“In the future, use my food snacks casually, be careful that I kill you.”

The Chef King’s blade pressed against the little goblin’s white neck, and Tang Yi threatened conspiratorially.

“Yes, yes!”

Yi was so frightened that his face turned green, and a pair of small wings shrunk into a ball, nodding at Tang Yi repeatedly.

“Well, that’s pretty much it.”

Only then did Tang Yi let her go, rolled up his sleeves, picked up the recipe and looked at it.

Italian lasagna, a recipe in Italy in the gastronomic kingdom, belongs to lasagna, mainly seasoned with tomatoes or tomato sauce.

The cooking steps are detailed in the recipe, and as long as you follow the steps, it is no problem to make it.

“I said, Art, I’ll make it for you, how many delicious points will you give me?” Tang Yi asked while looking at the silver shining recipe.

“Host, this depends on your culinary level, the lowest is 0, the highest is 100.”

The goblin settled down a little, knelt in his chair, and answered seriously.

“0 to 100? A bit of an exam. Well, it doesn’t matter, I’ll give it a try. ”

Saying that, Tang Yi put down the recipe and began to look for the ingredients he needed in the kitchen.

At this time, Yi carefully spoke: “Host, about the dream kitchen, I have to explain a few things to you. ”

“Huh? You said. ”

“First, the dream kitchen is provided for free, and the time flow rate is the same as the outside world. In other words, if you are here for eight hours, the outside world will pass eight hours, so please come here every night when you sleep. ”

“So it is, I see.”

“Second, Dream Kitchen offers a paid service, and if you need to speed up the flow of time, you will need to pay a certain amount of food points, calculated according to the time in the kitchen. For example, you need a 1:2 time flow rate, and you pay 1 food point for every hour you spend in the kitchen. If it’s a 1:3 time lapse, you’ll pay 2 food points per hour. ”

“What’s the use of this?” Tang Yi had just selected two tomatoes and couldn’t help but glance at Yi.

Hearing this, Yi smiled triumphantly and said, “Useful oh, you must need this function sometimes.” For example, when you want to conquer a dish that you have just learned…”

“What’s behind?” Tang Yi was noncommittal.

“Third, you are in the dream kitchen, the external body will be a light sleep state, if someone wakes you up, you will be forced to leave the dream kitchen.”


“Fourth, you can bring everything in the dream kitchen to reality, but you need food.”

“Sure enough, I know. Is there anything else? Tang Yi rolled his eyes.

“That’s all for now, host, hurry up and do lasagna!” Yi left his mouth and said eagerly: “Yi can’t wait to taste it!” ”

“Understand, please wait a moment.”

Tang Yi smiled lightly, put two tomatoes into hot water, and prepared to peel them.


The next day, in the morning.

Tang Yi packed up his things, got into Yao Kitchen’s car, and headed to Yuanyue Academy.

“What’s wrong? Are you not in good spirits? Yao Kitchen started the car and glanced at Tang Yi in the passenger seat, but saw that he was squinting and taking a nap.

“No, just did the Italian lasagna many times, a little dizzy, don’t care, you drive.”

Tang Yi waved his hand.

Seeing that he didn’t want to say more, Yao Chef had to shrug his shoulders and drive the car seriously.

From Far Moon Resort to Far Moon Academy, it took an hour to drive to finally arrive.

After an hour of rest, Tang Yi also completely recovered his spirits.

After getting out of the car, Tang Yi finally saw the Yuanyue Chaliao Cooking Academy, a magnificent building, and there were many vehicles entering and leaving at the gate.

“They are all other school students who came to the exam, Tang Yi, you have the recommendation of Chief Dojima, you can report directly to the registration office.” Sitting in the car, Yao Chef smiled and said, “Come on!” ”

“Well, thank you for sending me here. Well, goodbye. ”

Tang Yi waved his hand with a smile, then picked up his backpack and walked into this super elite culinary academy.

When he went inside, he found that there were indeed many people, all dressed appropriately, and all with guards and housekeepers, they were rich people at a glance, compared to his ordinary casual clothes, which was simply out of place here.

There was no time to wander, Tang Yi directly found the location of the registration office on the big map at the entrance.

Determining the destination, Tang Yi immediately took action.

Soon after, he arrived at the admissions office on the first floor of the General Affairs Building.

Inside the office, a female teacher in her twenties sat lazily, lying lazily on the desk, as if hearing a knock on the door, she looked up lazily and put on a pair of red-framed glasses.

“Transfer student? Go to the transfer student exam venue, you are in the wrong place, small . Junior. Junior. ”

The corner of Tang Yi’s eyes twitched, this woman didn’t seem to find herself gone, “Teacher, I was recommended by Chief Chef Dojima Gin.” ”

“Chief Dojima?”

Hearing this name, the woman suddenly perked up and looked at Tang Yi carefully a few times before suddenly saying: “There was indeed a recommendation letter sent last night, it turned out to be you, I’m really sorry, you sit first.” ”

She got up and sorted out her clothes, and then invited Tang Yi to enter the door and sit down.

The office was quite large, Tang Yi was invited to sit on the sofa, and the female teacher poured him another cup of barley tea.

“Please use.”

“Thank you.”

“The letter of recommendation was handed in last night, but the answer has not yet been delivered, I will go and ask you now, you can sit here for a while.” May I? ”

“Okay, you’re in trouble.”

Suddenly becoming polite, Tang Yi had to sigh that Dojima Yin’s name was really easy to use.

Soon, the female teacher left the office.

Tang Yi drank barley tea alone, flipped through food magazines, and passed the boring time.


In the aisle on the second floor of the General Affairs Building, two girls were passing quickly and preparing to go downstairs.

“Erina-sama, next you are going to the transfer examination to judge…”

“That put it aside, Crimson Sand, you should know very well, the ones I hate the most are those guys who want to go through the back door!”

“Are you a student recommended by Chief Chef Dojima?” However, since it was recommended by Chief Dojima, it should be possible…”

“Scarlet Sand, I have entered the council now, and since I know this kind of thing, I have the obligation to personally review it…”

The blonde girl said imposingly, and finally, they came to the door of the registration office.

Taking a deep breath, the girl suddenly pushed the door in, “… The guy whose cooking skills are mediocre, who can only go through the back door, Yuanyue does not need it! Is that you? ”


Barley tea was held in midair, and Tang Yi looked at the imposing blonde girl suspiciously.

This girl is very familiar, what is her name? Erina.

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