The Great Fierce Girl: All the beasts I have contracted are ancient ferocious beasts

Chapter 237 Xia Xue's request to know the secret of the contract

The moonlight was hazy and misty.

Gu Tiange struggled to sit up from the cold ground, and a figure appeared in front of him. It was an old man.

His appearance made Gu Tiange's face show a hint of surprise.


Gu Tiange's voice was full of surprise and excitement.

He tried to stand up, but the pain in his body forced him to sit down again.

The old man smiled and nodded, his eyes swept across Gu Tiange's face, as if confirming his injuries.

His eyes were deep, as if he could see through people's hearts.

"How is it?"

The old man asked with concern.

Gu Tiange frowned, he shook his head gently, "Not very good."

There was a hint of helplessness in his voice.

The old man was silent for a moment, he nodded, as if he had expected this result.

"Don't you want to see him?"

Gu Tiange asked tentatively, his heart full of expectation and confusion.

The old man sighed and shook his head.

"No, I don't have the face to see him."

There was a hint of helplessness and guilt in his voice.

Gu Tiange was a little puzzled.

"Teacher, why bother? It's not your fault."

There was a hint of dissatisfaction and confusion in his voice.

The old man shook his head again.

"Things are neither right nor wrong, but we who make choices are definitely wrong. It can't be right."

There was a hint of firmness and determination in his voice.

Gu Tiange was silent. He understood what the old man meant.

In this complex world, sometimes it is not easy to make a choice.

And once a choice is made, the corresponding responsibilities and consequences must be borne.

The old man chose a difficult path, and he must pay the price for it.

The moonlight sprinkled on the two people, and the mist gradually dissipated.

Gu Tiange looked at the old man's back, his heart full of respect and emotion.

He knew that this old man was his guide and his role model.

He would inherit the old man's legacy and continue to move forward on this road full of challenges and opportunities.

After a long and tense day, everyone finally had a chance to take a break.

Like a group of tired travelers, they dispersed and each found a comfortable place.

I hope to get rid of the fatigue of the exam temporarily and relax my body and mind for a short time.

However, this short tranquility did not last too long.

Soon, teachers came back one after another and led the lost candidates back.

It turned out that the teachers who left the airship did not really leave. They had been observing in the dark, like guardians, to ensure that every candidate could return safely.

Their appearance meant the early end of this exam.

Before, they were chased and there was no rescue, and it was also the man named Gu Tiange who stopped them.

"It's so hateful!"

Xia Xue gritted her teeth, and her eyes flashed with angry fire.

At this time, Xia Xue's injuries were almost healed under the treatment of the teacher.

In this extraordinary world, the healing speed of wounds is amazing. As long as the wounds do not touch the soul level, they can basically heal quickly.

There is no concept of hospitalization here, unless you are infected with a disease.

But the weird organ failure disease can basically be cured by the rough means of removal and regeneration.

So, apart from the curse, there are basically no patients here.

Ye Yan looked at Xia Xue and asked:

"So, what do you want me to do?"

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes. He was not the kind of person who liked to get involved in trouble.

Xia Xue hesitated for a moment, and seemed to be a little timid.

She slowly approached Ye Yan, close to his ear, and the warm air blew past Ye Yan's ear, carrying her unique fragrance.

Her voice was low and trembling.

"Can we talk about it here, about the contract..."

Hearing Xia Xue's words, Ye Yan widened his eyes.

Although she didn't finish, Ye Yan almost knew what she meant.

This kind of thing must never be said.

No matter where, this is an absolute taboo for him.

"Come with me."

Ye Yan's voice was low and firm, and he turned and walked to an empty corner.

Mengdie wanted to follow, but was stopped by Ye Yan.

She looked at the two sneaky people and felt strange.

Ye Yan and Xia Xue walked to an empty corner, and he quickly blocked the breath and set up an illusion.

To ensure safety, he also woke up Bai Ling who was lying on his shoulder.

Ye Yan gently patted Bai Ling who was lying on his shoulder.

Bai Ling was a kitten with snow-white fur. Her eyes were like the brightest stars in the night sky, shining with mysterious light.

"Bai Ling, use your talent."

Ye Yan's voice echoed in the night.


Bai Ling seemed to understand what Ye Yan said. She meowed softly and rubbed her head on Ye Yan's shoulder, looking very well-behaved.

The next moment, an invisible force quietly enveloped the two of them.

Xia Xue witnessed all this from the side. She covered her mouth and dared not let out her surprise.

She felt as if she was separated from the whole world, as if she had become a third person observing this world.

She had never noticed the cute white cat on Ye Yan's shoulder before.

This feeling was so magical that Xia Xue couldn't help but want to ask, but was interrupted by Ye Yan.


Xia Xue was about to speak, but was interrupted by Ye Yan, who then took out a small notebook and wrote and scribbled on it.

Then handed it to Xia Xue.

There was no way, she needed to be cautious.

There was a top boss on the ship, who might ignore Bai Ling's talent and eavesdrop!

As for peeking?

There was no way.

At least at this moment, he did not feel the sight.

But nothing in this world is absolute.

What's more, Ye Yan did not understand the ninth level, what this realm can achieve.

But at least it is certain that the man is not as strong as Gu Lao.

At least, he can see that the man's realm is different from Gu Lao.

In other words, the ninth level is not the limit, there are realms above it.

But for some reason, it was not recorded in history books.

No, not only in history books, but even on the Internet, there is nothing to say.

Xia Xue gently took the thin notebook, and her fingers slid across the cover.

She opened the notebook, and what came into her eyes was a mysterious and confusing text.

"How did you know, and what do you want me to do, and I need you to swear not to tell anyone about this"

Seeing the words above, Xia Xue smiled faintly, took the pen handed over by Ye Yan, and wrote.

"I guessed, of course, the most important thing is that Sun Kongling told me that you can contract more than two people. He didn't tell me the details, but I can swear"

"And I have only one request, if you meet my sister one day, I hope you can make a contract with her"

Ye Yan took the notebook and frowned slightly. His eyes flickered, as if thinking about the hidden meaning in Xia Xue's words. '

That mysterious Sun Kongling, what did her fiery eyes see?

Who did he tell again? All this made Ye Yan feel uneasy. (End of this chapter)

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