The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 295: 7 Clever Magic Eyes

Hua Lan Ting has also been accumulated, coupled with chance and coincidence, it is a blessing to the soul for a while.

This is the halo of pig's feet!

The first thing to say is that in the secret realm of the sect, Chen Lv'an, the elder of the gate, gave instructions to guide Hualanting to break through to the Sixiang Yin and Yang realm.

Elder Chen, who cultivated both Buddhism and Taoism, inadvertently planted a seed of Buddhism for Hua Lan Ting, which was regarded as laying a foundation, which Hua Lan Ting did not feel at the time.

Chen Lv'an once said: "The best realm of life-Tao is the heart, Buddha is the bone, and Confucianism is the surface. By means of thunderbolt, the bodhisattva heart is invincible, and the benevolent is invincible."

"Old man Buddhism and Taoism double ginseng, in my eyes-Tao is like spreading his hand, Buddha is like making a fist. A fist is also a hand, and a hand is also a fist. The hand is the body of the fist, and the fist is the use of the hand."

This is one of them.

Secondly, the Buddha species in Hualanting has been silent for a long time. Recently, the Buddha's light of the Buddha's most precious purple golden bowl was healed, which stimulated its germination and showed signs of sprouting.

Today, again and again, again and again, when the Buddha's light shines, the buddha seeds can grow, and the buds begin to bloom.

Coincidentally, it coincided with Hualanting's advanced Daomen Liuding Liujia Wenyang Realm.

What is the Six Ding Liujia of Freedom?

Ding Chou extends my life, Ding Hai confines my soul, Ding You controls my soul, Ding Wei quells my disaster, Ding Si saves my danger, Ding Mao saves me; Jiazi protects my body, armor protects my shape, and armor protects my life , Jiawu guards my soul, Jiachen towns my spirit, Jiayin educates me.

It is for Liuding Liujia.

In the legend, the six Jia days of Jiazi, Jiayin, Jiachen, Jiawu, Jiashen, and Jiaxu are the days when heaven creates all things and the days when women are most susceptible to conception. Therefore, it is said that a woman is pregnant as pregnant with Liujia.

Six Ding Liujia, implying the meaning of creation and rebirth.

Buddhism is born, Taoism and martial arts break through, the two sides are combined to create a new life!

When the Buddha's light appeared in the purple golden bowl, Hua Lan Ting was blessed to the soul!

He also didn't quite understand what it was like, but a trick spontaneously sprouted in his heart.

This technique is unknown at this time. It is not his independent originality. It is a sublimation on the basis of what he has learned in the past.

Tao is Taoist, light is Buddha's light.

In the future, when he cultivated to a great success, this move was officially named "Daoguang One Strike", which means "the avenue is bright and the avenue is glorious."

At this moment, he could send it out at his will, but later he couldn't use it as he wanted, because the "Daoguang One Strike" is still in the immature and unstable stage and state of the newborn.

"Daoguang One Strike" is incomparably powerful. Dao Fa and Buddhism have different forms, but they are the same in different ways.

"Daoguang Strike" does not have a fixed move, and it can be issued in any position and method.

However, at the time when Hua Lan Ting broke through the six Ding and Liu Jia realms, it completely opened up the path of the foot three yang meridians and the foot three yin meridians in the twelve serious meridians.

Therefore, after Hualanting on the back of the chameleon lizard hit five thunder and light palms, he still kicked it out with a "is it entangled leg", like an antelope hanging horns, without a trace. Can be found, right in the heart of the other party.

Heng Tian Gao flew out at the sound, the body guard's true energy was broken.

The whole body, on the surface, without injury, viscera, and without damage, but that is, the vitality is instantly cut off, and you can't die anymore.

Hating Tiangao became the first victim of the "Daoguang Strike" and died after drinking hatred.

The real body of Master Lingyan Pavilion Tree of Qixia Temple witnessed the "Daoguang Strike", and he was surprised and exclaimed: "The little benefactor is really a good method! The combination of Buddhist methods and Taoist magics is amazing and wonderful. "

"The poor monk's body is damaged, and the dharmakaya cannot be summoned. You should return to the underground. We will think of another method."

