A lot happened in two years.

Fujitora and Midori had basically been playing for two years apart from going on missions, and had become completely familiar with Roy and others.

Because of Fujitora’s arrival, Kizaru finally didn’t have to lose money all the time. In addition, the braised chicken restaurant had opened, so he already had plenty in his hands.

Moreover, wages have also begun to be paid normally.

However, he still likes to care about Berry’s gains and losses. I really don’t know where he spent his money.

Bucky’s Happy House is also scattered all over the Grand Line, and the Golden Ship of the Golden Pirates is basically going to become the largest dummy in the world.

Naturally, wealth continued to fall into Roy’s pocket.

In addition, the fruit business with Doflamingo is also continuing, and he has accumulated an unknown amount of wealth.

The situation outside has also changed greatly.

Luffy and his friends reunited two years later, their strength has improved a lot, and they are heading to Fish-Man Island to prepare for the new world.

The supernovas are making a splash in the new world, either forming alliances or challenging the established Yonko.

However, he was still kicked one by one by the Four Emperors and Kizaru.

Invite the next talented supernova!

The position of the King’s Shichibukai has also changed greatly.

Moonlight Moria was ordered to be killed by high-level government officials and almost died at the hands of Doflamingo. Jinbei helped Whitebeard in big events, and Blackbeard used the title of Shichibukai to cause trouble in the prison, and everyone was expelled.

In the past two years, Bucky has completely secured the position of King Shichibukai, and Trafalgar Law and Edward Weeble have taken over the remaining positions.

The rest also have their own progress and adventures.

However, for the Navy, the most important thing at the moment is tomorrow’s competition.

This determines the starting point for this group of naval cadres recruited from around the world.

Moreover, this two-year agreement also witnessed the final conclusion of several generals’ vision.

Many people have been waiting silently to see Roy’s joke because he chose a blind man!

“Eh! No more fighting. There will be a training competition tomorrow. Fujitora, let me teach you something.”

Roy suddenly stood up and said.

Fujitora was originally called Issei, but Roy kept shouting that way, and the rest of the people followed suit. He himself was used to it.

Including Green Bull, the same was true.

“ah? Been playing this for two years……Why are you teaching now?”

Fujitora was also stunned.

In the past two years, he has almost figured out Roy’s temper.

It can be said that he has never seen anyone so lazy in his life.

The key is that he He’s still a general!

But that’s good, Fujitora himself has also been left free.

In two years, Roy has not been assigned a task at all.

In addition, Roy has a more chic personality and is ridiculously strong. Fujitora has completely accepted it. He.

But why suddenly now……

“If you sharpen your gun before the battle, it will be bright even if it is not bright! You are already very strong, there is no need to teach you basic things.”

“But you don’t have as much fighting experience as me, so as long as you understand that kind of thinking, you’ll be fine.”

Roy said, and took Fujitora and Aokiji out of the door.

It was not that they needed to keep it secret, but because they were afraid that this guy would tear down the house.

He walked to the port as soon as he went out, and then Aokiji released a huge bomb on the sea. The venue.

Just like when Hawkeye played.

“Come on, try a few tricks first!”

Roy signaled Fujitora to take action first.

Fujitora raised his eyebrows. He had never thought about fighting General Roy.

He was both excited and nervous.

“Then please give me more advice!”

Fujitora saluted seriously, and then rushed up with a sword.

But I don’t know if he knew that Roy was too strong, or he was habitually underestimating the enemy, and it was more of a tentative move.

Roy didn’t take any action, and even Without drawing his sword, he fought back and forth with him.

Anyway, he was very familiar with free-flowing fighting.

After a few moves, Fujitora seemed to feel that there was no way out, so he started to exert force.

Hell Brigade!

The gravity around Roy It began to increase in weight, trying to push him into the ice.

Then, the overlord’s domineering energy broke through instantly!

Dragon Soaring Flash!

At the same time, Roy slashed out with a knife.

Of course, he still didn’t use all his strength.

Fujitora was shocked and also Released a sword energy, Gravity Sword and Slash.

Two shock waves collided in the air, and then Fujitora was knocked away.

However, he was not injured and came back soon.

“Your Excellency is really powerful. I lost.……”

Fujitora bowed politely again and said

“No matter whether you win or lose, I am not trying to fight you, but I am trying to make you understand your shortcomings in the current battle!”

Roy laughed and cursed, then invited him over and began to explain in detail

“Look, after all the fighting and going on, in the end, did one move decide the outcome?”

“In this case, why bother with all the bells and whistles?”

“After doing this for a long time, you are facing a wave, and if you stand on the left, you will still lose!”

“This is your biggest problem. Your strength is fine, but your fighting philosophy is flawed.”

“I’ll give you a sentence here, it’s called a lion fighting a rabbit, but you still have to do your best. That is to say, no matter what opponent you encounter, you have to do your best and don’t underestimate the enemy, so that you won’t overturn. Do you understand?”

Roy said a lot in one breath.

He didn’t care whether Fujitora understood it or not.

Fujitora really didn’t understand and was confused.

What is the opposite wave?

Why do you lose if you stand on the left?

What is the lion fighting the rabbit? Try your best?

Why don’t I feel like I can’t understand you?

“It’s very simple. Seeing that you understand it a little bit, let Qing Pheasant let you practice it!”

Roy waved his hand, and Qingzhi came online again.

He hadn’t challenged Roy for a long time, and he was a little excited.

“Please give me your advice!”

Fujitora didn’t seem to understand, but he still stood up and saluted politely.

Aokiji also responded.

Roy gave an order, and the training began!

Ice Age!

Aokiji didn’t say anything, and directly enlarged his moves.

The entire area was frozen. Going up to another level, Fujitora never thought that Aokiji would use his powerful move and did not react.

Ice cube·Two-thorn spear!

Ice ball!

Ice bird!

Ice knife!


Qingzhi succeeded in one move and threw out all the moves in an instant.

This is what Roy taught him, and he learned it after countless beatings.

If you don’t release it, you won’t have a chance in the future!

Bang! Bang!

Fujitora had never seen such a fight before, and he was hit twice in an instant.

Moreover, if a person is stunned, those behind him may not be able to escape!

Roy couldn’t stand it any longer, so he rescued him after being beaten a few times.

“Did you see that the gap between you and Aokiji is not that big, but judging from the results, there is a big gap. This is the gap in concepts!”

Roy pulled him to sit down and emphasized again.

Fujitora was confused, and he nodded slowly after a long while.

“Sir, I understand!!!”

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