The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 346: Rou Piao Wanan

Everyone at Vientiane Gate heard the sound and watched.

Regardless of the open air and hollow of this martial arts venue, there are restrictions on the outer wall and above. Except for the gates guarded by people, those who can enter and exit at will must be the people inside the Daguan Pavilion.

The one who fell over the wall was a woman with a white-skinned mouth and a big mouth.

Hua Lanting examined it and raised his eyebrows. By coincidence, he knew this person and blurted out, "Chen Zhiyuan!"

He didn't admit it was wrong. The person here was Chen Zhiyuan, who he had collaborated with during his adventures in the central patio of Xianzhou. He came from the magic rune Tiandun Sect.

Chen Zhiyuan was called out by her name, and she was taken aback for a while. After seeing Hua Lanting and the others, she exclaimed: "Brother Tingting, it's you? Why are you here? Ha, disappointment, and no fights can be made. NS."

He said that he was disappointed, but his face was elated, and he walked over to meet everyone.

Hua Lanting rolled his eyes, feeling very shameless, but everyone was unanimously interested in the title "Tingting Brother".

Everyone stood and chatted for a while, and it turned out that Chen Zhiyuan and Daguange were closely related.

A long time ago, there was a genius disciple in Daguan Pavilion who was very successful in cultivating Fulu and Dunshu. He was jealous and squeezed out by his fellow sect.

Therefore, the **** rune Tianyao Sect can be said to be a branch of the Daguan Pavilion, but it has developed no weaker than this sect.

There have been many fights between the two sides, and later they did not contact each other for a long time. However, as time goes by, recent generations have gradually repaired the broken relationship, and they have frequent interactions with each other, and they have become close together.

This time Daguan Pavilion held the Qimen Dunjia Taoism Exchange Conference, and Chen Zhiyuan and her uncle Chen Zhu came as representatives to boost the momentum.

Chen Zhiyuan was originally the focus of training disciples in the door. Ever since he obtained the lost secret copy of Dunjia Tanyuan 6 in the central patio, not only his cultivation level has increased substantially, but his status in the martial art has also risen because of this contribution.

Chen Zhiyuan is very familiar with Jian Jie and others. Because of her age, cultivation level, and personality, as long as she is there, she is the eldest sister among the juniors of Daguan Pavilion.

After a few more words, Hua Lan Ting suggested not to occupy the venue, and to find another place to continue the conversation.

Chen Zhiyuan was a little unwilling, and said, "I have taken it all. It's better to play a little, let sister see what you have grown in these years, sister, I am not what I used to be."

Hua Lanting said: "Alright, how do you play? I remember that sister, you are best at the five elements escape technique, or run away from me?"

Chen Zhiyuan said: "Your brat is fat enough. With Sister Feng, you still dare to chase other women? Since you always slander our escape technique for running away, this time you run away, see if you can Escape from my rune hunting technique."

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Zhiyuan shook his fingers, and a talisman was formed, which immediately ignited without fire. With her "sickness", a stern wind rushed towards Hualanting.

Hua Lanting launched a thousand miles, teleported a short distance, and flashed a few feet away.

"Good!" Chen Zhiyuan pointed out again: "Chasing!"

The wind was sharper, turning on its own, making a whistling sound, and chasing away.

For this kind of small-scale movement, Hua Lanting used its steps to move thousands of miles as fast as lightning.

Chen Zhiyuan waved with one hand, and the time for the talisman to appear and activate was greatly shortened, almost forming a phantom, more than ten times faster than the first one.

Facing the overwhelming chase, Hua Lan Ting relied on its steps to flicker one after another and walked through the small gaps, appearing to be at ease.

Chen Zhiyuan used his hands to play different types of talisman, and the tactics have also changed, mixed with the ending sounds of "fixing" and "forbidden".

Hua Lan Ting is not so calm now. The Talisman technique contains the effects of fixation and imprisonment, which affects his speed and needs to use more spiritual power to get rid of it.

In the stalemate, Chen Zhiyuan clasped his palms, turned them inward, and then pointed them outwards, sending out the word "Firm".

Hua Lan Ting only felt that he was surrounded by wind from all sides, and could not move out, and the strong wind above was also pressed down.

Chen Zhiyuan smiled and said: "Remember that in the central patio, Shan Tianchong was once trapped by a formation. Based on this, I made the symbol'Painting the Ground as a Prison'. How did it feel?"

Hua Lanting groaned, pinched the Jue to cast the spell, swish, and the person had already appeared outside the talisman formation.

He used the escape technique taught to him by Chen Zhiyuan at that time, and escaped from the ground with the help of soil.

Chen Zhiyuan shouted: "I forgot to teach you this hand, come again!"

She played three more places for the prison talisman. Hua Lanting escaped the first two, but did not escape the third, and was detained in the middle.

This time, even the ground under his feet became as solid as a rock, and the earth escape technique was invalid.

Hua Lanting shook his body, broke the skill with strength, and forcibly shattered the talisman formation with his strong spiritual power.

Chen Zhiyuan scolded: "After saying that the technique is more skilled, you can't use brute force."

When did Hualan Ting say it?

Unable to argue with the woman, Chen Zhiyuan has already put three chain talisman on top of each other.

Hua Lanting was trapped in it and could not break free.

Chen Zhiyuan just raised his eyebrows and was slapped on the shoulder. Looking back, Hua Lanting was behind her.

It turned out that Hua Lan Ting was invisible with a Tai Chi towel without showing a trace, the chameleon lizard transformed into his appearance, and the deity was behind Chen Zhiyuan.

