"You... you finally woke up."

Sensing the movement behind him, Zhao Wenji slowly turned his head and looked at Mu Wan'er, forcing a smile from the corner of his mouth.

However, that smile was full of bitterness and apology.

"I'm sorry, I... I couldn't protect them, whether it was you or those students..."

"It's all my fault."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Wenji's body trembled violently and fell heavily to the ground.

At that moment, Mu Wan'er's heart seemed to be hit hard.

Why, it turned out like this.

She didn't hesitate and rushed forward as if instinctively.

Hugging Zhao Wenji tightly, tears burst out.

"I, I won't let you die"

Then bottles of potions were poured into Zhao Wenji's mouth by Mu Wan'er.

As the potion entered his mouth, Zhao Wenji's body emitted a faint light.

But Zhao Wenji did not open his eyes.

"No, open your eyes, please open your eyes"

"As long as there is a breath, I will definitely save you from the gates of hell"

However, no matter how she called, Zhao Wenji did not respond to her.

"Why, it has become like this"

Why, crying like this.

Obviously, she and he had already said goodbye.

However, it was not until she lost it that she realized.

His position in her heart.

Mu Wan'er raised her head and glanced around, only to see a mess.

Her students, those children who were once full of vitality and laughter.

At this moment, they all fell to the ground, no longer alive.

Ziming, Ziling, Mo Yang, Tang Wenming, Mu Baiting...

Their names flashed in Mu Wan'er's mind one by one, and her heart was as painful as being torn apart.

"Why is this happening?"

Mu Wan'er screamed, her voice filled with endless grief and anger.


Above the sky, the zombie dragon hovered high in the sky, roaring, as if roaring, or laughing.

Laughing at the ants on the ground, struggling in vain.

Laughing at the ants on the ground, working in vain.

Hearing the roar, Mu Wan'er looked up at the sky.

She saw a pitch-black dragon hovering in the sky, the culprit of all this.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Mu Wan'er roared, anger and resentment, causing her body to burn with raging flames again, turning into a fire dragon, soaring into the sky.

She launched a fierce attack on the pitch-black dragon regardless of everything.

Flames and darkness intertwined in the air, forming a thrilling picture.

The dragon's pair of wings were broken at this moment.

The two dragons fell from the sky.

However, the broken wings of the pitch-black dragon were restored again by the continuous supply of pitch-black zombies.

The wings that enveloped the entire city spread out again.

The survivors in the city opened their eyes again.

Watching, the nightmare enveloped the sky again.

Watching, this nightmare that never ended.

On the other side, Wang Zijin carefully crossed the devastated streets.

The broken walls and ruins were filled with the breath of death.

Her footsteps were heavy and firm, as if she was driven by some mission.

Finally, he came to the house where Ye Yan lived.

The scene in front of him made Wang Zijin frown.

There were countless black bodies scattered on the ground.

It was hard to believe that this was killed by one person.

These once hideous and terrifying creatures were now lying there quietly, lifeless.

She looked up and saw Ye Yan standing on the pile of corpses, blood flowing from his fingertips, hugging the sleeping Ye Ling tightly.

It seemed that he was using all his strength to protect this weak life.

Da Da Da.

The sound of Wang Zijin's footsteps seemed to break the silence.

Ye Yan slowly raised his head, his eyes revealing calmness and composure.

He looked at Wang Zijin and asked calmly:

"Why are you here?"

Although his voice was hoarse, it revealed an unquestionable power.

Wang Zijin was silent for a moment and whispered:

"I lost."


"But I seem to see you win"

"Why don't you kill them?"

Hearing Ye Yan's words, Mu Wan'er was stunned, then lowered her eyebrows and said:

"Anyway, they will die, there is no need to do it yourself"

"Oh. Really?"

Ye Yan chuckled.

"I thought you were reluctant!"

However, Wang Zijin did not respond to his ridicule, but just stood there silently.


At this time, a deafening roar suddenly came from the sky.

That was the highest mystery of the dragon species-dragon roar!

This dragon roar was like the prelude to destruction, making the whole world tremble.

Wang Zijin looked up and saw a giant dragon in the sky opening its huge mouth.

Spraying a blazing flame, it rushed straight to the ground.

The flames were like a torrent of destruction, instantly engulfing the entire city, and the entire world seemed to have turned into nothingness at this moment.

However, at the moment when everything was about to be destroyed, Ye Yan suddenly smiled.

Wang Zijin was shocked, and when he was about to ask what was going on, Ye Yan spoke:

"I can make a contract with you, but it is an equal contract, and you have to agree to one condition of mine."

As his voice fell, the destructive dragon roar attack was already within reach.

When the dragon spewed out, it was within milliseconds of the city.

It directly destroyed the entire city and the entire world.

It all turned into nothingness.

Then the world restarted and the timeline was reset.

When they opened their eyes again, they had returned to three days ago.

"What on earth is going on!"

In the bustling streets, Mo Yang stood quietly.

Like a sculpture.

"Isn't he dead?"

"What on earth is going on?"

His eyes wandered among the endless crowds, as if looking for something.

Beside him, towering high-rise buildings rose from the ground, standing like giants.

They pierced the sky, cutting the originally complete sky into irregular blue fragments.

Mo Yang slowly raised his head, and his sight continued to rise with the towering buildings.

The high-rise buildings were densely packed, like towering ancient trees in the forest, intertwined with each other, forming a huge steel forest.

The windows of each building were filled with warm light.

The flashing neon lights on both sides of the street complement each other, forming a bizarre urban picture.

At the waist of these high-rise buildings, huge display screens are constantly scrolling pictures, playing all kinds of strange images and information, which are dazzling.

There are endless pedestrians on the street, and everyone is in a hurry, as if there are countless things waiting for them to complete.

Sometimes, pedestrians collide with each other, and even push each other.

But no matter what happens, no one dares to shout loudly, just whisper an apology, and then continue on their way.

There is no previous madness at all.

It seems that the scenes of zombies rampant and dark dragons rampaging not long ago have dissipated like a dream. (End of this chapter)

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