The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 358: 0 changes 0 magic

Hua Lanting pushed Yi Liunian's hand away: "I am now calm and afraid of myself."

He had to explain his plan further.

However, everyone still objected in unison.

Feng Qingjun said: "It is full of flaws, all loopholes, nothing is good, you can think of it. If you don't talk about anything else, the first one will not stand up to scrutiny."

"In case Xiong Chengfeng and Liu Gen have no contact with Taihe Teachers at all, and you go up and ask for a meeting, wouldn't it be that the sheep fell into the tiger's mouth and fell into the trap?"

Hua Lanting said: "That would save trouble. If you are found out as soon as you go up, you will run away immediately. Besides, even if, as you said, Xiong Chengfeng has exposed his stuff because of the undermining of the cat, and he is in danger, so It also makes sense to send Xuan Zhu Da Neng to come to the door to surrender and ask for help in person."

Yi Liunian said: "Why can Liu Gen find here? In addition, you can escape in time at the door. When you get in, this is what I am worried about. Is your disguise must be hidden from Meng Xingsan? Your response must be Is it just right? There is no place to bury it."

"Ah. Pooh. Can't you expect me to be better? There are risks. If you don't enter the tiger's den, you will get a tiger. The mountain people have their own tricks."

After arguing for a while, no matter what, everyone did not agree with Hua Lanting's risk.

Finally, Hua Lanting waved his hand: "Forget it, I won't tell you, I will go to Elder Meng for instructions."

Meng Haopu’s first reaction was the same as everyone’s: "Are you kidding me? It’s like playing the piano, it’s a fantasy!"

"According to the information of the Songyue Society, Meng Xingsan is at least a strong person in the Yaochi realm entering the house. If he confronts alone, the old man will have to retreat. You face it alone. Do you know how to write the dead word?"

Hua Lanting felt helpless, and said after thinking for a while: "Elder Meng, take a step to speak, and the disciple will pour you all down."

After the two had a private conversation, it was strange that Meng Haopu was persuaded by Hua Lan Ting and agreed to Hua Lan Ting's adventure.

Without further ado, in order to prevent the real Liu Genzhen from going to the Taihe teacher, Hualanting immediately set off after packing up and preparing to stop, and was escorted to the outskirts of Xiaoailing.

The rest of the way into the mountain to Guanshan Academy is for Hualanting to go by itself.

Meng Haopu patted Hualanting's shoulder: "To prevent being detected, the old man can only hide everyone's breath here. Come on, boy, you are all on your own behind, be careful, remember your promise, we are waiting for you signal of."

Hua Lanting nodded, gave Feng Qingjun a relieved look, and went on the road alone.

Guanshan Academy, located on the main peak of Xiaoailing, has a crown-like top, hence its name.

The academy was once prominent, and the ancients praised it as the crown of the mountains. Not only the natural scenery is magnificent and beautiful, but it is also rich in humanities and history, but it is now dilapidated.

The academy sits west to east, backed by mountains and valleys, and at the foot of the mountain there is a winding stone road leading up.

After a short while, Hua Lan Ting passed a dilapidated archway, and after passing here, it entered the scope of the academy.

In the middle of the archway is the word "Guanshan", and the couplets on both sides read:

Passing 50,000 miles of favor, twenty-four history of wonders.

The four thousand years of painting are clearly distinguished, as the saying goes, 13 classics.

After passing the archway, the night was already deep at this time, and a few dark shadows turned out from the dark. This was the sentry of the Taihe Sect, and the leader was a big man who was born out of birth.

Just as this person was about to ask, a breath of the power of the Yaochi realm rushed toward him, and Shengsheng suppressed his words.

The breath is released as soon as it is released, this is from Hua Lan Ting.

Since entering the mountain, Hua Lan Ting has changed in disguise, his appearance and clothes color are the same as Liu Gen he has seen.

This is one of Hualanting's reliance on daring to commit danger alone.

From the inside out, he now imitated Liu Gen's appearance and cultivation.

It was possible to do so thanks to the ever-changing face masks left to him by the couple Wan Ti-li and Xie Su-su before they died!

The Wan's couple spent several years in the Huayan God Realm with the cultivation base of the Profound Pearl Realm. During this period, they have cultivated countless demons, but were not found and killed by the strongest. To a large extent, they relied on the power of the mask.

This mask is a strange treasure, and Hua Lan Ting can only truly exert its magical effect after breaking through the Seven-Star Big Dipper Realm.

One of the functions is that the user's facial appearance can be changed as desired. For imitation objects like Liu Gen who have seen real people and observed the details specially, the effect is even more vivid, almost unreal, and even subtle to the extent that the cilia are fully visible.

The second effect is that it can improve the user's "cultivation level" within a certain range and within a certain period of time. Of course, this is only a high degree of simulation, a lifelike virtual reality of the breath that can be released.

The breath of Hualan Court was now temporarily "copyed" by the mask to the level of the Yaochi realm. In this way, he will pretend to be Liu Gen, and this kind of breath is very consistent with Liu Gen's personal training characteristics.

There is no perfect thing in the world. Unfortunately, the ever-changing mask is lacking in adjusting the body and clothing of the user.

On the other hand, the imitation of cultivation base breath has limits of scope and time.

It's okay to deal with the general situation. In this risk of life and death, any flaws will be fatal.

Fortunately, Hua Lan Ting is not alone, he still has partners.

The chameleon lizards, dragon-horse double-faced dragon-horse dragons, and the octo-polar cloud-light array spirits living in the sky and blue smoke jade are not only mysterious bead realm spirit creatures, but each has its own advantages in the way of change and the art of illusion.

The three together worked hard to solve the defects of the mask almost perfectly.

Their cultivation base can support Hua Lan Ting to maintain its aura at the level of the Yaochi realm for a long time.

