of Taichu Moyuan for six months. Time.

During this period, Zhuge Yun and Zhang Hanyun held a wedding ceremony.

At the beginning of the Great War, Hua Lan Ting asked Seto Mai, Xi Rujian, and Muya to stay.

Seto Mai is an outsider, and she wants to go back to practice.

Not only did she get the skills of the four Sakai lying four people, but the other three masters who came with her died in the battle of Jiuqu Lianhuanwu base camp. She also took the martial arts secrets. Once returned to the Seto family, she herself and The strength of the family is bound to rise, and it will not be difficult to dominate Masheng Island in the future.

Hua Lanting didn't care about her and allowed her to leave.

Seto Mai returned to the peach and gave the jade disc containing her family's secret method of disguise to Hua Lan Court, and said that this was also a return to Zhao.

Because this method was obtained by her ancestors from the Eastern Continent a long time ago, and it was named "Chang'an Twelve-Hour Divine Concealment Technique".

The Seto family can only be refined into the first stage at most, called "Autumn Wind Breeds Weishui, Fallen Leaves Full of Chang'an", and still needs to use tangible objects at different times to become She hopes Hualan Ting Can cultivate to a higher level of concealment.

The second level is "Looking up at the sun, not seeing Chang'an makes people feel sad", and the third level is "Dust dreams without proof, long in Chang'an."

After Seto Mai expressed that he was leaving, Xi Rujian and Muyan were alone, and both were willing to stay and join the Vientiane Freedom Gate. The two have their own abilities. Of course, everyone is welcome.

Following the practice of Seto Mai, Xi Rujian presented the magic ridge demon cave tantric method that her adoptive father left for her before his death. Her adoptive father had a mediocre cultivation level but very seniority, and the body-tempering method in her possession was extremely high. precious.

Most of Muyan's spirit beast communication skills are inherited by nature, but many beast words can be taught to the people of Swagger Peak. This is also precious and will greatly enhance the level of the Vientiane Gate.

Qu Liushang and Fang Qingzhan are willing to stay temporarily, and then separate when they return to Shuxuanxianzhou together.

Half a year later, everyone bid farewell to the Blood Moon Black Sand Sect.

The masters of the Vientiane Gate left the magic ground directly. Hualanting wanted to go to the cave first and then return to the gate. One was to say goodbye to the cat demon, the child mouse and the Zhaoyeling ape, and the other was to see the progress of the cat demon's research on parallel space. , If the cat demon is willing, you can go back to the Vientiane Gate to meet the teacher Feng Huo Lun.

Everyone has been moisturizing for the past six months, and their cultivation bases have grown. Unexpectedly, people are refreshed when happy events come, and they are happily coming to the vicinity of the cliffs. Suddenly they feel that the sky is rumbling, the sky changes color, and the cat demon is leading the child. The rat and the ape flew in the air.

The cat demon looked panicked, there were still broken and blood stains on his body, and he yelled anxiously: "You will not come early or late. You will come to die at this time of your life! You can't blame the society for a little bit of back, and you can't blame the government for your life. It's all blame. I'm sorry, old man, the big thing is not good, the space has rioted."

"Hurry up with me and run away together!"

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