The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 319: Buddhism, Taoism and Magic

   This is a bit ridiculous to say.

   Qixia Temple is the same as Qixia Temple, and Qixia Temple is better known than Qixia Temple.

Qixia Temple is small in scale and is a tantric monastery. Its existence and influence are limited to a small area within the Buddhist gate. The statement in the gods is not obvious, causing the teleportation array guards to mistakenly believe that they are going to Qixia Temple. Caused this misunderstanding.

After learning the truth from the monk inside the door, everyone was helpless. The real Qixia Temple is still a long way away. With the current injuries, it is not advisable to travel for a long time immediately. It is better to stay here for some time. , And notify and wait for Chen Lv'an to arrive as well.

   Zhike monk introduced everyone to the monastery to visit the abbot and entered the monastery, but the atmosphere seemed very solemn.

After asking, they learned that all the high monks sent by Qixia Temple to participate in the most recent battle between Buddhas and Demons were killed. After the memorial ceremony held in the temple, they chanted sutras every day, and other Buddhist activities were suspended, so they became popular. Not prosperous, and the atmosphere is relatively depressing.

The new abbot of Qixia Ancient Temple welcomed everyone and agreed to vacate the monastery for them to recuperate and recuperate. He told everyone that by coincidence, a monk from Qixia Temple was sent to the monastery to express condolences, and he could take them to the right place when they set off. Destination.

   So, the disciples of Vientiane Gate settled down in the ancient temple.

   Not long after, Chen Lu'an arrived in the dust.

After inquiring in detail about the details of cooperating with the Mu family to resist the magic repair and the Hua Lan Ting and others to kill Huang Yi, the expression on Chen Lv'an's face changed a lot. Be afraid.

   On the other hand, he is also very proud and pleased.

As a member of the Vientiane Gate of the Freedom Presbyterian Church, he naturally knows how difficult it is to kill a powerhouse of the Profound Pearl Realm with the strength of the Wanxie couple and the disciples of the Vientiane Gate. This is nothing short of a miracle. .

   In other words, doesn’t this mean that if Yun Yiqi and Mu Weizhen are added together, even if his Yaochi realm's power in the ascending stage matches this lineup, he might face the threat of death?

   Of course, I can get rid of Huang Yi. There are a lot of coincidences and luck elements in it, which is no small matter.

   Delayed a few days, when Hualanting and the others could barely ride on horseback, everyone left Qixia Temple and set off again under the guidance of Qixia Temple monk Hui'an.

Hui An is a direct disciple of Master Shu. He is a few years younger than Hua Lan Ting. He looks a bit dull and not very agile, but everyone does not underestimate him. Hui An’s cultivation is not as shocking as Lin Xian. People are weak, this is also a cultivation genius in Xianzhou.

  Hui An is a person who doesn't ask questions and doesn't talk. On the road, Yi Liunian felt so bored during the recuperation period that he often teased him when he came out.

No, Yi Liunian asked Hui'an on another topic: "Master Hui'an, we are still peaceful in Shuxuanxianzhou now. I think the Buddhism and Demon Dao in the realm of the gods come and go, and fights are different. Happy."

"People often say that the Tao is one foot high and the devil is one foot high. In my Dao Sect, it means that righteous qi is hard to cultivate, and evil qi is easier to rise than righteous qi. It also means that the more diligent the cultivation base, the greater the devilish obstacles and obstacles in the heart, and the more you cannot relax. ."

   "I don't know how the Buddhists view the devil way. They say that righteousness will defeat the evil. Why can't the devil cultivation be wiped out all the time?


  Huian proclaimed the name of the Buddha: "The little monk has a shallow practice, and when he can't fully answer the questions of Yi giver, but I often listen to Master and other great virtues, and I can share what I have heard with you."

   "The word demon is very complicated. In Buddhism, demon generally refers to all thoughts and obstacles that hinder practice."

"One kind refers to the demons born out of the emotions and desires in people's hearts, their own personal greed, anger, ignorance, suspicion, and so on. The other is real, but we can’t see the sixth day of desire. The demons who survive in the game."

"In the Buddhist theoretical system, the three realms are divided into the desire realm, the physical realm, and the colorless realm. Among them, the desire realm has six days, and the sixth day is for others to transform into the sky. The demon king Bo Xun is the head of the heavens and people like to hinder Buddhism. The Chinese practiced, this person is the deadly opponent of Buddha Shakyamuni, and his supernatural powers have even reached the point of persecuting Buddha's Nirvana."

   "As for magic cultivation, it should be an externalized form and manifestation of magic thoughts. All people have demons in their hearts, not just the magic cultivation of the gods."

"The devil of the human heart is the same two sides of a person. No matter how great the Buddha is, it is impossible to directly destroy the demon in the human heart with his magic power. If it is directly destroyed, it is equivalent to destroying all living beings. My Buddha is compassionate and does It is to guide sentient beings to investigate and liberate themselves."

   "Just as Bo Xun is also a human being and one of the sentient beings in the Three Realms, the Buddha aims to save all living beings, including Bo Xun. If he is eliminated directly, doesn't it mean that this demon cannot be saved? This is contrary to the teachings of Buddhism."