Their ability to change has ensured that the parts of Hualanting's face are also adjusted, and the flaws will not be easily seen by people who know Liu Gen.

In this way, Hua Lan Ting has the confidence to hide from the sky and pretend to be Liu Gen.

Hua Lanting took his breath away as soon as he released it, with the purpose of showing his strength to the other party, and then he simply reported his identity and asked to see Meng Xingsan.

This stronghold of the part of the rudder in the Taihe Church is very secret. Except for a few guests who have already been invited tonight, ordinary people have no reason to discover and dare to go up the mountain.

The practice of Hua Lan Ting coming up publicly and revealing the atmosphere of the Yaochi realm worked, and the outborn master guarding the mountain gate was bluffed.

Since Hua Lan Ting bluntly asked to see the rudder master, he knew that this was the place of the Taihe Sect; he came by himself and named the name, indicating that there was no hostility; what's more, this is the great power of Yaochi, who can be placed in any faction. , Are all the noble masters who frighten the Quartet.

Even if he claims to be the elder of the Songyue Society, this person cannot decide how to decide.

So, this person asked Liu Gen to wait here, and he quickly went back to the academy to ask for instructions.

Not long after, he came back and invited Hua Lanting's "Liu Gen" to enter the academy.

The first level is over.

Next, Hua Lan Ting has to face the next hurdle after going deep into the tiger's den.

After entering the door, Hua Lan Ting was led to a guest hall, and one person was waiting there, and said to him, "My fellow Qi Wei, I have seen Elder Liu."

Hua Lanting knew that Qi Wei was one of the "Ten Temples of Yama". He was a little nervous in Longtan Tiger's Lair. At this moment, he will lose more words. It is better to say less. He coped with: "It turns out that it is Brother Qi, you are polite."

The two were seated.

Qi Wei did not doubt Hua Lanting. His identity was qualified and confidential. Knowing that Xiong Chengfeng was the target of Rudder Master, he was a little puzzled and asked:

"No wonder Elder Liu, the Eastern patrol officer Tuoba, who is usually in charge of contacting Mr. Xiong and your old man, is out. On the way back, I have to come to receive you. Dare to ask, what happened to Elder Liu who suddenly visited late at night? ?"

Hua Lanting secretly said that by luck, fortunately Tuoba will not be there, otherwise even if Liu Gen's appearance and voice are not problematic, it will inevitably be wrong in answering.

He watched his words, thoughts, thoughts and thoughts. When the situation was unclear, he asked instead to answer, and then said: "I wonder if you have received the news from Xiong Shaoxian?"

Qi Wei did not doubt that he had him, and honestly replied: "We have received it. A group of good people was taken back by Xiong Chengmao and broke the eucalyptus sky thunder formation. The Songyue Club is preparing to join forces with them to investigate further. Meng The rudder master has made corresponding arrangements for this, including summoning manpower back."

Hua Lan Ting listened to what he said, there were true and false, and ambiguity said: "There are new changes in the situation."

"First, they have detected and determined the location of Xiao Ai Ling, and they are dispatching troops to attack soon."

"Second, that group of people is not only good at strength, but there are several people in Yaochi and Xuanzhu, which makes Geyue even more powerful."

"Third, that group of people has the celestial powers and helped Xiong as a demon to discover the secret of my family's assassination of Xiong Chengmao and your relationship with you. Although the president has not activated it yet, he has sent someone to monitor it. , Dangerous."

"Therefore, the situation is really urgent. The youngest asked me to hurriedly report to Lord Meng Ruo and ask for help. It is really serious."

"Ah? Ah! That's it." Qi Wei was surprised, and his doubts disappeared.

It is said that only Xiong Chengfeng knows about Guanshan Academy. Since the matter is so burning, it is logical that Liu Gen, the number one master under his command, should come over.

The three situations mentioned by Liu Gen are indeed important and urgent, and must be reported to Lord Meng Ruo.

Qi Wei said: "Sure enough, the matter is of great importance. In that case, Elder Liu, please come with me and meet with the rudder for an interview."

When the two of them left the guest hall, Qi Wei said as he walked: "You are old all of a sudden, except for Master Tuoba, we haven't seen you."

"The Lord Rudder happened to meet a few guests tonight. Hearing you, he ordered me to ask the reason first, saying that if it is really urgent, please come over and speak."

"However, you have to sit in the side room and wait a while. After the meeting, the rudder will discuss with you."

"It's okay." Hua Lan Ting didn't understand what it meant to be in attendance, but the second level was over. Liu Gen's identity should not be revealed for the time being until Tuoba will return.

Turning a corner, and arriving at a hall called "Shangshuyuan", Qi Wei led Hualan Ting into the side hall on the side and then withdrew.

The sound of someone speaking in the main hall.

As soon as Hua Lanting settled down, there was a breath spreading from the main hall.

The breath is very strong, UU Reading is not aggressive but domineering and sharp, Hualanting was stimulated to make his hair stand up.

Fortunately, the breath swept away and then retreated, otherwise Hua Lan Ting felt that he could not hold the simulated cultivation base that the mask gave him.

so close! This must be part of the rudder master Meng Xingsan in the Taihe Church, indeed even more powerful than Meng Haopu.

Even more alert in his heart, Hua Lanting settled down and listened intently to the voice in the side hall.

On the way here, Qi Wei introduced that tonight, representatives of several top-ranked celebrities in the central part of the Houtu Continent came to see Meng Xingsan.

After listening for a while, Hua Lanting became more frightened as he listened, and the amount of information was so great, and the more he pondered, the more he felt the eucalyptus thunder in the confusion, the more problematic he was.

At the same time, Meng Xingsan was also impressed.

Is a sub-rudder of the Taihe Sect, so domineering, domineering and arrogant?

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