It’s strange to say that after Hualanting’s blow, he was not exhausted from his spiritual power. On the contrary, he was full of energy. Only the dragon lizard was suffering, and the injured dragon lizard was recovered. After he returned to the underground Styx, the King Kong demon The circle has disappeared, everyone is waiting for him on the shore, and the group must find a way to get out of here.

Let’s talk about the ghost master, waiting for the hatred to be high for a long time, and looking at it with the ghost eye technique, seeing that the ghost is dead, and his other capable men have not yet returned. The several passages between the ruins and the ghost mansion only left the exits for ghost soldiers and ghosts under their control, and they would later go down and kill the trespassers.

The underground palace formed by the ruins of the ancient battlefield is very big. It’s dark and everyone doesn’t know the path. They have to walk around looking for an exit, but several exits are closed. The exit used by the ghost master is full of ghosts. Even if you kill, you will face the ghost master directly. At this moment, I felt that my skill was impaired unknowingly after staying for a long time, and I didn't dare to force it.

The method they used when they came in won't work anymore. It's as simple as a person jumping from the shore into the water, but it takes a lot of effort to jump out of the water and onto the shore. The cat demon's understanding and use of the spatial plane is not deep enough, and misjudgments have occurred, and they cannot go out.

In the end, it was Lin Xianjing and Shan Tianchong that each used heavenly secret techniques to check their lives.

Affected by ghost qi here, the effect of the heavenly secret technique is average, and the two can only judge that the qi fluctuations displayed in one direction are different from those in other places, so the group of people rushed over.

There are many ghosts in the projection of the Styx. Because most of the ghosts on the ground have gathered in the place called by the ghost master, they are sparsely scattered. All encounters along the way are defeated by everyone. They can smoothly come to the end of the barrier. The aura is the most abnormal. Where.

Everyone tried to break open with a spell attack, the process was very difficult.

The tree master was exhausted, and the Buddha's light in the purple golden bowl was also exhausted, and he needed to go out to replenish it. Others tried their best to achieve some results, but ghost energy continued to pour in from both sides to repair, no matter how difficult it was to break through the barriers.

When there was nothing to do, Shan Tian sighed helplessly: "Well, it's better to use the pupil technique."

Now the colorful magic pupil that Shan Tian rushed to is no longer the original imitation. He has obtained the authenticity of the family. The problem is that it is too depleted and he does not want to use it easily.

Just as he started to chant the spell, his left eye turned sharply, and there was a little light of colorful light, the tree master on the side screamed in surprise.

Yi Liunian asked, "What is it? The master knows?"

Master Tree said: "It is said that there are several great and very powerful pupil skills in the world, and there are interruptions in inheritance, and some can not be seen for thousands of years. I don't want this colorful magic pupil to be here. This time I saw Hualanting's Buddhist teachings. Combining spells and colorful magic pupils is a worthwhile trip."

After speaking, he shook his head and muttered to himself: "I hope this donor can do it for himself. The colorful magic pupil is extremely powerful, but at the same time it is difficult to control, and it is easy to be backlashed by treasures. If used improperly, it is a disaster for the world."

While speaking, the pupil technique was completed, the colorful light wheel was spinning at a high speed, piercing through the barrier, and Hua Lan Ting raised the strength of the single-day rush, and everyone rushed out.

The barrier is closed behind him, and the foreground is beautiful, but it doesn't seem to be in the shade of the mountain.

There are rivers and terraces around, green trees and vines, swaying and strewn by the monstrous collaterals, which is really like a paradise.

But there is no sun or moon above the head, and the light is not naturally generated. Everyone is disappointed. They can feel that this is still a pocket-sized space created artificially, and they have not gone outside.

It's better to settle your mind than the ghost world on earth just now, they walked forward cautiously.