"Therefore, the so-called put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot, you must influence the other party and wait for the blessing to be exhausted. After undergoing the test of the devil, you can become a Buddha. Direct extermination is just a small trick, just a process in the process. One of the means."

   "Therefore, the dispute between the Buddha and the evil is as you said, good and evil, right and evil follow each other like a shadow, one will grow and the other will never end. But please remember that the wrong karma is carried with you, and you will have to pay the bill in the end."

"The little monk has also heard about it. There are immortal emperors and devil emperors in Taoist immortal **** system. The immortal emperor is in charge of blessing and enlightenment, the demon emperor is in charge of guarding and punishing. It's one."

After hearing this, Hua Lanting nodded and said: "Master Hui'an is right. The existence of demons has its meaning. The greatest role of demons is to hone and test people. It is a gate of inspection. We continue to pass the customs until we reach it. Higan, this is cultivation in itself. Therefore, Dao Ancestor will not directly use magical powers to destroy all demons."

"In addition, I heard from the abbot of Qixia Temple that Qixia Temple belongs to the tantric family of Buddhism, and tantric sect is more secret than Xian sect. I am very interested. Living Buddhas, masters, reincarnations, and Vajrayana are very curious. Explain for me?"

   "Master Tree, is he a living Buddha?"

Hui'an replied: "In my heart, Master is a god-man, um, a miraculous person. Master is a living Buddha, but he doesn't want his disciples and people to call him that way. Master is both cultivators and disciples, and he is very familiar with many schools of Buddhism. The doctrines and disciplines of China have been covered."

"His old people like to wander around and have been to many places on various continents. According to Master, he has seen Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, ***, etc., in the remote and barren land on the western edge of the central thick soil continent. There is a religion of the Almighty Creator."

   "Now is the era of the end of the Dharma, and the Dharma is declining. There are many fake living Buddhas and fake masters who come out to bluff and deceive under the banner of advocating the Dharma. Master is most opposed to these people who are in the Buddha's spirit."

  "For example, what you said about the reincarnation of a living Buddha is a system, or a system. The system itself is good, but those who implement the system are not necessarily good.

"From a strict Mahayana point of view, it cannot be said that those living Buddhas who have gone through the sitting and certification ceremonies are more authentic and credible living Buddhas, while those who have not been certified, such as those who appear to be birds, butterflies, dogs, or hunters, Not a living Buddha. In fact, the situation is more likely to be the opposite."

"In history, there have been many monks who have made extraordinary contributions. They do not necessarily have high-level titles. Master believes that when a throne or a heritage becomes influential, things may become muddy and perishable. Master feels that if an eminent monk is a little sensible, he will not even claim to be a living Buddha."

   "The little monk has some understanding of what tantra is, but since we can see Master soon, let's wait for his old man to explain to you."

   The group walked and chatted, and the topic later turned to the upcoming 3,000-year celebration of the establishment of Guangji Temple.

Speaking of this, Hui'an said more clearly: "This is a major event in the Buddhist monastery of the Gods. There will be many people from the monastery to watch the ceremony. Alas, the little monk was sent to Qixia Temple to express condolences this time, so I don’t know to participate in the celebration. Will there be my part."

   Lin Xian asked suddenly: "The battle between the Buddha and the demons has just ceased. If the Buddha cultivators everywhere rush to observe the ceremony, it is inevitable that the power will be empty. Will the magic cultivator leave an opportunity to take advantage of?"

  Hui An said: "The high monks gathered at the celebration, and the demonic cultivator would not dare to destroy it, and after all, there were still a small number of people attending the event. I think the elders will also take into account the situation you mentioned and make corresponding arrangements."

   "Furthermore, I heard that in order to make up for the losses caused by the war, the God Domain Buddhism has invited a group of Buddhist masters from the thick soil continent to come to Huayan to help out. Our strength is stronger than before."

"Do you know? Some of them are female including the twelve famous masters who will stay in Ciyin Temple next to Qixia Temple before attending the ceremony. He is a powerhouse in the Xuanzhu realm, and his dharma names are Dingxi, Huixi, Xingxi, Rongxi, Lingxi, Jingxi, Shixi, Xinxi, Nuanxi, Qingxi, Shadow Xi, and Dixi."

   Yi Liu Nian teased and said: "Hui An, how do I think you are excited when you mention the teachers and wives?"

Hui'an was a little embarrassed: "The donor joked, but she was just a female disciple who came with Master Nuan Xi. She was an old friend of the little monk when she was not a monk in the Houtu Continent. The little monk has never seen each other since he came here, so I look forward to it. That's it."

   Yiliu said: "So that's it, understand and understand. The little girl next door, childhood sweetheart, two little ones who didn't guess, all escaped into the empty door afterwards, still thinking about it, it's okay."

   "Years are passing, stop talking nonsense." Hua Lanting scolded: "I think that the four masters of Hui'an Little Master are empty, and the six are pure. How can a person like you who lack the five elements can arrange it."

   "Haha, the five elements are missing the five elements, Lan Ting, you are so utterly uttering. Leaving out of the three realms, not in the five elements, are you saying that I also have a relationship with the Buddha?"

   Chen Lu'an was in town along the way, and Hui'an chose a detour route, but mostly in the territory of Buddhism. They arrived safely after a long journey through the mountains and rivers and met the tree master of the Lingyan Pavilion of Qixia Temple.


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