Roy, who insisted on fishing every day, felt that he was invincible to the only one in the world!

Looking at the turmoil in the new world, Roy had one sword and one gourd.

Roy, who was walking in the new world, saw a pirate ship.

These pirate ships saw Roy and the word justice behind Roy, and they couldn’t avoid it.

In just a short time, the navy, which was originally driven away by the navy like dogs and ran to the new world, has become so arrogant.

In order to prevent this, these pirates in the New World jumped over the wall.

Roy issued an order to only defend the Navy’s only naval base in the New World, with no intention of expanding.

If you encounter these pirates and get close to the naval base, kill them completely.

Watch from a distance, choose to turn a blind eye if you don’t choose to intervene, unless the other party plunders other ships in front of you.

Roy’s order caused the navy’s deterrence in the new world to plummet.

Many pirates did not choose to leave directly when they discovered the navy.

The navy even became a legend in the New World.

Legend has it that on the distant sea, there is a mysterious existence called the Navy.

As long as you meet the navy and become a navy, you will no longer be threatened by anything.

Of course, such rumors are also part of Roy’s plan.

The entire new world seems to be calm at present, but in fact it is like a raging fire underneath.

There are more than just two forces in the world: navy and pirates.

The revolutionary army, which had been encircled and suppressed many times in the four seas and on the great sea route, naturally chose to move its headquarters to the new world.

The revolutionary army enjoys the breath of freedom in the new world. Without the presence of the navy, there are no obstacles to its actions.

The only problem is that there are too many pirates in the new world.

Too many pirates blocked the revolutionary army’s efforts to promote their new ideas.

Looking at the approaching pirates, Roy sighed.

“It’s time to start the big purge!”

“From today on, there is no need for pirates to exist!”

Roy casually cut the ship in front of him in half with a sword.

There were not many casualties among the people on the ship.

Being able to live safely in the new world is already considered a success. A new skill

“who are you? Such strength?”

The leader of the pirate group in front of him asked Roy. It seemed that he didn’t know who Roy was.

“Give you a chance to live. If you don’t die, you can catch my knife.”

“Tell all the pirates on this sea”

“Either surrender or come and stop me!”

“The first target I choose is Blackbeard!”

Roy said to the pirates in front of him.

When these pirates were about to say something, Roy took out a nail clipper.

Then with a wave, a huge sword energy was unstoppable.

“Great swordsman? Go quickly!”

These pirates are also knowledgeable. Pirates without vision are almost dead in the new world. The remaining pirate groups without vision are either lucky or strong.

Obviously , the pirate group in front of us does not possess these two key elements.

“Vomiting Fruit·Vomiting Wall!”

The opponent spit out a bunch of indescribable things from his mouth, forming a huge wall, trying to block this sword energy. The sword energy chopped all these things into pieces like cutting tofu, and the speed was even faster. There was no obstruction at all.

After Roy drew his sword, he stopped paying attention and left.

After Roy left, two or three people crawled out from a pile of indescribable things.

With Roy appeared, and the new world that was originally stable became turbulent again.

The name Roy spread among the pirates again.

When Blackbeard heard that Roy’s first target was actually himself, there was no trace of emotion on his face. Fear. Blackbeard

, who has mastered the three major devil fruits, the Dark Fruit, the Shock Fruit, and the Yamata Fruit, plans to catch them all in one fell swoop and become the true emperor of the sea.

This sea is still too crowded with so many emperors.

This In the world, only one sea emperor is enough!

Blackbeard invited others to help him and fight against Roy.

Blackbeard naturally had other thoughts in his heart, and wanted to compete with the snipe and the clam for the fisherman to benefit.

Respond to Blackbeard It can be said that there are quite a lot of pirates in the world. The only truly important pirate group is Kaido.

The other pirate groups still choose to play their own games and don’t care about this matter at all.

If the whole navy is If the army attacks, others may be a little more serious.

Just Roy, with his powerful fighting ability, can he compare to Blackbeard and Whitebeard?

Even these two people will be exhausted and killed. Roy alone Why are people so arrogant?

Roy didn’t know what other people were thinking, but he saw the red hair appear in front of him

“Roy, stop moving forward.”

Roy didn’t care, but asked

“How dare you, a pirate, appear in front of me?”

“Do you think I’m too kind? Or do you have absolute confidence in your own strength?”

The red-haired man heard Roy’s words and persuaded him.

“Roy, give me a face and stop cleaning up the new world. This world needs pirates!”

Roy heard the familiar words from the red hair’s mouth and felt a little nostalgic.

The red hair’s face fruit is also a very old memory.

“Hahaha, when will the world need pirates? This is an opportunity to completely clean up these bastards in the sea. I will not let this opportunity go.”

“I killed your red-haired pirates, but I never did it���What a big deal”

“All I need is for you to surrender, accept reform through labor, and be imprisoned for a period of time.”

Roy said to the red-haired pirates in front of him.

“This matter is of great importance. If you insist on having your own way, you will be the enemy of the world.”

“If you don’t believe it, you can ask Im and Hawkeye”

“They know your plans and might tell you something.”

The red-haired man said to Roy with a sincere expression. Roy frowned after hearing this. It seemed that there was really some trouble in this matter.

It was obvious that the red-haired man said such words. It’s a warning for your own behavior.

Roy is a famous salted fish marshal, how could he give in like this?

“Then I’ll go find Hawkeye to learn swordsmanship first.”

Fortunately, Baboon Island, Hawkeye’s hometown, is also in the New World.

If I choose to go back in such a dejected manner to find Hawkeye and Im, then things will be embarrassing.

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