The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 307: Big, middle, little silly

At this time, all the people present noticed who the leaders of the later group of people were. They turned out to be the master of Buddhism Heshang, Master Wanquan and the elder of the Gang Demon Sect Kaohsiung, the old master of the Demon Sect Jilong, and the Demon Sect Keqing Lin Fengzhi. Five powers came together.

   Gang Demon Sect is a general term for a magic repair in the Huayan Divine Realm that cultivates Gang Qi. There are more than 100 internal factions and loose management. The Dan Demon Sect is the largest of them, but Kaohsiung does not belong to the Dan Demon Sect.

   Although Shao Feng, who is the Great Demon of the Dan Demon Sect, feels unhappy, he still has to give face, so he said in a deep voice, "Elder Gao, what do you mean?"

   Kaohsiung squinted first, Lin Fengzhi, turned his head and said to Shao Feng: "Shao Feng, let me ask you, where were you early this morning and what did you do?"

   Shao Feng didn't know what it meant, and said, "I'm cultivating by the sea, what's wrong?"

   Kaohsiung asked again: "Can someone prove it?"

   Shao Feng replied: "The devil's cultivation has never liked people watching and not being accompanied. What's the matter?"

   Kaohsiung said, "The Ghost Demon Sect found a man named Buddha Xiu. He said that you killed the heir of the Giant Whale King."

As soon as    was said, everyone and Shao Feng were shocked. Shao Feng said angrily: "Blood mouth! Nonsense! Who is it? Is this guy?" He pointed to a monk standing next to Lin Fengzhi.

   This monk has a sluggish demeanor. It is obvious that the master and others, as well as all the people of Vientiane Sect, recognize that this person is actually Xingyi's apprentice who disappeared with the Xingyi monk.

Lin Fengzhi opened the mouth and said: "This person is called Yongkong, which was discovered by my Demon Sect while searching. He was in a coma at the time. After awakening, according to him, he and his master Xingyi were preaching on the beach this morning and saw you. I killed a few civilians who passed by while practicing, and I went forward and argued with you. In your anger, you drove his master and apprentice into the sea. After he survived, he climbed onto the shore and witnessed you and the giant whale prince with his own eyes. The conflict arose, and the opponent was killed."

After hearing that, Shao Feng was furious, and stepped forward and said: "How can this devil let others watch when he is practicing? He killed a few people casually at the time, but I have never seen this eternal master and apprentice! Buddhism is opposed to us, how can you Believe him? This is slander!"

Kaohsiung said: "Of course we will not be credulous. But once there is no doubt, and the whale king gave a picture of a bald man fighting to death with his heir. Secondly, the five of us each conducted a secret search. Soul, Yongkong was hurt and confused by you, but his memory fragments are indeed consistent with that picture."

   "Amitabha Buddha", Master Heshang also interjected, "The monks don't speak lie, Lao Na is here to be fair."

"The picture in Yong Kong's mind is the same, but at that time the fog was too heavy, and the bald man's face and clothes were unclear. I have checked that the Xingyi master and apprentice disappeared in the morning, and the Xingyi and the appearance of the big devil are similar. So both people are suspected, but that person is not wearing a monk's clothes, so the suspicion of the big devil is greater."

   Shao Feng said angrily: "It's unreasonable! It's my ass! I practiced on the beach you checked, but must the bald head be the devil? Can memory not be tampered with?"

Kaohsiung drank, "We have searched the souls of the five ninth ranks. Are you questioning us? You have no evidence, so you are suspected. Isn't this under investigation? It's not a conclusive conclusion. You have to find a way to cleanse yourself. Suspect, so as not to discredit the Gang Demon Sect and stand up for others."

   Shao Feng turned his head abruptly when he heard the words, staring at Yongkong, the light in his right eye flashed.

   The unlucky Yong Kong yelled.

