The Great Fierce Girl: All the beasts I have contracted are ancient ferocious beasts

Chapter 100 Killing, accident, it is time to destroy the bones and scatter the ashes

"Kill me, come and kill me!"


The fairy disdained Ye Yan's words and roared at Ye Yan crazily.

As if it didn't care about its own life at all.

Or maybe, this was not its life at all.

"So, you Daitian, use this method to abduct girls?"

Ye Yan didn't care at all about the fairy's crazy words at this moment.

Looking at the door behind him that was about to disappear.

From above, Ye Yan felt the space fluctuation similar to his space mark.

In other words, it links to other places, which is the so-called portal.

Through the induction of words, the emotionally unstable girl took the initiative to walk into the portal.


The fairy answered Ye Yan's question very honestly.

In fact, as long as you see this kind of thing, you will know it, and there is no point in hiding it.

"What do you think? Are you going to kill me?"

"I kidnapped a lot of people."

"Do you know what happened to them?"

"No!", the fairy clenched her mouth, her face grim, "They should not be called human beings now!"


"Are you really not afraid of death?"

Ye Yan increased the strength of his hand, blood continued to seep out of his palm, accompanied by the sound of bones breaking.

"Ahahaha, what's so scary about death, it's just returning to the heavens!"

The fairy disdained this and completely forgot about death.

"Really, if your real body came here, I would be more convinced."

"What, what?!"

Hearing Ye Yan's words, the fairy was shocked and wanted to say something else.

But it was too late, Ye Yan did not give him the opportunity to speak more.

Since it has been judged that there is no value in communication.

Then, it is best to deal with it directly.

The next moment.


Then the sound of a tomato smashing sounded.

The whole body of the fairy was crushed by Ye Yan, leaving only a head.

"I know, then you have to hide well!"

Ye Yan threw the fairy's body on the ground with a look of disgust.

Ru Mo took out a handkerchief and went up to wipe Ye Yan's hand.

"Dare to do anything to my woman, it won't end so easily"


Hearing Ye Yan's words, Ru Mo, who was wiping Ye Yan's hands, his eyes became dull instantly, and the movement of his hands also stopped.

"Isn't it?" Ye Yan asked softly.

"If you don't like it"

Ye Yan's words were interrupted by Ru Mo before he said it.

"I like it, how could I not like it!"

Ru Mo lowered his head shyly, and the whole person suddenly became shy, his cheeks flushed, and his forehead was steaming.

"So, what on earth is this thing?"

Staring at the fairy's head, Ru Mo looked puzzled and changed the subject.

"Is there a fairy in this world?"

"But shouldn't this kind of thing only exist in fairy tales?"

That's right, there are no so-called fairies in this world.

Just like the Blue Star in Ye Yan's previous life, this kind of thing only exists in fantasy.

Even the girl with all kinds of fierce beast bloodline has never heard of it.

Some people will become fairies, or have fairy bloodline.

The concept of fairies is just a fantasy that exists in picture books.

"Could it be the new bloodline of fierce beasts?"

Ru Mo was puzzled.

"No!" Ye Yan shook his head, "No, at least this one is not, it's just a clone"

The feeling of crushing just now is not fake, bones, organs, and internal organs are all there.

It is undoubtedly a living thing.


"Yeah," Ye Yan nodded slowly.

When this guy was slapped by Ye Yan, the personality of the fairy changed.

Ye Yan guessed that it was probably because the original body controlled the clone, so in the end, he was not afraid of death.

Dai Tian?

He remembered it.

However, he really underestimated the "patriotic" feelings of some people!

He didn't believe that the Beixuan School, as the top school in Daxia, would have such poor public security management.

Unexpectedly, such a person was allowed to sneak in.

How ridiculous!


At this time, the goblin head on the ground was crushed by Ye Yan, and it laughed loudly.

"This is"

Ru Mo was surprised. In an instant, her body tensed up, and she took a step forward to protect Ye Yan behind her. She entered the combat state all of a sudden.

"What's going on?" Ru Mo stared at the goblin head that was laughing wildly.

"It seems that the other side seems to have a backhand"

Ye Yan frowned, staring at the goblin head that merged into the ground, feeling a little regretful.

Sure enough, it should be crushed to ashes.

Just when Ye Yan thought so.

The next moment, the head burst out with amazing spiritual power.

Then, the ground bulged high, combined, and transformed into a huge stone man more than ten meters high.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The stone man roared angrily, and the surrounding area was filled with smoke and dust. His scarlet eyes stared at Ye Yan:

"You lowly creature, how dare you blaspheme my dignity! I will tear you into pieces."

While the stone man was speaking, the fist as big as the room was raised and smashed towards Ye Yan fiercely.

Seeing such a huge fist blocking Ye Yan, Ru Mo's hands trembled slightly.

I'm going to die!

This thought flashed through Ru Mo's mind.

But even so, she did not retreat a bit. Behind her was her beloved, and she had no reason to be afraid or tremble.


No, this is excitement!

Rumo's mouth curled up into a smile, and her eyes were firm and hot.

At this moment, the little spiritual energy left in her body was squeezed out again and again by her.

Not enough, not enough.

"Don't always be this person, you still have me"

At this time, Ye Yan's voice sounded behind her.

Then, a pure spiritual energy was passed from Ye Yan's body to her through the contract.


The terrifying golden flame burst out from Rumo's body.

"What is this?" The stone man exclaimed in shock.

"It's useless"

Rumo clenched his fist, and those extremely terrifying flames actually condensed in an instant and compressed on Rumo's shrunken fist.

It made her look like a small sun made of a fist, emitting dazzling light.

The next second, a deafening roar resounded throughout the sky.

The small fist and the huge rock fist as big as a house collided with each other, and for a moment, they were evenly matched!

"Just you. Just you. A little girl who has just reached the first level!"

"It's useless, it's useless"

The stone man roared, and his strength surged a lot at this moment, and the terrifying power suppressed Rumo.

"I will kill you!"


Ye Yan chuckled.

The next moment, he raised his hand, and between the fingertips, a ball of light emerged, and then fell on Rumo.

And the light ball was Ye Yan's new talent [Assistant Light].

Strength, spiritual power, spiritual power output, fire element improvement, all-round amplification.


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