There was no one here. After a while, a hut appeared in front of him, and he boldly pushed the door in. There was still no one inside. There was only one table and one bed in the house, and there was a jade slip on the table.

Before I walked in, I saw that the handwriting on the jade slip was dim, but it could still be discerned vaguely, and it said:

I was a scholar in the mortal world. Under the chance, I learned different skills and became a half-celestial body. I didn't intend to be involved in wars from all sides.

Under the severe injury, I was so utterly disheartened, but I was alone and bored, so that I could find another way to achieve the ghostly achievement. In addition, there is no interference, pure mind, and finally breaking through the ancient difficulty that ghosts and immortals can hardly fly to the upper realm, fortunately.

It turns out that this is the case. It seems that this senior survived the wars of the ancients, and he has rarely cultivated a positive result in the ghostly spirit. This has to be thousands of years ago.

Continue reading, the jade slip says:

This place is the place where I opened up for the ghost and fairy queen.

I was really lucky to have the Dao. The method I practiced is extremely difficult, difficult to copy, and I don't want to keep it. Those who are predestined may meet in the immortal world, and it will not be too late to form the inheritance fate, otherwise the hut will eventually turn into fly ashes.

There are no treasures left behind, it's a pity. Meeting in the fairy world, this big guy really dared to think about it, but everyone didn't care too much at this time, so I don't know if there is a way to go out.

The lower part of the jade slip wrote:

I was a Confucian student at first, and I did not forget the true nature of a scholar. In my spare time, I created an article on "The Book of Chinese Characters", which can be used as a token of acquaintance in another day.

In addition, those who want to come out need to complete the other half of the flying flower order, which is contaminated with the breath I left behind. Otherwise, you can die here.

I also know how elusive it is to meet in the fairy world, but my way is made out of impossible, who knows that it will not? Set this small goal first, haha!

Goodbye, waiting for you!

On the back of the jade slip, there is a paragraph of scripture, saying:

The universe is in order, the universe has no borders, the stars are densely packed, and the handle of the battle guides the navigation.

The day is white and the night is dark, the moon is shining every day, the wind is dancing and the snow is dancing, and the thunder and lightning are flashing.

Clouds cause rain, dew and morning frost, rainbows and hail, fog and hail.

Spring is born and summer is long, autumn is harvested in winter, and the season is in response to the weather.

In the ancient times, the vicissitudes of the sea and fields, the land drift, and the collision of plates.

The mountains are majestic, the lakes are rippling, the vegetation is in the wilderness, and the islands are scattered across the ocean.

Glacier and permafrost, desert fertile soil, Mufengshusen, many rocks and broad beaches.

Birds, flying and beasts walk, scales submerged and feathers flying, the environment is harmonious, and the species are peaceful.

The shape is divided up and down, the way is yin and yang, the darkness is dim, and the celestial body is bright.

Condensation is the essence, gathers energy to the field, reduces the concentration and quality, accumulates the microscopic quantity.

It transforms the giant illusion, into a trance, strong and bullying, soft but also rigid.

Ultimately, it will be reversed, survival and prosperity will die, emptiness will reincarnate, and movement will be constant.

Only the real names, all directions, parents, parents, unforgettable.

Brothers and sisters, needy help, aunts and uncles, relatives visit each other.

The nephew has a few boys, nurtures and grows strong, the husband and wife respect each other, dreaming about the chaff.

The neighbors next door, in case of trouble, are humbly forgiving, uncles and concubines, kind and filial to support.

Respect friends, courtesy friends, benevolent monarchs, two emperors of Yan and Huang, Yao and Shun renounced.

Yu Qi’s hereditary inheritance, exterminated Jie Shang Tang, Zhou Wu defeated Zhou, Hou Lie various states.

The Qin Emperor centralized power, the Han Dynasty Liu Chu Xiang, a separate rule, the eight kings of the Jin Dynasty chaos.

The confrontation between the north and the south, decayed Sui Yang, Zhenguan political figures, the Five Dynasties continued the Tang Dynasty.