Shao Feng’s eye is claimed to be the magic pupil of the Pill Spirit, and it has the effect of seeing through the illusion. In fact, it is only a concealer. It is actually a strange treasure "Six Xiao Lingtong". It has extraordinary effects and is practiced to the extreme. The six supernatural powers of, Tian Ertong, Divine Realm, Fate, His Heart, and Omission.

   Of course, Shao Feng is still far away, but he can also explore the reality of the memory images in Yongkong's brain.

   He and Yongkong were very close, and the pupils were coming in an instant, but before he could get the results, the ghost lady Lin Fengzhi beside Yongkong had already pulled through Yongkong and cut off the pupils with mana.

   At the same time, Yong Kong continued to scream, his face distorted, his body convulsed and convulsed, and then he was paralyzed and fell to the ground.

   Lin Fengzhi drank: "Shao Feng! You, being a thief with a guilty conscience, dare to kill someone!"

   Shao Feng was frightened and exasperated, and shouted: "I don't have one!"

   He was just investigating, and he didn't use his pupil technique to kill people at all. What's the matter?

   Yongkong died in front of everyone. Didn't it mean that he took his charge and made him unable to argue?

   Kaohsiung said: "Shao Feng, you are so brave! Isn't this not a confession? Don't blame the old man for taking you down."

   Shao Feng was restrained by Kaohsiung and tried his best to argue.

   The five great powers discussed a few things. The matter seemed to come to light. The giant whale king would not come to the result until he woke up 20 days later. Although Shao Feng refused to accept it, he could interrogate clearly during this period and eliminate all doubts.

   Everyone dispersed.

   Returning to the temple, Hua Lanting asked Lin Xianjing: "This Shao Feng doesn't look stupid, how can he kill people face to face?"

   Lin Xianjing also said: "That's right, I don't think things are that simple. Shao Feng's behavior is indeed unreasonable."

   "As far as I know, Moxiu and Gang Mozong are not harmonious internally. I don't know if Kaohsiung is gloating or arguing about matters. I always feel that his words are hints to remind Shao Feng to use pupil surgery."

   "I don't think that a few might not have doubts. You are just like Master Wan Quan. Originally, the magic cultivator caused trouble, but Buddhism should be happy to see that they are successful, but she strongly advocates interrogation clearly and continue to investigate."

"When I asked Taihaoguan to look up the whereabouts of the Xingyi master and apprentice, by the way, I asked them to look up the whereabouts of the whale prince heir, the purple-clothed youth, and it turned out that he came out of the place under the jurisdiction of the Demon Sect early in the morning and passed through the Demon Sect. When the site disappeared, no one had seen it again, and then he appeared directly at the place where the incident occurred far away, which is very strange. I have already reported the matter to Elder Chen."

   Yi Liunian said: "It has nothing to do with us anyway. If you two are interested, why don't you use Tianjishu or Ziweidou to calculate?"

   Hua Lanting said: "Fortune-telling can be calculated accurately, and this matter is too much involved, with my chord-stunned cultivation base and ability, I am afraid I will not be able to grasp it."

   Yi Liunian asked smoothly: "You two know how to count, whether our fate is fixed or not, I have always been confused."

   Lin Xian said in surprise: "The explanations are different, it is not clear."

   Yi Liunian said: "Well. Some people say that I can't control my fate for 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi; some people say that everything is fate, and no one can help. What else?"

   Lin Xian thought about it for a while and said: "Fate is fate plus luck, first fate, second luck, three geomantic omen, four accumulating virtues, five reading."

   "People are creative, so they can make life while recognizing their fate, but people's creativity has its size."

   "People have autonomy, so people have their own ambitions, each has their own destiny, and autonomy has strengths and weaknesses."

   "People still have limitations. There are limits to what we can change. There are more and less."

   "In general, one part of destiny is controllable, and the other part is uncontrollable, which is called helplessness."

