The Great Fierce Girl: All the beasts I have contracted are ancient ferocious beasts

Chapter 246 The assessment spread, shocking the whole country.

"I believe it, why don't I believe it?"

Ye Yan chuckled.

"Otherwise, I would be in court now."

"Hahaha, that's not the case. You don't need to take such a small thing so seriously."

"Little things?"

"Yes, for me, it is a small matter."


Zhao Wutian paused and then said:

"That guy, did he ask you to pick a flower?"

"Yeah, it's a red flower."

Ye Yan nodded and didn't hide anything.

However, after hearing Ye Yan's words, Zhao Wutian's eyes widened, and then he sighed.


"Oh, Mr. Vice Principal, do you know what that is?"

"That bastard boy, didn't he tell you?"


Ye Yan shook his head.

"No, then it's okay if you don't know." Zhao Wutian said something unclear and just nodded.

"I don't know, is that okay?"

Ye Yan frowned, he hated the Riddler the most.

If it weren't for Ru Mo, he wouldn't have accepted such an unclear task.

"What's the meaning?"


Zhao Wutian shook his head and had no intention of talking to Ye Yan. Instead, he turned around and asked seriously.

"Classmate Ye Yan, if killing one person can save hundreds of people, do you want to kill him or not?"

"Are you asking me about the Trolley Problem?"

"The tram problem?" Zhao Wutian thought for a while, nodded and said:

"That's right."

Hearing Zhao Wutian's question, Ye Yan fell silent.

"Why don't you answer"

After a while, Zhao Wutian asked again.

"I'm thinking," Ye Yan touched his chin and replied.

"Thinking about what?"

Zhao Wutian was surprised and looked at Ye Yan.


Ye Yan nodded.

"What does that person have to do with me, and what do those hundred people have to do with me?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Zhao Wutian laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"No, no, yes, there's nothing funny."

"Then what if that person has something to do with you?"

"what relationship?"

Zhao Wutian was silent for a moment, looked at the egg in Ye Yan's arms and said:

"For example, your lover"

"Then kill those hundred people"

"one thousand"


"Ten thousand"


Ye Yan said without hesitation.

"Why are you so decisive?" Zhao Wutian was puzzled.

There was no wavering at all, as if he had been prepared in his heart.

"Because I'm giving you an answer."

Ye Yan said and looked at Zhao Wutian.

"Aren't you just here to get an answer?"

Zhao Wutian looked at Ye Yan's eyes that seemed to be able to look directly into people's hearts and sighed.

"Yeah, yeah"

"I should have given it to you after I returned to school, but you should also know."

"You have to enter the dungeon next, so the reward school will give it to you in advance."

"This is, as the reward for first place, dragon and phoenix red flames"

As he spoke, Zhao Wutian looked up and saw a ball of flame emerging.

Ye Yan looked at it in surprise and subconsciously reached out.

Seeing this, Zhao Wutian originally wanted to stop him.

After all, he relied on his strong strength to suppress the dragon and phoenix red flames.

You know, this thing, even star iron can melt, and its temperature can be imagined.

But, the next second, an incredible expression appeared on his face.

When Ye Yan stretched out his hand to touch the red dragon and phoenix flames, Zhao Wutian could feel the movement of the red dragon and phoenix flames.

It is excited, and this kid has not subdued the dragon and phoenix red flames.

It's incredible that he wasn't burned by the dragon and phoenix red flames.

However, what shocked Zhao Wutian even more was that the moment Ye Yan took over the dragon and phoenix red flames, he instantly controlled the dragon and phoenix red flames.

The method was something that even he couldn't understand.

Could it be that this is the SSS level beast master?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhao Wutian smiled.

“It’s true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead!”

"Is this Dragon Phoenix Red Flame?"

Ye Yan controlled the dragon and phoenix red flames with a novel look on his face. He could feel its closeness to him.


It's not so much about him as it is about Ru Mo.

He was just touched by Rumo's light.

If Ru Mo wakes up, he will definitely be very happy.

"Tomorrow, those people are coming. The most important thing is for you to save your life."

Zhao Wutian said with lonely eyes, waved to Ye Yan and said goodbye.

"Young man, come on!"

However, just when they fell into a deep sleep.

News about this assessment spread throughout the continent at an extremely fast speed.

There is no doubt that Beixuan School's assessment has always attracted some people's attention. After all, it is one of the four major universities in the country.

In addition, this assessment is undoubtedly unprecedentedly brutal.

In the second assessment.

During an exploration of a suspected ruins.

Unexpectedly, less than ten people survived.

As for the other people in the Ash Forest, only about twenty people managed to escape.

The number of survivors in this freshmen class has reached an unprecedented low, with only more than thirty people in total.

The mortality rate was as high as 90%, which undoubtedly set a historical record.

This news was like a thunder that exploded across the entire continent, causing shock and suspicion among countless people.

The names of those who survived were mentioned again and again, and their experiences became a hotly debated topic.

Tang Wenming, Mu Baiting, Wang Zijin, Rumo (doubtful), Ye Yan, Xia Xue, Tan Ziming, Ziling, Qian Youcai, Mo Yang, Dong Zhenghao, Nangong Jie, Xu Wufa, Zhou Tongtong... These names are sung in people's mouths.

However, what makes people most curious are the people who survived from the pseudo-relic.

At least 400 people entered the relic, but in the end only eight people came out alive.

What did they experience in the relic?

Why were they the only ones who could survive from that horrible place of death?

These questions have become mysteries in everyone's hearts, waiting to be solved.

These questions are like a thick fog.

They shroud everyone's heart, making them unable to sleep at night and lose their appetite.

People are eager to find the answer.

But unfortunately, no matter how hard they try.

The answer always seems to pass by them, making them unable to catch or touch it.

Among them, those who have never returned have caused countless people to sigh.

Especially the famous Qianjiming, his cause of death is even more confusing.

Like a tangled mess, it is hard to start.

Qianji Pavilion, one of the most mysterious forces in Daxia, has also shown unprecedented attention to this matter.

They are willing to spend a huge reward just to find the truth hidden in the depths of the ruins.

But unfortunately, the truth seems to be protected by some mysterious power, making it impossible for people to touch it.

And those survivors, they seem to be bound by some invisible contract.

They did not reveal what they saw and heard in the ruins.

They were like being banned, no matter how the outside world asked.

They kept their mouths shut and said nothing.

As the initiator of this incident, Yuan Xingyu was pushed to the forefront. (End of this chapter)

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