Yang Zheng frowned, and the sight of Ye Yan in front of him made him feel uneasy.

He didn't know who Ye Yan resonated with, but the aura emanating from Ye Yan made him feel palpitated.

At this moment, Ye Yan seemed to have been completely transformed, and his strength had skyrocketed, reaching an unprecedented level 7.

Yang Zheng restrained his cynical attitude and his expression became serious and alert.

However, this is nothing to Yang Zheng.

He still has the strength to deal with a young boy who has just gained level 7 strength.

From head to toe, Yang Zheng never really took Ye Yan seriously.

Even if it is the current state.

In Yang Zheng's eyes, it was just borrowing power that didn't belong to him.

And this power is not something that third-level Ye Yan's body can withstand.

Therefore, Ye Yan's state could not last long.

Besides, he is also level 7.

At this moment, Ye Yan, who was originally as still as water, suddenly moved.

He turned his head sideways, revealing his dark blue gem-like eyes.

Like the stars in the night sky, those dark blue gem-like eyes are imprinted on Yang Zheng and the others.

next moment.

A mysterious and powerful force, like a dark tide, fell on them silently.

Yang Zheng felt his body sink, as if he was bound by invisible chains, unable to move.

The next moment, Yang Zheng was stunned.

His consciousness seemed to be pulled by an invisible force and fell into an illusion.

He saw his past mistakes, those warnings he once ignored, and those enemies he once despised, all appeared in front of him at this moment.

At this moment, the jade pendant around Yang Zheng's waist suddenly emitted a dazzling light.

It was a sacred relic that he had obtained in an adventure. It was said to have the power to relieve illusions.

At this moment, with its power, Yang Zheng was dragged out of the illusion.

However, at this moment, he had no time to care about this.

Because Ye Yan was already in front of him, his attack was approaching, and he had no time to dodge.

"how so!"

Yang Zheng exclaimed in his heart. Only now did he realize that he was wrong, and he was very wrong.

He originally thought that he was strong enough to ignore any threats, but reality gave him a loud slap in the face.

However, it was too late, the distance in front of me was too late to avoid.

In desperation, Yang Zheng could only cross his hands, trying to protect his important parts.


A powerful force came from Ye Yan's fist, like a thunder blow, hitting Yang Zheng directly.

Yang Zheng felt as if his body was hit hard by a huge force, and he flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

He lay there, pain flooding in, almost taking his breath away.

However, he didn't have time to take care of this.

He struggled to get up, his eyes flashing with determination.

Bang bang bang.

Continuous crashes echoed in the streets and alleys of the city.

Yang Zheng seemed to be pulled by a powerful force, like an out-of-control meteorite, crashing crazily on the street.

His figure traced blurry tracks under the night, and the buildings behind him collapsed under his impact, with smoke and dust flying everywhere and gravel flying.

Finally, after a series of impacts, Yang Zheng's body suddenly stopped on top of a ruin.

Panting heavily, he climbed up from the ruins in embarrassment, his body covered with dust and gravel.

He looked up and saw that his team members were all standing there, falling into an illusion again.

Moreover, we are still in an illusion, which cannot be lifted by a random roar just now.

"This... what kind of power is this?"

This surprised Yang Zheng, but also fascinated him deeply.

This is such a terrifying power. Just a glance can directly kill his men instantly.

Even he was dragged into the illusion.

If he hadn't had the holy relic, he would have lost it just now.

If you don’t know and are not prepared.

There is no doubt that this is a first sight kill.

And it is within the same level, including everything below.

"Who did you sign with?"

Before Yang Zheng could finish speaking, a more powerful force suddenly emerged from the ground.

The groundwater surged, as if it had received some kind of summons. Water columns rose into the sky, converging into huge water dragons in the sky.

They opened their huge mouths and roared deafeningly at Yang Zheng, as if they were going to devour him.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Faced with this sudden attack, Yang Zheng laughed.

The flames on his body spurted out instantly, turning into fiery snakes flying in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the fire snakes gathered into a huge fire dragon and confronted the water dragon.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Yang Zheng's eyes flashed with determination.

He knew that he had to go all out to deal with the terrifying power in front of him.

"Break it for me!"

Yang Zheng roared angrily and rushed forward suddenly.

The huge water dragon seemed to feel the provocation and rushed towards Yang Zheng.

The fire dragon roars, the water dragon roars.

The two collided together, and a huge shock wave swept over, overturning the wreckage on the ground into pieces.

Two powerful forces collided fiercely in the air, forming ripples that spread out.

Yang Zheng's body retreated in the air, his face pale.

On the other side, the body of the water dragon was compressed into a ball and finally disappeared.

Yang Zheng felt a sharp pain all over his body, as if his bones were broken.

He couldn't help coughing and spitting out a mouthful of blood.

However, his expression became more and more resolute, his eyes staring at the water dragon in front of him, his eyes were firm and persistent.

He was unwilling to give up, and didn't believe that there was anyone in this relic city who was stronger than him.

At this time, the huge water dragon grew bigger again.

Its body was larger and more aggressive than anything Yang Zheng had seen just now.

It was like a real monster, fierce and violent, with destructive power, constantly attacking Yang Zheng's defense.

"Break it for me!"

Yang Zheng roared and rushed up again.

His speed was much faster than before, leaving a trail of afterimages in the air, like a ghost.

He waved his sword and kept slashing at the body of the water dragon.


The long sword chopped the water dragon's body, making a crisp sound.

But the long sword chopped on the water dragon's scales and was ejected.

Yang Zheng was stunned: "How could it be..."

Just when he was puzzled, the water dragon's body suddenly sank and fell on his head.

"Not good!" Yang Zheng's face changed and he dodged quickly.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something unusual behind him and twisted his body suddenly.

I saw a dark spear behind him, stabbing at his throat.

He jumped hard and dodged the attack of the spear, and the spear fell down.

A sharp pain came from his back. (End of this chapter)

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