Three days passed like this, and it was Saturday.

During this period, An Hao received a special invitation letter from Red Dragon Academy.

Although he was very reluctant, under Qin Yunlan's coercion, he had to accept the fact that he had "attended" the Red Dragon Academy.

The only good news is that he also received a 5 million special recruitment bonus from Tiansheng Royal Beast Business Academy.

This money should have been prepared for special enrollment, that is, Zhang Tianyou.

But in order to show favor to An Hao, Zhang Dan still released this huge amount of money to him even if he did not choose Tiansheng Royal Beast Business Academy in the end.

As for Zhang Tianyou, Zhang Dan and An Hao didn't take him seriously at all.

After this large sum of money was credited, An Hao's deposit has reached more than 7 million.

After having money, the first thing An Hao had to do was to buy the beast rations and daily necessities for the beast in large quantities.

In this world, the Beast Master is not just a matter of summoning the Beast to fight, it involves all aspects, and the difficulty is comparable to that of bringing a baby.

In terms of the tools to be prepared, brushes, high-strength metal nail clippers, scale grinders, these things are still basic, and some beasts even need to prepare toys, tickles, flashes, and so on.

All of the above is within An Hao's understanding.

It is an exaggeration that there are some sensitive beasts that still need to see a psychiatrist often.

There was once a very classic case.

There is a beast master who has contracted a phantom demon fox (8).

The Phantom Demon Fox is a sensitive beast, and he cares very much about his status in the heart of the beastmaster, and he must interact with him for no less than 6 hours a day.

But for a while, this beast master actually got carried away because of falling in love, and forgot to interact with the phantom demon fox from time to time, which directly caused the phantom demon fox to die of hunger strike in anger.

This incident tells you a truth.

The mental health of the beast is equally important!

In comparison, the dragon beast is a rough kind.

Most of them are lazy, they like to sleep when they have nothing to do, and they don't have any special needs.

Even so, An Hao has a lot to buy.

An Hao took out his mobile phone, clicked on the Taowu app, and skillfully swiped to the column of "Weekend Promotion".

Then, he took out a pen and paper and calculated the price.

Don't mention it, it's just to make up for the full minus.

The sorrow of the poor!

"The hardness level of Type III nail clippers is no longer enough, I have to buy Type IV, why is it 1,000 yuan more expensive..."

An Hao felt a little tightness in his chest.

"Fully automatic beast scale grinding robot, slot! It actually costs 280,008! Forget it, if you are tired, you will be tired, or buy a manual one. "

"Semi-automatic large beast metal toothbrush, well... The price is a little expensive, or urge them to drink more water... There shouldn't be any enemy who cares if the dragon has bad breath when facing the dragon's kiss..."

"The dragon beast's special toy ball, priced at 20,008, will there be a sand sculpture to buy this thing?

After all, I've been contracted to them for so long, and I haven't bought any toys for them.


? Why did the seven dragons only buy one?

Wouldn't it be good to play in turns, do you know that it is very hard to make money!

After buying the daily necessities of the imperial beast, An Hao began to buy his own things.

"Get a new mattress, you don't have enough toilet paper, buy a few more boxes to make up an order..."

When these are all sold, it's the turn of the bulk item - the beast rations.

After the contract between the Beast and the Beastmaster, the growth rate will far exceed that of the wild.

But rapid growth does not come out of thin air, and according to the principle of conservation of energy, the amount of food of the beast will also become very large.

Like a blazing tiger.

In the wild, it eats once every three days, and only 50 kilograms of meat at a meal is enough.

But after the contract with the beastmaster, it may need to eat two meals a day, and eat 60 kilograms of meat at a time.

Therefore, the ration of the beast will always occupy more than 70% of the industry related to the beast, and it is the absolute core industry.

A separate page on the Taowu app that lists the beast rations.

An Hao directly went to the column of "Weekend Royal Beast Rations Giveaway" and began to pick it up.

"Buy 10,000 and get a brush free, who is rare.

"Buy 10,000 and get 50 cool photos of the young lady

?" "This kind of thing hasn't been sealed?"

An Hao clicked in.

