The Great Enlightenment

Chapter 2 Heart Fire

Mountain ghosts, ghosts and sprites in the deep and ravines, are mostly female figures, like to eat people, beasts, demons, and spirits, and they are born in the places where yin qi grows in the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas.

If there is no accident, it will never be able to leave the place of transformation.

Ji Yuenian's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she raised her head to look directly at the girl's terrifying, hideous face, the pale white halo around her body was vaguely reflected in her eyes, and her scalp was numb.

"It's been a long time since no strangers have been here," the green jade fingers glowing with white light lifted slightly and gently stroked the top of Ji Yuenian's head. Echoing again between this deep and narrow mountain stream, "This seductive taste is really much stronger than those newborn spirits and the like."

Ji Yuenian was caressed by her hand on the top of her head, as if she was in the icy hell in an instant. A trace of white air involuntarily appeared between her fair and handsome eyebrows, and she was inhaled by the mountain ghost. in the device.

"This person's vitality is of little use to me, but the taste is really memorable."

The mountain ghost stood with bare feet hanging in the air, talking to himself as if no one else was around, and there was a hint of intoxication in his tone.

Although Ji Yuenian couldn't move at all, he was very clearly aware that he was getting weaker a little bit. If he let this mountain ghost continue to absorb it like this, he would definitely die!

A dark flame gradually appeared in his soul.

This fire is called Heart Fire, and although it is only a trace, it can also start a prairie fire.


Like a thunderbolt from the blue, the fog in my memory suddenly dissipated a little like a cloud and the sun, and scenes emerged one after another.

Just as he was immersed in those miraculous images, a heart-piercing pain suddenly came from above his left arm.

Ji Yuenian opened his eyes suddenly, his handsome face was slightly distorted due to the extreme pain, blood spurted out from the broken wrist, and even the pale white halo that filled the mountain stream was infected with a dazzling blushing.

"It's really good."

The mountain ghost tore off Ji Yuenian's left hand and threw it into his mouth very casually, and the creepy sound of chewing reverberated in the small space.

After a few short breaths, the hand was completely swallowed by her.

She, who has not eaten a stranger for a long time, is now reluctant to kill Ji Yuenian directly, but wants to keep him in captivity as a family hog and eat it slowly.

A pale white halo flowed from his fingers and covered Ji Yuenian's left wrist.

The blood splattered on it was extremely bizarre and gradually stopped, and there was even a hint of healing in such a short period of time. Such a method is really jaw-dropping.

Ji Yuenian lowered his head, and there was not even a trace of blood on his pale face.

The black eyelashes trembled slightly, and a trace of heart fire gushed out from an unknown place again, and the light in the eyes was full of endless darkness.

Since waking up the previous time, he has been on the side of the stream in this mountain pass. Not only has he lost all memory, but his body has become extremely weak.

After escaping the sound of the bell, he fell into the depths of this narrow mountain stream, but eventually fell into the hands of this mountain ghost, and was regarded as a stream of food for livestock.

These dangerous and desperate things happened one after another in a very short period of time, causing Ji Yuenian to gradually ignite a dark and terrifying heart fire in the depths of his soul under the influence of some magical power.

"Huh?" The mountain ghost seemed to have noticed something abnormal, looked at Ji Yuenian with his head lowered, and sneered in his mouth, "A mere mortal, something like a livestock, although it is extremely rare to have a heart fire. , but in front of me, dare to resist!?"

After those words were finished, she waved her palm lightly again, and a beam of white light came through like a rainbow, which actually cut Ji Yuenian's entire left arm down!

There was a little white light left in the white rainbow, so that there was no blood seeping out of Ji Yuenian's left arm, and then he took that left arm directly into the mouth of the mountain ghost.

creak, creak.

The pain was too intense, Ji Yuenian fainted directly under such fiery stimulation, and there was no more flames in the depths of the soul, and the dark heart fire slowly disappeared and gradually became silent.


The mountain ghost swallowed the last mouthful of flesh and blood with satisfaction, the twisted mouthparts slowly contracted, and under the shroud of white light, in just a few breaths, he transformed into the beautiful and beautiful girl from the previous episode.

The waves in the beautiful eyes flowed like water, and finally stopped on Ji Yuenian's face.

"Although it's like a beast, this child is really good. If it wasn't for me who hadn't eaten a stranger for many years, I might have to play with it first, and then eat it. ."

Strangely, at this time, her voice was no longer hoarse and unpleasant, but as crisp and sweet as a yellow warbler, which was extremely pleasant.

Ji Yuenian's syncope only lasted for a very short time. Although the left arm no longer bleeds, the severe pain from it still woke him up from the drowsiness.

After waking up, what I saw was the beautiful girl standing in the sky in the narrow mountain stream, looking down at herself with a playful gaze.

Suddenly, a blazing white thunder light the thickness of a finger suddenly appeared from the void, and penetrated directly into the girl's eyebrows!

The girl's complexion changed slightly, and her figure completely turned into a phantom in a moment, narrowly escaping most of the power of this thunder light, and after the blazing white light passed through her body, it slammed into the bottom of the mountain stream. !


The gravel was cracked, the narrow mountain stream was completely collapsed, and the dazzling white brilliance was dazzling in the night sky, illuminating the area for several miles as if it were daytime.

"You bastard, don't you kneel down and bow down?"

The clear voice swept from the sky, with a hint of suppression, turned into ripples and shot towards the mountain ghost who reappeared.

The girl let out a cold snort, and while she danced with her hands, white light filled her body, turning into a blazing dazzling white light curtain to protect her in front of her.

The light curtain collided with the sound wave violently, and dense transparent ripples appeared in the void, setting off a gravel storm that destroyed everything.

"I also said which Shangzhen was on tour so far. It turned out to be just a child who has never been weaned. How dare you make a lot of nonsense here and want to accept me? Leave your life behind first!"

As she spoke, the girl's face had reverted to the terrifying appearance of a mountain ghost. With a big mouth, the black evil wind gathered out of thin air and turned into a giant python more than ten feet long, roaring towards the pole. The slender figure in the sky pounced and bit away.

The figure paused for a while, as if he had never expected the yin power of this mountain ghost to be so tyrannical, but in the next moment, he re-struck the seal, and re-shaped a blazing white thunder light, which went straight into the body of the black giant python. Inside.


The thunder light entered the body, the giant python roared in pain, and the body collapsed again into a black wind between violent tremors, and it diffused into the night sky without a trace.

The figure descended from the silver-white brilliance, slowly emerging from the top of the collapsed mountain stream, only a few feet away from where the mountain ghost stood, Zhanyan smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist, It's just me taking the liberty."

The silver light gradually dissipated, and his face was revealed very clearly.

It was a young Taoist with red lips and white teeth.

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