"Innate destiny can be said to be established. It determines your accomplishment and pattern, and determines the specifications and scope of life. Acquired destiny can be made by yourself. Innate planning and acquired actions can be coordinated to reach the upper limit, but it also It's extremely difficult to break through, and if you don't cooperate well, you can only accept your fate."

   "Whether to obey the innate or to focus on the nurture, this is a different choice of each person's will."

   "If you don't work hard, you don't know what your life is. After working hard for a long time, you only know what your life is. A person's life is to prove what your life is."

   "Have a clear conscience if you work hard."

   "Kong Sheng also wanted to govern the country, and finally proved that his life is to serve as a master of all ages, not to govern the world for Lu."

   "The value of human beings lies in the life-making part, but don't force it. In my opinion, doing what is right and what you like is the best choice."

   Hua Lan Ting continued: "From a technical perspective, the natal chart does not equal reality."

   "Like Buddhism, the natal chart talks about the harmony of causes and conditions. The natal chart is a large part of the cause and condition, but there are many causes and conditions that are not determined by the natal chart."

   "Some causes are lighter and more imaginary, and some are more substantial and heavier."

"The combination of our natal chart and the information in reality is life. What information? Your name, your family, the time of your birth and the environment of your birth, plus Feng Shui, as well as other organizations and individuals. , Your choices when you fork the road, etc., will lead to the strengthening or weakening of the cause and condition."

   "Although the natal information is not accurate enough, it will become unique when it corresponds to specific personnel."

"Destiny is like a piece of cake. People on the same plate are divided into different parts. It is not easy to tell exactly by looking at the cake, but corresponding to specific personnel, which part you are and which part you take, if the level and skill are high enough, it can be determined. ."

   "Others are useful. For example, reading books. The problem is what you read. Mastering knowledge is one aspect. Reading should be understood as reasoning. If you don’t read well, you won’t have much effect."

"Buddhism talks about cause and effect. There is a very interesting saying that fate is created by ourselves, but after a long time, people forget it, and call it an unknowable and uncontrollable factor that determines our fate in the future. ."

   "In other words, people created the Dao of Heaven, and then had a bad memory, and attributed the creation of us to the Dao of Heaven."

   It seems easy to understand but not understand: "I've been studying rationally recently?"

   Hua Lan Ting: "What book are you reading recently?"

  Yi fleeting: "I".

   Hua Lanting: "What is your understanding of Zhuangzi?"

   Yi Fou Nian: "I don't quite understand."

   Hua Lan Ting: "Look at Laozi instead of Zhuangzi. There is no merit."

   Yi Liunian: "Please talk about Zhuangzi."

   Hualan Ting: "The Tao of is the greatest. However, there are three main points, one is to watch fish, the second is to dream of butterflies, and the third is to Kunpeng."

   "A fish-watcher knows nothing about him, but he does not know himself. He is different, but he knows not. This is the realm of the little silly beep."

   "For those who dream of butterflies, one can be oneself, one can be one another, one dream, and one knows when dreaming. It is for the realm of silly beep."

   "Kunpeng, he is himself, he is the other, everything is one, blowing with breath. It is the realm of Dashou Beep."


   Yi Nian: "I don’t understand. Blow with breath? Bragging? No wonder I went to the hairdresser to wash and cut a few days ago, wash and cut my piece, and blow me twenty..."

   Hualanting: "Why don't you understand?"

   Yi Fou Nian: "I am Xiao Sha Beep, so I don't understand."

   Hua Lan Ting: "You have to work hard in the future. To be a silly beep, you must be a big one."

   Yi Fou Nian: "Do you have to be a silly beep?"

   Hua Lan Ting: "Oh, people, all are silly beeps, the size is high and low!"

   Easy flow: "……"

   The next day, Chen Lv'an temporarily stayed on the seaweed island. He arranged for Hualanting and other people to pass through the teleportation array first to go to the Southern Chinese Language God Realm.


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