"Damn, you can't prostitute yourself in vain with a mosaic!Pass decisively!"

Buy 10,000 get 10,000 free!This is good!"

An Hao's eyes lit up, but he quickly showed a disappointed expression as he checked the ingredient list of this beast's rations.

"Let's just say how it's so cheap, this energy is too low to want. "

The title party is really the black sheep! Lao Tzubai is excited! "The

ingredient list of the beast's rations is very important.

Especially in the energy column, the amount of energy per g is an important indicator to evaluate the quality of a beast ration.

Some unscrupulous merchants like to engage in some beast rations that seem to be very large, but in fact do not have much energy, to deceive the beast master Xiaobai.

Of course, the price of the beast ration does not depend entirely on the energy content, but also on the brand, taste, and reputation.

But An Hao doesn't care about these, he just needs to have a high energy content.

Even if he buys an inferior one, he doesn't care, but can make a lot of money by complaining through the Beast Master Consumer Association.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for a beast master who buys inferior beast rations to defend his rights, and merchants will shirk it for various reasons.

What your beast physique is not suitable, what is your feeding method wrong, etc.

But there are exceptions.

For example, dragon beasts.

As a recognized top dry rice beast in the beast world, the dragon beast can digest almost most of what it eats.

If any store has a problem with the rations of the Royal Beast, then the regulatory department will come directly to the door.

So every time they have a problem eating, An Hao will send a sentence to the merchant: public or private.

As long as the merchant does not lose money, a screenshot of An Hao's comment area was posted, and a line of text was added: "This is a profiteer! His family's royal beast rations even my dragon has eaten diarrhea!"

In the end, no matter how traitorous the merchant is, he can only pinch his nose and beg for mercy and lose money in private messages.

An Hao made a lot of money by relying on this trick.

After all, no one thought that someone would be willing to feed their dragons those bargains.

However, Recently, An Hao found that the awareness of these profiteers seems to have improved a lot, and they have to ask what breed of your royal beast is before shipping.

If it's a dragon beast.

So sorry, we don't sell anymore.

It can only be said that people's hearts are not ancient!

Buy 10,000 get 500 free, the energy content is not low, this is required.

"Buy 20,000 get 2,000 free, I rely on it, this energy is not low, just now the one was returned, replaced by this." "

The quality of the high-quality meat, even if there is no discount, it is still so expensive, and it is decisively passed." "

The taste is excellent, the royal beast has eaten it and said that it is good, are you grabbing this price


? After An Hao finished buying, he found a very serious problem.

That is, the shipping is super expensive!!An

Hao frowned.

Before, when the dragon cubs were young, he didn't think there was anything, but as they grew bigger, they needed to buy thousands of kilograms of food at a time to meet their needs.

Not to mention the fact that such a large amount of meat is hidden, the high shipping cost is scary, and this is still the amount of them for two or three days.

After all, you have to transport it at least ten times a month!"

After several searches, An Hao finally locked his eyes on a beast ration called a psionic crystal.

The psionic crystal is an artificial magic crystal, which is small in size but contains a lot of energy.

At the beginning of its creation, it was created to make it easier for the beast master to feed those beasts with a large amount of food.

One standard unit of psionic hedron is about the size of a can, but the feeding effect is equivalent to 100 kilograms of high-quality meat, which is almost equal to the amount of a meal for a blue-eyed white dragon at this stage.

It seems that we will have to use psionic hedron as a staple food in the future. An

Hao returned all the various beast rations he had bought before and replaced them with psionic crystals.

Psionic spars are a little more expensive than meat at the same price, but when it comes to shipping costs, it's not much different.

An Hao chose the psionic spar of the "Qin's Imperial Beast Rations" brand.

Time-honored brand, the key is good quality and low price.

There is a note under the sales page of the psionic crystal: Please eat it with other flavors, eating only the original flavor will cause the beast to have an anorexia reaction.

"Hehe, at first glance, I want to cheat money.

An Hao smiled disdainfully, and directly cut the advertising page with "only 5% increase in price for changing flavors".

Some of them are good to eat, and they taste good, and they want to eat with fart!

But what he didn't expect was that it was this decision that made him lose a lot of money.

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