The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 332: Mirror in front of the court

"Dreaming is a very magical thing." Yun Yi said strangely.

"In a dream, you can do things you can't normally do, you can see scenes you don't usually see, you can get the abilities you don't usually have, and you can experience adventures that you don't usually have."

"You, it's you and not you. The person in your dream has transformed into another you."

"In ancient times, people were relatively idle, and they didn't have enough to eat and didn't die from starvation, so two kinds of strange people came into being."

"A kind of people are bored, insomnia, and unable to sleep. They look up at the sky and look at personnel. Looking at them, they have summarized some laws from the big data changes in Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, and after corresponding changes in the world, they have evolved the technique of predicting the secrets of heaven. "

"The other kind of people are more awkward. They love to sleep, and they often fall into the dark, so that they don't know which is the normal state of being awake or dreaming. Just like Zhuang Zhouxiao dreams of butterflies, he can't tell who dreamed of whom."

"What is certain is that this type of person has been able to switch skillfully, enter dreams and dreams at any time, and freely enter and exit in different spaces."

"Sometimes, Zhuangzi's performance is normal, it may just be that others enter the reality'dreamland' you are in to perform."

"Sometimes, if you feel that you don't understand the "dream talk" of Zhuangzi, it is because they are sharing with you what they have learned in another world."

"Dreaming. Maybe it's thinking about day and night, it's the performance art of your subconscious playing with Huaner in the dark night."

"Perhaps, it is your true soul without pretense and mask that has gone out of its body, wandering in another space that cannot be felt by the flesh."

"Maybe, you opened a special frequency channel in your dream, and FM opened up your inner real world, or the outer parallel world."

"Anyway, is it the difference between'primordial spirit' and'conscientious spirit' as we say in Taoist school, or the "far away from upside-down dream" after deep meditation in the Buddhist school. In short, your consciousness and energy are resonating with the other world at the same frequency. , Emotions and states have broken through the limitations of the real world on you."

"Everything becomes possible."

"There is a fish in Beiming, whose name is Kun. Kun is so big that it can't be stewed in a pot. It's not surprising."

"If your feelings remain more or less when you wake up from a dream, it can help you improve your cultivation."

Hua Lanting didn't ask any more questions this time, but instead asked: "Master, the supper disciples personally cook, how about a pot of chicken stewed with mushrooms and fried rice with cloud legs?"

Yun Yiqi knew that Hua Lan Ting had realized that he was no longer entangled in the rapid escalation. With this kind of mentality of not going to be unwelcome, the breakthrough would be sooner or later, so he smiled:

"Okay, before that, Master strikes the iron while it's hot, and passes on to you the trick,'The sky is at the bottom of the stream, and the people are in the clouds.' Go and go to the yard."

In the next hour, no matter how Yun Yiqi broke apart and smashed the professor, Hua Lanting could not learn this trick all the time. It should be that his realm had not reached the level of understanding.

After pondering for a while, Yun Yiqi suddenly pointed to the floor and drank: "Come and see!"

The strong finger wind hit the moss-covered ground in the courtyard, forming a deep pit.

Yun Yiqi raised his hand again, and he picked up the water in the river not far away from the courtyard, and fell into the pit, making it a clear pond.

Hua Lanting stood in a daze, watching this pocket dream scene that Yun Yiqi had artificially created for him, watching the floating clouds in the sky at dusk, and then watching the mirror-like water surface in front of the steps on the ground, he said in a diffuse voice: "Disciple It seems to understand.

Cut through the moss,

Steal it a piece of sky.

Baiyunsheng in the mirror,

Before the Mingyue stepped down. "

"This style may not be as powerful as you, Master, but with my own experience, let's call it a "moon mirror in front of the court"."

After some more days, before Lixia after Gu Yu, the door began to arrange candidates to go to the Central Thick Earth Continent.

After Elder Chen Lv'an lost the engraved boat for the sword, he lost the fetters of foreign objects. Instead, his cultivation base was faintly loosened, and he was left to seek further breakthroughs. This time, the leader of the team was determined to be another Elder Meng Haopu.

In addition, Meng Haopu will bring Hualan Ting to the door where they have dealt with the strange beasts, dragons and horses, double-sided dragons, but I don't know whether they will appear in the face of Long Yanjiao or Ma Rulong after the upgrade.

Hua Lanting, Lin Xianjing, Yi Liunian and Zhuge Yun are still on the list, plus Yue Guanghan and a 60-generation disciple Sima Xingchen.

After the stinging dragon sleeping pill art donated by Hualanting was experimented and promoted within a certain range, the 60 generations of disciples generally made significant progress. Sima Xingchen was one of the disciples who benefited the most, and his fire technique was in the same generation. There is nothing like it.

The candidates for the other disciples have been undecided for a long time, and it is rumored that the top management is considering the rotation of personnel.

After learning the news, the restless Song Feifei jumped up and down, in the name of having no female disciples and patriarchal sexism in the door, encouraging the sisters to put pressure on them.

Later, Song Feifei compiled various reasons. For example, if a man is a mountain, a woman can overturn the mountain and become a "woman". If a man is the sky, a woman can pierce the sky and become a "husband". "people.

Although the reason is ridiculous, it seems to have worked. Feng Qingjun, Song Feifei, Huo Huixiao, and Gu Chenfeng were included in the list.

In order to prepare for this trip, Hualanting also went to Wulan Mountain alone.

A few days before the departure, a person who surprised them arrived.

This person is Shao Feng, the great demon of the southern Chinese dialect God domain Gang Mozong Dan Demon Gate, and the descendant of a thousand seedlings from the Heavenly Secret Gate of Stealing Words.

As the successor of Jianpuzhai, Shao Feng would not have been released.