Chen Qiao mutiny, humiliating Jingkang, Yelu Wanyan, Yuan Jian Song stiff.

Zhongli Taizu, Chongzhen mourned the funeral, the Qing army entered the customs, and the minister was stationed in Tibet.

Smash the traitors, plow the field and set up generals, philosophers and hundreds of families, Confucius and Mencius.

Bian Que Spirit Doctor, Lu Ban Skilled Craftsman, Compass Nitrogen Medicine, Acupuncture Healing.

Cai Lun Bi Sheng, Jianzhen Xuanzang, The Analects of the Book of Changes, and the historical records are smooth.

Hetu Luoshu, Nine Chapters of Arithmetic, Xisan Red Water, Talking about Confucianism Pingxiang.

Poetry, song, drama, rap, pipa, piano, gongs and cymbals.

The flute is sobbing, the flute is melodious, the zheng sound is vigorous, and the suona is high-pitched.

Jing Hao Kuanglu, Dong Yuan Xiaoxiang, Mi Fu's freehand brushwork, sorrowful and magnificent.

Pen, ink, paper, inkstone, plaque, frieze, seal engraving, and cursive inscriptions.

Dunhuang Grottoes, Great Walls of Great Wall, bronze oracle bones, silk clothes.

Tiger charms and swords, burial of pottery and horses, colored porcelain urns, and silks.

Pavilions and pavilions, corridors of temple halls, Pengmenxian households, and green windows in the house.

The villa of the house brother, painted with carved beams, stepped in the courtyard, and the screen is obstructed. fence post pile, rudder support, lean on the railing to look out.

Precipices, ridges and peaks, springs spouting lanscapes, rushing waterfalls.

Gorges and lakes are deep, streams flowing, weirs in ponds and channels, and mud ponds in swamps.

Whirlpools bring waves, reef islands connect with rivers, surging surging, stormy waves.

Disasters and floods overflow, flood tides rise, green pines and cypresses, weeping willows and poplars.

Banana fan, patterned bamboo strip basket, Sophora japonicus elm birch, Chinese fir, cinnamon and camphor,

Zhai Fei is tightly closed, next to Zhayuan, Pingpu Rhine, and Feiguiwufang.

The rose is fluttering, the Puhe is vast, the core of the pod, and the buds are luxuriant.

Exotic flowers, gorgeous saplings, orchids, chrysanthemums and plums, fragrant in all seasons.

The cuckoo weeping blood, the lotus is auspicious, the jasmine is rich, the rose is thorny.

Fruits and vegetables, spring onions, garlic, chives, fennel, celery, and mustard sauce.

Brassica taro shoots, gourd scoop stuffed, tomato mushrooms, stuffed with lactegol.

Iodized salt, vinegar, crisp sugar, sweet delicacies, and delicacies.

Grape wine, jade liquid jelly, coffee puzzle, tea smooth intestines.

Peach, plum, apricot and persimmon, the juice is refreshing, coconut grapefruit orange orange, thirsty to taste.

Pineapple citrus, olive betel nut, pear jujube, apple haw, lili durian.

Tadpoles sway their tails, toads bulge, bait earthworms, worms and leeches.

Parrots learn tongues, bees wear busy, bats dwell in caves, and parasol trees attract phoenixes.

Spiders pull to make up, borers eat food, dragonflies flap their wings, and dove pengs stretch their arms.

Gulls, finches, butterflies, mandarin ducks, carp, carp, whales, frogs, clams, snails and crabs.

Aphid moth cicada pupae, tortoise egg wing locust, mosquito flies, mice and ants, snakes, eels and pythons.

Centipede venom gland, cricket kicking, deer, fox, bear, leopard, jackal.

The ape crowed the monkey, the ostrich hatched the otter, the young orangutan climbed the shoots, and the female slept.

This sutra is indeed magical, so many words are not repeated without a word, it is wonderful.

Further down, there are many verses, and there are gaps in every two sentences. This flying flower order needs them to complete.

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