"What...what is going on?"

The screams of terror broke the silence of the night, and they fled around like frightened birds, trying to escape from this sudden disaster.

The originally quiet night was shrouded in chaos and panic, and the air was filled with thick smoke and uneasy atmosphere.

"Stop, what are you panicking about!"

A man wearing glasses tried to stabilize the situation, but his voice revealed an undisguised panic.

"Anyway, everything is fine"

He stuttered, trying to comfort himself and everyone.

However, he hadn't finished his words yet.


In the smoke and dust, a slender arm suddenly stretched out and tightly grasped the head of the man with glasses.

Then, it smashed the man to the ground fiercely.



A crisp bone-breaking sound rang out, accompanied by the man's terrified scream.


The ground cracked instantly, and a deep crack spread.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of the man's mouth, staining his collar and the ground red.

The man was hit and lay motionless on the ground.

Everyone was stunned, and they watched all this happen.

The silence of the night was completely broken by this roar, and another man stepped out of the chaos.

"Who is it? How dare you be so presumptuous!"

His face was ferocious, and there was a flame of anger in his eyes.

The smoke and dust around him gradually dissipated in his roar, as if blown away by an invisible wind.

Gradually, a figure appeared in everyone's sight - it was Ye Yan.

He stood in the center of the smoke and dust, and his figure looked extremely firm in the moonlight.

There was a cold light flashing in his eyes, and there was no expression on his face, only a kind of coldness and determination.

Ye Yan slowly raised his head, looked directly at the man opposite him, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. The low and firm voice echoed in the night sky:

"I will make you regret living in this world."

When the man heard this, he was stunned at first, and then laughed out loud.

He seemed to have heard a big joke, and said disdainfully:

"Hahaha, just you? A brat who is still wet behind the ears wants to challenge me? What a joke!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a flash of lightning flashed.

It was a flash of lightning that cut through the night sky and went straight to the man.

The lightning illuminated the man's face, reflecting his terrified expression.


The man screamed miserably, and saw that his arm was directly cut off by a lightning bolt.

Blood spurted out, staining the surrounding ground red.

The broken arm rolled in the air, like a spinning top that had lost control.

Seeing this, the others panicked and retreated.

They looked at Ye Yan in horror.

One of them, with a face full of anger, shouted sharply:

"What are you guys doing?" Hurry up

"Come on, use your telekinesis to freeze that guy for me! Hurry!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, a telekinetic user woke up as if from a dream, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

Just as he took a deep breath, concentrated his energy, and prepared to activate telekinesis.


There seemed to be invisible waves surging in the air around him.

Then, countless transparent hands stretched out from all directions. They had no entity.

But with a strong sense of restraint, they rushed towards Ye Yan like a ghost.

However, these seemingly powerful telekinesis seemed to encounter an invisible barrier in front of Ye Yan.

When those transparent hands approached Ye Yan.

Suddenly became clear, as if revealed by a mysterious power.

Ye Yan frowned slightly, slowly stretched out his palm, and with the activation of "Break All Methods!"

A powerful energy instantly condensed on it, and the palm swung violently.


Those transparent hands, like paper, were easily torn apart by Ye Yan.

They broke into countless pieces in the air and dissipated in the air.

Seeing this, the telekineticist's face turned pale instantly.

A mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth, and the telekineticist's face was full of disbelief and horror.

"This... How is this possible!"

He said in a trembling voice, his eyes full of fear and despair.

"No, it won't..."

The telekinetic struggled to stand up and shouted to his companions.

"What are you doing?"

"Quick, attack him with telekinesis!"

"If we don't want to die, we must join forces!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the other telekinetics came back to their senses.

They gritted their teeth, concentrated their energy, and prepared to launch a more powerful telekinetic attack.

This time, they no longer simply bound Ye Yan, but tried to twist his limbs with telekinesis to make him lose his combat effectiveness.

However, their efforts were once again in vain.



Those invisible hands, like fragile glass in front of Ye Yan, were all shattered by his light wave.

The air was filled with the residual fluctuations after the telekinesis was shattered, as if telling of Ye Yan's invincibility.

The telekinetics looked at each other, their eyes full of fear and despair.

At this moment, they completely understood.

This seemingly ordinary young man was not someone they could deal with.

"Damn it!"

A telekinetic user couldn't help but curse inwardly.

"This guy is simply a monster!"

They continued to manipulate telekinesis, trying to find Ye Yan's flaw.

However, every attack was like a stone sinking into the sea, unable to cause any harm to Ye Yan.

The telekinesis here, after all.

It is to use one's own mental power to control an invisible and intangible hand to control the distortion.

It is similar to Xiao Tian's force field, but Xiao Tian's force field has a wider range of action.

In short, telekinesis is a lower-level substitute for Xiao Tian.

These naturally have no effect on Ye Yan.

They began to doubt whether they could really defeat this monster-like existence.

Fear and despair spread in their hearts, making them feel unprecedented powerlessness.

"It's really a newborn calf who is not afraid of a tiger. Ignorance is fearless."

The first telekinetic who attacked Ye Yan wisely chose to retreat after a brief confrontation.

Hiding behind the crowd, he knew that there was an insurmountable gap in power between him and Ye Yan.

Just when the telekinetic was secretly glad that he had withdrawn in time.

The moment he fought with Ye Yan, he understood that the absolute power was as unshakable as a mountain.

Even if he tried his best and recovered all his strength, he was no match for Ye Yan.

Only the legendary Ten Great Masters could compete with Ye Yan.

"What should I do?"

He was extremely anxious, knowing that if he continued to delay like this, he would probably die.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on Ye Ling and the other person, and a cunning light flashed in his eyes. (End of this chapter)

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