Shao Feng himself, although he was worried about Master's exhaustion for the devil repair, he did not make up his mind to leave, and would still do his best for the "Mogao Yizhang Ya" that Elder Jian served during his lifetime.

However, he was disappointed with the situation in which the demonic cultivators were fighting each other, and he was dissatisfied with being framed and not getting timely rescue, so he found a reason to come out, saying that he wanted to meet the world's strangers and wait for the secrets of the teacher. Go back to work if you have successfully practiced.

Since Vientiane Gate was open and inclusive, he did not refuse Shao Feng's request to join the Westbound team after learning of the situation.

With Shao Feng's participation, the "Fenglinshan Mountain" in Jianpuzhai's mouth only lacks the single-day rush represented by the word "mountain". After discussion, everyone decided to invite each other on the way.

On the day of Lixia, the westbound group departed.

After using the public teleportation array several times, they entered the westernmost area of ​​Xianzhou.

The land is vast and sparsely populated, and the terrain is changeable.

After a long journey, first crossing the sparsely populated mountains and ridges, then passing through the barren desert weathered area, and then passing through the sandbank with rich water and grass, everyone came to the Taishan Sect where Shan Tianchong is located.

Taishanzong is located in the western border, the specific location is on the edge of West Kunlun Mountain.

West Kunlun was once a Taoist sacred place admired by the cultivators of the world, but a long time ago, West Kunlun suddenly disappeared. There are different reasons. Some say that the lack of spiritual energy in this world has migrated to the outside world, and some say that it is hidden in the enchantment for some reason. Within.

After the West Kunlun disappeared, the cultivation sects attached to the surrounding area gradually declined, and only some sects with strong inheritance like Taishan Sect survived.

Before they set off, Hualanting had entrusted the merchant to pass the invitation information to the Taishan Sect in advance, so after they arrived, they were rushed to Xitaishan in a single day.

Elder Meng Haopu wanted to exercise his disciples' ability to handle affairs on their own, so he and the double-faced Jiao went one step ahead and waited for everyone on the other side of West Kunlun Mountain, and let Hualanting and others pick up the single-day chong by themselves.

At the place of stay, a single day rushed to catch the wind and dust for everyone.

During the dinner, he talked about the trip. Chong had never been to the Central Thick Earth Continent in a single day. Of course, he was willing to go with him, but he put down his wine glass but sighed and said, "This Daozi is naturally very interested, but my parents have not yet vomited."

The head of the family at the helm of the Taishan Sect is Shan Tianchong’s father, Shan Yu. After Shan Yu officially passed the "Qiqiao Magic Eye" to Shan Tianchong, he retreats and retreats. The current chief of the clan is the three grandpas of Shan Tianchong. People of the older generation, known as the "Taishan Three Elders", were named Shan Liang, Shan Huo, and Shan Zhu.

The three elders did not object to single-day chong going out for a trip, but they did not know and trust the fellow disciples of the Vientiane Sect, and put forward the requirement that they must be tested and verified before they can be allowed to join the team after approval.

This was a bit unexpected, but it was reasonable to think about it, Hua Lan Ting and the others gladly accepted it.

The next day, Shan Tianchong led everyone to the Kunlun stage, a martial arts venue in the mountain.

After a while, the three old men of Taishan came.

The three elders look alike, the difference is that Shan Liang looks cold and dignified, Shan Huo has a kind eyebrow and is good at talking, Shan Zhu's expression is lukewarm.

The disciples of Vientiane Sect met Li.

Shan Liang first said: "ZiZi Vientiane Gate is famous, and all the children are all young talents at first glance. It's not that we deliberately block it, and take the opportunity to learn about the Taoism of the Xiandong, you don't care about it."

The grandfather who was single day rushing seemed harsh, but his words were kind.

Shan Huo took the stubborn words: "That's not what I said. Tianchong is the master of the sect. Safety is related to the destiny of our sect. How can you be sloppy. If you want to take him away, you must pass the old man first. Otherwise, I'm not relieved. The third child, what do you think?"

The seemingly charitable grandfather Shan Er seems to be the one who urged this test.

Shan Zhu said: "I don't care, just look at the excitement. It's really boring to stay in the mountains."

Shan Tianchong knew that these three grandfathers were not in harmony with each other, and they were struggling with each other all day long, so he quickly said: "Grandpa, Grandpa Second, Grandpa Third, they all agreed, let's start, do you think about how to evaluate it? Say okay first, don’t force others to make things difficult, deliberately make things difficult, or I won’t do it with my grandson."

Shan Liang said warmly: "The three of us discussed it yesterday. We each asked one question and examined one aspect separately, and it was enough to pass all of them."

"The old man is in charge of the first pass."

"Well, that, very good, I now announce that the children at Vientiane Gate will pass."

"Boss, what do you mean? Passed before showing up? Are you kidding us?"

The second son, Shan Huo Ren, as his name suggests was so angry, he questioned Shan Liang in front of everyone.

Shan Liang said: "I'm overwhelmed by the pass that I am responsible for. What I want to examine is their talents and potential."

"Although the old man is dim-eyed, he can still see that all the children are no more than 30 years old, and they are all in a warm and nurturing state. With this level of qualifications, when you are so old, have you ever done it? arrive?"

Shan Huo was a little sad, but he couldn't refute this.

In fact, after seeing everyone, he was also very surprised, but he was extremely conceited about what Taishan Sect had learned, and wanted to protect the face of Taishan Sect, and he didn't want to easily admit the excellence of other disciples.

With a dry cough, Shan Huo said: "My Taishan sect is derived from Maoshan Taoism, and the latter has been carried forward to form a unique Maotai Taoism. Among them, the Maotai Yoga Heavenly Jishu is unique, and it is said that the Vientiane Gate also grows here."

"Today, the old man thought, personally learn."

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