"March, go ahead and destroy all the magic arrays here."


March agreed without hesitation.

She had already prepared. At this moment, she slapped the ground with both hands, and dense spiritual marks appeared on the ground instantly, like a huge spider web.

Then, those spiritual marks began to break inch by inch, making a crisp sound, as if announcing the end of this magic array.

As the spiritual marks broke, the entire space began to vibrate violently, as if it was about to be torn apart by this force.


Xia Wuji's words were full of disbelief.

He watched this seemingly petite girl destroy such a complex magic array, which was beyond his cognition.

He originally thought that he had a deep enough understanding of her.

But now it seems that he has obviously underestimated the strength of this little girl.

The talent she showed has undoubtedly reached the legendary SSS level.

Such a talent should have caused an uproar in the world and let everyone know her name.

However, Xia Wuji did not have time to think deeply about this issue.

Because of the rupture of the magic circle, the power of the spiritual vein became chaotic.

If this power cannot be controlled in time, the consequences will be disastrous.

Not only the city lord's mansion, but even the entire city will face the crisis of destruction.

Without any hesitation, Xia Wuji immediately took action.

His spiritual power burst out like a violent flood, compressing and pulling the runaway spiritual power one by one.

His movements were quick and accurate.

"This, this is really a monster."

Seeing that the power that could destroy a city was compressed by one person, Er Yue exclaimed.


Er Yue pulled San Yue and wanted to escape from this dangerous place.

However, their way was blocked by a series of lightsabers.

Those lightsabers were inserted into the ground, surrounding them, like an insurmountable barrier.


Xia Wuji's cold voice sounded.

In order to avoid any more accidents, Xia Wuji took decisive action.

He would not give these people any chance to escape.

However, at this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared.

It rushed towards Xia Wuji's light cannon like a flash of lightning, and then with another roar, the light cannon turned into a meteor and shot into the sky.

And the place where the two people were located had already turned into ruins.


Xia Wuji whispered while looking at the meteor in the sky.

"What happened?"

Mo Yuxuan walked slowly, her voice full of concern.

She saw that Xia Wuji's expression was a little solemn, and knew that something important must have happened.

Xia Wuji's voice sounded gently, like a breeze blowing across the quiet lake, without any waves.

"Nothing, just a little mouse."

Mo Yuxuan stood in the ruins of the room, her eyes as sharp as a hawk, penetrating the darkness around her.

She looked back at the empty room, her eyebrows slightly raised, as if looking for some signs.

"Is there nothing wrong?"

Her voice was a little doubtful, as if she didn't completely believe Xia Wuji's words.

Xia Wuji ignored it.

He turned his eyes to the experimental girl who walked out of the glass column.

He stepped forward and picked her up, with a strange emotion flashing in his eyes, as if he saw some deep sadness.

"Don't look at it."

Mo Yuxuan waved her hand, with a hint of impatience in her voice.

"It's just a puppet without a soul."

Her words revealed a deep indifference to this world.

"What are you still doing here?"

Xia Wuji's voice sounded again, seemingly with a hint of impatience.

"Aren't you going to enter the ruins?"

Hearing Xia Wuji's words, Mo Yuxuan laughed softly. Her laughter was like the birdsong in the morning, crisp and pleasant.

"Isn't this, looking for your help?" There was a hint of expectation in her voice.

"Oh, you also need help?"

Xia Wuji's words were full of sarcasm.

"The magic circle covering there is not simple. Even we can't enter there without any movement."

Mo Yuxuan's words revealed a deep fear of the magic circle.

Seeing that Xia Wuji didn't speak, Mo Yuxuan frowned slightly.

There was a firmness in her eyes, as if she was saying:

"Don't forget our cooperation."

Xia Wuji nodded gently, with a hint of helplessness in his voice.

"Got it."

As the night deepened, in the ruined room, the conversation between the two seemed to become the most moving melody in the world.

Their eyes met in the darkness, as if there was an invisible force flowing between them.


Ye Yan suddenly looked up and looked towards the direction of Beiming City.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Han Ruxue curled up her knees and tilted her head. Her scattered silver hair fell like a waterfall. A trace of doubt appeared on her beautiful face like ice and snow.


Ye Yan shook his head, glanced at Ruxue, and his eyes fell on the figure in the corner, asking:

"What are you doing here?"

"This is the airship of Beixuan School, and you are national wanted criminals. Aren't you afraid of being caught?"


A figure beside him, Qiu Ruhan, walked slowly with his slender legs and snorted coldly.

"You don't have to worry anymore. Since we dare to come, we won't be afraid that we won't be able to leave."

Qiu Ruhan said, walked to sit next to Han Ruxue, and then put a hand on Ruxue's shoulder.

He took Ruxue into his arms and slowly raised the corners of his mouth, as if he was declaring his sovereignty and mockingly said:

"On the contrary, if you, together with us "Shura" sinners, are discovered, you will be charged with treason?"

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Oh, are you attracted to the beauty of our sisters and want to do something wrong?"

Han Ruxue was hugged by Qiu Ruhan and didn't make any move. After all, she didn't hate it, she just

"Like snow."

Han Ruxue struggled to get up, while Qiu Ruhan looked puzzled.

Wasn't she coming?

Why did you leave so early?

"Ruxue, what's wrong with you, are you leaving?"

However, Qiu Ruhan was very happy when she thought of this.

It's good to leave, so she doesn't have to see such a stinky man.

She has been depressed, what is so good about this kind of person, and she still wants to come and see it.


However, what Han Ruxue said next made Qiu Ruhan stunned and made her feel stupid.

"I, I, staying here will cause trouble to Ye Yan."

There were rare waves on Han Ruxue's cold and playful face.


"If you cause trouble, you will cause trouble. What are you afraid of? This guy is now the treasure of this country."

"Besides, this kid is lucky to be able to stay with our invincible beauty in the universe!"

"Maybe, this kid is still stealing in his heart, YY us!"

“That’s what men are like!”

Qiu Ruhan looked confused and angry, and glared at Ye Yan with a pair of phoenix eyes. (End of chapter)

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