Chen Zhiyuan didn't care either, and said with a smile: "Yes, you can, there will be progress."

While talking here, only a strange cry from Hua Lan Ting, covering his palms, inhaled cold breath and jumped away.

Chen Zhiyuan curled her lips: "Let you taste the hotness of the spicy hot pot talisman. How can she easily touch her if she hasn't married yet?"

After the fun, a group of people walked out.

As soon as I left the house, I saw the men of the Songyue Club waiting outside, and they greeted me as soon as they came out.

This person whispered to Hua Lan Ting, Hua Lan Ting's expression changed, and he asked a few more words before turning around to explain the situation to everyone.

Wan An was kidnapped!

Xiong Chengmao’s people have found Wan'an and brought him to Dangyang City to the Wanxiang Gate. No one else knows about this. Wan'an is not an important person, but he was robbed on the edge of the city. gone.

The robbers left a letter, leaving a message asking the people of Vientiane Gate to take the secrets of secret fusion to the suburbs of Liaoshan to exchange for Wan'an. There cannot be too many people, and there cannot be strong people to follow, otherwise they will tear the ticket.

The starter is now ready to come out. Although he doesn't have a well-known name, it should be the one who fought with them twice on the road.

This person was frustrated twice in the battle of the secrets of heaven. It must be guessed that Lin Xianjing and others, whose cultivation level was not as good as him, were able to contend with him by relying on a combination of secret methods. Forcing the Vientiane Gate to surrender secret skills.

Lin Xianjing and the others hadn't reacted yet. Jian Jie quit when he heard it, and said angrily: "Who would dare to robbery on the site of my Grand View Pavilion? This is a naked provocation."

When Chen Zhiyuan saw something to do, he was excited, and slapped Jian Jie with a palm: "Yeah, I was still in time for the meeting. This obviously didn't put you in the eyes of Daguan Pavilion, and was breaking ground on Tai Sui's head." Jianjie, you should report it quickly and mobilize the staff. Hualanting and I will first return to the Geyue Club to discuss countermeasures."

The intervention of the local snake is also a good thing. Hua Lanting and others and Chen Zhiyuan quickly returned to the Songyue Meeting. After reading the letter, they asked about the situation in detail.

Things are easy and not easy to handle.

Wan'an, a person who is insecure at all, must be saved and must be replaced by someone. The Vientiane Gate itself and the strength of the Grand View Pavilion are not bad, and there are foreign aids to ask for help.

But how to save it needs to act by ear.

For one thing, if it’s just the master of the secret secret, it’s better to say something by himself, I’m afraid that this person will collude with some of the rudders in the Taihe Teachers, and it will be more difficult.

Second, to ensure the personal safety of Wan'an, there should not be too many people on the surface. Too strong is not good, and too weak is not enough. How the brigade and the strong can follow and protect is also a problem.

Thirdly, the most basic combination of celestial combat skills should really be handed over for substitution, but this is something of the Taishanzong single family. Even if Shan Tian agrees to it, Wanxiangmen is not willing to hand it over to the hostile person.

The appointed time is tonight.

After discussing several rounds, after soliciting Meng Haopu's opinions and Daguange's agreement to send people to assist, a plan and several emergency plans were finally formed.

First of all, it was decided to let Hua Lanting set off with Feng Qingjun and Chen Zhiyuan alone.

The three of them are not at the level of the cultivation base, and meet the requirements of the other party's requirements of no strong person and a small number of people.

Hua Lan Ting is clear-headed, has many methods, and has the strongest comprehensive ability. When it is critical, it can launch a big piercing technique to get the three of them out in time.

Feng Qingjun was chosen because she and Hua Lan Ting have been successfully practicing a magic technique that relies on magic weapons recently, which can enhance their combat power in a frontal conflict.

Chen Zhiyuan volunteered and insisted on joining. Her talismanic evasion technique can move and dodge within a certain range, which helps to improve the flexibility and maneuverability in the stalemate when fighting wars.

The second team is composed of other disciples of the Vientiane Sect and Shan Tianchong and Shao Feng. With Yue Guanghan here, they can quickly parachute to the place where they need it at any time with the piercing technique.

Subsequent powerhouses include Meng Haopu and Chen Zhiyuan’s uncle Chen Zhu, as well as a Daguan Pavilion elder, as well as the other two Yaochi realm powers who have been connected. This is already a very powerful force, even if it is right. The "five-party patrol" on the middle part of the rudder, this lineup is also enough to match.

The most important thing here is the three of Hualanting. Their on-the-spot adaptability and adaptability will affect the final result to a large extent.

Hua Lanting is not used to talking big but he has a lot of confidence at the moment. For this trip to the thick soil mainland, he has made a lot of preparations in advance, in order to cope with all kinds of unexpected difficult situations. .

He is facing a state of reincarnation, and he is still unable to enter the ranks of the strong, but his master Yun Yiqi told him that he must start from now on to cultivate a strong heart, and under the premise of adequate preparation, he must establish a proper conceited.

After planning to stop together, Hua Lan Ting He Feng Qingjun and Chen Zhiyuan rushed out of the city towards Liaoshan.

Lishan Mountain and Lishan Grand View Pavilion are in opposite directions, and they are located in remote barren hills.

After the three of them entered the Lishan realm, the sky was dark and the mountain roads were rugged and difficult to navigate. They walked for a while, and were able to detect that someone was observing in the distance, but they ignored them. After a few more miles, several sturdy figures flashed in front of them. Big man.

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