Mo Yang could only follow Lan Mo closely, trying his best to keep his balance and not be caught up by the zombies.

The two crossed the streets and kept dodging the zombies' attacks.

Mo Yang's heart was full of doubts and uneasiness. He didn't know what was going on, nor why Lan Mo was here.

But he knew that the most important thing now was to survive and find the truth.

During the escape, Mo Yang found that Lan Mo seemed to have a certain understanding of these zombies. She could always accurately judge the movements of the zombies and avoid their attacks.

This made Mo Yang more curious and speculative about her identity.

Finally, after a thrilling escape.

The two came to a relatively safe place-an abandoned warehouse.

Lan Mo pulled Mo Yang into the warehouse and closed the door, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then, then, thank you"

Mo Yang panted and looked at Lan Mo and asked.

Lan Mo did not answer immediately, but turned to look at Mo Yang, with a hint of complex emotions in his eyes.

She took a deep breath and spoke slowly:

"It's okay"

"Then, that..."

Mo Yang opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was suddenly interrupted by Mo Lan.

"This is not the place to talk!"

Mo Lan's voice was a little anxious and nervous, and she looked around.

More and more zombies gathered like sharks smelling blood. Those hideous faces and empty eyes seemed to be telling the horror of the end of the world.

"Let's go!"

Mo Lan took Mo Yang's hand and ran forward without hesitation.

Her movements were swift and decisive, as if every second was a matter of life and death in this dangerous world.

Although Mo Yang was full of doubts, he couldn't care about much at this moment, and could only run desperately following Mo Lan's footsteps.

Behind them, the roars of zombies came one after another, as if a group of hungry wolves were chasing prey.

The two ran for a long time, until the zombies behind them gradually became fewer, and they dared to stop and take a breath.

Mo Yang's heart was beating like a drum. He looked at Mo Lan with gratitude in his eyes.

"Well, that... thank you."

Mo Yang spoke carefully, his voice trembling a little.

He didn't know why he was here, let alone why he lost all his spiritual power.

He felt as if his body was drained and was extremely weak.

"Well, then you can experience it well!"

Mo Yang was stunned, and recalled what Ye Yan said before he killed him, and his heart sank.

Could it be that Ye Yan was behind all this?

He lost his spiritual power and appeared in this strange place. Was it all Ye Yan's conspiracy?

Mo Yang was thinking, and suddenly heard a faint cry.

He looked in the direction of the sound, and saw Mo Lan squatting in the corner, hugging her knees with her hands, burying her head in her knees, and sniffling.

Her shoulders were shaking, and although the cry was weak, it made people feel distressed.

"What's wrong with you?"

Mo Yang hurried over to comfort her.

He reached out his hand and wanted to pat Mo Lan's shoulder, but suddenly remembered that he had no spiritual power now, and even the most basic comfort became so powerless.

"By the way, where is your sister?"

Mo Yang suddenly thought of this question. He remembered that Mo Lan had said that she had a sister before.

But now, there are only two of them here. Where is Mo Lan's sister?

Mo Lan cried even more miserably when she heard Mo Yang mention his sister.

She raised her head, her eyes full of tears, and choked and said:

"I, I don't know... I can't find her... Will she, will she be killed by those zombies..."

Mo Yang felt a pain in his heart when he heard this.

He understood Mo Lan's despair and helplessness at the moment, and also understood why she collapsed like this.

In this dangerous world, the pain of losing a loved one cannot be described in words.

He reached out and gently held Mo Lan's hand, wanting to give her some comfort.

Although he is also in trouble now, he knows that at this time, they need to support each other and face this cruel world together.

"Don't cry, let's find your sister together. As long as she is still alive, we will definitely find her."

Mo Yang's voice was a little trembling, but it was full of firmness and determination.

He knew that at this time, he needed to give Mo Lan hope and courage.

When Mo Lan heard what Mo Yang said, her crying gradually stopped.

She raised her head and looked at Mo Yang, with a trace of gratitude and complex emotions flashing in her eyes.

At this time, on the deserted street.

Unable to find his sister, Ye Yan, who was already in a bad mood, was in opposition to Tang Wenming, who was distracted by the search for the missing Wang Zijin.

"This is not like you!"

"Don't you know that this woman is the root of the projection of this city?"

"Only by killing her can we save this city! Liberate this cycle."

Tang Wenming roared hysterically.

"Don't tell me that you still don't know!"

"Or are you really controlled?"

But Tang Wenming knew that this was just the teacher comforting them and deceiving himself.

"So what?"

Ye Yan raised his eyes and looked at Tang Wenming, his eyes were as black as ink and extremely cold.

As if he didn't care about anything in this world.

"What are you talking about?"

Tang Wenming looked at Ye Yan, who was "inhumane", with an unbelievable look on his face.

Really, I can't believe why he would say such a thing.

In his eyes, although Ye Yan was extremely indifferent, he was not the kind of person who didn't think about the overall situation.

"I said how could it be like this? Even if this kind of city was destroyed, even if it kept going through cycles, how could it be like this?"

"Even if the whole city falls into a spiral of pain and has a day like hell, so what?"

"Ye Yan, you are crazy!"

After hearing Ye Yan's words, Tang Wenming's eyes widened with disbelief written all over his face, and he roared at Ye Yan:

"They are a living being!!!"

"Then what?"

"so what?"

"I know they are lives"

Ye Yan's voice was cold to the bone.

"Who are you."

Before Tang Wenming finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Ye Yan.

"In the final analysis, you just want this beautiful flower and the fragments of this world!"

"Don't say these crown-talking words.

"If you want to kill, then come!"

"However, if you want to kill my sister, then I won't be polite to you."

"Let me see if you are as talented as your father."


Tang Wenming gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

He hates others most, comparing him with his father. His father is a genius, but he is just an ordinary genius.

Even after entering the Beixuan examination, he doubted himself more and more.

"I'll fight you!"

Ye Yan felt very annoyed because these people all looked the same.

Repeat the same words and put the exact same meaning in your mouth.

How boring!

Ye Yan slowly raised his hand, and a huge fireball condensed. (End of chapter)

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