At this moment, the whole place fell into silence.

Everyone stared at the ring with wide eyes, as if they wanted to record this scene forever.

Even the dumbest people can feel how powerful the two monsters are.

But such a strong beast was smashed in the head by a little girl.

Two punches, just two punches, killed two monsters, and killed them instantly.

This is simply incredible and unbelievable.


The audience screamed below the stage.

"This, how is this possible?"

"This, this is not an illusion, it's real!"

"Are they inferior beasts?!"

"How is it possible, this little girl is an inferior beast! Why can she kill a first-level beast in seconds?!"

"This, this is an inferior beast?"

"Too strong!"

"Oh my God, is this still a human?"

"No, that's not ordinary power, it's infused with fire"

People with sharp eyes recognized the power of that palm.


Even Xu De, a third-level warrior, did not see the strangeness of that fist.

In his eyes, there was nothing in that fist except for the terrifying strange power.

"That's right"

Lv Zhengming nodded.

"Condense the flame, inject it into the enemy's body through the fist, and then use the temperature to make the blood in the body boil, evaporate, produce expanding steam, and then achieve a terrifying explosion"

Because it was too unbelievable, Lu Zhengming asked the teacher for confirmation:

"Teacher, do you think I am right?"

If a girl with S-level blood of a fierce beast could do this, he could still understand a little.

After all, there is such a possibility.

But a girl with inferior blood of a fierce beast

"Not bad"

The old man nodded and praised.

"To achieve such exquisite flame control, the girl may have a talent for flame control above S-level!"

"This, how is this possible!"

Xu De was shocked and looked incredible.

"No, S-level flame control is a talent that only a girl with S-level beast blood can possess!"

Xu De was no longer as calm as the deputy city lord at this moment.

After all, this was too unbelievable.

"How could this happen to a little girl with inferior beast blood? If so, her talent is too evil."

Lv Zhengming hesitated for a moment and replied:

"Nothing is impossible. Remember, his beastmaster is SSS-level."

"You mean because of the blessing of SSS-level beastmaster talent?"

"Well, it's possible," Lv Zhengming nodded.

"And, Lv Mingzheng! You said a little less. When the little girl punched out, there was no trace of flame on the surface."

"So this little girl is very likely to concentrate the flame into her arm and fist and punch it out."


This time it was Lv Zhengming who was shocked!

After all, to do this, in addition to controlling the flame, you also need to avoid being hurt by the flame.

Thinking of this, Lv Zhengming didn't dare to think about it.

However, such a genius, he, Lv Zhengming, saved it!

Lu Zhengming thought to himself.

So what if it's a low-quality beast?

As long as he has the strength, he doesn't care.

"Alas, it's a pity. If he contracts a beast girl above SS level, his achievements will be unpredictable!"

Xu De sighed.

With such talent, he has a place in the future peerless strongman.

It's even possible to contact the legendary holy realm.

The old man on the side stroked his beard and thought.

Low-quality beast.


What a lucky girl, there is actually an SSS-level beastmaster who is willing to give up his talent and contract you.

It would be great if my granddaughter had this kind of luck.

Thinking of his granddaughter, that bottomless pit belly, he felt a headache.

However, who made her his granddaughter?

He can only spoil her.

For this reason, he must not let others know.

He only has this one granddaughter.

Looking at the beast that was blasted into pieces by him, Yue Rumo looked at his fist.

Unexpectedly, she actually had such strength and power.

This was just a move she suddenly thought of.

It's just that the flames produced are injected into the other party's body, and then steamed and smoked. I didn't expect such an effect.

Just like fireworks.

Rumo stroked her cheek with her bloody hands, with an obsessed look on her face.

So beautiful.

The blood bloomed like fireworks.

Ye Yan came over and paused after seeing Rumo's infatuated expression.

"Rumo, you are so amazing!"

Then he gave Rumo a thumbs up, and Ye Yan praised Rumo sincerely.

In the first battle, he was able to do so beautifully. In addition to his own strength, he also had an unparalleled fighting talent.

Or maybe, Rumo in front of him was born to fight.

"No, no"

Rumo blushed and answered shyly in a low voice, but her tone was filled with a hint of joy.

She is not a useless person.

"Such a powerful move, do you want to give it a name?"

Ye Yan suggested to Rumo.

This is not a manifestation of the second disease. In this world, such special skills are generally named.

This will make it easier for the beastmaster to command.

It will also allow the girl in charge of the battle to know more clearly what she should do.

"Everything is up to you," Rumo said shyly with a red face.

There was no sign of the coldness during the battle.

"Then let's name it the other shore!"

The blood burst and bloomed like a red shore flower.

Strangely, he didn't feel bad.

On the contrary, he felt it was quite romantic.

Strange, was he like this before?


While they were chatting, several powerful gorillas came out one after another.

Yue Rumo rushed forward excitedly.

Then, the result was still the same, one punch at a time.

Whoever was hit would burst into blood and become a pool of mud.

Of course there were exceptions, but they were rare.

These monsters were very intelligent, and they knew they were no match for them, so they ran away immediately.

But where could they run to on the small stage?

Yue Rumo, who had excellent fighting talent, didn't need Ye Yan's command at all.

One person swept the whole audience directly.

On the stage, the audience seats were numb.

"Fuck, what kind of fight is this? It's almost one-sided."

"No, this is not an ordinary fight, but a fight between a beast and a group of sheep."

"No, this is not a fight between humans and beasts, this is a devil, a demon!"

"What kind of talent does this beast tamer have? This is too strong!"

"What a pity! If he had a contract with a high-level beast, his future would be bright!"

"This brat just doesn't cherish it."

"That's right, he's too scary. He killed all six beasts in one second!"

"No, this is not one person!"

"This is not something that one person can do. Even people with S-level beast bloodline can't guarantee that they can do this."

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